Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Week 2 - Burn Circuit 3 today. This program is so awesome. I was hurting by the end - using 25 pound weights for squats is NOT my norm! Love it!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Damn Elaine...25 lb weights...that's AWESOME!!!!!! The heaviest I ever used for CLX was 20 lb weights although that was for lower body moves. The heaviest I used for upper body was 15 lbs.

    TF 55 EZ on tap this morning. Bodybugg said I burned 491 calories.

    Make it a good day, Ladies!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    So far Day 1 of committing to 45 minutes of solid Turbo Firing has been successful. I almost got lazy and put on HIIT 20 or something. I went to Payless after work and got a pair of brown flat suede knee high boots, and a pair of black wintery heels too. Got home at 6 and my internet was on the fritz so I spent a solid 20 minutes attempting to fix it (successful, I'm a bit of a nerd with that stuff). Finally, I went to workout and I made myself put in Fire 45. I felt MUCH better after doing it, and I got a great calorie burn. I'm realizing how much the longer Fire workouts work my abs, I don't even use Abs 10 or the CLX ab workouts. Today I'm gonna go for Lean 1 and probably HIIT 15 or something beforehand to rev up my heart rate. Hopefully I don't get stuck late at work or something, that's a solid hour of exercise to get in tonight. I want to be really good about working out 6 days a week between now and Thanksgiving. So far, I should be able to work out every day except Sunday (Saturday night is date night, so I suppose some working out will occur, but not Turbo Fire... hehehe).
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks Prixy for the email! I think I am going to try out your schedule, it looks great!

    So I've been off track lately with my eating. I havent exercised in 2 days but I was working out pretty hard last week and I was so exhausted this weekend I think my body just needed a rest.

    I'm going to yoga class tonight and I fit in a quick walk today...not sure what turbo fire or CLX workout I will be doing later...will have to see how I feel when I get home.

    Hope you all enjoyed your weekend and here's to a great week!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello lovely ladies! How is everyone today? Good I hope! Today was Fire 45 for me and I added in my 3 sets of 20 push ups at the end! And I'm FINALLY starting to see and feel my mid section coming around! Woo hoo!!!! Right in time for Thanksgiving, wouldn't you know it! lol

    Elaine: You are burning it up girl, way to go! I also use 25lb weights for my lower body, sometimes....30lbs but that's on a good day! lol

    Sharon: Nice burn on the 55 EZ! I sooo wanted to do that one today but I figured I better stick with the book! I haven't done Fire 45 in a while anyway, so it was good.

    Sara: I know what you mean about the abs getting worked in those fire workouts, they're great! So, are you solely just going to be doing fire workouts then?

    Rhonda: Keep doing what you're doing girl, we're here to support & motivate you! Incorporating yoga into your schedule is great though! Still loving your Shakeology?!

    Well, have a great day everyone and hello to all the other ladies out there! I know you're pushing play!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think for now I'm gonna stick to working on my abs as part of the Fire and HIIT workouts, instead of doing Abs 10 or Ab Burner or something. It's much more comfortable for me to work my abs standing up than sitting on my tailbone and being in pain. Core 20 is the only one that I like, I need to remember to throw that in once a week.

    I'm gonna be doing Lean 1 and HIIT 15 today I think. It'll be different to go back to a purely strength training video after a solid month of only Turbo Fire workouts.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sweet potato oat bars...Rhonda please share that recipe! Sounds yummy!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls, just a quick check in before I head to our local fit club! I'll be burning up some more calories; we're doing Cardio X from P90X! I usually burn a good 550 calories on that one! And because the schedule is kind of out of whack, I normally wouldn't eat this way but had to get a quick and easy dinner so I got a Morning Star veggie lasagna, only 270 calories and 20g of protein! It actually tasted pretty good!

    Well, hope you're evenings are going good! See you tomorrow for some more Turbo Fire! Oh and a shorter hair cut! I'm soooo excited!!! I'll be donating to lock of love while I'm at it too! I'll post a pic!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I had my doubts about the Lean Phase, especially after a whole month of Turbo Fire and all the cardio that I was doing with it. I feel like if I can't burn a lot of calories, I haven't done much for the day (and I do see the value in strength training, I have muscles for the first time EVER). But I finally gave it a shot today with Lean 1. And I'm pleasantly surprised! Working both upper and lower body at the same time really make a huge difference from the Push phase with just standing there doing bicep curls. My heart rate was at least in the 140s most of the time and even higher for parts of it. I had a great calorie burn today between HIIT 15 and Lean 1. I'll definitely keep to the schedule and do 3 full weeks with Lean workouts. Gotta finish what I started :) I'm just gonna make sure I do a HIIT workout before I do the strength training I think. Get my heart rate up.

    Also, I don't recommended adding lime juice to Shakeology. I was experimenting today... it was not delicious... haha. I drank it, it was bearable, but not delicious...
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hey Sara - it's actually better to lift first, then do your cardio. The reason is because if you do cardio first, then you are trying to lift with already fatigued muscles, which compromises your ability to lift at your highest capacity. If you lift first, your muscles can 'give it all' to the strength training and you'll have much better results in building muscle and thus increasing your metabolism - which we all want!! :bigsmile: The Lean Phase is really a challenge, isn't it?

    I'd love to see the Sweet Potato Oat Bars recipe too - !!! - please, please share!!

  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi guys,

    I will definitly get you the receipe when I get home from work this evening, they are so yummy and good for you! I have another reciepe for power balls that I havent tried yet but they look good!

    I never got up and exercised again this morning! My alarm didnt go off again, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong with seting it so hopefully tomorrow morning it will wake me up...I think I'll use my husbands alarm on his phone without the alarm I dont wake up!! But I am going to do Turbo Fire 30 and Burn Circuit 1 when I get home this evening....and my push ups..3 sets of 12 ( thanks to Debra!! ) and stretch 10...I really have missed my workouts the past couple of days and I"m looking forward to going home to do them!

    I went to yoga class last night, my muscles are sore this morning from that...I really enjoy this, mostly because I notice that after awhile I feel more calmer, I'm hoping to add this to my routine 4x a week...

    So we have less than 6 weeks to Christmas, I really want to lose at least 5 more pounds, that should be doable right?

    Oh, and yes Deb I am still doing the Shakeology, I dont think I could live without it, I acutually have to order more soon.And you know what I"m buying my mom for Christmas, she wanted a blender like mine so I'm getting her that and a bag of shakeology...sounds funny, but she really wants to buy some herself. And she has medical issues and I really think this would help her, and maybe help her start wanting to lose some weight, because with the extra energy it gives you it might help her...I think she will like this gift, even though I know my sister will think its' werid!!

    Anways, I hope you all have a great day! And I will post the receipe later!!

  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Hey I just started Turbo Fire last Thursday.. did a few days of test run and this week is my official week!! I love it so far and am already feeling the "after burn" If anyone wants a work out buddy, friend request me!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    That makes sense, Michelle. The HIIT 15 workout doesn't really use my arms though, so my muscles were nice and fresh. I'd say probably my legs were a bit tired, but not too bad. I'll try switching them around and see. I kind of like getting the intense cardio done first, since I'm usually pretty tired after the Lean workout no matter if I do it first or second.

    And my arms are still a bit sore today from Lean 1! It hurts to lift them above my shoulder.... I'll take that as a good sign. I'm thinking I'll do Fire 60 or Fire 55EZ today. I think Fire 60 is actually what's on the schedule.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I've been taking a few days off of TF. Self pity and such. Today I am on a clear liquids only all day to prep for a colonoscopy tomorrow so no TF today or tomorrow. I may just wait and start my week off next Monday and scrap this week all together.

    You are all so inspiring. keep pushing play!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Well that strength training before cardio advice makes a lot of sense after today's workout. I did HIIT 20 then Sculpt 30 and Abs 10 but my body was so worn out from doing the HIIT that I had problems lifting (and I was only using 8 lb weights!!!!) I thought maybe I lost muscle tone because when I was doing CLX I was up to 12 - 15 lb weights for all the upper body stuff (20 lbs for lower body). It made me nervous thinking about moving on to the TF/CLX hybrid next month.

    Bodybugg said I only burned 243 calories even though I was dripping with sweat following Sculpt and even now (5 hours later) my arms are still burning! The afterburn effect is for real y'all!!!!

    Robin - my husband had to fast for a colonoscopy last year and it wasn't fun! Take care of yourself and maybe stick to walking today. Good luck with the test!

    Deb - you're my hero for donating to such a great cause! Glad I'm on your team!

    Jules - I will totally friend you on Beachbody. Good luck with your workouts!

    Switching Fire 45EZ tomorrow for Fire 60 after the low calorie burn today so Sara we'll be comparing notes! Hit it hard Girl!

    Have an awesome day
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi all,
    So my workout changed slightly...I ended up doing Turbo Fire 45 and Burn Circuit 2, I thought I was doing Burn Circuit 1, but discovered after it was 2! Anyways, I burned 767 cals. in total!!! Yippee!!
    And I still have to do my pushups!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Good morning! Where is everyone today?

    I once again did not wake up in time for a workout...this is unlike me cause I usually do for the most part, but my alarm on my phone is not working for some reason, and I did set it and forgot to set my husbands for a back up! So I have to try to fit in a workout when I get home. I'm think it will be core 20 as I will probably not have enough time to do the TF workout I was going to do. But I do have yoga at lunch time here at work for 45 mins. and I'm going to go to yoga this evening also...

    I hope your all up and pushing play!! haha!!

    Have a terrific day!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'll never be a weekday morning work out person. I have enough trouble getting my bum out of bed to get to work by 8am. I did Fire 60 yesterday and that is such a good workout! My abs are gonna be awesome by time I'm done with all this, although they are still hiding behind my lingering muffin top. I keep getting paranoid that I'm losing weight slowly and I keep wavering on the weekends (still up from Friday's weigh in...) and it makes me second guess everything I'm doing. I need to calm down, stick to my routine, and stop slacking on the weekends. This weekend I have plans to mitigate the problem. I'm working out Friday night as planned, and then getting up a bit early Saturday for a workout. Then I have my friend's Thanksgiving potluck dinner and I'm sticking to small portions and ONE ALCOHOLIC DRINK! That'll be the hardest to stick to... Then date night with Randy I'll order something healthy and keep it to 2 beers/drinks. Then I'm working out Sunday somehow. That's my plan... hopefully it keeps me from gaining weight this weekend so I can work my butt off before Thanksgiving.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ladies! Who got their fire on today?

    I did Fire 60 this morning...have I told you lately how much I love that workout????? :laugh: Bodybugg said I burned 525 calories!!!!

    I so happy to see so many people trying these workouts. You all know I'm a Beachbody devotee because I've seen the impact that following their programs has had on my body (along with calorie counting of course). My parents think I've totally changed my shape. All I know is that I am now a size 10 and, no matter whether I gain 10 - 15 lbs or I'm closer to my goal weight, my clothes continue to fit. At 5'8, I think that's a pretty great size to be, especially since I've been a size 14 (maybe should have been 16 at my heaviest) for most of my adult life.

    Anyway, you guys are the greatest and I smile every morning knowing I've found people that want to share their journey with me. Keep it up. You're all doing wonderfully!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girlfriends!!!! Well, I spent 3 hours at the hair dresser's yesterday! LOL.......I had a lot of hair to cut off! She ended up taking off about 12 inches!!!!! That's a whole foot! Crazy!!! I told her that she can't let me go any shorter, even though I soooo want to! I need to grow it out enough so that by next September when we finally get hitched, I can pull it back. Then, I'll cut it off!! But, it looks really cute and feels soooo much better! I probably lost 10lbs just by doing it! lol

    Then, this morning I had a job interview, so it was nice to look all spiffy and new! It went really well, so keep your fingers crossed for me. So, I haven't been able to get my workout in yet today, I plan on doing it tonight; it'll be Fire 45 EZ and prob HIIT 20 (love that one!) oh and my push ups!

    Rhonda: Nice calorie burn girl!!! How are you liking the burn phase? You're doing great and keep up the yoga, as much as some people don't like it, it's such a great addition to any program! Everyone needs a good stretch and it just helps with every other aspect of your routine!

    Sara: Yep, stick to your guns and don't second guess yourself. I've made that mistake before and it gets you nowhere fast! You're doing great! And I'm sure Randy thinks you're one hot mama! Woo hoo!!!

    Sharon: You are such an inspiration girl! I love your attitude and you've worked hard! You deserve every bit of your success! I'm so glad we've all found each ohter on here!

    Have a great day ladies and I'll be back!!!
