"You're still fat"



  • ecottencat
    ecottencat Posts: 46 Member
    Don't let some random girls take your joy out of you. Be happy for your accomplishments. Just because they are skinny does not mean they are happy with who they are. Sometime putting others down is a way for them to feel happy about themselves as sad as that is. So keep your head up you are doing a great job and keep being happy for your accomplishments they will all help you achieve what you want to achieve.
  • PatiencePerceptionandPeace
    I believe in Karma, highly...feel free to FR me and we can be fat together working on our goals. Stupid people suck donkey *kitten* balls
  • janderson289
    People are so mean! I am sorry! I would have flipped them the bird!
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I honestly think you're looking fantastic. You are well on your way and will definitely keep succeeding in your goals! Congrats to you for hitting your 4 mile mark! Those girls will never know what it's like to be big (unless Karma really hits them) so they can't even BEGIN to know the journey you're on and the success you're seeing. They take themselves for granted but people who have to work hard for it (like yourself and everyone here) will be able to embrace their "skinny weight" and love themselves all the more for it.
    Be yourself and screw anyone who tries to steal your joy. You are fabulous!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    One day, you will be healthy AND a good person! All those girls have going for them is right now, they might be healthy.

    Pity them for the poor examples of humanity that they are.
  • henllan
    henllan Posts: 15
    Well they were in a car and you were taking working out and being healthy!! Just because they are skinny doesn't mean that they are healthy - and you are making great steps to get there! Keep it up! You rock!!! xo
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    I notice this original post was from October, and the OP said she was on the verge of losing her 16th lb. Her ticker now says she's lost 29 lbs.

    I'd say that was a pretty major "up yours" to the mean girls, right? :)
  • dimplz1965
    dimplz1965 Posts: 105 Member
    Keep your head up. Some people have no clue, they really don't. It doesn't matter what ANYBODY but says, you take that negativity and turn it into a positive. You'll be just fine. :)
  • ABeltwayBandit23
    Congrats on the 4-mile mark! Keep up the good work.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    First off, well done!!! You're doing fantastic!

    Second off, some people are vile. They're not happy unless they're making others unhappy. Something similar happened to me before i started my weight loss. Two lads and a girl walked past me. One lad said "hey, how are you?" the other said to the girl "wow she's twice your size". Their comments were hurtful but didn't hurt me enough to do anything about it.

    You may have been overweight, but they're ugly inside. Keep doing what you're doing and ignore the small minded people who make snide comments.
  • linda0372
    linda0372 Posts: 27 Member
    first, congratulations on your 4 mile mark.

    2nd, don't let a bunch of immature skinny tricks get to you. people like them are no better. you continue doing what you are doing to make yourself a better you.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Karma has a funny way of working these things out. All the pretty, skinny girls that used to taunt me in junior high are now fat women with fat little kids. I wouldn't wish weight issues on anyone, especially a child, but when I see those mean girls schlepping around with their obese children, I have to wonder if they remember how terribly they treated girls that look just like their own kids, and can only hope they've learned how to be nice to someone regardless of their weight.

    I'm proud of you for working through the shame those strangers hurled at you. Keep up the good work!

    I was thinking this exact same thing as I read the OP. It WILL come back to bite them one day. I'd rather be fat than make someone else feel like crap for the way they look.
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    You can fix fat...but you can NEVER fix stupid or mean......

    Congrats on your goal! Next month 5?
  • MrsJS5
    MrsJS5 Posts: 41 Member
    I am so sorry that this happened to you. I work with teenage girls in an affluent area and they are under so much pressure to look right and have a certain body. Think of the horrible place they must be in to feel the need to do that. What must their lives be like if they do that to a complete stranger? Find a positive affirmation (a goal, a great trait you have, a nice thing you did for someone) and every time what those girls said pops into your head, repeat the positive affirmation instead - scream it in your head if you have to! Replacing a bad thought is like replacing a bad habit, you have to put a good one in it's place.

    It's impossible to be perfect for everyone and you are doing an amazing job doing something positive for you and your future!

    This is one of my favorite quotes that I always think of when I start to compare myself to others:

    "You can be the sweetest, juiciest peach in the world but there will still be people who don't like peaches."
    - Dita Von Teese
  • thatgorsuchkid
    This absolutely broke my heart!

    How dare people think they are so much better than any ONE person, just for some idea of physical "beauty".

    The last time I seen anything like that happen, I walked up to the guys (was making fun of a larger man in a wheelchair), and I gave them every piece of my mind that I could think of.

    One guy went back and apologized to the man.

    I am so sorry that people are so spoiled and disgusting that they can't even see their own filthy selves in the mirror....
  • 2boysmamma
    2boysmamma Posts: 6 Member
    You are right, words do hurt. I have had my share of people to say comments about me over the years. The important thing is to keep your head up and don't let it stop you. Congratulations on your accomplishment!! 4 miles is awesome!!
  • Twinmamamarion
    Twinmamamarion Posts: 33 Member
    Oh, punkin. This makes my heart hurt.

    Something similar happened to me when I was like 12 and delivering papers on my paper route...a truck full of older boys (high school, I assume?) rolled up next to me and said "walk faster, fatty."

    I think I've dealt with the emotional ramifications of that since then, and I'm 36.

    And I know that on a logical level, you know that these girls are crappy people. I also know, that on an emotional level, that doesn't matter.

    Much love. Keep it up.
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    Mean people suck. Funny people rule! (I read your blog, remember?) :smile:
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Them: "You're still fat!"
    Me: "Not for long!"

    They can suck it. You are AWESOME.
  • Aly51313
    Aly51313 Posts: 4 Member
    Ditto the other posters! You are doing really well! I see this is an old post, but I hope you see this!

    Five years ago, a car full of young guys/girls stopped their car to yell at me, "Your legs are still fat!" --while I was in the middle of a 15 mile run, training for a marathon. I would spend the next 3 months of runs thinking of retorts that I should have said (complete waste of time!! ha). Unfortunately, I was rendered speechless at the time it happened, but fortunately, never had the opportunity to yell one of those retorts at someone else. I was ready though!!

    I still think about it sometimes. However, what always gets me is the joy I feel walking/running and feeling thankful that my body can actually accomplish what it does. Tell those kids in the car to come out and go half the distance you're doing and then see if they'd still like to yell stupid comments from their car. Obviously, they were trying to appear "cool" in front of each other, and it really had nothing to do with you.