Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Telcochik, I too am planning on staying on top of my workouts throughout Christmas. I did up a schedule last night. I know that I wont fit a workout in on Christmas Day because its pretty likely that we will be up quite early by my son and then we're on the go all day with family...but I am going to get up early on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day to do a workout!

    I'm excited about christmas, I'm always like a little kid!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm planning to work out as often as possible on non-holidays. Like this past week, I worked out Monday-Saturday and on Saturday I had a friends Thanksgiving lunch-dinner and I had a date so I earned some calories for that. This week I'll be working out today-Wednesday and then I'm gonna try a workout Thursday morning if possible. Friday I'll be walking all over NYC and I'll see if I can get one in at home in Jersey on Sat/Sun. But I won't beat myself up if I can't. I'll be right back at it every day on Monday. My main goal is to enjoy the days where I have Thanksgiving and holiday parties and dates and such, and work my butt off on all the other days and eat really well. That way it's not a huge impact when I have a day where I eat more and don't get a workout in. So far it's worked decently well, I just need to focus on not going too overboard.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good mornig girls! I'm back and back at it!!!! This is the week of Thanksgiving and I am not going to let a little pumpkin pie or stuffing get in my way of my goals!!!! Take that turkey!

    I have decided that since I've been in this slump, I am going to do nothing but hard cardio this week! And I'll be adding on HIIT 20 to every one!

    Thank you for all the words of support and motivation, you girls are so great and I'm so glad we have each other to keep going!

    Hello and welcome to all the new ladies! Glad you found us!

    Well, I'm about to hop on the Beachbody call and then I have yet another interview and then it'll be time to push play!

    And's snowing in Seattle!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy!!!!! Stay warm where you're at! See you a little later girls!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Evening girls!!!! Well, I did it! I'm back on board! I did Fire 55 EZ, HIIT 20 and Abs 10!!! I know I burned more calories than my HRM said I did but I think it's acting up again, making me so angry!!! GRRRRRR!!!! I want a Body Media soooo bad!

    Anyway, it's snowing here in Seattle like crazy!!!! It's super cold! I really don't have any winter clothes because I moved back from Arizona! lol Guess I'll have to get some.

    The interviews went well. However, I always seem to have this dilema. I know, I shouldn't complain because at least I have opportunities available to me! I have another interview set for the week after next and then I think I'll have to make a decision.

    So, I have to share a story of what happened today; Sharon, I think you read it on my FB page. But, I was on my way to my interview today and there was a homeless guy and his dog on the corner. The dog was covered in a thin blanket and every time I see animals like that, it just breaks my heart!!! So, I immediately knew what I wanted to do. I went to my interview, then came home, got the kids and we took back a blanket (for the dog), some dog bisquits, a lunch and some hot coffee for them! We were almost all in tears and it felt so great to be able to do that. It made me just want to go all over the city and help others! It's supposed to get down into the teens here tonight and it just breaks my heart that they're out there in the cold. But, tonight, maybe they'll sleep a little better will full tummies! Anyway, it's all about paying it forward you guys! Do something special for someone this season; even if it's just opening a door for an elderly person or saying hello to someone who looks like they're down; it all makes a difference!

    I hope you ladies had a great day and I hope it's a little warmer where you are!!!! BRRRRRR!!!!! Take care and I'll see ya tomorrow!

  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    That's so great of you, Deb! I try my best to pay it forward, as I know we are very lucky to have all we have.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I did read your story on FB and I'll say it again for our friends here on MFP that what you did was beautiful!

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone!! man it is good to be back and reading all the posts i've been missing out on.. i was off from work and went up to new england to visit friends.. i had a great time, though ended up getting a tire replaced since it had some sidewall damage (which i had forgotten about!) fortunately i got back safe.. i gained 4 lbs after being gone, which i was kind of expecting since i did not eat the best, and only got in exercise 1 day. i have to admit i feel myself falling into a slump. today i went for a run which felt good in the fab weather. tomorrow i'll be getting back on the TF train, though I'm thinking about switching things up because this second month has gotten boring, doing the same thing every week. i miss the HIITS! i'm hoping after a day or 2 that extra weight will come off.. and the challenge of course this week being thursday.. i don't have a large family so i won't be surrounded by tons and tons of food fortunately... hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Deb, what a great story to really made me smile today :flowerforyou:
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    That's awsome Deb! I always find it so sad seeing the homeless around also,and when it's cold and bitter outside it makes it all the more sader. I am definitly all about paying it forward!

    This morning I got up and did TF30. And Tone 30 is on the menu when I get home this evening! I also have yoga at lunch time today at work. I relaxed last night and try to take it easy, it's actually hard for me to do that, but I know sometimes I just take on too much and I want to have the energy to get up early every morning and push play!

    I think I'm going to put up some Christmas decorations today....early I know but I'm so in the spirit!!!

    Have an awsome day everyone!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ladies! Allie welcome back. You were missed!

    Completed 55 EZ today...484 calorie burn according to my trusty Bodybugg. Feel great today after thinking I pulled something in my lower back yesterday.

    For all you TBB folks on this thread...I am not advertising...but if you haven't checked out the new FB feature and set up your page you are missing out on an opportunity. I had 2 people contact me today for more info after my "grand opening launch" last night!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi ladies!!! Wow, what a workout today, I am definately back at it! I did Fire 60, HIIT 20 and 3 sets of push ups for a grand total of........(drumroll)..............1012 calories GONE!!!! Felt great! My HRM wasn't acting up at all! Bring it on Thanksgiving!!!!

    Allie: Welcome back girl! I was in a slump too but I'm back! You can do it, I know you can! I think you just need to mix it up a bit like you were saying, try a new Fire workout or a new HIIT to ramp you back up! Glad I could make you smile! :smile:

    Rhonda: Way to go girl! You've got a lot of good workout planned today! Woo hoo! Hey, does your mom still want Shakeology? How's that going?

    Sharon: Good calorie burn today! My lower right side of my back has been bothering me too; I do have a buldging disc down there, that's probably why, bothers me from time to time. Hopefully I get that job so I can go to the doctor and have it checked out before it's too late! I think that FB store front is going to be so much easier for people to browse through!

    Hello to all the other lovely ladies out there! Hope you're having a great day! Let's keep the momentum going through this week!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Deb - Chalene would be proud of your extra efforts! WTG!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am back too. walking, Ab Jam, Lean 1 and HIIT 15.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I decided to pamper myself a bit and went to the nail salon for a manicure and to get my eyebrows taken care of. Ended up getting home kinda late so I got a very energetic Fire 30 workout in. Since it was a shorter one, I gave it 110% and I was bouncing around even when I didn't have to. Had a good calorie burn.

    I'm gonna be heading off to Jersey tomorrow evening for Thanksgiving weekend, but I'm planning to leave kinda late tomorrow night to try and avoid as much traffic as possible. I should definitely have time for a workout and some dinner before I leave. Hopefully I'll be able to get some workouts in while home, otherwise I'm gonna try to control what I eat so I don't go crazy... easier said than done over THanksgiving! haha
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am back too. walking, Ab Jam, Lean 1 and HIIT 15.

    Way to go girl!!!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Ok so Tuesdays tend to be my rest day since I usually go to sushi with my friend, and most of the time do not get a workout in, such as today lol. I feel the need to get a really really good work out done today. I'm thinking of HIIT 20 when I get home from work and after some sleep, either a Fire 30 or 45, we'll see!

    Thanks for the welcome back ladies :) You guys are awesome! And welcome back rjadams!

    Sara, so funny that we're neighbors in Jersey!! small world!

    Deb- what a workout!! Did you spread it out, or all back to back?

    Hope everyone is having a great week, and getting ready for their Turkey Day plans! My personal mission is to avoid eating every appetizer in sight, and to just generally watch my portions. I'm not counting this week's weigh in since I was away and when I weighed in on Monday I was 167, which put me up 4lbs.. Though after working out that day, and getting back into my routine, today I weighed in at 162.5.. I'm back to getting in a ton of water, which I know will help in the last week of this month... I'm still at work and have had 6 glasses already lol..

    Enjoy the day all!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning. Happy pre-Turkey Day!

    Completed HIIT 30 and Lower 20 today. Bodybugg said I burned 338 calories.

    Temps are dropping here in Vegas...I think the high is in the 40s and after living here for almost 10 years I have no blood and I'm freezing!!!!!! I'm not sure I could ever move back East to those winters!

    Scale moved again says I'm 153.6 lbs which means I'm 3.6 lbs away from GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's see what it says on Friday though before I get too excited.:laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Today is my one year anniversary of quitting smoking. smiley-dance005.gif Officially one whole year smoke free!!!!

    Today I am doing C25K week one, Core 20 and Fire 30. I can do these things because I don't smoke anymore!
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    That's awsome rjadams on the quitting smoking! I know how hard it is to do that, you should feel so proud!!

    So last night I did Tone 30, first time trying this one...I have to say I'm not a big fan of this workout, just because I dont like the bands that much, but I'm going to keep doing it until I get some heavier weights..

    I got up early and did Fire 55; HRM said I burned 620cals!!!!!! It was tough this morning, my body felt sore and tired, but I pushed though!

    I think my metabolism is going in over drive today cause I'm starving! I have been eating good though!

    I'm going to do my 3 sets of pushups tonight and ab 10. And continue putting up some more Christmas decor!

    I hope all my US friends have a great Thanksgiving!! Enjoy your turkey!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job Rhonda!

    Robin - OMG a whole year smoke free is an AMAZING accompishment!!!!! I'm so proud of you.
