Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • brashear_2420
    Good morning! It is finally Friday. Yay!!!! I had a great run with Tamara last night. I ran/jogged the whole way for 70 minutes. It was not our fastest time, but it was a steady pace. Today I am so sore. My legs and butt muscles hurt so bad. I am exhausted too. I have so much to get done in the next week. I did not workout this morning and I will not be able to workout tonight. I am going ot start packing and then cleaning tonight. I think that alone will be a great workout in itself. Oh and I am only 1 pound about goal wieght. I lost 3.5 pounds this week from my weekend gain.

    Tamara - Thanks for the run and dinner last night. Both were great. Stay positive snd don't let the gain get you down. You got this my friend.

    Marcie - Great job on your loss. You are going to hit the 10 pound mark soon. I know it doesn't seem like enough each week, but you just have to hang in there.

    Robin - I am glad to see you are still here. I am really excited about your loss this week. I hope your cough goes away soon. Sometimes working out even when you are sick will help. Breaking a sweat and getting your blood pumping might help break all that funk up. Keep it up.

    Deneen - Where are you lady?

    Kim - Hang in there. I am sorry that you are having a hard time. Keep your head up and pushing forward.

    Gail - How has your week been?

    Jessica - Enjoy the picinic...even if it has been raining. Sometimes playing in the mud can be fun.

    Have a great day everyone. I will try to check in tomorrow.
  • GLW1969
    Hi all this week started off fun fun fun.. not it's rain, rain , rain and run here and there for band for my daughter .
    i have noticed i haven't been as motivated since its been raining (thanks a lot tropical depression HERMINE)
    we had rain since very late Tuesday into early Wednesday . we needed the rain but this much all at once tends to make one feel blah! we had left over cake and ice cream of which i managed to get none of thanks to the kids.
    i should have hopped on the scale when i took the kids to the docs Tuesday but it didn't cross my mind at the time.
    i finally got the doc to inform my son he has to get more active then he is so now we are going to have a trio of us working out since i have 2 sons and a daughter she just comes along for support she will eventually get bored with us doing things but i am going to make plans for us to play basketball or just kick it around or do 4 square in the drive.
    might dredge up a few old toys to have the kids help wear out our 7 puppies (which im looking to give away the pups that is ) i found out there is city wide get moving or get fit program in our area it costs 20$ per person to sign up for i plan to investigate further into the program and see what its about.
    well i am off to finish laundry and take care of the puppies which is a nice 10 minute long play with them while i feed them thing i have to do 3 - 4 times threw the day .

    have fun this week end all !!!!!.
    i might respond to an ad i recently saw for a church wanting a cleaning person sound like its right up my alley :D

    oh yeah if i haven't added ya'll to my friends list I'm still working on finding every one ..
  • addiograsso
    Good Morning All -
    I would love to touch base with each of you individually and promise to be back in high gear next week. I've been online each day, "lurking" as Marcie calls it... ;) Logging my food, etc. I've just been overloaded at work and home and don't have much time to write. Week is going surprisingly well however and am hoping to post another loss next week. Have REALLY been watching my food as we will be out of town this weekend - FOR FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay and no little ones... :) I will miss her/them, but it will be so nice to have some grown up time and no work or BS... :)
    We are bringing the laptop so I may be able to sneak on here an there, but just in case I am taking a journal and logging ALL of my food - no matter what... :)
    I am sooooo very happy to be a part of MFP and especially this wonderful group of ladies - you all are so helpful and inspiring.
    Bobbie - So glad to have you back and hear you're hard at it. My goal is the same as yours for 10/23 - I'm in a wedding.
    Marcie - thanks for the kind words
    Shari - Good luck in Mexico - we will miss you!!!
    Marcie, Jessica, Gail - Thanks for all your positivity and posts - hope we're all "LOSERS" next week!

    Have a great weekend!
  • heyfishon
    I feel so much better today!! I did my weigh-in and LOST 5LBS. :happy:


  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    WOW Kim great job. Now that is something to be proud of

    Bobbies- WTG too getting rid of that wieght you added while visitn your hubs.

    I am so thankful to have found you guys for a few reason but right now its mainly because I can see the struggle that bobbie and tamara have after hitting goal. I guess when you are trying to lose alot of wieght (or maybe its just me) you kind of get into the mind that once you hit goal that you dont have to work as hard and that it will just stay off. I know sounds so nieve when I type it out like that. But its nice to be able to watch everything unfold after goal. You see all these great stories (like tamara) on tv shows and such and all you see if the before and after and nothing else after goal. Its refreshing to be able to see what happens after goal and that this is truly a lifestyle change and its permanent. Anyways i hope that made sense. Im still all jumbled in the brain about the darn cat. Its consuming my every thought lol.

    Oh and the rain stopped when we left and it hasnt rained anymore and the mud was not bad AT ALL. it just was abit chilly for us parents that werent running around (though I guess I should have huh)
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hello LOSERS, (got that from Deneen) :laugh:

    Well as most of you saw...I lost 1.5lbs. While I'm happy....I'm still not satisfied. I guess as I'm getting older my metabolisim is slowing down and I can't lose as fast as I had before. Gonna keep on trucking along though!! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is the quienceañera (basically a coming out party for a 15 year old girl), sorta like a Sweet 16. I'm excited to see family we haven't seen in a while. I was not able to find the dress I was trying to get into for this event(they did not have my size), but I found another one that will do just as well. I'm hoping I will be good and stay within my calories....but may treat myself to a good glass of wine! :tongue:

    Well I guess Mrs. Shari is off to Mexico....not a peep out of her in 3 days, but she did say she would be busy and flyig out today...hopefully she can post something while there.

    Today is my W4D3 of C25K. This rotation is hard for me because I have to jog 5 min straight, but I have was able to do it on Monday and Wednesday. I am going to sign up for a 5K in October, so I best start getting used to it.

    Well losers, I need to get going...need to clean up my desk before I bolt out of here...Will try to post over the weekend, but not making any promises! Adios amigas!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone just checking in for a monent we had my son first ballgame of the season..13-14 yr old divison is a whole new ball game.. Well we lost anyways6-4 our players were in a bad mood, oh well you win some you lose some.. On tap tomorrow is a 10 mile run as my first half marathon is 2 weeks from tomorrow!! so its 10 miles tomorrow 12 miles next saturday wish me luck..

    Off to bed ya'll enjoy your weekend!!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning team.. I did 12 miles this morning 2 hours 1 minute 30 seconds not to shabby, had a veggie packed omlet for recovery and I am so full!!!

    Well off to take daughter to gynmnastics. hope everyone has an awesome day!!!

    Take time to remember 9/11 my friends, I know exactly where I was do you??
  • brashear_2420
    Good afternoon everyone. Today is a rough day for me. I am packing up our apartment all by myself. It is very hard to stay focused and motivated when all I want to do is look at all of our things. I want to think about the memories that go along with every thing. This is very difficult for me. I talked to DH this morning and he has PT today and errands. He is getting a hair cut and finishing a book for class and then going to a movie. I wish I could be with him. It just sucks because I feel like we are living two separate lives right now. I wish he was here to help, but I know he has to be there. I really didn't think it would be this hard, but it is. I have cried at least a dozen times this morning and my bladder is going crazy. I swear I have to pee every 10 minutes today. My period should be here in the next few days and I feel so out of whack. All I want to do is eat and I know I can't. I wanted to run today, but I have too much to get done here. I am moving next Saturday. I am hoping the following week will be much easier for me. Fingers crossed that it will be. Okay time to get back to work. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I should be back to my chipper self in a few days.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Ok everyone its Monday morning time to get back to it..I am thinking I am gonna need to send a much needed private message to everyone. This is not easy, it never will be, so it so much worth your time and effort I promise...

    I stayed busy all weekend, which makes my weekend fly by..

    Bobbie- Awesome job packing, please dont kill me next sat after I run 14 miles!!!

    Jessica- Checking on the kitty and kiddos? How is school going??

    Kim- Are you hanging in there??

    Shari- We all know you are living it up in Mexico!!

    Marcie- Good job on the loss, super proud of you!!

    Deneen- where are you my friend???

    Ok challange for this week, grab a team mate of our and send a message to them and tell them to get back to posting!!! Its essential we support each other, because like I said it doesnt get any easier..

    On tap for today..
    Gym from 5-620
    cleaning from730 to 1030
    running from 11-12
    cleaning 12-4
    running 530-63

    Another busy day.. I like it that way, since I am off today I will use my time wisely..Ok I am sending a message now to someone!!

    Have an awesome day my friends!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Tamara- great news, the cat seems perfectly fine. Im so relieved that I dont have to worry anymore. Just gotta fight the fleas that he has seem to caught from either the rodents or the bat. I can handle that. Im pretty relieved to say the least. Kids are rotten as always though some very nice waitress at a local restuarant told me how well behaved they are. HAHHAA I wanted to ask if she was sure she was seeing the same kids I was seeing. I dont post much on weekends since my husband is home the weekend and being without a car all week makes it busy errands wise when he is home. We are having a local machinacs shop come and tow it today hopefully and if its not to expensive it will get fixed by friday. Im really hoping its not a crazy price they throw out there because really we cant afford over 200 but i can push alittle over 300. I just am ready to have my van back and get back into our cold weather routine and our YMCA membership back (if we get approved for financal aid again). I want to sign the kids up for swim and since we are doing school at home I need to get in those PE hours which isnt bad this year since shes half day K.

    Ok so I FINALLY got my friend to join mfp. Im excited and I really hope she is ready fully and sticks with it. SO many reasons for her to get healthier and lose all the weight she put on from pregnancy. She put on alot of weight with her first almst 7 years ago. I am going to have her join all your woonderful ladies soon too since you all are great at keeping everyone motivated. Her first concern (which is the same as mine was the very first time tracking food) was not being ableto eat that many calories. I told her she will surprised how many calories really are in the things we eat and what portion sizes we really are eating. I know a long time ago before I even knew about portion sizes I was eating probably 3 servings of cereal each morning.

    Ok Im off to start school and my daughter as online assessment thingy with her teacher this morning which Im dreading but o well.
  • JoyJulRay
    JoyJulRay Posts: 99 Member
    I joined after seeing the Today show also. This site is great, glad I found it.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I joined after seeing the Today show also. This site is great, glad I found it.

    Welcome Joyce post here often we are gonna start another challange probably wednesday probably wen everyone gets back on the wagon!!! Glad you are here!!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning and Happy Monday. I had a busy weekend. I packed my entire apartment on Saturday and it kicked my butt. I worked yesterday and then worked on picture projects. I have had way too much to do and I still do. I am looking forward to my run with Tamara. I need something to kick my butt back into gear. I am seriously struggling right now and frustrated. I have to stay off the scale, but I want to see goal weight again. Oh well, there is not much I can do about it.

    Have a goo day everyone.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I had a very busy weekend too! I did not log in on Saturday. I logged what I could remember yesterday. I had a wonderful time at our little cousin's 15 on Saturday. I got some complements on my weight loss, so that felt good! :wink:
    Sunday I left home at 9:30am and did not get back until 3:30pm, running around taking care of stuff. My hunny and I went for an evening jog yesterday and he kicked my butt! I call him my drill sargeant, he pushed me and I'm glad he did now, but I wanted to smack him at the time. :mad:

    Anyways, I am pretty sleepy today...I stayed up late talking with my son who is in Afghanistan on Skype. It felt soooo goooood to hear my baby's voice. Of course I cried. :sad: I miss him terribly, but I know he is doing something good for our country and something that he wants to do. I am very proud of him. are so right...this is not easy and the faster we realize that this is a lifetime change, the better we will all be!

    Well work is calling I best hit it! You all have a wonderful and blessed Monday!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    ok for everyone who dont know me here is the story I posted for joys ft club the full essay of my life!!!

    Hope I dont bore you!!!

    Hi, my name is Tamara Fortune. I am 31 years old and a wife and mother of two fabulous children. Justin who is 12 years old, Jade who will be 6 in a few days. I work as a waitress in a busy restaurant called cracker barrel which I am sure many of you have heard of.
    I have always been the big friend the one that made all the jokes about being fat to hide behind m y weight the one who would have big get together and cook for everyone, because that’s what made people laugh and I thought if they are laughing they are liking it. I didn’t like to go anywhere by myself because I knew people were starring saying wow she is big. I always always took my children with me as I knew they were cute and everyone could look at them instead of looking at me.
    On Aug 17, 2008 I weighed in at my all time high of 278 pounds. I had worked a busy Sunday morning at Cracker Barrel from 8-12 getting off early to celebrate my daughters 4th birthday party. I needed to run by the store real quick to buy her a few present and then headed home to change my clothes. By the time we got to her party I was exhausted, I sat down on the bench and not to move again. My fabulous husband had to do the whole party by himself, opening presents, cutting cake, chasing after about 10 children in a busy children play area. I felt so bad for him but my feet hurt so bad I couldn’t move. I remember leaving that afternoon riding in the car with my kids and Jason (Husband) and thinking to myself I am never going to be this fat again.
    I went to work the next day at a daycare that I was working part time at and told the ladies there, “Hey I am going on a diet!!!” They all laughed and said yeah right, as I had walked in the door every morning to work with sonic in hand. I went grocery shopping the next morning before work and bought my grocery to the daycare to keep them in the fridge so I wouldn’t have any excuses not to eat right.
    My children birthday parties were always horrible as I knew everyone was looking at me, or so I thought they were.
    My favorite part of going food shopping was all the candy bars at the checkout stand, I would buy three of four of them and have two of them eaten before I had even gotten to the car.
    I have always been a family girl. I live for my children and my husband. I told myself I need to get healthy for them if I want to be around to see them grow up.
    In May 2009 we found out that our son had a heart condition where he was not allowed to be overweight. How could I tell my baby he couldn’t have a cheeseburger, his momma was pushing 300 pounds. I was glad that day that back in Aug I had decided to do something about my weight, from what I had learn already in the short time I could teach him a thing or two. He has lost about 25 pounds due to eating differently.
    My biggest size ever was a 28 pants and a 3x shirt. My friend April Berry came up to me and said Tamara I have been searching website to help lose weight and I think you should check this one out. She stated how much she lad loved it and she thought I would to, as we are a lot alike. I told her April I just don’t have time for all this I am busy. She said just come here anyways and look, I did it was called Its where you log all your food you eat for the day and it tells you how many calories you get based upon the information you put into the website prior to. I was like ok April, and I shrugged it off. Secretly I went home to take a look at it. When Aug 17 had come I was like ok, I have no choice, I have to do this, I have husband, children, something has got to give. I am ready to do this I tell myself and I logged on to the website and loaded all my information and it was there that changed my life.
    I hit goal weight of 150 pounds on July 22, 2009, two days after my 30th birthday. And even today I am weighing in right around 136-139 pounds. On Oct 3 2009 I ran my first half marathon in two hour 32 minutes, out of 2000 runners I placed 1134. This year I am already registered to walk a 5k on Sept 18, 2010 with a great group of friends I met at my local Y. I have even become friends with trainers and we all work out together and push each other. I work out 6 days a week and lift weights 5 days a week. Also, on Sept 25, 2010 I am running a half marathon in my dad honor as it falls directly on his birthday. Then on Oct 16, 2010 I will run another half marathon
    I have lost a total of 142 pounds. I have lost over half of me. In Jan 2010 I lost my father to a heart attack that was most likely brought on by his serve diabetes at the age of 54. I knew right then and there I had stopped this horrible monster dead in its track. I was not allowing it to get me or my children.
    There are many people I give credit to for my success. First and foremost, my husband who put up with me during the grumpy times, the times I was withdrawing from sugar overload. Second of all my children, who stuck with me and even ran with me or rode their bikes alongside me to encourage me. The family members who had to listen to I can’t eat that it has too many calories in it; I need my scale I got to weigh my food. The hundreds of friends who supported me and understood when I didn’t want to have a get together for the fear of over eating. Lastly, the black team from myfitnesspal who picked me up when I was down, who encouraged me to keep going, the ones I cried to who truly understood what I was going through, the ones that said Tamara it’s worth it.
    I am proud to say that as I sit here and tell my story my mom has since joined me on this journey. On Monday evening I have even started a walking group at 5 pm. My life couldn’t be more perfect.

    As you can tell they took this essay and re worded it fo a 15 second spt, but it worked so I am happy. Off to run 4 miles with trainer then an awesome 6 mile run with bobbie tonight..Hope everyone is having an awesome day!!

    Bobbie- Love you girlie, keep your head up, its almost over!!!
  • addiograsso
    I'm baaaaaaacccccck! :)
    I am swamped today, but have LOTS to say and lots to share... - will catch up this afternoon. It's taking me most of the morning to log all my food from the weekend... :( Geez - and I wonder how I weighed 267 pounds?!?!?!? NOT! Good gravy, this is a lifestyle change - not a diet!
    I have caught up on most of the posts and congrats to all of you who are "keepin on, keepin on..." :)
    Look forward to touching base with all of you! Be back before the end of the day.

    XOXO -
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good tuesday mornig everyone..what a fabulous hard workout day I had yesterday,all so worth it.. I am proud of myself for not giving up ir giving in when I thought the pain was gonna carry me away..

    Deneen glad to see you are here..

    Bobbie-Awesome awesome run!!!

    Jessica- How did the machanic go?

    Kim- Did you have a good weekend??

    Shari- I know your in mexico living it up, just wanted to give you a shoot out!!

    Marcie- How was work?

    Meon tap today cardio from 5-620 then home to get kiddos off to school doing some business paperwork, then back to the gym at 830 to lift with personal trainer, then home for more cleaning..I didnt get as much done yesterday as I wanted to, i had to keep toteing parts to my husband that he was forgetting,oh well,you gotta do what you gotta do..

    Drinking my coffee and eating my frecnh toast, I actually added another piece of toast since I was only eating 130 calories before a 750 calories burn.. I hope everyone has an awesome day!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara- well DH decided that he didnt want to pay the 50 bucks to have them tow the car to the machanic so he had the brilliant idea to push it with my van the 2 miles. Yea I told hm that was insane and the 50 he would e saving wouldnt be worth it if we got a ticket DUH. plus its a very busy street right when school elt out and teh school is right there across the street. So he gave up and called the machanic back but it was too late. He will be picking the car up this morning some time. Im really hoping he doesnt want to charge an arm and leg to fix it.
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning and Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope everyone is off to a great start today. I know that I am! I had a fantastic run with Tamara yesterday. I did not run the whoel time, but I did not walk very much. I think maybe 5 or 6 minutes the whole time. I can totally live with that. I had a great night last night. I finished my picture projects and I got to talk to my wonderful hubby. It was great. I was actually in bed around 10:30 last night. It was so nice.

    I got up at 4:30 and went for a 30 minute run. It was absolutely perfect for a run this morning. The weather is so nice. There is a nice crispness in the air and you know fall is coming. The sky was a beautiful blue and even though it was cloudy, it was full of stars. I could feel my DH all around me. He was up getting ready for classes while I was running. We woke up at the same time in different time zones and I can feel him tell me "Good Morning Beautiful" still. Oh how wonderfu it is.

    Today I work and then I have a few errands. I might try to get in a Jillian video tonight, but that all depends on how long the errands take.

    Tamara - I am very proud of you and us for our runs. I have a bum knee and a huge blister ro prove how good we did. lol

    Marcie - I love the new profile shot.

    Jessica - You have to love the DH's bright ideas sometimes.

    Deneen - How are you? Come back to us.

    We need ot get this post going again ladies. Do not give up on us. I feel like we are losing momentum and people on here. Attention all you lurkers...Come out Come out where ever you are!

    Have a great day everyone.