Why is this even remotely controversial?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.

    Sounds like time for a shelter and get away from the drunk.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.

    Sounds like time for a shelter and get away from the drunk.

    She can't find one with a good weight room.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Dear MFP:

    Please, oh please, let this thread remain on the servers...

    ...for future reference for those who have not yet been enlightened by what has been posted in here.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.

    Sounds like time for a shelter and get away from the drunk.

    She can't find one with a good weight room.

  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I cannot believe this is gonna roll again!!! :huh:

    Ikr? Not sure whether to be afraid for mankind or feel pity.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    More proof that rome is burning?
  • mynewlife10

    The question then becomes, WHO exactly was she targeting? The obese? The slightly overweight? The person with 5 pounds to lose? Should someone who is only a few pounds overweight be subjected to scrutiny?

    Additionally, if "fit mom" is going to put herself in the public eye with a statement (photo) like that, she should have skin thick enough to endure the court of public opinion, which tends to execute anyone with even the slightest hint of self righteousness, regardless of intent.

    It almost seems like a well executed publicity stunt.

    I agree with you.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    This is going to be on Good Morning America soon. Unless I already missed it... I haven't been in the same room as the tv.

    My take: Three years ago, before I joined here, I would have wanted to throat punch her. I thought weight loss and achieving fitness was really hard and took a lot of time and dedication.

    I was right about the dedication. But the time? Not really. It doesn't take any more time for me to cook and eat right than it does to cook and eat poorly. And it doesn't take eating minimally or perfectly. Enough of a calorie deficit to lose, and enough total calories to have energy and not feel like poop.

    Exercise doesn't really take all that long, either, once you find a routine that works for you. I know people who've been struggling with their weight for ages, and they're all focusing on cardio, cardio, cardio, and getting nowhere. Like going to the gym twice a day and spending HOURS on the elliptical. I'm not saying cardio is pointless. I still love running and do it three times a week on average. But I also found that lifting weights made the biggest difference between looking smaller and looking FIT. I spend probably about a half hour to at absolute MOST an hour (if I'm running 10k) on exercise a day. Probably about 4 hours a week. I spend that much time watching Colbert Report and Daily Show a week. Before I joined here, I spent more time than that playing Farmville and Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. I also saved up money I would have spent on a gym membership, and bought weights. Since I do all my running outside, and lifting at home, that saves time that I'd spend driving to and from the gym.

    Edit: The promo for this clip on GMA showed her doing squats in the playground while holding her toddler. Another great way to save time! Sometimes I stop during a run to do pullups on the monkeybars at a playground.

    My 7 year old hops on my back and makes me do squats, then he does squats holding the cat. It's quite funny.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    My "side" is that your personal example is not proof that every mother living in poverty has the opportunity to become fit. They don't necessarily have to be fat, but sometimes regular workouts simply is not possible. Some people have really hard lives.

    I'm still waiting for an example. I asked for one a couple pages ago.

    Mom of three, deadbeat drunken unemployed husband, working one full and 2 part times in fast food. Husband drinks a good percentage of her income, so she eats free at the fast food places and spends her money buying food and clothing for the kids. She works 70-90 hrs per week and the rest is spent on housework, laundry, nurturing the kids, cleaning up after the deadbeat and sleep. No family or friends to help.
    Well, clearly she could leave the husband since he's irrelevent and she's doing all the work and paying all the bills.

    Her job is pretty active (see above in my comments) and she probably walks a great deal to get to and from work. She can eat less to lose weight and get the muscle definition.

    Is it hard? Sure.

    Not impossible, though, and money isn't a barrier.

    It is all about choices and that one isn't any less about choices. She chooses to stay with a deadbeat who drinks and doesn't work instead of taking control. As I said, if she truly wanted it, there's no reason she couldn't achieve it.

    Not sure if you are really this naive??

    Not sure if you are really this downbeat that you can't realize people have a choice to allow themselves to stay in a bad situation or to better their lives/themselves.

    So, she kicks the deadbeat out. Now she must quit her jobs because there is no one to watch the children while she works. But hey, no food = weight loss and now she has time to workout. Win!

    So she should stay in a bad situation to avoid paying for daycare? :huh::laugh:

    ok please really try to imagine that these are real decisions with real impact on people's lives, that they have to make. stretch yourself. (not just you wheird, all the people who are not "downbeat")

    Oh please. I have helped advise quite a few women who were in bad situations to help give them the courage to make a decision to stay or leave. And then on how to protect themselves financially while preparing to leave. Even to the point of researching state specific resources they could use to help them. I am -not- a person who needs a lesson in compassion for serious situations.

    why then did you laugh at the importance of daycare/resources, like that's a ridiculous thing to worry about?

    Well, for one we are talking about a made up example. And then the notion that she cannot leave a deadbeat, drunken husband who drinks up 51%+ of the example's income because he is the primary caregiver is absolutely ridiculous. Getting rid of him would immediately free up the majority of her income to be used to pay for daycare. Financially it would be an instant win.

    a LOT of women put up with less than ideal situations because the cost/benefit ratios re daycare/work do not favour them leaving.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    It isn't.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    Dear MFP:

    Please, oh please, let this thread remain on the servers...

    ...for future reference for those who have not yet been enlightened by what has been posted in here.


    ...what? I couldn't let it die there....:tongue::laugh:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Roll it!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You beat me this time.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    I have my popcorn all ready......and go
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I have my popcorn all ready......and go

    I am all burned out from the women who hate other women and the excuse makers.
  • jonsey_s
    jonsey_s Posts: 222
    Oh who gives a flying fu*k!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Oh who gives a flying fu*k!

    Excuse maker?