"You're still fat"



  • This hurts my heart for you. People are so cruel. :( You may be over weight now but you won't be forever, you are working on changing that. The girl who yelled this at you is ugly because of her actions. She will always be ugly no matter how skinny or pretty she is because of her actions. Some people just need to put others down in order to build their own selves up. I don't know you, but I know you are better than that and you are more than a number on a scale! Don't let it get to you, I know easier said than done sometimes. I just want to reach through the computer and hug you. You are trying and that is all that matters! ***HUGS***
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Those girls in the car have self esteem issues, there's no real reason to take away time from your life to bash someone else down. I'm happy to hear you did your thing and got to 4 miles during a walk, and great!!! that you decided to jog at the corner. I feel awkward when I run or jog too but I just try and remember I'm doing this for me, not what others see so if they're just gonna see me jiggle a bit then thats whats gonna happen, as long as I keep my heart rate goals etc in mind thats what matters most. keep up the good work and good luck.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    The only person you need to be listening too is yourself so keep up with positivie self talk and you will continue to see successes! Great job!!!

  • maasmom2
    maasmom2 Posts: 37 Member
    I am so proud of you- and I don't even know you! Well done for getting to the 4mile mark that is fantastic you should be proud of yourself! Something similar happen to me and when I got home and told my hubby about it he was so upset needless to say he made me feel better and after telling him I felt better Keep up the hard work your worth it…KARMA has a way of evening out the playing field… :flowerforyou:
  • titobean1234
    titobean1234 Posts: 5 Member
    I am so proud of you! You keep up the great work!!!!! Your post actually brought tears to my eyes. I called my daughter in who is a 20 year old fit and attractive young girl and read it to her. We were both tearing up....her response was can you forward that to me...I said no because you are not overweight like your mom and on my fitness pal. My daughter is a very kind and supportive person by nature. I just wanted her to hear this to be a messenger to the other young girls out there. So your post had a strong rippling effect. I just wanted you to know that. Do keep up the great work! Reality hits all ages and as we know...no one has it perfect all the time. Even those skinny girls are struggling with their own demons in their lives and are just beginning. We can only hope that life will teach them and nurture them in making better decisions as they walk through this life. I always like to find a positive thought to get me through my hurt. If I had one to share that would be it. In some ways I find hurt gets better when I put kindness on those that hurt me. It's hard but on the other side of it - it has always worked for me. So then you should be laughing at them for not getting it! YOU GO GIRL!
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Commenting to save for later when I feel this will inevitably happen to me (I am going to start walking outside for longer than my standard mile, YAY me!)

    And also to add that I would have probably done one of these things:
    Shouted to them: "say it to my face!"
    Flipped them the double bird
    Remembered their license plate number, called the local authorities and told them that the car was swerving dangerously and you thought you saw open bottles of liquor when they stopped near you (sorry, Im a vindictive person by nature)
    Cried. Like, HARD crying. then I wouldve run home, just to prove that I could
  • w1ngnuts
    i have just read your original post Goal179 and TBH i haven't read any replies but i just wanted to say I am shock and appalled that people can be utter ****'s

    loosing 15-16ilb's is fantastic and don't let anyone tell you different. be proud of what you achieved as everyone on MFP is of you and as you've said use it to fuel your fire and determination.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Karma is not about retribution. It is all about how you learn the lessons of your life. In this case, the value compassion, empathy, common decency and respect.

    Do not let up, keeping working hard.

  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    OP, I'm sorry people were so needlessly cruel to you. I'm sure there wasn't anything out of the ordinary about you. Cruel people can just pick up on self-consciousness like sharks can smell blood. I hope you didn't let it affect you too much.

    Yep, that's been my experience.

    Just remember, anyone can change their outside, but ain't much those girls can do about being so hideous on the inside.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    Brutality at it's worst I'm sorry to hear you went through that!

    As I have professed from day one transformations like yours are MUCH more admirable from my perspective so you have taken the right step and committed and dedicated yourself to this new lifestyle.

    Kudos ????
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Congratulations for so many things:

    For the 4 miles,
    For the positive attitude
    For staying strong
    For choosing a better lifestyle.
    For sharing your story
    And for being a great inspiration.

    You are 110% better than them.

    Karma is a beautiful thing.
  • FrankieBenjamin
    FrankieBenjamin Posts: 61 Member
    Firstly well done on your four miles and the jogging at the lights - keep it up! Sounds like you are doing really well and have a positive attitude in order to not let that de-rail you in anyway, but yes it hurts and I am sorry that someone did that to you.

    Sadly there will always be people out there who love to make cruel comments to make others feel uncomfortable (for whatever attribute) in order to make themselves feel better about whatever their issues are. I have never understood people's ability to be so cruel or why you would want to be just for the sake of it. I also agree with the rules of karma - they will see. ( I once got badly bullied for being a very spotty 12 year old and the boy who bullied me had horrendous acne at age 18 - karma)

    About ten years ago (well maybe twenty, ahem) on my drive to school every day we used to see a slightly overweight lady jogging/ walking / jogging / walking - sometimes struggling, sometimes not. We followed her progress and cheered her on in the car between ourselves. She ran that route every morning for a couple of years got thinner and slimmer and more toned and fitter and really started to look the part - didnt know her, but we were very proud of her and cheered her on from the sidelines.

    Keep it up, keep going you will get there and you are well on your way. Sadly people will be cruel (to anyone for anything), but I always think you reap what you sow - I live as a nice person, and try to say and do nice things - as I am sure you do, that comes back and rewards you, likewise they will get the same.
  • FrankieBenjamin
    FrankieBenjamin Posts: 61 Member
    OP, I'm sorry people were so needlessly cruel to you. I'm sure there wasn't anything out of the ordinary about you. Cruel people can just pick up on self-consciousness like sharks can smell blood. I hope you didn't let it affect you too much.

    Yep, that's been my experience.

    Just remember, anyone can change their outside, but ain't much those girls can do about being so hideous on the inside.

    Oh and this ^^^^
  • briandahawaiian
    briandahawaiian Posts: 112 Member
    Honestly, I am so proud of you- and I don't even know you! Any time I see anyone jogging/walking/moving while I am driving by, I think in my head "YOU GO GIRL (or boy)!!"- and I get even more happy when I see people who have some weight to lose working it. Ignore those silly little girls and keep up the good work. You are better than them!

    its like you took the thoughts out of my head and posted for me! :P and to the OP, stay strong you will soon be where you want to be!!! so inspiring!
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Can everyone that drives, do something positive if you see someone on the road.
    Wind down your window, tell them they're doing a great job and they look fantastic.

    Even if they're not on mfp, or if they're a total stranger, just spread a bit of happiness.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Can everyone that drives, do something positive if you see someone on the road.
    Wind down your window, tell them they're doing a great job and they look fantastic.

    Even if they're not on mfp, or if they're a total stranger, just spread a bit of happiness.

    While I like the sentiment here, careful how you say it. I'd an old guy on a bicycle shout "Keep going, you're nearly there" one time when I was running. Trouble was, I'd only just started, maybe 300yds, never mind nearly finished and spent the rest of the run wondering if I really looked that bad, like I'd been running for miles lol

    To the OP - forget the girls in the car. You're improving yourself, you'll only get better. They'll only be going downhill from now and it sounds like they don't even have a nice personality to back them up when their looks/figures fade :)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Don't give any thought or credence to what others think of you or have to say. They don't deserve that power over you. You're doing great!

    Of course, on the other hand, I say that very thing to myself each and every time the scale shows a weight loss just to make sure I don't get complacent. I do a small happy dance and then acknowledge I still have far to go.
  • carrotsaregood
    carrotsaregood Posts: 57 Member
    When I see people running alongside the road, I always say out loud in the car, "Good for you!" no matter their size. They can't hear me, so maybe I should roll down my window and let them hear my positive words. I guess I worry they might be offended or annoyed, as if maybe it sounds condescending.

    I feel inspired any time I pass someone walking/working out. I see the same lady about 3x a week and think "go girl". Some mornings I look people at the track because even though I don't know them if feel like we are on this journey for health together.
  • megmo1985
    megmo1985 Posts: 127 Member
    I don't comment often, but your story really touched me. I think you are an amazing person. You've set goals for yourself and you continue to succeed! How amazing is that!?

    Feel sorry for them. They are probably very unhappy girls that don't have much going for them. You on the other hand are amazing. You are kind, smart, and beautiful. You have so much going for you! Keep working for yourself. Best of luck on your journey :)
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    "All the pretty, skinny girls that used to taunt me in junior high are now fat women with fat little kids."

    I found this out at my 40th high school reunion. Keep doing what you're doing, and don't let those soul-less heathens get you down.