diet sadness



  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    It's not that you "can't" eat that way any more... You never could in the first place. Look where it got you.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    @Hildy - I was confused, and then reread and i expanded on my answer, congratulating the OP because I really think she IS doing the right thing- while that lady was yelling at me for being wholesome, but i think she was being sarcastic and rude, then you came in here and told me to stop being so rude, too.

    so basically - good job OP -thumbs up- you're on the right path and I'm glad that you are listening to your own instincts instead of fixating on the actions or habits of other people! You know yourself better than anyone. You can handle it :D:bigsmile:
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Does it ever make you SAD that you can't eat whatever you want???
    We are all different but I'm never sad about not being able to eat whatever I want in whatever amounts I want to eat it. Being fat made me sad.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    i dont understand the question
    Your contribution isn't needed then. Whoopydoo for you that you don't experience this, aren't you wholesome an everything.

    That's a little harsh. Everyone on this site has had issues with food at one time or another. The ones you are directing your comment at, are the people who have found a way to have treats, but not binge on them. That's a skill that everyone must learn to lose the weight and KEEP it off. We have ALL experienced this and more.

    The OP has obviously learned that and is in the process of working through the feeling she has about not being able to have the whole loaf of banana bread. Good for her. She may be sad now, but the future healthy her is cheering her on every minute of every day.

    This is getting ridiculous. Why did the person who you say DID understand the question say she DIDN'T understand the question in the first place?

    Yours, genuinely confused,

    Hildy, Liverpool

    exactly. Sorry if i overeacted, but come on, this person wasn't sayng'hey i used to experience that but now i found a way to overcome it, which i will tell you...'. They were saying 'Huuuh? I don't even begin to understand about this 'wanting to eat more than is good for you' thing you speak of.' If they don't understand the issue, then their contribution don't help.It seemed like only a boast to me. But sorry if I overeacted, if is hard to convey sentiment online sometimes, so maybe we both picked each other up wrong.

    Here is what she said: "What I meant was - why do you feel that you are giving everything up - when it is obvious that you understand and allow yourself to still have some of these things? You are right to just have smaller portions. I totally get how sometimes you just want to eat the whole thing. But you're not really denying yourself from having these things ever again - if you are actually letting yourself just have smaller portions.

    self-control and moderation are beautiful and Im glad you are on the right track "

    Sorry you're both confused. I understood the point she was making and I agree with it. My contribution and her contribution to the thread were meant to share what works and to congratulate her on getting over the hurtle of the mindless eating that some of us do. I don't come into threads to just attack other posters.

    OK.... so was the 'I don't understand the question' comment not a boast, or a put-down, do you think?

    Back to confused now :sad:

    Sometimes, you will just be confused in this life. Maybe her first comment was because she didn't understand the question. She then went on the clarify. Out - this conversation is not adding to the discussion.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    You are not alone. I had a coworker who underwent gastric stapling in order to lose weight. She did lose weight and was very happy with that, but it was 8-9 months before she was allowed to eat "real" food, and, obviously, even when she could eat real food, it would never be the way it was before she had surgery. There will be a period of grieving for the "Old Way." I asked my coworker how this fetl to her. She said that, indeed there was a mourning period of a (forced, intentional) lost lifestyle. I confront that on a daily basis and I wonder when I will be able to adopt the beneficial habits and forget about yummy stuff. It is sad that we have to discard the practice of eating just because it tastes good and just for the sake of tasting. The sensory input we get from food is what many of us get caught up in and don't stop because we like that more than the fact that food is supposed to be sustanence more than a source of pleasure. It needs to be pleasurable for us to want to eat to sustain ourselves, but we need to find other ways to stimulate our senses. I know it's difficult. I struggle with it, too.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Maybe her first comment was because she didn't understand the question. She then went on the clarify.

    That makes NO sense. 'I do understand' does not clarify 'I don't understand'. It just confuses us stupid people and that's not good!

    Or perhaps she had a mid-thread Damascean moment of clarity. Highly irregular....
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    You are not alone. I had a coworker who underwent gastric stapling in order to lose weight. She did lose weight and was very happy with that, but it was 8-9 months before she was allowed to eat "real" food, and, obviously, even when she could eat real food, it would never be the way it was before she had surgery. There will be a period of grieving for the "Old Way." I asked my coworker how this fetl to her. She said that, indeed there was a mourning period of a (forced, intentional) lost lifestyle. I confront that on a daily basis and I wonder when I will be able to adopt the beneficial habits and forget about yummy stuff. It is sad that we have to discard the practice of eating just because it tastes good and just for the sake of tasting. The sensory input we get from food is what many of us get caught up in and don't stop because we like that more than the fact that food is supposed to be sustanence more than a source of pleasure. It needs to be pleasurable for us to want to eat to sustain ourselves, but we need to find other ways to stimulate our senses. I know it's difficult. I struggle with it, too.

    This is one of my main reasons why i'd not consider gastric surgery, to be honest
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Maybe her first comment was because she didn't understand the question. She then went on the clarify.

    That makes NO sense. 'I do understand' does not clarify 'I don't understand'. It just confuses us stupid people and that's not good!

    Or perhaps she had a mid-thread Damascean moment of clarity. Highly irregular....

    No, I said I didnt understand because I thought she was saying she cant have these things at all anymore, but she was eating them, then I realized it was just the portion sizes she was getting accustomed to, so i came back to tell her good....

    you know what - who cares, you cant win for losing on here.

    Good job OP. Sorry for those who want to derail your thread by trying to find conflict anywhere they can. I wish you all the best.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    I totally get what you mean, OP. I sit here right now as my growing teenage son is munching on microwave popcorn, the smell wafting right over to me. My tummy is rumbling. I feel sad and grumpy, and I want to be rude to him, and I just hate that I feel this way.

    So just now, I tried filling my senses up with some deep smelling. My son kind of looked at me funny just now as I leaned toward him with nostrils flaring. But whatever.

    And now I'm going to go get a drink of water, because I'm thirsty after sniffing all that salty buttery popcorn. Just kidding. I'm going to go drink because water is all I get this late in the evening. :(
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    My son bought some Costco Muffins the other day - they're over 600 calories for one muffin. That last delicious yummy poppy seed muffin is mocking me today - eat me! Eat me. Makes me so sad I can't. I did have 1/4 of one the other day and 1/8 of a blueberry today - but it's just not the same as gobbling up that whole (or even half) tasty muffin.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    No, I said I didnt understand because I thought she was saying she cant have these things at all anymore, but she was eating them, then I realized it was just the portion sizes she was getting accustomed to, so i came back to tell her good....

    you know what - who cares, you cant win for losing on here.

    Good job OP. Sorry for those who want to derail your thread by trying to find conflict anywhere they can. I wish you all the best.

    Fair point. I know I confront people over stuff. But be aware that passive-aggressive behaviour can also lead to conflict. :wink:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    No, I said I didnt understand because I thought she was saying she cant have these things at all anymore, but she was eating them, then I realized it was just the portion sizes she was getting accustomed to, so i came back to tell her good....

    you know what - who cares, you cant win for losing on here.

    Good job OP. Sorry for those who want to derail your thread by trying to find conflict anywhere they can. I wish you all the best.

    Fair point. I know I confront people over stuff. But be aware that passive-aggressive behaviour can also lead to conflict. :wink:

    Im the most directly aggressive girl you will ever encounter and i dont appreciate your continuual public judgment, references to my behavior and blatant thread derailment. Im putting you on ignore so we never have to deal with each other again here.

    OP - my apologies a 5th time.
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    I know what you mean. I get the same thing with cookie dough. I still eat some, but not as much, and although I'm happy I dont feel sick after making cookies (I mean...eating the dough and making a cookie), I still geel grumpy and pout for a while because I force myself to stop.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    I know what you mean. I get the same thing with cookie dough. I still eat some, but not as much, and although I'm happy I dont feel sick after making cookies (I mean...eating the dough and making a cookie), I still geel grumpy and pout for a while because I force myself to stop.

    ha ha I mope all the time about food :( stupid food
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    It makes me happy that I CAN eat what I want. And when I do the right thing by sticking to a reasonable sized portion, it makes me happy AND proud.

    We went out for breakfast yesterday, and I ordered an omelette, as it listed how many eggs were used, and all the ingredients, so I could track what I was eating. It showed up on a thick piece of beautifully buttered white toast. I ate half the toast, and left the other half with no regrets.

    I do get what you're saying, but after so many failed diet attempts which restricted everything fun, I'm happy to be doing things the better way.

    ^^^What she said. It's a victory to me that I can ENJOY a few cookies or piece of cake ect and know when to stop!! I feel empowered and happy!
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I don't think it's about whether they can eat as much as they want. Take a good look at they. Should they be eating as much as they want?

    Also, some of them may be actually counting/watching what they eat. When I go to parties or events with lots of yummy foods, I may not pull out MFP and log every item I pick up before I eat it, but you'd better believe that I'm keep mental tabs of what I am eating. Someone who doesn't know me would see me put food on my plate and might think "he's so lucky he can eat whatever he wants and not care" because there is no outward signs that I am caring.
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    Wow - as the originator of this post, I didn't expect so much conflict. Thank you to those of you who offered support and understanding. I knew when writing this that everyone wouldn't "get" it. It's ok. It's all good. BTW - I do eat what I want in's dealing with not being able to wolf down the rest that gets to me. The only thing that bothered me out of this huge thread was the person who implied I have a psychological problem. Yikes. But I'm just going to let it go. Good luck to all!!!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I want to put my face in this, but instead, I weigh it. The good thing is, it lasts longer when you don't scarf it all down in one sitting!

  • Rosieannaxo
    Sometimes I do, because let's just admit it, mcdonalds fries are DELICIOUS and baked fries really do not taste the same haha :P
    But I'm happy to have 'cheat' meals and keep the rest of my week very clean and healthy. Also, for the banana bread, have you thought about making an alterative healthy version?

    I found a recipe on
    The base is just quick cooking oatmeal & mashed bananas :D You can add cinnamon, some stevia, maybe some walnuts? But it's a much healthier alternative and I'm sure you can have more than one slice to satisfy your cravings :D
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Sometime I wished I could eat without thinking about calories like 99% of the population.