Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    marcie- Thankyou :blushing:

    OK so I was thinking about changing my wiegh in to fridays since thats when you guys weigh and I really like the thought since weekends are my week point and apparently we didn't lose our Y scholoriship yet since they tookl out the fee yesterday from my account so Ill be going to the y alot when I get my van back. Anyways I was thinking if the number stayed the same as wednesday i would switch. Well shockingly I lost a lb since wed so Ill be on the friday weigh ins now :D
  • addiograsso
    :smooched: Good Morning, Losers... :happy: (She says affectionately)...
    How is everyone this Friday morning? It sounds like everyone did FABULOUS!!!! Congratulations!

    Marcie - Nice Post! Congrats on the 1lb off...;)

    Bobbie - 3 lbs - that is FABULOUS. Good luck packing this weekend. Keep out a radio as one of your last things and just play some music in the background...:wink: Great job on your run last night, too...

    Tamara - WOWIE! 3 more pounds - that is VERY impressive - I realize that losing that much weight in a week when you are at your goal is VERY HARD - Congrats to you. Congrats on the continued motivation to be your best self, too! Good Luck on your race this weekend - you'll do great!

    Jessica - glad your week is improving... ;) car fixed, cat ok, lost some more weight, home schooling going well - those are some big accomplishments - Good for you!

    Kim - congrats again on passing your test and keeping your head up through the computer adversity. Technology is great, but it sure can stress you out... :explode: Money is the root of all evil - I always say... (tee hee hee):wink: Hang in there honey - and tell your husband it's been a week and it's time to call! :) Can't wait to get a cup of coffee with you someday...

    Ok - now where are the rest of you!??!?!? We need to keep motivating, logging our food, exercise, achievements, etc! Come back to the thread - we all need each other...:flowerforyou:

    So, methinks we need some challenges - just to keep motivated. I know that I haven't been "pushing" and I personally have some pretty big goals in the next 4-6 weeks! I welcome anyone to post some ideas for challenges, but if everyone's ok with me doing so, I will take the liberty of suggesting a few...:wink:

    Friday - Drink all your water - LOG ALL YOUR FOOD - no matter what!:smile::drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Saturday - NO junk food! AND SMILE!!!!! :bigsmile: A smile is a cheap gift that you always get back in return... :happy:

    Sunday - 25 situps, 15 pushups (girlie ones are ok)

    Monday - Eat one extra serving of veggies today and add an extra 10 minutes to whatever your workout is AND for good measure... 25 situps and 15 pushups...:laugh: This will get us back into the swing of the week!

    Tuesday - Eat one extra serving of fruit today and drink all your water AND for good measure...
    25 situps and 15 pushups

    That should do for now - again, feel free to add or delete - just some thoughts... ;)

    Well, I wanted to share a good day with everyone today! I feel really, really good today! I have on a new pair of jeans (a size smaller - thank you very much...) and i've had several people at the office comment on how "sassy" I look and golly gee, I feel pretty sassy. I know I have a LONG way to go, but it's the little victories that win the war!

    Happy Friday everyone! Thanks to you all for being my friends... ;)

  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    great goals deneen and breaking it down that way I gues I did havea nice week. I should think about the week as a whole like that everyweek :D makes me smile
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    everyone hey struggling here, cried all day.. I am in need of a change, I need to go to maintaince, so I have flipped my ticker over we shall see.. I wont be weighing again until nov 1, so wish me luck, I have to write every day how I am feeling!!! intsead of weight becasue since I am changing from 1400 calories to 2100 is alot
  • GLW1969
    Hi all, i have been struggling with ttotm this past week feeling blah had to increase water intake since i noticed i was drinking less because i honestly don not like the local water on tap and refuse to buy it bottled since seeing how the packaging process happens on a t.v. program where algae was growing in a few plants that produce the bottled water.
    i also increased the dark green leafy veggies to help with my iron levels and tried to lower my caffeine intake. i ended up getting sick from a stomach bug from one of the kids. i also found out that my fathers heart monitoring report had come back . the doctor said it was normal he has to go see his vascular doctor now to find out about his stent replacements in his legs and see if they are working like they should. but mainly have been cooped up indoors most of this past week due to the rains from the tropical weather the came up threw Texas and a cold front the swung down
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    everyone hey struggling here, cried all day.. I am in need of a change, I need to go to maintaince, so I have flipped my ticker over we shall see.. I wont be weighing again until nov 1, so wish me luck, I have to write every day how I am feeling!!! intsead of weight becasue since I am changing from 1400 calories to 2100 is alot

    Tamara, Wha'ts going on? Why are you crying? You are doing such an awesome job!! We are here for you.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    everyone hey struggling here, cried all day.. I am in need of a change, I need to go to maintaince, so I have flipped my ticker over we shall see.. I wont be weighing again until nov 1, so wish me luck, I have to write every day how I am feeling!!! intsead of weight becasue since I am changing from 1400 calories to 2100 is alot

    Tamara, Wha'ts going on? Why are you crying? You are doing such an awesome job!! We are here for you.

    Marcie- Thanks for caring..Its just really hard to lose as much as I have and for 2 years eaten the sae amount of calories, and then all the sudden relieze that if you dont flip to maintaince becasue you have no more fat to lose it just as unhealthy to be 300 pounds.. I lost 3.6 pounds yes, but at this point I shouldnt be I am 18 pounds under goal weight and instead of losing fat ( becasue I haev already lost it all) I am losing it from muscle, which is not a good thing.. One of th next muscle it will come from is my heart and I dont want that, I am young and I have to do this for me..

    I am good this morning, new slate today I will start eating my 2100 calories.. I am gonna attempt 14 mile run this morning and then help bobbie move..

    Ya'll keep trucking laong the journey is well worth it, just know its doesnt get any easier!!! Thanks ya'll for being here!!
  • heyfishon
    Hi Everyone:

    Well, sickness has entered our home. My daughter 1st, and now our son. I am hoping my husband & I don't get it, yuk!! It's wet and rainy today, family watching football.

    I am feeling a bit depressed, my mom is leaving for Arizona on Monday. They go to Mesa for 6 months out of the year, and it always makes me sad when she is gone. We get along really well, she is my canasta partner. I will miss her a lot.

    Also, my husband & I are not really communicating really well lately, I think its just the stress of all this job stuff going on, still no word. I am not mentioning anything much about following up right now, but I am praying that God is talking to him and that he may do that on Monday.

    My weigh in on Friday was no loss, and a .5 gain I think. I need to be drinking more water too!

    I am just feeling blah right now. Last weekend was such a high for us with the possibility of work ect... weight loss and such. This weekend is a complete opposite for me!

    Deneen instead of coffee I think I need a Mai Tai on the beach!!

    Tamara - I agree why are you sad, you have accomplished so much!! DON'T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF!!

    Jessica - I used to work at the YMCA doing childcare when our 2 were little in trade for a full family membership. I loved the YMCA. We have so many activities we can do here on the resort and I just don't participate like I should, I know.

    I wonder when the desire will come for exercise?????

    Well sorry for the downer of a post, but just not feeling that great with everything that is going on.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone real qucik post, Have to get ready for work..

    Busy day yesterday ran 14 miles and then helped bobbie move, as I didnt do very much..

    I have already logged my food for the day and I am on schedule to eat 1839 I think, boy I am gonna be eating all day..

    I had an yummy egg sandwich for breakfast with an orange talk about OMG yummy, it hit the spot totally..

    working til 3 today so ya'll have an awesome day

    Kim- Some days we just have a bad day and need to vent and thats what we are here for..vent away my friend

    Jessica I hope your having a great weekend.

    Bobbie see you in a few hours

    Gail- I hope your doing awesome!!

    Marcie and Deneen- Hope ya'll are enjoying the weekend!!!
  • addiograsso
    Hello on this gloomy Sunday -
    It seems everyone is in a bit of a funk. Well, we'll turn it around, I know. Like Tamara said, sometimes you just got to get it out and then move on...

    Tamara - Please, please, please feel free to say anything. As you have eluded to being a creature of habit, I'm sure this CHANGE is very hard. You've accomplished SO MUCH and there has to be an UNBELIVEVABLE amount of pressure. You've done things that a lot of people can't do and don't even try to do. Be proud of yourself and enjoy your new body. Apparently your body is crying out for some food - give it to her... ;) You can feed her lots of yummy food and you now know the tricks to stay fit - you'll do great in this next phase of your life, too... ;) Pretty soon, this will be your new habit/way to do things! You take CARE of yourself and as Kim said don't be too hard on you. Just take the time to be proud of what you've done and enjoy your new calorie goal... :)

    I only have about 5 mins to say hey to everyone else - so HEY everyone else - let's put on a smile and get ready for a new week... :)

    Kim - Yes, forget coffee - let's do umbrella drinks by the water - count me in... when life hands you lemons, make HARD lemonade... :) tee hee hee.

    I just had to go try on Bridesmaids dresses... ICK! I now have to face the fact that i can't LOSE 75 pounds by October 23rd... (tee hee hee). SO, I better just make the best of the next 4 weeks and be the best me I can be... :)

    Talk to you all on Monday. Here's to a better us - whatever that is... ;)

  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    OK busy day, Alivia has a stupid test to take 40 minutes away but there is a huge playground over there so we will be going there with packed lunches (I hope). Im kinda sluggish this morning as I am every flipping morning. It frusterates me because I need to be more of a morning person and no matter how much sleep I get at night (which is normally not alot and broken up) or how early I go to bed I just can not get motivated in the morning. Its been like this for as long as I can remember. I hate coffee and I dont care much for tea (though I did buy some berry blend green tea, I may try some warm tomorow but i dunno) so I cant just have a cup of caffine and go. Though my husband commented to a waitress a few weekends ago that I dont drink coffee or tea in the morning and still get up with two kids and home school and take care of everything and he has no clue how I manage. Well I dont lol I just drag along and the last couple days of the school week last week I was yawning while doing lessons and almost nodding off while she did her worksheets. I though losing weight was suppose to give more energy. I dont feel any different, just lighter I guess.

    OK off to pack lunches I suppose, though I dont have my usual pringle to go with my PB sandwhich so Im kinda bummed.I have to have a crunchy with my pb sandwhich (and I hate crunchy pb though). Maybe Ill stop and pick some up on the way. Wish we had a drive through dollar store or something lol so I dont hve to get outa the van with two kids.
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning and Happy Monday!

    Sorry I was MIA this weekend, but it was a very busy and long weekend. I started my to do list on Friday and nothing about my ay went right. I had a couple crying fits that day, but I got all my stuff to my wonderful in-laws. Then they took me out to dinner to spoil me. I am very fortunate to have them in my life and I am so thankful for all of there help. Saturday was another crazy day. Again, nothing went right and it was a very long and frustrating day. I didn't get to have dinner till 8:45 that night if that tells you anything. The best part of Saturday was that I got to Skype with my DH for almost 3 hours and see his sweet face. It was fabulous. I over slept for work Sunday and then that threw me off, but I managed to still have a good day. I didn't make as much money because I was late, but it happens. I got my netbook up and running, my wedding ring came back in and fits perfectly, and I got new runnign shoes. My wonderful in-laws grilled steak and veggies last night and it was so yummy. It was just want I needed. Then I got to skype with Geoff again and even woke up to a sweet good morning text. I have missed talking to him and seeing his face, but now I get to do it a lot more. Yay!

    Okay so today I am in a great mood. I work today and then go for my run with Tamara. It is going to be a fabulous run. I have to break in my new shoes.

    Tamara will post later, but she was running behind this morning.

    Tamara - Keep it up sister. You can make this change and you can do this. I am always here any time that you need support. Thanks for all that you do and for all your help. Love ya girlie.

    Deneen - I like hearing about the sassy you and the fact that you got into a smaller size jeans. Way to go girl!

    Jessica - I like weighing on Friday because the weekends are hard to stay in routine. You usually wind up having a splurge or two over the weekend.

    Marcie - How are you girlie?

    Gail - I am sorry you are struggling. Please stick with us. You can do this and it is worth it!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone, bobbie and I cancelled run this evening due to both not feeling well, and I need my body to rest as much as it can this week since my marathon is on sat..

    I will post in a littel bit I am running running running, when will it stop, probably never!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning. How is everyone? I am still not feeling great, but I am functioning. I am completely exhausted and my throat is swollen. I self medicated last night and went to bed early. There was no working out for me, but it is okay. I am serving tonight and that will have to be my workout. I am on target for calories today so if I miss a workout then no worries. My health has to come first.

    I hope everyone is having a great week so far and a good day!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hey everyone....I won't be on too much this week...just long enough to log my food.

    Our 2 year old ganddaughter is in the hospital. She has been struggling to kick a virus over the last 8 days and finally got so dyhydraded they had to admit her. Long story....gals and I was so unhappy the medical people were not taking my daughter seriously....that is until I went with her and gave them a piece of my mind. She was so bad they couldn't even find a vein to run an IV, they had to put it on her foot. ARGHGHGH!!!

    Anyway.... you guys keep going and I will do the best I can, but it has been tough...Have got no excercie in at all. Doesn't matter my main goal is to see our little angel girl get better.

    Have a good week.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    marcie- OO no I hope she gets better soon. I hate when mom dont get taken seriously. My son struggled with , what I now know as, silent reflux. But because he was a big boy and gaining weight and wasnt fussy the idiot dr we had at the time kept saying that his projectile spit up was normal, even though it smelled very acidicy (if thats a word). I was soo mad because I had alot of ppl asking if I had saw the dr for it. At a year old she said to put him on Silk instead of milk because he would projectile spitup yogurt and milk. I did that and it wasnt any better adn she insisted it was normal and just smiled at me ina condesending way. Spit up in a 1 year old is FAR from normal, especially the amont of spit up he was doing. I was worried about that and about why he was gaining wieght since he didnt keep anything down. Anyways I ended up switching drs and the dr he now sees put him back on soy formula till he was a year and half and it passed but she even said he shoulda been seen for reflux.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    good moring team I am here not feeling the best off to the dr..

    Marcie your in my thoughts
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I wish mental exercise counted towards calories lost lol
    I just spend a half hour at toys r us getting that movie. It better be good. Though it was worth it since I got the free tink watch and I had to get a small toy so I could use all my coupons so I got my son a dollar matchbox car (he is addicted to those) and I got the 10 dollar gift card they gave away for preordering the movie and after everything I ended up paying just 1.45 I think it was. Not to shabby. I must go to a different TRU when picking up beauty and the beast though since this one was trying to say I couldnt use ym disney coupon. but whatever lol.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I wish mental exercise counted towards calories lost lol
    I just spend a half hour at toys r us getting that movie. It better be good. Though it was worth it since I got the free tink watch and I had to get a small toy so I could use all my coupons so I got my son a dollar matchbox car (he is addicted to those) and I got the 10 dollar gift card they gave away for preordering the movie and after everything I ended up paying just 1.45 I think it was. Not to shabby. I must go to a different TRU when picking up beauty and the beast though since this one was trying to say I couldnt use ym disney coupon. but whatever lol.

    what movie did you get jessica? M daghter love match box cars also..

    Just got back from dr and running a few errands.. Fluid behind my ears and severe sinus infection, steriod and better be better before marathon.. Off to go get meds then home to clean!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara- We got the new tinkerbell movie. The great fairy rescue. Im excited about beauty and the best in a couple weeks