

  • amorrowmuffin
    Yes I have started to eat more whole foods because everyone has been telling me im not doing my body any good eating the way i was. I just started back on MFP so you will notice my diary will change.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member

    I would say to incorporate wieght training in your routine. Muscle burns fat. So try to build muscle. Also try your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, like right when you wake up. When you are doing fasted cardio you are already starting the day with a caloric defecit and then burning a portion of what you eat after word.

    I don't disagree with adding a strength routine, and I think it's a great idea if someone isn't happy with their weight loss results, but I want to point out that's it's going to be very difficult if not impossible to build any muscle on 1100 calories. Creating any appreciable amount of muscle generally requires a calorie surplus (other than newbie gains, etc).

    Agreed. And the protein counts need to come up considerably. I reset my macro goals to 40-30-30 (protein-carbs-fat) when I started lifting.
  • amorrowmuffin

    I would say to incorporate wieght training in your routine. Muscle burns fat. So try to build muscle. Also try your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, like right when you wake up. When you are doing fasted cardio you are already starting the day with a caloric defecit and then burning a portion of what you eat after word.

    I was always scared to use weights, i thought i would gain too much muscle and just be a fat muscly girl LOL i understand the concept now though thank you.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I suggest you start a walking, jogging routine. Walk until you legs feel good, then jog slowly, when you are tired then walk. Keep repeating this for 30 to 45 mins. In a few days you will notice that you are joggong more than you are walking and then you are on your way. I don't know how old the pic in your bikini is but if it is resent then you are eating too much. Get at least 80 gs of protein each day. Protein burns fat. You should be at least of 1200 to 1500 calories, depending on how much you work out

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    yeah im not going to argue it LOL because like i said my cals are closer to 1100 a day. I dont eat a lot of CARBS because of how they make my stomach feel. I sit at a desk all day and the cardio i do is majority fast paced walking so everybody needs to calm down. I dont feel hungry or low on energy so i really dont think im starving myself.

    Leptin and Ghrelin are the hormones that regulate hunger and feeling full. When you eat low calories for awhile (which you are), this signals your body to say "I'm not hungry". It is a survival mechanism. In times of famine, bodies slow down and don't feel as hungry. When you eat more, your body says "eat all the food", because in times of plenty, bodies had to store everything it could to get through the inevitable times of famine again.

    Not eating at a consistent and healthy level knocks these hormones out of balance so just because you are not hungry does not mean you are eating enough or getting enough nutrition.

    In addition, when you also put the demands of exercise on a body that it is not getting enough fuel, your body produces excess cortisol. This is the stress hormone and this prevents weight loss, as well as other negative effects, contributing to many health issues.

    1100 calories is NOT enough for a person your size and age and activity level.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member

    I would say to incorporate wieght training in your routine. Muscle burns fat. So try to build muscle. Also try your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, like right when you wake up. When you are doing fasted cardio you are already starting the day with a caloric defecit and then burning a portion of what you eat after word.

    I was always scared to use weights, i thought i would gain too much muscle and just be a fat muscly girl LOL i understand the concept now though thank you.

    That's a big fear, but it doesn't happen that way. I haven't lost many pounds, but I've dropped inches and sizes and everything looks tighter and better. If you eat at a healthy calorie level, which is a minimum of 1200, then you won't bulk. My base calorie level is 1300. When I work out, I wear an HRM to track the calories. I always eat back some, if not all, of my calories burned. If I didn't, I wouldn't have the energy to fuel my exercise routine in any kind of sustainable way. When you start lifting, that's when you really start to feel when you aren't eating enough.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Whoaaaaa some of you need to seriously...CHILL OUT. I said im thankful for the information your giving me. I'm not educated and I honestly thought I was over eating because of the bloating feeling I get when I eat. I asked for help and once again thank you all for your input. All i'm saying is dont assume im purposely trying to eat that minimal or be anorexic. I exercise because I enjoy it and eat the foods I enjoy.....I didnt realize i was doing anything wrong so for the 3RD TIME THANK YOU! If you want to effectively help someone my advice to you is not to make them feel like an idiot and make accusations about eating disorders.

    Since you are not educated on the effects of your current diet (Very Low Calorie Diet, AKA VLCD), here is a crash course for you, backed by medical research...

    HDL (high-density lipoprotein) levels usually decrease during active weight loss using a VLCD, but these either return to pre-VLCD levels or improve overall during the weight-maintenance phase.
    HDL removes harmful bad cholesterol from where it doesn't belong. High HDL levels reduce the risk for heart disease -- but low levels increase the risk.

    Baseline malnutrition from 6 weeks of VLCD.
    We found baseline malnutrition in 7.4% of men and in 14.7% of women, and after the treatment in 22.2% of men and in 34.4% of women.
    Within a period of follow-up of 6 weeks we have detected the presence of protein malnutrition, especially in women, being in these patients affected the visceral compartment while in men the muscular compartment is affected.

    VLCD leads to Nitrogen loss (Your body needs the nitrogen in amino acids from protein foods to make other amino acids it uses to synthesize human proteins. Not only are your various tissues made up of protein, your metabolic processes depend upon enzymes and hormones, all of which consist of various kinds of proteins. The nucleic acid DNA, which make up your genes, and RNA, which is involved in protein synthesis, also contain nitrogen.) People of a normal weight going on VLCD predominantly lose Lean Body Mass (protein & water) rather than fat. The closer to normal weight a person gets, the less ability they have to preserve protein and LBM. Anyone <40% overweight or at a BMI -/= 30 should not be on VLCD. VLCD's are suggeste to be sustained no longer than 12-16 weeks. VLCD programs should be monitored by a physician. VLCD enhances diuresis, electrolyte loss, may disturb acid-based balance, and affect concurrent medical conditions. Non-physician attended VLCD are not adequate, and medical supervision is mandatory.

    RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate)-LBM (Lean Body Mass) ratio appears to decrease fast in the first week of a VLCD; the decrease persists and tapers off in the following weeks. A 15% decrease in the RMR-LBM ratio suggests there is a metabolic adaptation, which leads to an increase in LBM energy efficiency. This result is close to the RMR-LBM ratio found in men after a 24 week Low calorie diet (not VLCD) and in chronic human malnutrition.

    TL;DR - Anyone <40% overweight or at a BMI -/= 30 should not be on VLCD, which you're not and should not be. In other words, work on upping your calorie intake TODAY. Slowly up it every week (by 100-200 calories), using foods that a caloric dense (peanut butter, cheese, yogurt, and more). Get your intake to the recommended MINIMUM of 1200 calories, at the very least. And, for the 3rd time, I'm going to say it, because I cannot stress how important this is... GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Seriously. Call and make an appointment today. If anything, at least go in for an updated blood panel.
  • amorrowmuffin

    I would say to incorporate wieght training in your routine. Muscle burns fat. So try to build muscle. Also try your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach, like right when you wake up. When you are doing fasted cardio you are already starting the day with a caloric defecit and then burning a portion of what you eat after word.

    I was always scared to use weights, i thought i would gain too much muscle and just be a fat muscly girl LOL i understand the concept now though thank you.

    That's a big fear, but it doesn't happen that way. I haven't lost many pounds, but I've dropped inches and sizes and everything looks tighter and better. If you eat at a healthy calorie level, which is a minimum of 1200, then you won't bulk. My base calorie level is 1300. When I work out, I wear an HRM to track the calories. I always eat back some, if not all, of my calories burned. If I didn't, I wouldn't have the energy to fuel my exercise routine in any kind of sustainable way. When you start lifting, that's when you really start to feel when you aren't eating enough.

    Ok thank you :)
  • amorrowmuffin
    I suggest you start a walking, jogging routine. Walk until you legs feel good, then jog slowly, when you are tired then walk. Keep repeating this for 30 to 45 mins. In a few days you will notice that you are joggong more than you are walking and then you are on your way. I don't know how old the pic in your bikini is but if it is resent then you are eating too much. Get at least 80 gs of protein each day. Protein burns fat. You should be at least of 1200 to 1500 calories, depending on how much you work out


    I eat too much? everyone is telling me to eat more? the picture is from last summer and i was barely eating (because of some personal problems) for 3-4 months and I was walking, playing tennis and swimming every night.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I suggest you start a walking, jogging routine. Walk until you legs feel good, then jog slowly, when you are tired then walk. Keep repeating this for 30 to 45 mins. In a few days you will notice that you are joggong more than you are walking and then you are on your way. I don't know how old the pic in your bikini is but if it is resent then you are eating too much. Get at least 80 gs of protein each day. Protein burns fat. You should be at least of 1200 to 1500 calories, depending on how much you work out


    I eat too much? everyone is telling me to eat more? the picture is from last summer and i was barely eating (because of some personal problems) for 3-4 months and I was walking, playing tennis and swimming every night.

    Please ignore that entire is full of fail.
  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    I suggest you start a walking, jogging routine. Walk until you legs feel good, then jog slowly, when you are tired then walk. Keep repeating this for 30 to 45 mins. In a few days you will notice that you are joggong more than you are walking and then you are on your way. I don't know how old the pic in your bikini is but if it is resent then you are eating too much. Get at least 80 gs of protein each day. Protein burns fat. You should be at least of 1200 to 1500 calories, depending on how much you work out


    I eat too much? everyone is telling me to eat more? the picture is from last summer and i was barely eating (because of some personal problems) for 3-4 months and I was walking, playing tennis and swimming every night.

    Please ignore that entire is full of fail.

    This, definitely.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    My diet consists of probiotics, protein and fiber mainly. I dont eat heavy startchy, sweets or overly salty foods and I only drink water, tea and coffee.

    From what I see, you eat primarily starch--bread, cereal, oatmeal, rice, potatoes--and some veggies, with not nearly enough protein.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I suggest you start a walking, jogging routine. Walk until you legs feel good, then jog slowly, when you are tired then walk. Keep repeating this for 30 to 45 mins. In a few days you will notice that you are joggong more than you are walking and then you are on your way. I don't know how old the pic in your bikini is but if it is resent then you are eating too much. Get at least 80 gs of protein each day. Protein burns fat. You should be at least of 1200 to 1500 calories, depending on how much you work out


    I eat too much? everyone is telling me to eat more? the picture is from last summer and i was barely eating (because of some personal problems) for 3-4 months and I was walking, playing tennis and swimming every night.

    Don't listen to that comment. Classic MFP "Didn't read the full post," plus weird body shaming. Ignore.

    In regards to people getting riled up, it's because you seemed to be ignoring so many people pointing it out. It IS a bit suspicious that you said you didn't know 1100 or below was too low, as MFP DOES give a warning everytime you complete a diary below 1200 calories... but perhaps you never hit the "complete entry" button?

    Regardless, now that you see it as a problem, it's time to try and save your body here and actually lose weight healthily.

    As others said, incorporate strength training. You won't get "too much muscle"--it's REALLY difficult to do in general, let alone for a female, let alone for a female who's been starving her muscle away. However, using strength training will bring healthy benefits to you, the best of which is the ability to eat more calories--it fuels and strengthens and repairs your muscles.

    I'd recommend GRADUALLY upping your calories to minimize further bloating/water retention issues. Set a new goal of your TDEE-20% and add maybe 100 calories every week to get to that. Even if you feel you can't eat more in the first week or so, don't worry--your appetite will adjust, and your body will thank you.

    I'd also just be mindful of other negative symptoms you feel. The "I feel so energetic even though I've been starving for months!" is often a result of excessive cortisol. Your body doesn't WANT you to feel crappy, so it'll rely on your adrenal glands to pick up the slack. If used for too long, that can result in some pretty nasty health issues. Just be mindful of what your body can do versus what it SHOULD do.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It's hard to say, because it looks like you aren't consistent in your logging of food. I think once you start logging everything you eat and all of your exercises, you'll be able to tell where you are going wrong and make the proper correction.

    Logging accurately is really the key to making MFP work for you. If making your food diary public is uncomfortable to you, then just keep it closed. The information is there for your use.
  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    I don't see the point in laughing at people who are pointing out a very real, dangerous, and obvious situation. How does that help you?

    Obviously, OP, you're looking for an answer that you're not getting. If you think what you're doing right now is right, then it should be working too. However, you're bloating 2 pants sizes??? Really?? I have the inclination to think you are either exaggerating, or you're just a plain idiot when it comes to your body.

    Starvation rehabilitation starts at 1200 calories a day for ANYONE. It doesn't matter if you're skinny or fat, the medical community has generally concluded that if you are eating under 1200 calories, you're not at a sustainable level. Even gastric bypass patients are rarely recommended to eat under this amount, and they take loads of supplements to avoid malnutrition. The reason is, is that once you undercut this amount, you're risking a plethora of problems, and will ultimately guarantee that when you do eventually breakdown and start eating "normally" you will gain a ridiculous amount of weight. This is supported by facts, studies, as well as my own personal anecdotal experience.

    If you want to know what it's like to gain over 150 pounds in a year, keep doing what you're doing. When you start trying to refeed, if you don't do it right, you will balloon because you'll have shut down your body's energy centers.

    Oh, and FYI, you're supposed to have fat around your hips and belly when you're a woman.

    Stop complaining and arguing. If you really want help, take the advice and work with it. If, on the other hand, you don't actually want help, which seems to be the case... Here are some ridiculous diet tips:

    Drink water instead of eating whenever you feel hungry. If you still feel hungry, eat ice.
    Cardio doesn't really count unless you hurt after you're done, and you should be as close to 0 net calories as possible
    If you don't feel like you're losing fast enough, take water pills and laxatives to counteract what diet isn't doing alone

    FYI... Those tips are established bulimia behaviors.

    Get some help already.

    Yeah, calling someone a plain idiot who might have a potential eating disorder is a REALLY GREAT WAY to help with their negative views on their body. Oh, but nice job telling her to seek help though.

    Seriously, people who have no tact should keep their comments to themselves. There's no need to unload your personal problems onto someone who needs help.

    It's not unloading personal problems. Speaking from my own experiences, someone needs to give some tough love here. I just summed up what everyone is saying nice ways. Tact doesn't win the game all the time.

    Maybe people should consider these facts:
    1. Anger and shock motivate people to fight
    2. Listing behaviors that are established eating disorder behaviors is one of the best ways to tell a person that they have a problem, because they recognize themselves in these statements.
    3. Some people choose to approach the serious problems with a serious response, not something coddling.

    I'm not saying I'm perfect, but how many people on this thread have actually been diagnosed? How many are speaking about something they know nothing about? At least I have some idea and some information I can share.

    This is where tact comes into play:

    Anger and motivation don't motivate EVERYBODY. Some people shut down. I see what you're trying to do, but you'd get better results helping people if you communicated with them in a way that helped them to think and understand.

    @ firstsip

    I had no clue that cortisol did that. It's crazy how our hormones mask what's really going on within.
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    They may be a little off I just got back into MFP but I usually eat between 900 and 1100 cals

    You're not eating near enough, especially if you're doing cardio every day. I'm 5'9 as well, weigh 158, and eat around 1600 calories. If you're truly not that hungry then eat foods that are higher in calories, and eat more protein. I looked at your diary and most days you only get like 30 grams. Seriously, eat more. Try going to and using the fast calorie calculator to figure out your TDEE, then eat 10-20% below that.