Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm also trying to break out of the 160s by the weekend. Not sure how close I'll get, since I'm still up a bit from last Friday's weigh in and my sister is visiting me Fri-Sat. It's so much easier when I can live in a bubble and not have to worry about eating out or drinking or anything. But, definitely not gonna be the case this weekend again. Anyway, I need to check what is on the schedule today. I think it's Push 1 and I'll do something cardio. Maybe Burn It Off or something around 30 minutes of cardio. I had a great 5K walk/run yesterday, so I want to focus on strength today with a bit of cardio. I also have a week left in the Push phase, I'm looking forward to those HIIT workouts for a few weeks.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Well it's official (although not my official weigh in day) but the evil scale showed 159.6 lbs this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I am so excited to think that I might be able to record a number in the 150s this weekend!

    Last night my husband went to bed at 6:30pm because of a cold he's had since Saturday. Poor guy, I couldn't drag him out of bed if I tried! I was scheduled to do Fire 30 and Stretch 10 this morning but, since we skipped last night's walk, I added HIIT 15. Good news is that BB said I burned 410 calories. I was skeptical about Chalene's warning to wait 48 hours between HIIT workouts but now I sure understand because my legs feel like jello!

    My fingers are crossed for you Sara to break out of the 160s this weekend! Deb - you are amazing to get through all those workouts today. Hubby and I will also be doing our walk excuses!

    Have a great day Ladies!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    just wanted to check in and see how everyones' doing ~ i would love to be able to get a workout in during the day but my schedule doesn't permit it - just not enough time. I should get home by 7pm and then its Fire 30/Stretch 10 and i want to add something else.... possibly another TJ - either Fat Blaster or Cardio Party 2 - i just love that one!! Maybe HIIT 15 ..... we'll see !!

    Thinking of all of you ; praying you all are happy and sharing your smiles with others.

    Make it a great day,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Well it's official (although not my official weigh in day) but the evil scale showed 159.6 lbs this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I am so excited to think that I might be able to record a number in the 150s this weekend!

    Last night my husband went to bed at 6:30pm because of a cold he's had since Saturday. Poor guy, I couldn't drag him out of bed if I tried! I was scheduled to do Fire 30 and Stretch 10 this morning but, since we skipped last night's walk, I added HIIT 15. Good news is that BB said I burned 410 calories. I was skeptical about Chalene's warning to wait 48 hours between HIIT workouts but now I sure understand because my legs feel like jello!

    My fingers are crossed for you Sara to break out of the 160s this weekend! Deb - you are amazing to get through all those workouts today. Hubby and I will also be doing our walk excuses!

    Have a great day Ladies!

    Great Job !! So Happy for You!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I know my turn is on the way too!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Thanks Janet! I know you will reach your goals as well!

    So I've been meaning to ask all of you...besides Deb, are any of you also BB coaches? Deb, I think I'm ready to chat if you want to arrange some time to give me the lowdown about becoming one. PM me and we'll set up some time.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I can't believe we're almost to October already!!! Where did the summer go? :sad: I swear I feel like this every year; Christmas just sneaks up out of nowhere! So not ready for it!

    Well, today was Fire 30 and BBL's Bum Bum Rapido! OMG!!! Don't let that cute little Brazilian accent fool you; Leandro is crazy!!!! For a 10 min workout, it's intense and my bum bum was on fire!!!! But, I love it! I keep checking my butt out in the mirror from time to time! lol :laugh:

    Sara: I know you can do it girl! You'll break outta those 160's this weekend! Just need to really focus when your sister is here visiting and every time you think you may want a drink or some junk food, think about that number you want to see on the scale! You can do it, I know you can! Will power!!! :bigsmile:

    Sharon: Woo hoo!!!!! Congrats to you! :bigsmile: You rock! You can achieve anything!!! Sorry to hear about your hubby, hope he feels better soon! It is that time of year now. Just thankful I've found BB and Shakeology to help me stay clear of that yucky stuff! I will send you a message and we can chat.

    Janet: Way to keep at it girl! I haven't tried any of the TJ workouts but I hear nothing but good things about them! Hope you have a fabulous day and an even better workout! Way to push play!

    Hope all the other ladies are doing well and keep up the good work! Your mind and body are capable of so many things, make it happen!

  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hey Deb - how does Turbo fire compare to Insanity??
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey Deb - how does Turbo fire compare to Insanity??

    Ya know, when I first did a Turbo Fire workout, it was a HIIT, my heart rate was higher than it ever was with Insanity! Also, I think I sweat more with TF! I mean I love them both, but I just get into TF more. I was surprised because I usually like the more sports like workouts and not so choreographed, but I have to say I love TF more!
  • shimacrema
    Hello all!!

    I am back. I went away from the hybrid that I decided to start it over starting tomorrow. I was doing pure Turbo Fire. I finally got my new weights and Im ready to give it a go. My body has been missing it.

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Just wanted to say hey to everyone! I'm officially starting TurboFire today, and can't wait!! I have to say I'm a bit nervous, but I'm looking forward to some great workouts and of course the results!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome Shima (again!) and Allie! Go kick some butt on TF...I know you'll love it as much as I do!!!

    Did 45 EZ and Stretch 10 today. BB said I burned 407 calories. The darn evil scale said I gained a 1lb (WTF?) so that break out from yesterday was very short lived! :sad: Don't know what happened since I didn't do anything different (I know the scale can fluctuate on a day to day basis) so I'm not depressed or anything but we'll see how things go tomorrow when I have my official weigh in.

    Hope everyone has a great day pushing play!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!!!! Woo hoo!!! My fiance sprung it on me and wants to go the cabin this weekend! I love having a place to get away at the spur of the moment!

    Today was Push Circuit 3 and Abs 10 and although the push phase isn't my fave, it is a great set of workouts! I have one more week of push and then it's time to bring the heat with HIIT's!!! I can't wait!!!

    Shima: Welcome back! Glad to see you back at it! Love lifting heavy! Hope to see more of you on here and keep up the good work!

    Allie: Welcome! You are going to love love love Turbo Fire!!!! And take advantage of the "new to class" options; they're great! You may have to use it more than once but it takes a few times to get the moves down to where you can remember them; I still use that option from time to time. Plus, it burns more calories that way! :wink: Let us know how your first day goes!

    Sharon: Don't give up! I know how it is; than darn scale is not nice at times! Just keep doing what you're doing and it'll move again; in the negative direction! You're rocking your workouts girl! Also, I sent you a message too!

    Well, I hope you girls have an awesome weekend and keep up the good work; you're all rocking it and pushing play!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Deb - got your message. Let's try to chat next week. Enjoy your weekend at the cabin!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone! thanks for the welcome!! so i'm 2 days into TF, and def loving it, though wow did it kick my butt today! today was HIIT 15 and stretch 10.. I started out ok, but by the end I was modifying to lower impact.. I wanted to make it through but I'm not stressing, since it was my first run with it.. The music is great, and Chalene is so motivating that I can't wait to contunue!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies! Starting week 12 of TurboFire and am officially down 11.7 lbs since starting this program.

    Today was TF 45 EZ and Stretch 10. Bodybugg said I burned 455 calories. Spent a lazy Sunday in front of the TV watching football...very happy that my Giants won! Glenn and I went for an hour walk in the morning and then another 40 minute walk at night so I was able to reach my calorie burn goal for the day.

    Hope you all had a great weekend!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just did Push 1 today, I was so hungry for dinner that I skipped a second video workouts and went for the food... haha. I burned 200 calories doing Push 1 tho, and I got some really great arm work in with it. And... I managed the most fabulous feat of all...


    That's the first time I've been able to do that, and even after using the resistance band to do the other exercises in Push 1. This is my last week of Push and I'll be happy to see it go. I'm in need of a few weeks of HIIT workouts and cardio, I definitely lose more weight that way and I want to hit 155 by my birthday in 3 weeks. It's gonna be hard, but I'd even be happy with losing a pound a week. I maintained this weekend and the scale said 160.1 lbs this morning. I REALLY want to see a 159 number! It was 160.0 on Friday, and I'm dying to say I'm in the 150s :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    well I am back at it today. I took a week off. today was HIIT 15, Burn Circuit 1, Ab Jam and 107 minutes of walking and running. It was a good day.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    YAY SARA!!!!!! So happy about your pushup success. That's one thing I've never been able to do...a really good strong (and low) pushup on my toes. I'm really good at doing them on my knees though! A week of HIITs and cardio (and good eating) will take that last pound off to bring you into the 150s. I know you can do it!!!

    Glad to have you back Robin! Sounds like you really brought it today.

    Have a great night!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you all had a great weekend! I hit it hard today! Was supposed to be Push 1 but I needed a good burn so I did Fire 55 EZ and Abs 10 and burned 751 calories! I needed it! Tomorrow I will do my Push 1 because later in the evening at our fit club, we have our cardio so that'll work out fine.

    Allie: Way to go on your 2nd day of TF!!! I knew you'd love it! And don't worry about trying to keep up or anything, just keep moving, that's all that matters! Way to go girl!

    Sara: Woo hoo!!!! Congrats on the push ups girl! That is a great accomplishment! I remember when I first started P90X, I couldn't do any! lol Now I love doing them! Keep up the good work! And don't worry, when you set your goals, you meet them! I know you'll see those 150's! Go get em girl!

    Sharon: So, a BIG congrats to you! 11.7lbs down?!!! Way to go! You're inspiring me!!! I can't wait to start those HIITS! In fact, I was thinking this morning as I was working out that after I'm done with the hybrid I think I'm going to do just Turbo Fire all the way through! I really wanna get at least 10 more pounds off! I'm soooo thrilled for you! That's so great! That's what that fire will do for ya! :wink:

    Way to keep at it ladies! I'm so proud of all of you! This program is so amazing that's why I don't want to ever give it up! Let's keep rockin it and pushing play!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning! It's a beautiful day here in Vegas. Did TF EZ 55 this morning and BB said I burned 533 most ever! Yippee! I was dripping when I finished! Will walk tonight to finish my day...goal this week is to lose another pound and see 158 lbs. on the evil scale!

    Have a great day!