Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good luck gdivant! I know you'll be a beautiful bride!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good afternoon girls! So, I just got done with my workout which was Turbo Fire 60 and OMG!!!!!!!!! I have never burned so many calories with this one! I blasted 832 calories!!!!! GONE!!!!! I kept checking my HRM to make sure it was reading and that I was in my zone and boy, was I in my zone!!!!! Loving it!!!! That is such a good feeling! I just want to scream it out loud that everyone needs this program!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    You girls are doing great keeping up with your workouts and eating, sounds like everyone is on track for the holidays! I know we'll all be good to go!

    Prixy: Your schedule sounds good. I was actually thinking of using some free weights instead of the bands for the Tone and Sculpt videos; I just seem to get a better burn from them but we'll see.

    Tes: Welcome aboard girl! You are going to be HOT for your wedding with this program! If you have a strapless dress, your arms are going to look great!!! So glad to have you and keep us posted on your progress!

    gdivant: Congrats on your engagement! You'll be looking HOT as well! Glad to see you back! Don't be a stranger! We love your input!

    Sharon: You just continue to keep bringing it girl! Keep it up!

    Well, I hope you ladies have a fabulous day and make it healthy!!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I have recently discovered that my calorie burns durning TOM are significantly lower than the rest of the month even though I feel like I am working out as hard or even harder. My heart rate just wont go up. Frustrating. Anyway, I walked for an hour, then did Ab Jam and then tried out Sculpt 30. good workout. I don't know if I like the bands or not. keep pushing play ladies.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Interesting observation Robin. I haven't noticed that in my own results but I will pay attention next time to see if I see the same thing. BTW, I like the free weights better than the bands as well for strength/sculpt.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've never tried free weights instead of bands with Tone and Sculpt... but I can see where it would be an improvement. I'm kind of awkward with the bands and I know my form isn't as good. Perhaps I'll try Tone 30 today with weights. I have 5lb and 8lb so I can see what gives me a good workout without being too much. And after the resistance band attacked me, I'm more of a free weight fan... hahaha
  • Help3ed host a retirement luncheon for my mother today. 0ne too many slices of cake. Time to gfet my fireb on. Loving this thrfead. Day #2 oe the hybrid program.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I tried Tone 30 today with 8 and 5 lb weights and I liked it much better! The band is kinda awkward and I was able to use much better form with the weights. I got a great burn out of it, and my muscles were definitely getting a workout. I had to shop short of the 12 reps for each exercise a few times so I'd be able to do all or most of the 8 quick reps. I think I'll use weights for Sculpt and Tone this week. I'm moving on to Lean workouts next week. It'll be weird going back to Chalean Extreme workouts, I haven't done any CLX workouts in over a month. I like the Turbo Fire quite a bit better I think. I might skip the Lean phase of the hybrid if I'm not feeling it. Maybe shorten it to 2 weeks or something. Right now, building muscle is good, but I'm really trying to lose fat and get down to a healthy weight. I can always come back to CLX after I'm at my goal and looking to tone up.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Evening girls, just wanted to check in before I hit the hay and finish watching the Biggest Loser; anyone else watch it? I've been a fan since day 1!

    Looks like everyone had a good day!

    WhatAWaist: No worries, just keep moving forward and get your fire on!!!

    Sara: I think I am going to try the free weights tomorrow, I think it's sculpt on tap for tomorrow. I feel ya on feeling weird about going back to CE but I personally love the lean phase!!!! However, I am loving TF by itself right now. I think I've decided that after I finish this hybrid, I'm going to do just a round of TF because I am loving my results!

    I'll see you girls in the morning! Have a good evening!

  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am loving this thread, you guys are so motivating and I like how everyone posts reguarly!

    I have been adding some extra TF workouts to the hybrid schedule that is in the TF book because I just love TF so much! Last night I had to dig out my son's little (mini) dvd portable player because our dvd player broke! The screen was so small but I still managed. I did a HIIT 20, AB Workout, RECHARGE and I went to a 45 min. yoga class.

    This morning I got up extra early and did TURBO FIRE 30 & BURN CIRCUIT 1!! I am feeling great!

    My plan right now is to follow the schedule in TF book for the hybrid while adding some extra TF classes- do this Mon-Fri and I'm signing up for more yoga classes so I'm going to do the 90 min. class on Sat. and Sun. mornings along with tuesday evenings and thursday lunch time.

    Now if I could just stick to eating clean!! That is the major thing for me and the toughest!!

    Have a great day everyone!! I love hearing about everyone's workouts! It's so motivating for me!
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Hi all,

    Day 4 today - Burn Circuit 1. I tried to keep pace with the weights Chalene was using, so I used 20 lb for the squats and 15 for the chest. WOW, that was a good workout! I really think I am going to like this program! I also like that the workouts are a bit shorter than P90X - it's easier for me to get in the workouts before work.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've been thinking about doing a Turbo Fire only round after the hybrid as well. I have the extra discs (Fire 60, Abs 10, Upper and Lower 20, etc). The 20 week schedule looks pretty similar to the hybrid though. I'll have to decide what I want to do when I'm done. I'm also thinking about getting Brazil Butt Lift. I could really use some toning of my core, butt and thighs and I think that might be a good one. I'm already pretty content with my bum, but it looks like it's a great DVD for core and thighs, which is what I really need.

    So, any reviews of Brazil Butt Lift? I know a few people on here have it. Once I finish the hybrid by the end of the year, I'll be *hopefully* within 5 or so pounds of a healthy weight so it'll be harder to blast away fat at that point. Maybe some Turbo Fire/BBL hybrid might be in order.....
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Completed TF 45 EZ and Stretch 10 today. Bodybugg said I burned 431 calories.

    Had a crazy stream of thought today while finishing up 45...what about creating a TF/Insanity hybrid. I'm not sure anyone is that crazy to attempt it for longer than 30 days but maybe if others wanted to really hard for a month (start after Xmas) I might give it a go. Thoughts?

    The evil scale has started to move again so I feel back on track. Hope you all have a great day! Oh and check out my new blog. I'm going to try and post every day about whatever pops in my head.

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! So, today I did TF Sculpt 30 and Abs 10 and I used my free weights. Except for that move where you hold on to both handles of the bands and push forward and then pull back, love that move! My shoulders and arms are on fiyaaaa!!!!

    Hope you ladies have a great workout today, whatever it may be! Make today healthy and make sure to log your workouts into WOWY!

    Rhonda: I'm so glad you're joining us here! I always love to hear what you're up to! Great job on the workouts and don't worry, just keep moving forward as far as the eating goes; you've got your Shakeology, so that's half the battle and will help out a lot!

    Elaine: Glad you're liking the program thus far! That's what I love about CE too is that the workouts are much shorter than P90X and Chalean gets everything in in one workout! Keep up the good work and keep that burn going!

    Sara: I absolutely love BBL!!!! I was skeptical at first but Leandro may look cute and innocent......ooooohhh no!!!! He means business! Let's just say I said a few chosen words more than once while doing the workouts! lol Also, the best part, I lost 2.5 inches off of each thigh!!!!! I was stoked! It's a great program, especially to incorporate into another like TF! Thumbs up!

    Sharon: Girl, you are crazy! And I thought I was crazy! Not sure I could handle both TF and Insanity! You go girl! You rock!!!!

    Hello to all the other lovely ladies out there! Hope your day is going great! We look forward to your posts!!!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Thanks Deb! That's a pretty convincing review! I could soooooooooo use 2.5" off each thigh. They've been shrinking slowly, at least my inner thighs so everything but a swim suit hides it well. I think BBL will be a good complement to some pure Turbo Fire after this hybrid is done. I'll start it in the New Year when I'm looking to tone and shrink whatever is left to get those last few pounds off and down to my goal weight.
  • Jamaica2
    Jamaica2 Posts: 91 Member
    Hello TF Girls,

    I'm still pumped by Chalene. I'm in my 3rd week. I see so many of you are in week 12 or have done the whole program. I'd like to know what kind of results you are seeing just from your time with TF. I have lost 5 lbs. since starting. I didn't take my measurements but can feel that I'm gaining muscle in my arms and legs. I think my hips are looking smaller but don't want to dilude myself. What is everyone else seeing?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey Jamaica! Welcome to the thread! I know how you feel, Chalene is so full of energy, it's hard not to get pumped by her! Awesome results thus far! I'm in my 10th week of the hybrid and loving it!!!!!!!!! Inches continue to melt away and I've gotten over several plateaus with TF! I just feel smaller all around! My legs and thighs are definately benefiting from it too! It's just such an awesome program, everyone needs it! Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your progress!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Jamaica - in 15 weeks I lost 13 lbs and many inches all over (forget how many but I'll post when I take my measurements on Saturday). The best part about Turbo Fire, in my opinion, is that it's just so much fun I don't feel like I'm working out. Plus the music just gets me moving!

  • gdivant
    gdivant Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Ladies – thanks for the congrats. :smile: I’ll definitely keep checking in. So far so great with cutting back on the calories. Can’t wait to see what I weigh this Saturday. A coworker said it looked like I was losing weight – yay!

    Sharon – I’m so happy for you. When the scale moves after a stall – it’s the greatest feeling! I’ve got some awesome results – can’t wait to hear about your measurements. I don’t think on the level of Insanity. I’m still struggling with HIIT 25! However, HIIT 15 is much easier than it used to be.

    Deb & Sara – I’ve been curious about BBL. Good to know that it really kicks bum! I will take 2.5” off my thighs .

    Rcrews so glad you found a working DVD player – keep pushing play!
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    So, any reviews of Brazil Butt Lift? I know a few people on here have it. Once I finish the hybrid by the end of the year, I'll be *hopefully* within 5 or so pounds of a healthy weight so it'll be harder to blast away fat at that point. Maybe some Turbo Fire/BBL hybrid might be in order.....

    I just finished BBL and LOVED, LOVED it!

    Bum Bum is a killer workout - it's like squats and lunges on speed. Works you legs out AWESOME and you work up a sweat.

    Cardio Axe - I feel completely stupid and uncoordinated the first time I did this because it all these Brazillian dance moves. BUT, I stuck with it and by the 2nd time I did it I felt alot more coordinated. I worked up a good sweat and it REALLY works your abs! This actually became my favorite workout!

    High and Tight - literally kicked my *kitten*! I could not believe how good this workout was. I literally thought I might not finish it, but I did! By the last time I did this one I was using the highest resistance booty band and two ankle weights on each leg.

    The ab workout is also really good and I was sore the next day.

    OVERALL, I am VERY IMPRESSED at how good this workout is. I thought it was going to be whimpy next to P90X and Insanity, but it is GOOD! Shorter workouts (about 35 min each) so that is a nice change! Highly recommended!!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Thanks so much for the BBL reviews! Definitely making that my next purchase, it sounds exactly what I need. I love Zumba, so Latin dance moves aren't new to me. It's actually what drew my interest to the program in the first place. I like shorter, intense workouts too. I'm willing to give it a 10 for half an hour, I tend to get bored during the longer workouts (even my favorite Turbo Fire workouts, I have a short attention span).

    So last night was a massive fail with trying Fire 60. I was having a great time working out to it, and after the warmup, I was running to the bathroom. It took about 5 minutes to realize I have a UTI... ughhhhhh. I kept trying to get thru the workout, but I didn't make it past 25 minutes because it wasn't bearable. I'm heading to the local urgent care clinic very shortly (it's right near work), so hopefully that takes care of it. I want to work out tonight! I've got to finish this week on the schedule, then I'm getting into the Lean phase.
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