Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Hello, I hope everybody is doing well!! :flowerforyou:

    This is my 4th day of the inferno plan and I must admit that today I have a terrible feeling, I think my blood pressure is low, I feel a terrible cold right now throughout my body :frown: I think eating below 1200 is not that good for me, my body is burning a lot of calories, so I will increase my intake for the last 2 days of the inferno.

    For example, today I did Fire 45, HIIT 20 and Strech 10 and my Polar said I burned 870 calories, of which 45% were fat, so I think I need some time to rest and something sweet because I'm having a hard time right now girls :sad:

    I'll drink something sweet and go to bed for a while because I have so many college projects pending for today so I have to recover at least my brain functions to stay focus and do research and write all night long...
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm sorry you're not feeling well Prixy. I thought 1200 calories was too low as well which is why I never did the Inferno. Have some fruit or a small protein shake for an instant sugar boost. Hope you feel better soon.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So I have kind of let TF take a back seat this week since I was sick at the beginning of the week. I have just been doing my treadmill and abs every day since Tuesday. I will get back to Chalean on Monday. At least I have been pushing play for Core 20, Ab Jam, Extreme Abs and Ab Burner.:bigsmile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Great job! I always neglect the ab workouts, mainly because they are really painful on my tailbone. I have issues with my tailbone from when I slid into home playing softball in middle school (it hadn't rained in a month...) and it hurts to sit on hard surfaces sometimes. So any ab work that requires situps, sitting back far, or balancing on my bum I can't really do without being in pain. Kinda sucks, but I like the first half of Core 20 since it works your abs standing up. And the regular cardio workouts in Turbo Fire do a good job with abs from all the kicks and knees and side-side movement type things. My obliques are great, I can feel them when I put my hands on my waist :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies! So today is the day I hate the most on the TF schedule...Cardio 20 and Stretch 40. I threw in Lower 20 as well for fun but jeez BB showed I only burned 150 calories during that time. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that I spent more than an hour working out today and barely burned anything. I know it's good for me but I love sweating through a long Fire workout and this feels like I did nothing (although my adductors are still burning from using the lower body band!)

    Anyway...I have a pedicure scheduled for tonight. Yay pretty toes! :laugh:

    Have an awesome Friday!
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    I'm with you Sara, my tailbone hurts everytime I go down even with the mat I put underneath, but I still try to do abs workouts once a week... and as you, I can feel my obliques in shape, is weird that they mark faster than the frontal ones, but at least they make a beautiful waist line in us :ohwell:

    So, today I'm feeling much better, honestly I thought I was going to fade out yesterday, I was soooo cold inside and had nauseas but I drank some hot skimmed milk (low fat) and ate a few candies to higher my sugar....I'm not eating the exact meals of the Inferno Plan but I'm trying to incorporate as much fiber, protein, veggies as she does, however, I'm not eating peanut butter as recommended by her plan so maybe that's what brought me down yesterday...

    I must say I'm excited about this workout, yesterday I did burn circuit 3 once I'd recovered and I felt in total (Fire 45, 20 HIIT, 10 strech and Burn 3) I burned 1100 calories of which 566 were fat calories as per my I'm so happy with that...this would be my 5th day of the plan, meaning my last one and I'm about to do 55 EZ and Strech 10, after this I'll take Saturday off and start on Sunday with my fourth week of Chalean Extreme. I can't wait to check my results of the inferno tomorrow, I'll definitely keep you posted because I need to buy a good scale maybe tomorrow or Sunday :indifferent:

    Deb come back to us!! hehe we miss your energy!!
    Sharon you are such an inspiration, you are doing a great work and even if you are only burning 150 calories one day a week, that means that your body really needs those days of fewer effort, and I bet with the HIIT you continued burning throughout your day without even noticing...:wink:

    Sara and Swinnie, you girls are rocking!! Love your habit! :happy:

    Gdivant!! Are you getting married as well?? come on tell us about it! :love:

    Hope you all have a great Friday with the ones you care or at least relaxed and happy :heart:
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Morning Ladies! So today is the day I hate the most on the TF schedule...Cardio 20 and Stretch 40. I threw in Lower 20 as well for fun but jeez BB showed I only burned 150 calories during that time. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that I spent more than an hour working out today and barely burned anything. I know it's good for me but I love sweating through a long Fire workout and this feels like I did nothing (although my adductors are still burning from using the lower body band!)

    Anyway...I have a pedicure scheduled for tonight. Yay pretty toes! :laugh:

    Have an awesome Friday!

    I need to get a pedicure ASAP!!! haha I envy you because I can't get it any time soon :frown: maybe next week when I have some time off school...

    You feet will look great!
  • Jamaica2
    Jamaica2 Posts: 91 Member
    Yesterday was my first day TF sculpt. I had done the hiit 15 but when I went to do the sculpt I just plain quit. I'm not sure why. One thought was that if you only do it once every two weeks are you really building any muscle? Thinking I may replace it with a Cathe routine or something. Any advice? So irritated with myself for giving up on a workout.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Jamaica2 - personally if your goal is to increase muscle then you'll probably want to incorporate more frequent strength training, like Chalean Extreme!, into your weekly schedule; however, if you're looking to lose fat then the way TF is structured allows you to lose weight all over from the combination of cardio, strength training, and stretching. Trust the system...unless your goals are different than what the system is designed to do!

    Does that make sense?
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Bella - I'm not yet advanced, but this is a very active thread someone will give you some great insight. If HIIT 25 is considered advanced I'm struggling to push myself to level 9-10 the entire time. I hit (ha ha hit) pause to try to catch my breath in the middle - after the 1st 2 HIITs. Hope this helps!

    I, sometimes hit pause too being an asthmatic. I use my inhaler, couldn't do it without it.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Bella - I'm not yet advanced, but this is a very active thread someone will give you some great insight. If HIIT 25 is considered advanced I'm struggling to push myself to level 9-10 the entire time. I hit (ha ha hit) pause to try to catch my breath in the middle - after the 1st 2 HIITs. Hope this helps!

    HIIT 25 is actually part of the original package, not the advanced series but you don't see it in the schedule until the latter half. By that time, your endurance should be better so you can get through the longer session. If that was your first time doing a HIIT, I would really recommend you try HIIT 15. The series is designed so you work up to the longer workouts.

    Stay with it though and take all the breaks you need while you're starting out. I promise they will get easier over time!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    cranked out a great hour on the tread then did Ab Jam and HIIT 15. Have a great day all.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great work Robin!

    I completed week 15 today with TF 45 EZ. Bodybugg said I burned 410 calories and then me, my husband, and our dog went for an hour walk so I burned another 340 calories. 2nd walk on tap for later will be a very good day!

    Enjoy the weekend. Go Giants!!!!
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Hey Sharon and Robin, great burned! Yesterday I ate a lot, hopefully I'll make that up today by eating 1500kc back..

    So I finished the inferno plan on Friday and yesterday I took my measurements and weighed, here are the results:

    I lost 3 lbs (for a total of 4 lost in 3 weeks) and 1.5 inches overall during 5 days!! Honestly, I'm glad with these results, even if I didn't lose any inches around my belly, which is the area I want to tone faster but I definitely feel my heart stronger with that week of tough cardio and my shape looks stronger... besides I didn't eat the meal plan she advised and I had to eat 1400kc on 2 days, so I'm very happy with the results.

    I already made a calendar with the hybrid TF and CLX for the next 6 weeks until my wedding...I'll continue the weight training 3 days per week and I'll do cardio 4-5 days, I didn't include the sculpt nor tone videos because I find them very similar to the weight training of CLX so I'll stuck with the HIITs, 55 EZ, 45 Ez, 45 and stretches...

    Wish you all a great Sunday!! Hugs!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm quite loving this extra hour we got for daylight savings. I was up at 9:30 quite refreshed, since it felt like 10:30. Just did Fire 55EZ to make up for the lack of legit exercise on Friday and yesterday. However, my date went quite well, we did dinner and went to a beer bar that had some great beers on tap. We ended up sleeping in so by time I got home I didn't get my Saturday morning Turbo Fire in. I had such a yummy dinner, mahi mahi stuffed with crab on lobster mac n cheese. Oh man it was good... I've actually never had lobster before (I didn't eat seafood til recently because I was such a picky eater) and it's delicious! Adding it to the list of seafood I like (which keeps getting longer and longer).

    Looks like this weekend being fairly normal (I didn't go too crazy with the dinner and drinks Friday) has helped with the scale. It was at 153.7 lbs this morning, which is down quite a bit from the 156.8 lbs it said on Tuesday after I got back from Cali. I'm hoping to get below 153.0 lbs by Friday, maybe lower! I'd LOVE to be 150 by Thanksgiving, but it's a long shot given that I'm home in Jersey AGAIN next weekend and being away from home tends to mean measly weight loss numbers for that week. I really need to stop traveling so much... haha. At least I'm not too bad when I do travel, better than coming back with 3+ extra pounds that I can't get rid of.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi ladies!!!! Well, good news to report, I'm feeling like myself again!!!! Yeah!!!! Finally! This better be my one big sickness for the winter! I hate being sick! I'm back at it tomorrow with my Turbo Fire and I can't wait!!!! And I gotta say, it feels so good to honestly say that I miss working out! I never would've thought I'd feel this way about exercise! You girls are doing so good and your posts have just helped keep me motivated and ready to rock again! Thank you!

    I hop you're all having a great weekend and I'll see you tomorrow!!! Turbo Fire, here I come!!!!!!!!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job on your weight loss Sara! I've been up and down the same 2 or 3 lbs for a couple of weeks. I'd really like to lose another 5 before we go to Napa the week between Xmas and New Years. Now that TOM is almost over, I think the scale will start to move again if I buckle down a bit more.

    We walked an hour this morning before settling in to watch football about them Giants Coach???? LOL!

    Deb - so glad to hear you're feeling better. Look forward to seeing your posts again this week!

    Recovery week (week 16) starts tomorrow but I'm substituting Core 20/Stretch 40 with TF 60. We have friends coming to town this week and I want to be sure I burn max calories since I know we'll be going out a bit more than usual.

    Talk to you guys tomorrow! Enjoy your evening!
  • WhatAWaist
    Had ChaLEAN Extreme and did it about two weeks. Just got TurboFire. Main goal is to lose weight but would like to tone as well. Should I do straight TurboFire for weightloss or the hybrid? Either way I will go back and do CXT when I am done. Thanks! (Just became a coach too)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I can't comment on the hybrid since I'm just doing straight TF now but Chalene includes strength training in the TF schedule just now as frequently as in CLX. I guess it depends on whether you want to gain muscle or just stay lean.

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've done just Chalean Extreme and now I'm doing the hybrid (I started doing the hybrid at Week 4 since I started with CLX). Personally, I tend to lose more weight while doing the parts of the hybrid schedule that don't have the CLX strength workouts. The strength workouts in Turbo Fire tend to get my heartrate up more, and I burn more calories doing them. And I'm still reallllly feeling the workout in my muscles. I'm just not as big of a fan with the Chalean Extreme workouts that are just strength training. I think interval training/circuit training, or at least strength training that gets my heart rate up is what I prefer. I also have another 13-ish pounds to go before I'm a healthy weight, so I'm focusing on losing fat while building up some muscle, rather than a main focus on toning. So it depends on your goals. I'd say Turbo Fire is good for fat burning, CLX is better for toning.