Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • gdivant
    gdivant Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Sweenie - that sounds like awesome results to me. 5 inches lost in 5 days! That's amazing.

    rjadams - what a hybrid workout! Very motivating - I haven't worked up to abs everyday. Way to work.

    00trayn - that does sound like some date. I love it!

    Deb - hope you feel better - way to push and get your workout in.

    Today I had killer energy so I did Fire 55 EZ along with a barbell workout to tone some problem areas.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    ddavies919 & gdivant Thanks! I felt pretty good about the results. You guys are awesome!

    Yesterday did Fire 30 & Stretch 40 and really enjoyed it. I enjoy having those classes where you can sit, relax, and work on flexibility. Was shorter on time than expected this morning so I did Fire 30 again, and am scheduled to do Recharge and Ab Burner this afternoon.

    Biggest Loser is on tonight so that is on my schedule as well. I know, its so silly that I put it on my schedule, but I think if its something that's definitely gonna help motivate me, it can't be a bad thing.

    Tomorrow is the scheduled "Rest Day" but I'm planning to wake up and get a good HIIT workout in and then in the afternoon going to the gym for the first time ever with some friends from work. I'm not one who enjoys working out in front of others so it will be interesting to see how I do.

    Thursday is a Halloween party that one of the doc's here at the clinic does every year. I'm excited to go. And Saturday is my brother's annual Halloween party that we are so excited to go to. My husband was in charge of the costumes this year. He chose to be homemade super heros. I don't know exactly what to call his super hero... purple stretchy pants, green belly shirt, a mullet, Billy Bob teeth, a shiny gold cape, slippers, and a pink sweat band. He chose my costume as well, a super workout hero. Gonna wear this cute new pink workout outfit that he bought me and he sewed me a bright green cape. He even bought fabric for my puppy too that has little doggy bones on it and is gonna make him a little mask to wear too. Very excited to see how we look all dressed up and will promise to post my pics for all to see!

    Hope you all are enjoying this last week of October!
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Thank you ladies! :smile: I'll do the inferno plan next week, I want to see how that works for me because my body has stopped losing weight as quick as it used to :ohwell: so I need to boost my metabolism with something powerfull, but first I want to past the CE's 2nd week (next Saturday 30th) to check if the scale went down or not, because in my 1st round I didn't lose any weight until the 3rd week had past...

    I'm so tired mentally because I want college to finish right away but I'm optimistic with these workouts and with every new day of life! I'm so in love with my fiance and I only wish to have a great honeymoon in the beautiful beaches of my country (Costa Rica) with an awesome bikini, is that too much to ask?? jeje :embarassed:

    After the Inferno week, I'll arrange my workout schedule to combine the 2, but I'm wondering if it's absolutely necessary to drink Shakeology to get big results??

    Also, I'd like to know if it's ok to do the tough cardio (TF) the same day I do the weight training? I read in other forums that it may not result as good as if one isolates the muscle training and then focus on cardio in different days, but I'm not sure...

    BTW, I'm impressed on how nice you all are and all the weight loss stories, I bet part of it is because you have a healthy life, therefore a great mood! :wink: I feel I'm in the right place!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Prixy - glad you're getting started and I'll bet you're in that bikini in no time! In my opinion, you do not need to drink Shakeology to get better results; however, in the 3 or so months that I've been drinking them I've found that I just feel better. I have my annual physical scheduled for Thursday and the doctor already told me that my blood test showed my cholesterol is really low. Can't tell if it's solely because of the shakes or all the good stuff I've been doing but it's certainly not hurting.

    Do you have any Shakeology on hand or are you debating about spending the money to buy some?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Girls! On tap today was EZ favorite...although TF 60 is a close second! BB said I burned 470 calories. Missed my evening walk last night to watch the Giants stomp all over the Cowboys (go G-Men!) but tonight I'll be out there to make up for it. New mini goal is to have the evil scale show 155 by Thanksgiving...only 3.5 lbs to go.

    Hope you're all having a great day. I love coming here to see how you're all doing! Your posts are a great read!

    Keep up the great work!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't think Shakeology is necessary, but it's delicious! Haha. I just started drinking it so I don't have much to offer in terms of results yet, but I definitely got a nice energy boost from it. I'll see after a few weeks if I notice anything different.

    On the agenda for today is Fire 55EZ, I need a good cardio workout and that one is my favorite. 55 minutes never went by so quickly when I do it. I'm less sore after doing Sculpt 30 this week than last week (when I could barely walk for 2 days... haha). Just a bit of soreness in my thighs. I'm going to be in Cali for 4 days, probably eating and drinking, so I'm trying to make a push to get to 154 by Friday morning before I leave. I made the mistake of having one slice of brick oven pizza at lunch today, my tummy is mad at me....... too much fat. Ugh... it's been noisy all afternoon... haha.

    Anyway, keep up the awesome works girls! It's fantastic to see how well everyone is doing! It's extra motivation when I'm feeling a little lazy when I get home to put on TF and just get going.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi ladies. This is going to be a short check in; not feeling so hot today; trying to fight this crud so I can get better by Saturday! I've spent all this time working on my costume, I'd like to have a good time and not feel like crap! :ohwell:

    I am using today as my rest day so hopefully tomorrow I'll feel up to it. I just don't have the energy and want to save what energy I do have to get better!

    You girls are such an inspiration and are really kicking butt! Keep up the good work!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Feel better, Girl. If you're not up to our chat tomorrow we can postpone until you're feeling better!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I gave it a 10 today for Fire 55EZ, I burned an insane 603 calories. However, I may have Turbo Fired my ear with a right hook during the warmup... LOLLLLL!!!! You know that you're giving it your all when you do that! I'm fine, it wasn't too hard of a punch... haha. I also managed to calm my stomach a bit after some Tums and a Shakeology for dinner. But still, I've learned my lesson about greasy pizza. Not happening again. Working with a bunch of big hungry engineering guys is bad for my health... haha.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Good morning everyone! So had a little surprise when I woke up this morning, SNOW covering the ground! I'm so excited because I love winter! Actually, I love all the seasons!

    Yesterday did Fire 30 in the am and Recharge and Ab Burner in the pm. Have to admit that I feel like I'm harding working out, this week has really easy workouts scheduled. Is it horrible that I'm doing additional cardio workouts on top of the scheduled ones? Because when I was doing Chalean Extreme I was used to doing a cardio workout for about 45 min in am and the scheduled workout in the pm... Today was the scheduled Rest Day so I decided to take advantage of sleeping in which I usually don't do. Then this afternoon I'm planning to go the the gym with friends to get a good workout in.

    Hope everyone is getting excited for the holiday this weekend! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies! Hope everyone's day is on fiyah!!!:laugh:

    On tap today was TF 60. BB said I burned 497 calories but I was disappointed because I thought I pushed so hard that my burn would be more like 600 calories. Oh well. That workout leaves me wringing sweat out of my clothes! Love it!

    Enjoy and keep pushing play!
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Hi :smile: I wanted to buy it but with all the wedding expenses it's almost impossible to spend money in other things that are not I actually wanted to replace that shake with something similar but less expensive...besides, I'm outside the U.S so I think it would be super expensive to buy it right now...:frown:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so today was an hour on the treadmill, Push 2 and Core 20. I am also supposed to do Fire 30 but I am just not feeling it. I may do it later. we will see.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Well, today I woke up with less of a sore throat. Took my zinc, my Zyrtec and drank my Shakeology! I'm starting to feel a little better. I haven't worked out since Monday, I need to save my energy. Although, it's killing me not being able to work out! Grrrr!!!! I never would've thought that I'd ever feel this way about exercise but my life has changed for the better and I'm determined to keep it this way!

    You girls continue to rock it, love it!!! Soon enough, I'll be back at it with ya!

    Have a great day today!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just had a terrrrrrrible workout. It was going fine, despite the arms that was sore from a flu shot. As if that wasn't enough, I lost a fight between my resistance band.... and my FACE! I had the handle looped around my foot for Tone 30, and it slipped off and hit me in the cheek, right on the cheek bone. Now I have a small cut (like, 1/4" long) on my cheekbone and I'm praying it doesn't horribly bruise or swell. I've been putting a frozen Vitatop package on it... hahahaha. I'm really bummed this happened with 2 days til my California trip and Halloween weekend. Ugh..... stupid resistance band. I'm not looping it around my shoe anymore... lesson learned! I'm gonna go back to icing my poor face....
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope your face feels better soon!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Last night didn't end up going to the gym with my work friends, they had things come up with their kids. So instead, I did Fire 45 and I rocked it! 43 min total, burned 510 calories! Felt great! Wanted to do more but was short on time.

    This morning I did HIIT 15 and Burn Circuit 1. It was nice to lift weights for the first time in about two weeks. Felt wierd not to lift weights for so long.

    This afternoon I'm gonna try to squeeze in something when I get home. I have my work halloween party tonight and I really wanted to make a healthy treat to take.

    Hope you're all excited for your Friday tomorrow!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great results Swinnie. congrats!

    Low burn day for me...Core 20, Lower 20, Stretch 10. BB said I burned less than 200 calories so I'll need to make it up during tonight's walk.

    On a happier note, I saw my doctor today for my annual and she said my cholesterol levels are really low...147 (200 is normal)! I totally believe it's because of the Shakeology I drink every day...and of course doing Turbo Fire 6x a week and the good nutrition habits I've acquired! :wink:

    Have a great day y'all!
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Good afternoon everybody!!! Hope you are all doing great!!! I wanted to share some pics with you:blushing: I dont usually do this, but I love this place and I like being myself 'round you, so I took some with my cel today and uploaded them...The ones with the wine color blouse and jeans...I'm seeing some progress after just 12 days of CLX!!

    Honestly, no matter how exhausted I'm feeling right now, I feel great, healthier, stronger, happier...

    Hugs to all!:smile:
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Great results Swinnie. congrats!

    Low burn day for me...Core 20, Lower 20, Stretch 10. BB said I burned less than 200 calories so I'll need to make it up during tonight's walk.

    On a happier note, I saw my doctor today for my annual and she said my cholesterol levels are really low...147 (200 is normal)! I totally believe it's because of the Shakeology I drink every day...and of course doing Turbo Fire 6x a week and the good nutrition habits I've acquired! :wink:

    Have a great day y'all!

    That's awesome Sharon, I need to go to the doctor, it's been a while since the last time I did...I should get some blood tests... Thank you 4 reminding me!