Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi All! Today I completed TF 30 and Upper 20. BB said I burned 350 calories...not bad! Can't believe week 15 is underway...that means I only have 5 weeks to go to complete the entire 5 month program!!!!! Wow time flies.

    I'm going to move on to the TF/CLX hybrid once I finish this so I'm hoping you'll all follow me to my new thread once I launch it to track my hybrid progress.

    Hope you have a great day!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Grrrrrrr!!!!! I'm still trying to get over this crap! I want to workout!!!! I hate being sick! It makes me feel lazy; I hate that feeling.

    Just looking at all you ladies pushing play makes me jealous! Hopefully by the end of the week I'll feel better enough to push play!

    Keep at it girls! I'm with ya in spirit!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Grrrrrrr!!!!! I'm still trying to get over this crap! I want to workout!!!! I hate being sick! It makes me feel lazy; I hate that feeling.

    Just looking at all you ladies pushing play makes me jealous! Hopefully by the end of the week I'll feel better enough to push play!

    Keep at it girls! I'm with ya in spirit!

    I decided not to do Turbo today. I was so sick all weekend and yesterday. I did walk on the tread for an hour but not at my normal pace. i feel your pain Deb, I hate not being able to work out.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sometimes your body just needs to rest in order to recover. You guys will be back to the Fire in no time! Get better soon!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've finally started up with Turbo Fire again since my resistance band attack last Wednesday night. I have also been visiting friends in California for the past 4 days and I've just returned last night. I did Fire 45 today, definitely got a great burn! I really like that one, all the kicking and knees means a great ab workout. I might try and brave Sculpt 30 tomorrow, with proper technique for the resistance band! I'll be follow Chalene exactly, no more improv with the band!!

    Hope everyone feels better soon! Somehow we've all gotten sick/injured at the same time! At least my black eye hasn't really stopped me from working out, I can still punch and kick :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hey Sara welcome back! Had to change my signature after reading the back and forth on that coaches thread. Wow people are just so passionate about their views.

    Anyway, happy to hear your eye is feeling better!

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey Sharon,

    Yeah I changed mine after realizing it was against the rules. Beachbody coaching is definitely a hot topic. I'm just laying low and answering questions when they're asked about anything beachbody-related. My main contacts have been through MFP friends that have commented on my statuses or messaged me directly, more of a personal way to get people interested. If they want to buy something, it's a bonus, but I really just like talking to people... lol. I've always been open to helping people, on here and in general. I've been helping my friends with their resumes and job hunting this year since I went through it all last year when I was finishing up college. Its like that whole "teach a man to fish" thing... haha.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Robin - That's the approach I've elected to take as well. We can always grumble to each other offline!

    So today I completed TF 55 EZ. BB said I burned 491 calories!!!

    Hope your day is amazing!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Good Morning! Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful fall weather today. Woke up this morning and did a added Fire 45 for today (supposed to be a "rest" day). This is my favorite Fire workout. I love it! Plan to go home and do a HIIT workout after work and maybe something short like Fat Blaster or Turbo Jam 20 min, or maybe even just a run thru the neighborhood. Yesterday I pushed myself to do Fire 45 EZ in the am. This is my least favorite one, I don't know why but I always dread this one more. Its not that it isn't a great workout, I honestly love each section. I'm not quite sure what it is that makes me not enjoy it as much. Then last night I did Extreme Abs and Recharge. I tried to push myself harder on the Abs beacuse I've been slacking on ab workouts lately.

    Down on myself today. I feel like I haven't been pushing myself as hard as I should if I want to be below 140 lbs by my b-day Nov 25th. Last night after eating dinner I decided I need to just cut the crap and work harder no excuses.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Swinnie you're doing great. I think everyone has days when they just don't feel like they're doing enough to achieve their goals. You'll get there. Don't give up!!!

    Good job on the extra workouts. I was laughing while reading your post because I have the exact opposite feeling...I love 45EZ and hate Fire 45! To each his own I guess. :wink:

  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm with you, Swinnie. I just have stopped doing Fire 45EZ and HIIT 25 because I really just don't like them. I don't get into them and I'd rather just stick to the workouts I really enjoy and will put in 100%. I haven't been following the schedule to the letter, I tend to stick to the theme (like a day with a longer Fire workout, or a HIIT and strength-type workout) but adjust exactly which workout I'll do. Today is probably HIIT 20 and Sculpt 30... that resistance band and me are going to have to make peace and move on with our difference. Especially now that my black eye is mostly healed.. hahahaha
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    I've been doing TF and I'm in week 9!! What are the advance workouts like?? Thanks.
  • gdivant
    gdivant Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks Allie - it was really fun - a Day of the Dead Themed party. People kept asking me why I wasn't eventually I nibbled on shredded chicken meant for tortillas.

    Deb & Robin - feel better! I had to take 2 days off b/c of my laser resurfacing treatment (trying to get rid of some blemishes before my wedding day) and I felt your pain. I really, really wanted to exercise. But I forced myself to follow the doc's orders. Today I did HIIT 25 and it is still very, very hard for me - no starburst. I think its all the squat jumps - those things are killer!

    Keep kicking butt Swinnie, Sharon & Sara! Prixy - amazing results in 15 days. You'll have to get your dress taken in! You all inspire me. :)

    Bella - I'm not yet advanced, but this is a very active thread someone will give you some great insight. If HIIT 25 is considered advanced I'm struggling to push myself to level 9-10 the entire time. I hit (ha ha hit) pause to try to catch my breath in the middle - after the 1st 2 HIITs. Hope this helps!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I pushed myself to do HIIT 20 since I wanted to come home after my manicure and just flop on the couch and do nothing. I felt much better after doing it though! I have a date with Randy on Friday :) Things are going really well with all that! It's been a month since we started seeing each other :) Only gonna be the 3rd date though, since we live 45 minutes apart with nasty DC area traffic in the middle :( And I've been out of town every other weekend. Anyway, even more dedication to kicking butt in Turbo Fire!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    You go girl but make sure that man knows how special you are with or without the extra HIIT workouts!!!!:wink:

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Don't give up on me!!! I'm still here! Not pushing play because I'm so congested and want to put my full energy into it. So, I'll rest up the rest of the week and get back at it on Monday.

    I have lost 2lbs though! lol Now watch, I'll probably gain it all back the minute I start exercising again! Grrrrrr!!!!

    Thanks for all the well wishes and I'll be joining you girls in no time!

  • Jamaica2
    Jamaica2 Posts: 91 Member
    I started Turbo Fire on Oct. 25. I'm loving it. I've been working out in the evenings which is a change for me. I used to be a morning workout girl but no workouts lately. Anyway I had a massage after work last night. Did't get home until 7:30 and still did TF 45. Who wants to work out after a massage? Not me. I am so motivated, I did it, and pushed as hard as I ever have in my life. I was dripping and it felt great!!
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    I pushed myself to do HIIT 20 since I wanted to come home after my manicure and just flop on the couch and do nothing. I felt much better after doing it though! I have a date with Randy on Friday :) Things are going really well with all that! It's been a month since we started seeing each other :) Only gonna be the 3rd date though, since we live 45 minutes apart with nasty DC area traffic in the middle :( And I've been out of town every other weekend. Anyway, even more dedication to kicking butt in Turbo Fire!

    That's great Sara!! Flirting and getting to know each about everything is such a nice feeling...enjoy it!!! :heart:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    It definitely is nice having the distance, it forces us to talk on the phone and text and stuff. I wouldn't mind seeing him more often tho... once I get into December, I'm not out of town every other weekend so it'll be easier. But I've got a whole month of a somewhat crazy schedule before I can enjoy some downtime. It's fun tho :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Jamaica2! Glad to hear you're enjoying TF as much as we do. Look forward to hearing about your progress through the program.

    Well today I jumped out of bed and got right to TF 60. BB said I burned 511 calories so I was thrilled!

    Make it a great day you guys!