Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks for the BBL review Deb, I'll pass that along! Today was Fire 45, and my midsection is still sore from the Core 20 the day before. I'm loving the workouts, but find myself so tired towards the later half, that I guess I'm starting to get disappointed with myself that I can't go harder or something. I guess this will change as the weeks go by (hopefully), b/c i'm only starting week 2.. I love the fact that Chalene will say things like, "You're not tired!!" b/c hearing it def helps me push through the combos. Tomorrow my friends and I are going to Six Flags, so depending on how tired I am after work tonight, I'll try to get my HIIT done. At least there will be a lot of walking around lol.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Sorry that I've been AWOL of late. I hit a bit of a wall at the end of week #12 (the end of the HIIT cycle) and just felt wrecked. I took two days off, and then two days became 4, which became a full week. I was still walking every day for 75 minutes, but I was just making excuses.

    Soooo...I forced myself to get up at 4:15 a.m. this past Wed, Thurs and Friday to do Fire 30 before work and then walked the dogs after I got home. Today, I got back into the groove in week 13/14 and crushed Lean Circuit 1. I'm amazed at how much stronger I am than I was the last time I did a full round of CLX. That said, my arms and hamstrings are TIRED!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey everyone! I had such a great weekend, which of course started with some TF/CLX on Saturday morning! I did Fire 30 and Push 2 and had a great burn for my hour workout. I just need to do Push 3 one more time and I'm moving onto the HIIT phase in the hybrid! I didn't get a workout in today. I had my awesome booze cruise last night on the Potomac River (the one that runs along Washington DC) and it was such a great time! I went there not really knowing anyone and I met up with a girl that I had talked to online through the group RSVP site. I hung out with her and her friend... and I met a guy! He works for my company in our Maryland location and we really hit it off. I got home this morning and I'm now waiting for his phone call to chat. I text him to say hi and he said he'd call me to talk! Whoot!! Things are definitely going really well :)

    I also managed to not kill my weight loss for the week between the fall festival I went to and the drinking last night. We'll see for sure tomorrow but I feel good about this weekend's choices. I'm definitely on track to hit 155 by Oct 22nd! I can't believe how fast the 150s are flying by! Push 3 and something cardio is on the menu for tomorrow, talk to you all later!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Lean 1 on Saturday (plus I did an Insanity workout), Fire 60 yesterday...I'm SORE today. Lean 2 on the agenda for today.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job over the weekend guys! Well TOM showed up on Friday which explains why the scale went back to 159.3 instead of somewhere in the 158s like it showed all week. No gains from the weekend and we managed to walk a ton Saturday and Sunday.

    Today started week 13 which is the beginning of the Advanced TF workouts. Fire 30 and Upper 20 on the schedule. BB said I burned 411 calories. My arms were jello afterward...I love this Upper workout so much more than Tone 30 and Strength 30 because there were no combo moves. Total focus on upper body movements and a bunch of pushups sprinkled throughout. Awesome!

    4 days until we leave for our 1 week vacation! Can't wait! By the way, I went to the Gap on Friday to buy a new pair of jeans. Wanted to try a size 8 in the Long and Lean cut (they fit but I didn't like the way they looked) so I tried all of the other styles that have never fit before in a size 10 and OMG the Real Straight ones looked like they were custom made for me...hugged where they were supposed to hug but draped appropriately so they didn't look tight. I was so happy!

    Have a great day Ladies!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Burn Circuit 1, Ab Jam, HIIT 20 and 120 minutes on the treadmill. It was a good morning.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm still here! It was a crazy busy weekend for me! I had the ADA walk on Saturday, met lots of people who are already using the Beachbody products and introduce many more to the wonders of Shakeology!!! Then, spent most of the day yesterday shopping around and putting together me and my fiance's Halloween outfits! It's going to be so much fun, I can't wait!

    Today started my HIIT workouts!!! Wooo hooo!!! I did HIIT 15, Abs 10 and Stretch 10, great combo!

    Sara: Girl, you are kicking butt and taking names! Good for you! Glad you had a good time this weekend and kudos on meeting a boy! Yeah!!! Let us know how it goes! You are just rockin' these workouts! You're a huge inspiration!

    Sharon: I can't belive you're already into week 13! I can't wait to try that upper workout, sounds like a good one! So, where are you going on vacation? And great job on the jeans!!! That's one thing I still don't like shopping for! Way to go girl!

    Keep up the good work ladies! And Sharon's right, we may have to change the name of this thread to skinny minnie's or something! Have a great day and keep pushing play!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    We're going to Carmel for the week. Staying a block from the, Glenn, and our puppy, Cocoa. May leave the cell phone home just to really get away from life. Lots of walks in the fresh air and will try hard to eat well. Can't wait!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I started the HIIT workouts yesterday! I really love those. I've decided that I'm disregarding the fact that apartment is likely to shake during the plyo stuff, I'm giving it a 10! I combined the last Push 3 circuit that I had to do with the HIIT 15 on the schedule for the Transition week. I'm gonna use these HIIT workout days, since they're short workouts, to focus on getting more ab workouts in. I've been badly neglecting them and I need to start doing them a few times a week now that my stomach is starting to flatten out (FINALLY). Core 20 and Abs 10 are great, I just need to make myself do them more. I just joined a challenge to lose 12 lbs by Christmas, and that's 10 weeks away. I'll be done with the hybrid by then and there's lots of fat burning workouts in the weeks ahead, it's definitely a goal I'm gonna hit!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! How is everyone's day going so far? Mine is busy! But I did get my workout in. I did Fire 45 and BBL's High & Tight. I have decided that I'm going to incorporate that every other day to keep my bum bum and thighs in shape! I love it!

    Sharon: I hope you have a wonderful vacation; sounds like fun!

    Sara: I have no doubt you'll reach your goal of losing 12lbs by Christmas; you've hit every goal so far! You go girl! Or should I say, you goal girl! lol :laugh:

    All the other ladies out there, keep up the good work and don't give up! Keep pushing play! I'm headed out to a Seattle Sounders game; my fiance got free tickets from work! See you all in the am! Have a great evening!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    today was Fire 55EZ, Ab Jam, Stretch 10 and 120 minutes on the treadmill. good workout day.

    Deb I hope you had fun at the Sounders game.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Girls. Hope everyone is having a great day so far. TF 60 on today's what a workout. My entire body was drenched when I finished. 4 fire drills and way more advanced combos...this one will take a bit for me to get all the choreography down. Have to say this may become my absolute favorite though...I love the music and Chalene's choreography is spot on. If you haven't tried this one yet you have a treat to look forward to!

    Bodybugg said I burned 587 calories and that was with the learning curve! I didn't do the new to class feature because I just didn't have extra time this morning. As I get better at the combos I expect to see the burn results increase.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I love strength days. Today was Burn 2, Core 20, HIIT 20 and 130 minutes on the treadmill. I am soooo hungry for lunch. :happy:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I managed to get a nice run/walk in yesterday and I was running late tonight so I only did HIIT 15. That's why I love the HIIT workouts, even if I only have 20 minutes to spare, I can get a great workout in! The scale is continuing to drop, it was at 156.2 lbs this morning! My guess is that all this working out with Chalene has really revved up my metabolism and with my calories around 1200-1300, I'm just burning fat like crazy. I'm making sure I don't work out too long, I don't want my body to be underfed and overworked. So far the balance I have is working great :)

    And my Halloween costume came today!!! I tried it on and it's a bit snug, but it still looks really good. I just won't sit down in it... hehe.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone! well after being rather sick the last couple days, i got back on the TF train with HIIT 15 and a 20 min Strength workout. wow were my arms burning during that one! tomorrow is Fire 55 EZ, my second time with it, and i'm just hoping to be better at it this time and get through more at the higher intensity than last time.. the scale dropped another pound or so, and for the first time i briefly saw just into the 160's! then of course i stepped onto the scale again and it went back to 170.5 lol.. my goal for the end of the year is to be at 160.. so near yet so far!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Keep going, Allie! I know you can do it!

    Today instead of doing Core 20/Stretch 40 as scheduled I did 45 EZ and Lower 20. BB said I burned 502 calories and the evil scale showed 157.4 lbs...YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Driving to Carmel very early Saturday morning so I'm going to have to skip my TF workout which is why I switched Saturday's schedule with today's. Tomorrow...2nd attempt at TF 60. Burn baby burn!!!!

    Have a great day all!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    gearing for Fire 60 class in a few and then an hour walking the dogs. I'm feeling tired, but I'm gonna' go crush that play button.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! Gosh, I have just been swamped trying to finish up my Halloween costume! LOL Sorry for the late replys. Today was Fire 45 EZ and Stretch 10 for me; for some reason, I don't get as much of a burn with the 45 than I do with the 55, I mean I know adding 10 minutes would have something to do with it but I feel like there's more moving and jumping with the 55 EZ; probably because there's no fire drills in the 45 EZ too. Anyway, it was a good workout after all.

    Allie: Hang in there girl and keep pushing play; you'll hit your goal! I know it!

    Sharon: Congrats on the scale moving! Woo hoo! Welcome again, glad to have you and have fun on vacation! Make sure to check in when you get back!

    Nancy: I love the way you put that....."crush that play button!" Love it!

    Keep doing your thing girls! We are going to rock right through the holidays with no problem! The fire will keep away all the temptations! Burn baby burn!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Morning girls! I didn't get my Turbo Fire in yesterday because of a crazy evening of running errands for this weekend. I'm going up to the Jersey Shore (trust me, nothing like the TV show!!!) for my cousin's wedding. Eating out at restaurants, an open bar, wedding cake... ACK! I'm gonna have to focus getting some exercise in and keeping my calories down. My goal for this weekend is not to gain anything. I was an awesome 155.6 lbs this morning, another 2.2 lbs lost this week! My body fat has gone down 0.8% in 2 weeks, I'm thanking these HIIT workouts for that! I'll be picking up with things as soon as I'm back on Sunday. I want to look my best for my birthday next Friday. I'm going to be seeing the guy from the booze cruise and it looks like it's going somewhere :) We've been talking on the phone or text just about every day since this weekend :)

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls, well I had to hold off on the workout this morning, heading over to my friend's to spend the day sewing and working on our Halloween costumes! Hopefully it won't be too late tonight to get it in. If so, I'll double up tomorrow with a HIIT and a Fire workout!

    Sara: I'm soooo happy for you girl! :happy: Keep up the good work and keep setting goals! You are rocking this program for sure and I know you'll meet your next goal! Have fun at the wedding but don't go overboard; you'll do fine. And sounds like love is in the air for you! :love: Woo hoo!

    Hello to all the other ladies! I hope everyone has a good Friday and a great weekend and remember, just because it's the weekend, don't start skimping on the food or the workouts! Stay focused and you'll reach your goals! Have a great day!
