diet sadness



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    All these smug peoplegoing on about how they don't experience this should just go away and stop rubbing it in. It is like someone saying to me 'I have terrible insomnia, it is a nightmare' and me saying 'Oh well, as it happens, I don't get that at all... I sleep soundly and easily for 8 hours every night... you should be like me, then you'd not be an insomniac' the skip away smugly.

    This is really not helpful or contributing anything. Perhaps you should fuel your negativity into a person blog.

    OP, you CAN have what you want! You had your piece, and so many people feel sad because they cut everything out. It's great you're practicing moderation. If you feel legitimately sad about portions, it could help to talk to someone. Otherwise, try making room in your day to have more than one slice.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I am not rude, little or a hater. I just hate when people write about problems they are having and people come in all smug just to say they don't experience it, like they so perfect. I think that is the real rudeness! But whatever, since you aren't reading this.

    I am reading this. No one is being rude at all except for you :frown:
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Too much smug for my liking. People who restrict portion control don't always manage to restrict their greasetastic food choices.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    I disagree. I am not a rude person. I just think we should acknoweldge how people feel without dismissing it, or revelling in the fact that we personally may not experience the same thing.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I am not rude, little or a hater. I just hate when people write about problems they are having and people come in all smug just to say they don't experience it, like they so perfect. I think that is the real rudeness! But whatever, since you aren't reading this.

    I am reading this. No one is being rude at all except for you :frown:

    ???? You just called somebody a 'rude little hater'. Which REALLY isn't especially polite. Just sayin...
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    i dont understand the question
    Your contribution isn't needed then. Whoopydoo for you that you don't experience this, aren't you wholesome an everything.

    That's a little harsh. Everyone on this site has had issues with food at one time or another. The ones you are directing your comment at, are the people who have found a way to have treats, but not binge on them. That's a skill that everyone must learn to lose the weight and KEEP it off. We have ALL experienced this and more.

    The OP has obviously learned that and is in the process of working through the feeling she has about not being able to have the whole loaf of banana bread. Good for her. She may be sad now, but the future healthy her is cheering her on every minute of every day.
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    Did this topic make anyone else want banana bread?
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    i dont understand the question
    Your contribution isn't needed then. Whoopydoo for you that you don't experience this, aren't you wholesome an everything.

    That's a little harsh. Everyone on this site has had issues with food at one time or another. The ones you are directing your comment at, are the people who have found a way to have treats, but not binge on them. That's a skill that everyone must learn to lose the weight and KEEP it off. We have ALL experienced this and more.

    The OP has obviously learned that and is in the process of working through the feeling she has about not being able to have the whole loaf of banana bread. Good for her. She may be sad now, but the future healthy her is cheering her on every minute of every day.

    This is getting ridiculous. Why did the person who you say DID understand the question say she DIDN'T understand the question in the first place?

    Yours, genuinely confused,

    Hildy, Liverpool

    PS I have never been out of the healthy BMI range (very ,VERY close either end but not quite) and yes I have always had to restrict myself and yes I do envy my friends who just go for it every. single. meal. And they complain about how easy it is for me to be slim. There's a payoff to everything. As my dear old Nan used to say: 'You can't have the penny and the bun'.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I totally get it. I miss being able to just go and eat whatever I want. There are things I love that I haven't had in ages, just because I can't realistically fit them in my daily calories (like cheesecake, although those Trader Joe's cheesecake wedges are helping with that craving). To be fair, it's been harder and harder though. It was much easier when I started. Now I'm getting close to maintenance but when I get there, I'll pretty much maintain at what I'm eating right now, so it's not like you can really tell yourself that it will be better once you're at maintenance, lol.

    But obviously the results are a great trade off. I passed on cupcakes at a birthday party yesterday, and it was hard, but really, I don't know about you but I never regret not eating something.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    i dont understand the question
    Your contribution isn't needed then. Whoopydoo for you that you don't experience this, aren't you wholesome an everything.

    That's a little harsh. Everyone on this site has had issues with food at one time or another. The ones you are directing your comment at, are the people who have found a way to have treats, but not binge on them. That's a skill that everyone must learn to lose the weight and KEEP it off. We have ALL experienced this and more.

    The OP has obviously learned that and is in the process of working through the feeling she has about not being able to have the whole loaf of banana bread. Good for her. She may be sad now, but the future healthy her is cheering her on every minute of every day.

    This is getting ridiculous. Why did the person who you say DID understand the question say she DIDN'T understand the question in the first place?

    Yours, genuinely confused,

    Hildy, Liverpool

    exactly. Sorry if i overeacted, but come on, this person wasn't sayng'hey i used to experience that but now i found a way to overcome it, which i will tell you...'. They were saying 'Huuuh? I don't even begin to understand about this 'wanting to eat more than is good for you' thing you speak of.' If they don't understand the issue, then their contribution don't help.It seemed like only a boast to me. But sorry if I overeacted, if is hard to convey sentiment online sometimes, so maybe we both picked each other up wrong.
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    I feel exactly the same as the OP - and I've just had an epiphany - I used to feel that food was my best friend - always there if I was sad or happy now I feel that it is my worst enemy (and always has been really). I know I have issues with food and find it hard to control binges and to eat properly (and I do get that this is my fault, not the foods). Some people find it easier to cope with controlling portion sizes I don't. I find it hard and in a silly way mourn the way I used to be - eating what I wanted, when I wanted (and often large quantities of it). I have also recently realised that i don't think I'll ever be able to relax about food, I'm always going to have to 'keep an eye' on myself. I really hope one day that things change, I've taken steps to improve, I've lost some weight (still a long way to go) but I want to be able to have one biscuit/cookie or chocolate and be happy that I'm not going back for one handful.

    I want to be one of the people saying they are happy because they can have what they want - just in moderation, that losing weight makes them feel happier than the food and that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels - I'm really not there yet, and sometimes doubt I ever will be.

    But I can hope :smile:
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Ahhh. I get it. Good comprehension Joselo.

    And don't worry. Overreacting is the norm on the forum, rather than the exception. :wink:
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Eat what you want... Just in a more responsible way. :)

    What was it that silly cross-eyed model said? "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels"? She was completely wrong. Nothing tastes as good as pizza, and banana bread, and other goodies in moderation feels.

    If you ate the whole thing, you would've made yourself sick.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    There will always be a point where you have to draw the line, and choose not to eat something you want, regardless of approach (aside from dirty bulking). Have to desire and value the results more than the food. Good luck.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    i dont understand the question
    Your contribution isn't needed then. Whoopydoo for you that you don't experience this, aren't you wholesome an everything.

    That's a little harsh. Everyone on this site has had issues with food at one time or another. The ones you are directing your comment at, are the people who have found a way to have treats, but not binge on them. That's a skill that everyone must learn to lose the weight and KEEP it off. We have ALL experienced this and more.

    The OP has obviously learned that and is in the process of working through the feeling she has about not being able to have the whole loaf of banana bread. Good for her. She may be sad now, but the future healthy her is cheering her on every minute of every day.

    This is getting ridiculous. Why did the person who you say DID understand the question say she DIDN'T understand the question in the first place?

    Yours, genuinely confused,

    Hildy, Liverpool

    exactly. Sorry if i overeacted, but come on, this person wasn't sayng'hey i used to experience that but now i found a way to overcome it, which i will tell you...'. They were saying 'Huuuh? I don't even begin to understand about this 'wanting to eat more than is good for you' thing you speak of.' If they don't understand the issue, then their contribution don't help.It seemed like only a boast to me. But sorry if I overeacted, if is hard to convey sentiment online sometimes, so maybe we both picked each other up wrong.

    Here is what she said: "What I meant was - why do you feel that you are giving everything up - when it is obvious that you understand and allow yourself to still have some of these things? You are right to just have smaller portions. I totally get how sometimes you just want to eat the whole thing. But you're not really denying yourself from having these things ever again - if you are actually letting yourself just have smaller portions.

    self-control and moderation are beautiful and Im glad you are on the right track "

    Sorry you're both confused. I understood the point she was making and I agree with it. My contribution and her contribution to the thread were meant to share what works and to congratulate her on getting over the hurtle of the mindless eating that some of us do. I don't come into threads to just attack other posters.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I totally understand what you’re saying. I’m all for IIFYM, but sometimes you want MORE and it just doesn’t fit after having one normal sized portion. It can be sad, it can be frustrating, but you have think what would be worse. Not eating or eating and feeling bad about it later? Most likely the later. Especially since it’ll be there tomorrow :)

    I might suggest a skinnier version of banana bread? I’m not about eating skinny foods per say since I eat whatever I want in moderation, but skinny taste has a kicking banana bread that I make a lot (as in usually once a week).
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member

    Have to ditch the turkey sammich I was going to eat for supper because the turkey has too much sodium in it.

    It's never the calories I can't fit in, it's the f***ing sodium. HBP sucks.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    No, this has not happened to me.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    i dont understand the question
    Your contribution isn't needed then. Whoopydoo for you that you don't experience this, aren't you wholesome an everything.

    That's a little harsh. Everyone on this site has had issues with food at one time or another. The ones you are directing your comment at, are the people who have found a way to have treats, but not binge on them. That's a skill that everyone must learn to lose the weight and KEEP it off. We have ALL experienced this and more.

    The OP has obviously learned that and is in the process of working through the feeling she has about not being able to have the whole loaf of banana bread. Good for her. She may be sad now, but the future healthy her is cheering her on every minute of every day.

    This is getting ridiculous. Why did the person who you say DID understand the question say she DIDN'T understand the question in the first place?

    Yours, genuinely confused,

    Hildy, Liverpool

    exactly. Sorry if i overeacted, but come on, this person wasn't sayng'hey i used to experience that but now i found a way to overcome it, which i will tell you...'. They were saying 'Huuuh? I don't even begin to understand about this 'wanting to eat more than is good for you' thing you speak of.' If they don't understand the issue, then their contribution don't help.It seemed like only a boast to me. But sorry if I overeacted, if is hard to convey sentiment online sometimes, so maybe we both picked each other up wrong.

    Here is what she said: "What I meant was - why do you feel that you are giving everything up - when it is obvious that you understand and allow yourself to still have some of these things? You are right to just have smaller portions. I totally get how sometimes you just want to eat the whole thing. But you're not really denying yourself from having these things ever again - if you are actually letting yourself just have smaller portions.

    self-control and moderation are beautiful and Im glad you are on the right track "

    Sorry you're both confused. I understood the point she was making and I agree with it. My contribution and her contribution to the thread were meant to share what works and to congratulate her on getting over the hurtle of the mindless eating that some of us do. I don't come into threads to just attack other posters.

    OK.... so was the 'I don't understand the question' comment not a boast, or a put-down, do you think? Why didn't she say the second, reasonable thing first. The first thing was just meaningless... or at least open to interpretation. I'm English, is that what Americans say to be snarky: 'I don't understand the question'. If you said that here, you'd get somebody politely explaining it to you at great length. We are a literal people.

    Back to confused now :sad:
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    You can eat whatever you want, just don't eat too much of it.

    The fact you want to eat an entire banana bread loaf is a psychological problem, not a hunger problem, or a diet diversity problem. You've decided you want to binge eat, indulge in a treat in a self-gratuitous manner. Address why you want to do that, overcome it, progress.