diet sadness



  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    For me, this has a lot to do with habits. 2 years ago, i would have thought the idea of eating only 1-2 cookies totally ridiculous, unless i was following the cookies with ice cream lol. These days, 2 cookies seems like a reasonable portion that I am able to enjoy without grieving over not being able to eat cookies number 3-20. That doesn't mean I never want the extra slice of pizza, the additional ice cream, the whole bag of chips, it's just a lot easier for me now to make the choice to stop sooner.

    as someone else also mentioned...the first bites are the best. after a while it's just mindless eating.
  • chrisdegrasse
    chrisdegrasse Posts: 7 Member
    Nothing is going to taste as good and skinny is going to feel
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Does it ever make you SAD that you can't eat whatever you want??? Like tonight - I made banana bread and had one slice - and I'm SO SAD because I just want to eat the entire thing!!! I won't because I'm working on changing those bad habits...but it makes me sad. It makes me sad that I can't wolf down a handful of Reeses PB cups like I used to every Halloween. I miss being able to eat some of these things! Don't get me wrong - I don't miss the pounds and I am feeling better (physically and mentally) but I do really miss eating crap and it makes me sad sometimes. Maybe it's just me. lol

    I think its very sad that people get emotional attachements to food... i also find it sad that more people dont do IIFYM so they can eat cake and reeses sometimes...

    THIS!!!! ^^^ :drinker:

    I eat whatever I want, in moderation. :happy:
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I struggle to eat 2000 kcal every day. I have forgotten what hunger feels like.
  • Bobbiezilla
    Bobbiezilla Posts: 157 Member
    It makes me happy that I CAN eat what I want. And when I do the right thing by sticking to a reasonable sized portion, it makes me happy AND proud.

    We went out for breakfast yesterday, and I ordered an omelette, as it listed how many eggs were used, and all the ingredients, so I could track what I was eating. It showed up on a thick piece of beautifully buttered white toast. I ate half the toast, and left the other half with no regrets.

    I do get what you're saying, but after so many failed diet attempts which restricted everything fun, I'm happy to be doing things the better way.

    This is me too! I'm so proud that I can fit in my cheezies or desserts or rum when I feel like it! I bought some girl guide cookies today from a neighbour girl and was so happy that I knew I wouldn't have to disappoint the kids tomorrow because I'd eaten them all. :( I'm going to send a couple in their lunches, have another couple myself tomorrow and enjoy them every day until they're gone.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    I eat whatever I want, in the quantities that fit in my macros and overall goals. It doesn't make me sad to only have a reasonably portion of something - if I want more, there is always tomorrow and a new chance to make it fit. It's never the last whatever in the world.

    Same here...:) Tomorrow I'm making red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I'm going to keep 3 for myself and the rest will be shared with work because there's no way cupcakes would last past 3 days and I live alone. Everything in moderation!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I hope I learn to feel that way..........

    For me, this has a lot to do with habits. 2 years ago, i would have thought the idea of eating only 1-2 cookies totally ridiculous, unless i was following the cookies with ice cream lol. These days, 2 cookies seems like a reasonable portion that I am able to enjoy without grieving over not being able to eat cookies number 3-20. That doesn't mean I never want the extra slice of pizza, the additional ice cream, the whole bag of chips, it's just a lot easier for me now to make the choice to stop sooner.

    as someone else also mentioned...the first bites are the best. after a while it's just mindless eating.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I totally get it. It seems like the people saying they can eat whatever they want aren't understanding that you WANT more banana bread, so you aren't able to eat all you want. It's one thing to eat whatever you want and another to get to eat it in the portion that you want. If I my husband is eating a lot of something while I enjoy my little portion that fits in my calories, it can be pretty sad to eat mine sooooo sloooowly to "savor" it, so I don't finish a ton sooner than him and feel completely jealous!

    Same here. I'm glad so many people seem to have cured themselves from wanting to eat all the food but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to just eat.

    It pisses me off to have to stop at 1 cookie or have a little teeny tiny piece of cake because eating the whole slice is more calories than I have in a day. I WANT to be able to go to a Chinese buffet and pig out if I feel like it. As it is right now I'm on TDEE. I have 1800 calories.. makes no difference what I do. I could go work out for hours and still have 1800 calories..I need to eat breakfast & lunch and I can't eat shi# at a Chinese buffet for 700 calories.. I'm glad everyone else can but sometimes I just want to eat food without having to give a carp about how many calories I have.

    After 65+ lbs, sometimes I just do it..and I don't feel the least bit guilty about it either :P I'm happy for everyone who is happy to just have 1 portion of something but I am not and probably never will be. Personally I feel like I'm starving all the time, I feel deprived and annoyed when the special occasions come around that I have to 'count'. I do everything in moderation but its the moderation that I wish I didn't need :P
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    YES! I stuggle with that all the time. Sometimes I just want to eat without worrying about calories or portions!
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    One of my big breakthroughs (mentally) was realizing that I had allowed eating to become a hobby. It is so fun to eat -- eat ALL the things! This was why restricting calories was so disheartening for me -- I was asking myself to give up one of my favorite hobbies! It's not fair! But I've been a good girl!

    I don't know if you're the same way, but what helped me was to really amp up the focus on all my other hobbies -- to have more fun so I don't feel like I'm being punished. The other side of the coin is, when I DO eat, it better be the tastiest, best quality food I can find, so I can really enjoy it.

    It's taken me months to change this mindset of food-as-hobby, but I do much better now, and the feelings of extreme longing have diminished. I hope you can find some relief, because (I know it sounds strange but) it is torture not to be able to give in to those cravings. Good luck! :)
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Nothing is going to taste as good and skinny is going to feel

    Back up to my comment on page 3 (I believe) for reference on this quote.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Nothing is going to taste as good and skinny is going to feel

  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    It was a hobby for me too. It was often my greatest pleasure. It was comfort and love. It was a reward. It was relaxing. It was always available when I wanted/needed it. And I DID NOT want to ever give it up.

    One of my big breakthroughs (mentally) was realizing that I had allowed eating to become a hobby. It is so fun to eat -- eat ALL the things! This was why restricting calories was so disheartening for me -- I was asking myself to give up one of my favorite hobbies! It's not fair! But I've been a good girl!

    I don't know if you're the same way, but what helped me was to really amp up the focus on all my other hobbies -- to have more fun so I don't feel like I'm being punished. The other side of the coin is, when I DO eat, it better be the tastiest, best quality food I can find, so I can really enjoy it.

    It's taken me months to change this mindset of food-as-hobby, but I do much better now, and the feelings of extreme longing have diminished. I hope you can find some relief, because (I know it sounds strange but) it is torture not to be able to give in to those cravings. Good luck! :)
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    No way. Im glad i know i cant eat whatever I want. Its what drives me to burn 1000 calories everyday, so I CAN eat whatever I want, or atleast not feel guilty about eating it.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    What I want to do


    What I really do (98% of the time) is take my time eating, so I know when I'm getting full, and I pre-log so I know how much I have room for in my day. I could put away almost a whole large pizza from Ledo's back in my gorge-myself-silly days. When I'm conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth, it helps me stay on track, and still eat the things I like.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Just wondering how you can burn 1,000 calories in a day?
    No way. Im glad i know i cant eat whatever I want. Its what drives me to burn 1000 calories everyday, so I CAN eat whatever I want, or atleast not feel guilty about eating it.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    When you reach your goal, or even before, you will be able to eat all the peanut butter cups and maintain. You just can't do it every day:)
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    I eat whatever I want, in the quantities that fit in my macros and overall goals. It doesn't make me sad to only have a reasonably portion of something - if I want more, there is always tomorrow and a new chance to make it fit. It's never the last whatever in the world.

    agree! LOVE this. I try not to deprive myself (hate the word diet because that is what i associate with sadness and depriving and have been on horrible diets since grade school) and so i tell myself that within moderation everything is okay.
  • sparkle814
    sparkle814 Posts: 78 Member
    Yep. I do miss wolfing down seven or eight servings of things. When I have ice cream now, I get out my half a cup measuring cup and sit down and slowly eat my one serving. And I enjoy it. But there are times I want to just stand in the kitchen with carton and spoon and have at it. I know there are people who eat like crap and manage to stay relatively slim. Sometimes I get to thinking it's not fair that I have to eat reasonably to stop getting fatter. (I recognize how ridiculous of a thought that is lol.) So yeah, I hear you! For the most part I have been able to manage to tell my inner fat kid to shut the hell up since February when I started this healthier lifestyle. haha!
  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    I definitely know how you feel since I've cut out a lot of junk foods in my diet too.
    All snacks now have to be planned to fit into my daily calorie allowance which eliminates them most days. :(

    I don't know if sad is the best word, yup, I'm bummed sometimes, but I try to build the banana bread into the day, it certainly means eliminating other stuff, and I certainly don't do it often,,, but I do have days when I eat a little bit more than I should, just not very often,, I like being healthier and the only way is to eat healthier ,, stay strong