Why is this even remotely controversial?



  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    You can tell her kids are not by the same man. Lol! Gosh seriously and seriously not jealous at all I will say the title is rude. Not that being out of shape is anyone's fault but there own, still I am sensitive. I mean who would really want to be friends with someone with that personality. It just seems like showing out to me. I find it hard to believe she has ever been overweight in her life and genetically I find it hard to think she will ever be. Plus to have three kids, well these result not typical.

    What does her children's father(s) have to do with this?

    You find it hard to believe she was ever overweight?! Have you not seen some of the people around here that were 100lbs+ overweight that at at her level of fitness or greater?

    I don't think you will get anywhere trying to use logic with that lady. I know this because I accidentally just accepted her friend request and saw she is on a 100 day juice fast. hangry.
  • _amluvstld_
    I can see how it is kind of an in your face approach, but that works for me. I think she looks amazing and gets no hate from me. I have no doubt in my mind that I can achieve her level of fitness if I put in the same dedication as she did/does. However, I will never achieve her look. It's just not physically possible, at least not without $15,000 in plastic surgery. I also had 3 boys in less than 4 years, and let's just say my pregnancies appear to have taken a much bigger toll on my body than hers did. Still not hate worthy, just the luck of genetics. So given that aspect, I can see how it could possibly rub people the wrong way. It's just not 100% attainable for some. Still, jealousy is an ugly b itch.

    I will say that, in the context of her greater FB presence, it is much more friendly and tame. If you know her as an online personality and brand, you get it. Seeing it as a one off is kind of nauseating, especially for people like me who are just really bored with the whole narcissism thing

    I get that; it's easy to judge a book by its cover.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    And that, my friend, is what is sad.
    She isn't defining your goals or expectations. That's your role.
    i cant count kids - more than one always looks like 4

    bwaahahahahah....yoovie! me too. i only have had one at a time and have never gotten to learn what it's like to have more...so when i get together with friends with kids i am always taken aback. whoa! did you get another one?

    and they run around so fast- i always count at least one of them twice!!!!!!!!!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Something like this is awesome:
    This is horrible! How dare Jordin Sparks jump in this picture! Is she not sensitive to the fact that there are morbidly obese people out there who can't jump that high? This picture will only make such persons feel like complete losers.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I do not find this photo controversial. It doesn't motivate me and I'm certainly not jealous. I think I have too much attitude or maybe I need another cup of coffee.

    Evidently there are some women who feel like it victimizes women. WHY? I was a Domestic Violence advocate for nearly 8 years and I don't see that at all. Stop looking for crap like that. Let's empower women....shall we? Let's not find yet another reason or excuse to screw with the mind. Women are certainly capable of taking this image and finding the motivation to get healthier. Just not me because I'm just B*&chy today. Maybe tomorrow.
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    People do not like having to face their own flaws. There are also people who work 60+ hour weeks with families that manage to keep in shape.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I hate to say it but it's male vs. female perception. As women we already feel bombarded with images of bodies better than ours. Some women feel that we are valued on appearance above all other things, to a much greater extent than men.

    that's why i like this original ad about what's your excuse? - cause it dares me to get a better version of my own body - instead of someone else's
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I think it is all jealousy and stupidity she looks great and healthy
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    If you can't see how this victimizes women, then you're part of the problem.

    I think people thinking they are a victim, is part of the problem.

    her response
    “I'm sorry you took an image and resonated with it in such a negative way. I won't go into details that I struggled with my genetics, had an eating disorder, work full time owning two businesses, have no nanny, am not naturally skinny and do not work as a personal trainer,” she wrote, in part. “What I WILL say is this. What you interpret is not MY fault. It's yours. The first step in owning your life, your body and your destiny is to OWN the thoughts that come out of your own head. I didn't create them. You created them. So if you want to continue ‘hating’ this image, get used to hating many other things for the rest of your life.”

    Agree 100%.
    couldn't have said this any better

    I agree with all of this ^^^^^

    Another thing that I find interesting is that many of the people that are hating on her are focusing only on her outside appearance....the fact that her body is tight and she is hot. My first thoughts? She is setting a great example for those 3 kids.....she is leading a healthy lifestyle and is promoting fitness and nutrition as being critical elements of day to day life.

    Then again, maybe I just like to see the cup half full :flowerforyou:

    ^^^ I very much agree with this! I think too many women focus on the outward apperance and rather than using that "logical" mind that another poster mentioned, they only see what's on the surface of this picture. She looks fantastic and with that comes healthy eating habits, which do take time and dedication to maintain. Looking fit also takes time and sometimes, such as in her case, creativity. It also shows that her kids are happy, yes I know it's a photo so they wouldn't use unhappy faces, but for the purpose of this photo they are smiling which to me says that they aren't hurt by the fact that mom wants to take the time to take care of herself. Beyond the photo, the article mentions how she incoorporates her work outs to include time with her kids. There is far more to this than being critical of other women. It is motivating and I think it's great!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I do not find this photo controversial. It doesn't motivate me and I'm certainly not jealous. I think I have too much attitude or maybe I need another cup of coffee.

    Evidently there are some women who feel like it victimizes women. WHY? I was a Domestic Violence advocate for nearly 8 years and I don't see that at all. Stop looking for crap like that. Let's empower women....shall we? Let's not find yet another reason or excuse to screw with the mind. Women are certainly capable taking this image and finding the motivation to get healthier. Just not me because I'm just B*&chy today. Maybe tomorrow.

    hi i love you
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    To each their own. Good for her!

    I wouldn't bash her, I don't have the same amount of time or the same life to even justify an argument even if I wanted to.

    She looks great.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You can tell her kids are not by the same man. Lol! Gosh seriously and seriously not jealous at all I will say the title is rude. Not that being out of shape is anyone's fault but there own, still I am sensitive. I mean who would really want to be friends with someone with that personality. It just seems like showing out to me. I find it hard to believe she has ever been overweight in her life and genetically I find it hard to think she will ever be. Plus to have three kids, well these result not typical.

    What does her children's father(s) have to do with this?

    You find it hard to believe she was ever overweight?! Have you not seen some of the people around here that were 100lbs+ overweight that at at her level of fitness or greater?

    I don't think you will get anywhere trying to use logic with that lady. I know this because I accidentally just accepted her friend request and saw she is on a 100 day juice fast. hangry.

  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I hate to say it but it's male vs. female perception. As women we already feel bombarded with images of bodies better than ours. Some women feel that we are valued on appearance above all other things, to a much greater extent than men.

    that's why i like this original ad about what's your excuse? - cause it dares me to get a better version of my own body - instead of someone else's

    I actually like this. even the woman in the original ad said that genetics plays a big part in her appearance. so, I would like to think her message is to have the best body you possibly can because there is no good enough excuse not to.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It shouldn't be. To me, it's inspirational. It shows me first off, that she has an interest in health and fitness. It also shows me that taking care of herself is important to her. I have always thought that if a person can accomplish something then I can to. The only difference would be the way we work towards accomplishing the goal.

    AND!!!! She's also teaching these good habits to her healthy little kiddos!

    Whoa, teaching good habits to kids? Someone should call CPS on her! Right? Happy, healthy and fit moms are obviously bad moms. They should give up their entire life and identity, it's so much healthier for kids (especially when the kids get older and really want her to base her whole identity on being mommy to them). Running around and playing with kids and eating well are all obviously detrimental to kids. There's nothing worse than that!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You can tell her kids are not by the same man. Lol! Gosh seriously and seriously not jealous at all I will say the title is rude. Not that being out of shape is anyone's fault but there own, still I am sensitive. I mean who would really want to be friends with someone with that personality. It just seems like showing out to me. I find it hard to believe she has ever been overweight in her life and genetically I find it hard to think she will ever be. Plus to have three kids, well these result not typical.

    What does her children's father(s) have to do with this?

    You find it hard to believe she was ever overweight?! Have you not seen some of the people around here that were 100lbs+ overweight that at at her level of fitness or greater?

    I don't think you will get anywhere trying to use logic with that lady. I know this because I accidentally just accepted her friend request and saw she is on a 100 day juice fast. hangry.


  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Oh I thought this was a PSA about birth control failure...
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    You can tell her kids are not by the same man. Lol! Gosh seriously and seriously not jealous at all I will say the title is rude. Not that being out of shape is anyone's fault but there own, still I am sensitive. I mean who would really want to be friends with someone with that personality. It just seems like showing out to me. I find it hard to believe she has ever been overweight in her life and genetically I find it hard to think she will ever be. Plus to have three kids, well these result not typical.

    What does her children's father(s) have to do with this?

    You find it hard to believe she was ever overweight?! Have you not seen some of the people around here that were 100lbs+ overweight that at at her level of fitness or greater?

    I don't think you will get anywhere trying to use logic with that lady. I know this because I accidentally just accepted her friend request and saw she is on a 100 day juice fast. hangry.



    because she's dissing my aspartame and saying it causes humans cancer because it caused cancer in lab rats. I will not tolerate any diet soda shaming on my friends list!!!!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    People do not like having to face their own flaws. There are also people who work 60+ hour weeks with families that manage to keep in shape.

    Amen!! I have 3 kids, a job, and still make it a point to get my *kitten* to the gym 4-5 days a week b/c I WANT to look like that. If you want it bad enough you will find the time to do it!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    So, by the same logic, is this picture controversial?

    edit photo out

    The reason why this is getting so much backlash is not the content of the picture or caption itself. It's the discomfort of looking inward and actively thinking about those excuses. It's easier to point fingers at the "bully" than actually examine their lifestyle. It's definitely a projection issue.

    I hate to say it but it's male vs. female perception. As women we already feel bombarded with images of bodies better than ours. Some women feel that we are valued on appearance above all other things, to a much greater extent than men. I think in general men are just better about no internalizing things. "Good for this guy, but what does this have to do with me? I don't want to be a body builder anyway." They don't think "Oh my that guy is lean and only has one leg, I must be a lard *kitten*, no one is going to love me, I'll never be good enough".

    Personally I'm more inspired by a woman lifting a heavy weight, or enjoying her workout, laughing with her friends, chasing her kids, than I am by a six-pack.

    Something like this is awesome:
    edit photo out

    I can understand that. The male versus female perception of media or persons in the media varies greatly, in that females do tend to compare those images to themselves way more often than a male would. Unfortunately, too often in a negative way.

    But that's exactly the kind of mindset I think this type of photo is trying to combat against. Stop playing the victim; start taking responsibility and time for yourself. You CAN be a mom and still work towards your goals. You CAN be a business owner and still find time for your goals. It's meant to be empowering, not degrading. It's what's being *inferred* that's the problem.
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    "Kang, of Sacramento, California, is a former pageant queen and fitness competitor who founded the nonprofit Fitness Without Borders in 2007. She's also a recovering bulimic."

    No, she is not your average "stay-at-home" mom. She already had a serious fitness background prior to having kids.

    "Kang says she works out five to six days a week, about an hour at a time, doing a half-hour of strength training and a half-hour of cardio — running, the stair climber, or a spin or Zumba class"

    She did not achieve that physique by only doing an hour at a time. That is maintenance for her. She achieved this body prior to children while preparing for pageants and fitness competitions. This alone makes it more likely for her to continue having this body after having children.

    I don't think this is controversial, but I don't agree that this is achievable for all women. People are ignoring the facts I posted above which came directly from an interview done with her.