Has the Government shutdown...................



  • WildBillR
    WildBillR Posts: 77 Member
    Actually it all started when big buisness Health companies started to get out of control and charge to much so people had a hard time being able to pay for health care. So insurance companies are created with the idea that you can make monthly payments that are low and afordable enough so a person can still recieve health care but for less. Well since both are buisness and about profit the prices have risen again to unaffordable prices. example. When I first went to the emergency room for a kidney stone I was given an IV drip and an x-ray cost about $500. 10 years later got another kidney stone was given same thing IV drip and x-ray but cost $8,000. There is something wrong with that. Bill Maher last friday pointed out it costs like $350 for the company to make a false hip replacment but as it goes through the system the buyer pays $35,000 how is that justified??

    So Obama gets elected by the people, mainly because he promised to deliever us health care reform. You know to fix the problem and make it affordable for everyone. (Affordable Health Care) The most logical would be a single payer system not that complicated. Yet republicans fight over it due to there way of thinking that the government is bad. 'They take all my money with taxes and restrict me from making more money in buisness with there regulations ><. Who cares that majority of the country cannot afford health care. I'm unsimpathetic and selfish so F'em. I can pay for health care still so I don't care, its just those lazy poor who don't make enough money and use my taxes.' Backed by lobby for big buisness they chop up the bill and make it overly complicated (as they do with all buisness regulations to make it full of loop holes and to keep the people ignorant of how they are screwing us over.) As well as locking it in for insurance companies to remain in the buisness of health care. Obama compromised a lot just to get the bill passed.

    Since its been passed the republicans have been trying every propaganda and scheme they can to confuse the people and destroy ACA. It really upsets me that people even listen to them anymore. They have been so manipulative and there intentions are not for the people it all comes off as insanity. Now they shut down the government and pointing the finger at Obama for not compromising. Yet people believe there BS. If they really cared about the people they would come up with a plan that would fix the original problem instead of just trying to destroy the law that has passed. Don't tell me it costs to much when its something we need. Isn't it the responsability of the government 'both parties' to figure this out and come up with how to pay for services we need?

    Okay, so I'll grant you the part about the health and insurance companies. But, let's get the facts straight about the ACA. It was passed when BOTH houses of congress were lead by a majority of Democrats. Remember, it was Speaker Nancy Pelosi telling everyone that they should just vote on the bill (before even reading it). If they had taken even two days to read the bill, it wouldn't have time to pass before they left on holiday. IMHO, there are some good things in the ACA, and there are some questionable things in the law as well.

    The Republican majority in the House was elected in 2010 primarily in response to the ACA. The Republicans feel that they have a mandate from their voters to repeal, remove or at least water down most of the ACA. And if you talk to their constituents, that's what the majority of them were (and still are) saying.

    Move to 2012, and the Democrats believe that they have the mandate back since the president was re-elected, and the Republicans in the House believe that they still have it because they were all re-elected as well. The only ones who weren't are 2/3rds of the Senate, and they are split pretty evenly between Dems and Reps.

    Now, as a current federal employee, who is furloughed, I think that the whole situation is ridiculous. I blame BOTH sides of Congress for not doing their main job, which is funding the government for the next year through the budgetary process. I blame the President for using his bully pulpit at the last minute, when he could've been prompting Congress to work with him on the budget since the last threatened shut-down (this past spring). I blame the media for oversimplifying the whole mess. And finally, I will blame the American people if we don't get new representation in Congress this next election!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Nobody expects the Government shutdown...

    -Monty Python

    But in all seriousness it hasn't changed my daily life at all. Canadian. And loving it.
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    Actually it all started when big buisness Health companies started to get out of control and charge to much so people had a hard time being able to pay for health care. So insurance companies are created with the idea that you can make monthly payments that are low and afordable enough so a person can still recieve health care but for less. Well since both are buisness and about profit the prices have risen again to unaffordable prices. example. When I first went to the emergency room for a kidney stone I was given an IV drip and an x-ray cost about $500. 10 years later got another kidney stone was given same thing IV drip and x-ray but cost $8,000. There is something wrong with that. Bill Maher last friday pointed out it costs like $350 for the company to make a false hip replacment but as it goes through the system the buyer pays $35,000 how is that justified??

    So Obama gets elected by the people, mainly because he promised to deliever us health care reform. You know to fix the problem and make it affordable for everyone. (Affordable Health Care) The most logical would be a single payer system not that complicated. Yet republicans fight over it due to there way of thinking that the government is bad. 'They take all my money with taxes and restrict me from making more money in buisness with there regulations ><. Who cares that majority of the country cannot afford health care. I'm unsimpathetic and selfish so F'em. I can pay for health care still so I don't care, its just those lazy poor who don't make enough money and use my taxes.' Backed by lobby for big buisness they chop up the bill and make it overly complicated (as they do with all buisness regulations to make it full of loop holes and to keep the people ignorant of how they are screwing us over.) As well as locking it in for insurance companies to remain in the buisness of health care. Obama compromised a lot just to get the bill passed.

    Since its been passed the republicans have been trying every propaganda and scheme they can to confuse the people and destroy ACA. It really upsets me that people even listen to them anymore. They have been so manipulative and there intentions are not for the people it all comes off as insanity. Now they shut down the government and pointing the finger at Obama for not compromising. Yet people believe there BS. If they really cared about the people they would come up with a plan that would fix the original problem instead of just trying to destroy the law that has passed. Don't tell me it costs to much when its something we need. Isn't it the responsability of the government 'both parties' to figure this out and come up with how to pay for services we need?

  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Actually it all started when big buisness Health companies started to get out of control and charge to much so people had a hard time being able to pay for health care. So insurance companies are created with the idea that you can make monthly payments that are low and afordable enough so a person can still recieve health care but for less. Well since both are buisness and about profit the prices have risen again to unaffordable prices. example. When I first went to the emergency room for a kidney stone I was given an IV drip and an x-ray cost about $500. 10 years later got another kidney stone was given same thing IV drip and x-ray but cost $8,000. There is something wrong with that. Bill Maher last friday pointed out it costs like $350 for the company to make a false hip replacment but as it goes through the system the buyer pays $35,000 how is that justified??

    So Obama gets elected by the people, mainly because he promised to deliever us health care reform. You know to fix the problem and make it affordable for everyone. (Affordable Health Care) The most logical would be a single payer system not that complicated. Yet republicans fight over it due to there way of thinking that the government is bad. 'They take all my money with taxes and restrict me from making more money in buisness with there regulations ><. Who cares that majority of the country cannot afford health care. I'm unsimpathetic and selfish so F'em. I can pay for health care still so I don't care, its just those lazy poor who don't make enough money and use my taxes.' Backed by lobby for big buisness they chop up the bill and make it overly complicated (as they do with all buisness regulations to make it full of loop holes and to keep the people ignorant of how they are screwing us over.) As well as locking it in for insurance companies to remain in the buisness of health care. Obama compromised a lot just to get the bill passed.

    Since its been passed the republicans have been trying every propaganda and scheme they can to confuse the people and destroy ACA. It really upsets me that people even listen to them anymore. They have been so manipulative and there intentions are not for the people it all comes off as insanity. Now they shut down the government and pointing the finger at Obama for not compromising. Yet people believe there BS. If they really cared about the people they would come up with a plan that would fix the original problem instead of just trying to destroy the law that has passed. Don't tell me it costs to much when its something we need. Isn't it the responsability of the government 'both parties' to figure this out and come up with how to pay for services we need?

    meh. i take it back. i don't want to get into it.
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member

    Okay, so I'll grant you the part about the health and insurance companies. But, let's get the facts straight about the ACA. It was passed when BOTH houses of congress were lead by a majority of Democrats. Remember, it was Speaker Nancy Pelosi telling everyone that they should just vote on the bill (before even reading it). If they had taken even two days to read the bill, it wouldn't have time to pass before they left on holiday. IMHO, there are some good things in the ACA, and there are some questionable things in the law as well.

    The Republican majority in the House was elected in 2010 primarily in response to the ACA. The Republicans feel that they have a mandate from their voters to repeal, remove or at least water down most of the ACA. And if you talk to their constituents, that's what the majority of them were (and still are) saying.

    Move to 2012, and the Democrats believe that they have the mandate back since the president was re-elected, and the Republicans in the House believe that they still have it because they were all re-elected as well. The only ones who weren't are 2/3rds of the Senate, and they are split pretty evenly between Dems and Reps.

    Now, as a current federal employee, who is furloughed, I think that the whole situation is ridiculous. I blame BOTH sides of Congress for not doing their main job, which is funding the government for the next year through the budgetary process. I blame the President for using his bully pulpit at the last minute, when he could've been prompting Congress to work with him on the budget since the last threatened shut-down (this past spring). I blame the media for oversimplifying the whole mess. And finally, I will blame the American people if we don't get new representation in Congress this next election!

    This, pretty much!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Now I see why the country is in the position it is in with some of the self-righteous comments made here! WOW!
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    . And finally, I will blame the American people if we don't get new representation in Congress this next election!

    Amen to that! Not one single person should throw a vote for any incumbent, get them all out! I said that the last election, but eveyone was so hell bent on paying attention to the presidential election, noone paid much attention to what was going on in their own backyard.

    I'm sitting here waiting for our furlough announcement to come from upstairs, we've been told to expect it within the next 24 hours.

    I'm a single mother of 3 children, I receive $150 a month in child support, so, no I don't have a savings. And NO, this doesn't make me stupid, irresponsible or, what was the word? Daft? It means I was responsible enough to dig myself completely out of debt when my exhusband spiralled out of control and destroyed our world, and after 8 years as a SAHM I had to go back to work and take on all his debt along with mine. I became debt free, it took 4 years but I did it, thank goodness. . . that doesn't make me irresponsible because I chose to pay other people rather than save for a rainy day.

    Those people who judge others for not living like they do need to shove it! You have no idea what's around the next corner, or the devistation that could hit your family in the form of accident, injury, or mental illness. . . and I pray that your "life savings" will help you get through it.

    PS: If I receive full Unemployment maximum benefit will take 3 weeks out of the month to cover my rent payment.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Yeah..it is affecting me to an extreme....hope it ends soon..
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Actually it all started when big buisness Health companies started to get out of control and charge to much so people had a hard time being able to pay for health care. So insurance companies are created with the idea that you can make monthly payments that are low and afordable enough so a person can still recieve health care but for less. Well since both are buisness and about profit the prices have risen again to unaffordable prices. example. When I first went to the emergency room for a kidney stone I was given an IV drip and an x-ray cost about $500. 10 years later got another kidney stone was given same thing IV drip and x-ray but cost $8,000. There is something wrong with that. Bill Maher last friday pointed out it costs like $350 for the company to make a false hip replacment but as it goes through the system the buyer pays $35,000 how is that justified??

    So Obama gets elected by the people, mainly because he promised to deliever us health care reform. You know to fix the problem and make it affordable for everyone. (Affordable Health Care) The most logical would be a single payer system not that complicated. Yet republicans fight over it due to there way of thinking that the government is bad. 'They take all my money with taxes and restrict me from making more money in buisness with there regulations ><. Who cares that majority of the country cannot afford health care. I'm unsimpathetic and selfish so F'em. I can pay for health care still so I don't care, its just those lazy poor who don't make enough money and use my taxes.' Backed by lobby for big buisness they chop up the bill and make it overly complicated (as they do with all buisness regulations to make it full of loop holes and to keep the people ignorant of how they are screwing us over.) As well as locking it in for insurance companies to remain in the buisness of health care. Obama compromised a lot just to get the bill passed.

    Since its been passed the republicans have been trying every propaganda and scheme they can to confuse the people and destroy ACA. It really upsets me that people even listen to them anymore. They have been so manipulative and there intentions are not for the people it all comes off as insanity. Now they shut down the government and pointing the finger at Obama for not compromising. Yet people believe there BS. If they really cared about the people they would come up with a plan that would fix the original problem instead of just trying to destroy the law that has passed. Don't tell me it costs to much when its something we need. Isn't it the responsability of the government 'both parties' to figure this out and come up with how to pay for services we need?

    I'm a little apprehensive to have the same government that is responsible for your public education...

    ...also be responsible for my healthcare.

    (Know what I mean?)
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    It's really idiotic to say what people should or shouldn't do with their money or to assume you know what they do with it just because you've been given one teeny tiny detail about them.

    Judgey Wudgey was a Bear....

    THIS And I am a "Govt Worker" and there are as many different levels of pay as there are in the private sector, I have a coworker with 26 yrs in who makes $52k a year. That is good pay but he earns every bit of it and deserves more. If you listen to the media we're all overpaid underworked fat cats that have paper shuffling jobs, which is ridiculous! We're being used as scapegoats & pawns by the same government we've been loyal to.

    Here's some things they wont tell you on FOX/CNN/MSNBC
    Govt workers haven't had even a cost of living pay raise in 3 years
    This past summer er had 16hrs of pay taken away for 3.5 pay periods
    And now out of the blue we get kicked in the nuts again
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    affected you or someone you know personally? My DW is a civilian government worker who got to go back to work this past Monday. We're fortunate that we don't have to dig into our savings to make it now, but there are lots of people I know who will be greatly affected till it gets resolved. One isn't going to be able to pay her mortgage after being with the government 20 years.
    Others I know have had to cancel sessions with me (I'll be fine because there are other members who want my services).


    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Minimal impact personally. People who work in government know this stuff is coming, so they should prepare accordingly. Some state governments like CA seem to do this yearly.

    It's finally impacted me though, I went to a usgs.gov website to get some identification pictures for some animals, and they had taken it down "due to the shutdown" which of course is silly as hell, and just more crisis theatrics.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    People who work in government know this stuff is coming, so they should prepare accordingly.

    I've worked for the federal government for 16 years. Number of shutdowns during that time frame? Zero (until this one)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Why can't she pay her mortgage? If she's been w/ the government that long shouldn't she have some savings?

    We were affected the last time they had a shut down... and if they're still shut down come the first I guess we will be then if they cut into veterans benefits. I hope we still get disability and BAH because if not we'd be screwed.
    She's a material person (fancy cars, top name brand clothes, etc.). I know she lives paycheck to paycheck.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    And finally, I will blame the American people if we don't get new representation in Congress this next election!
    Hear hear!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    People who work in government know this stuff is coming, so they should prepare accordingly.

    I've worked for the federal government for 16 years. Number of shutdowns during that time frame? Zero (until this one)

    and you haven't paid ANY attention to what state level hijinks there are?

    Well... that sucks, but this whole event is NO surprise, especially since they threatened a shutdown in the spring. Sucks it's impacting you, but there WAS warning.
  • Amanojaku
    I'm a little apprehensive to have the same government that is responsible for your public education...

    ...also be responsible for my healthcare.

    (Know what I mean?)

    Yes I know what you mean. The public education system is a different situation but simliar. This field requires people to figure out the problems and find good solutions to fix the problems. There is always problems, failing to even try and fix them isn't a solution. I don't have children so honestly I don't look into what is wrong with it. Therefore I don't complain about it since I cannot offer any solution.

    However I ask you this, how many people would be able to send there children to school if it wasn't for public education system? I think of how expensive universities are since they are run as buisness for profit. I also think of how would our nation be if we had a large amount of uneducated citizen. That is more scary to me than having no public education system.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Actually it all started when big buisness Health companies started to get out of control and charge to much so people had a hard time being able to pay for health care. So insurance companies are created with the idea that you can make monthly payments that are low and afordable enough so a person can still recieve health care but for less. Well since both are buisness and about profit the prices have risen again to unaffordable prices. example. When I first went to the emergency room for a kidney stone I was given an IV drip and an x-ray cost about $500. 10 years later got another kidney stone was given same thing IV drip and x-ray but cost $8,000. There is something wrong with that. Bill Maher last friday pointed out it costs like $350 for the company to make a false hip replacment but as it goes through the system the buyer pays $35,000 how is that justified??

    So Obama gets elected by the people, mainly because he promised to deliever us health care reform. You know to fix the problem and make it affordable for everyone. (Affordable Health Care) The most logical would be a single payer system not that complicated. Yet republicans fight over it due to there way of thinking that the government is bad. 'They take all my money with taxes and restrict me from making more money in buisness with there regulations ><. Who cares that majority of the country cannot afford health care. I'm unsimpathetic and selfish so F'em. I can pay for health care still so I don't care, its just those lazy poor who don't make enough money and use my taxes.' Backed by lobby for big buisness they chop up the bill and make it overly complicated (as they do with all buisness regulations to make it full of loop holes and to keep the people ignorant of how they are screwing us over.) As well as locking it in for insurance companies to remain in the buisness of health care. Obama compromised a lot just to get the bill passed.

    Since its been passed the republicans have been trying every propaganda and scheme they can to confuse the people and destroy ACA. It really upsets me that people even listen to them anymore. They have been so manipulative and there intentions are not for the people it all comes off as insanity. Now they shut down the government and pointing the finger at Obama for not compromising. Yet people believe there BS. If they really cared about the people they would come up with a plan that would fix the original problem instead of just trying to destroy the law that has passed. Don't tell me it costs to much when its something we need. Isn't it the responsability of the government 'both parties' to figure this out and come up with how to pay for services we need?

    I'm a little apprehensive to have the same government that is responsible for your public education...

    ...also be responsible for my healthcare.

    (Know what I mean?)

    Glad I wasn't the only one thinking this!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    Um just an FYI - talk to the president who is also acting like a spoiled child. Just saying. It is not just ONE party's fault. Just sayin

    Actually, nothing out there from non Fox News is saying that - the general consensus both in the media and on the Hill / around Washington is that this is a Republican hostage situation.

    I think the best article I've come across on the topic is The Economist - which is a *conservative* newspaper coming out of the U.K.


    I see it as a Republican hostage situation too. The way someone explained it to me was this:

    Husband says we need to buy a new car. Wife agrees. Husband says we can spend X amount of money on new car. Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't allow you to make the mortgage payment either.

    Doesn't make sense now, does it?
    You got your analogies all wrong. It doesn't even make sense in relation to what is happening. Try educating yourself on the Republic form of governance, and where the Constitution fit's into what is happening. All spending originates in The House, not from the edicts of a dictator.

    Your right on one thing. I should have said, "Wife says no, we will spend Y, and if you do not agree to spend Y on the car, I won't make the mortgage payment or allow you to make the mortgage payment either." There, that should fix it.

    aaaaaaaaactually, it's more like this:

    husband wants new car. wife does not. husband asks their child if they should get a new car. child agrees with husband. 2 votes against 1 means they're getting a new car. but now, it's time for the husband and wife to figure out their family's budget for the next year. wife says they can't afford the new car. husband says too bad it's already being delivered and there's no returns. household shuts down until husband and wife can agree on what to spend money on and how much money they have to spend, despite pretty much having the same income as last year.

    Wow, what you said does sound more accurate to the situation! Should we have a first wife and a second wife since the house was a Democratic majority at first, and now it's Republican? Teehee, I like this analogy.
  • Amanojaku
    Okay, so I'll grant you the part about the health and insurance companies. But, let's get the facts straight about the ACA. It was passed when BOTH houses of congress were lead by a majority of Democrats. Remember, it was Speaker Nancy Pelosi telling everyone that they should just vote on the bill (before even reading it). If they had taken even two days to read the bill, it wouldn't have time to pass before they left on holiday. IMHO, there are some good things in the ACA, and there are some questionable things in the law as well.

    Yes, but if republicans had majority it wouldn't of even been discussed. Also, if I remember correctly it only came to this after long debating and failing to pass something agreeable. The republicans were trying to stall it and not let it through.
    The Republican majority in the House was elected in 2010 primarily in response to the ACA. The Republicans feel that they have a mandate from their voters to repeal, remove or at least water down most of the ACA. And if you talk to their constituents, that's what the majority of them were (and still are) saying.

    Move to 2012, and the Democrats believe that they have the mandate back since the president was re-elected, and the Republicans in the House believe that they still have it because they were all re-elected as well. The only ones who weren't are 2/3rds of the Senate, and they are split pretty evenly between Dems and Reps.

    Yes I agree, it just divides them on both sides of the wall. I also wonder how many republicans voted though out of fear and propaganda delivered during that time.
    Now, as a current federal employee, who is furloughed, I think that the whole situation is ridiculous. I blame BOTH sides of Congress for not doing their main job, which is funding the government for the next year through the budgetary process. I blame the President for using his bully pulpit at the last minute, when he could've been prompting Congress to work with him on the budget since the last threatened shut-down (this past spring). I blame the media for oversimplifying the whole mess. And finally, I will blame the American people if we don't get new representation in Congress this next election!

    I also agree. Except 'Obama bully pulpit'. Mainly because what can he do? The republicans offer no solution to the health care problem.
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