Juice fast anyone?



  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    I think people are just trying to get across that what you're doing is not healthy and extremely hard to maintain. Your body was not made to live off any one thing. Take some of the experienced advice, because some of it is just legitimate advice, and try to obtain good habits instead of doing something that will inevitably make you crash.
  • MartiCat70
    MartiCat70 Posts: 59 Member
    but... but....

    the bacon?

    how do you juice the bacon???
    You could juice it like this bacon peanut butter milkshake. Now that's a juice fast, I could get on board with. :drinker:
  • MartiCat70
    MartiCat70 Posts: 59 Member
    but... but....

    the bacon?

    how do you juice the bacon???
    You could juice it like this bacon peanut butter milkshake. Now that's a juice fast, I could get on board with.

    Suddenly I'm feeling sick...It looks like cat vomit.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Are you doing this juice fast under the care of a Doctor? I certainly hope that you are.
  • MontrealFitbitGirl
    Okay well telling me I can't do it will only make me push harder. Seriously, some of the comments very negative. And FYI after the 100 days I plan on a day off eating less than 2000 cal then going back on it another 100 days. Then I will be eating lean protein and gym will be a habit.

    Seriously the telling me I will fail is just wrong. I came here a couple days ago for motivation. I don't expect this to be a forever thing of juicing completely every meal. But for these 100 days it will be.

    You won't have the energy to hit the gym. Might I suggest a website called Pro Ana? They just want to lose weight and don't care how they do it :wink:

    Yup, this is pretty spot on. Why not just work out and eat properly? You will have no energy with this ridiculous "diet".
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    I have been doing two 10 day juice cleanses a year since before it was popular. I love them and usually time them around my birthday and after the holidays. I love how my skin is brighter and I'm sleeping bette, but I have no desire to go more than 10 days. The weight lost was small but I was making sure I was staying in the 1200-1500 calorie a day range, without exercise. I think most juicers try to get at or below 1000 calories a day which is just not good.

    I know Joe the Juicer did a 90 day cleanse but remember he was checking in with his doctor almost weekly and getting routine blood tests done to make sure he was staying healthy. If you are set on going 200 days on nothing but juices I would recommend the same.

    ****I am not a doctor but I have had problems with blood clots, low blood pressure, and have kidney disease in my family so I do a lot of reading*****
    One thing I have noticed on the forums is no one talks about the significant muscle loss of Joe the Juicer (and it was significant) and some of the risks (not too many) with drinking too much leafy green juice. I would rather have good muscle tone rather than a tiny waist. If you are dead set on doing this, it is important to vary your juices (think like a vegan) so you are getting things other than leafy greens. Leafy greens are an excellent source of vitamin K, but too much Vitamin K can increase your risk of blood clots. When I was on blood clot meds for 6 months I was not allowed any leafy greens (practically torture), because leafy greens act as a coagulant . One other thing about Vitamin K is that it could interfere with any antibiotics that you are on (or may later be on). You're also not getting any fiber which the body desperately needs. Too much fruits (and it takes a lot to get enough juice) are high in sugars that can throw your blood sugar out of balance.
  • Denisse210
    Denisse210 Posts: 292 Member

    I seriously can't wait to show my before and after pics at end of juice fast 100 days.

    So for all the negative remarks I forgive you.

    Im sorry hun but this is setting yourself up for A. Failure or B. Health problems

    I say go ask a doctor if they think 100 days of juicing is good. I bet my protein shake they will say NO
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    lol, you're mad because we're being negative? because we're telling you that it isn't gonna work.

    ...that's absolutely adorable. Not that any of us have ANY idea what we're doing here.

    ETA: see that ticker down there under this advice? Yeah, the one with the big 153 on it? Yeah, that's the one.

    I'm telling you, you're doing this wrong.
    It's going to fail.
    You're gonna feel like hell when it DOES fail.
    When you come back, we're gonna give you the same advice.

    So, at this point, you can take the GOOD advice.. and start now. Or you can start when you come back under a different username, hating life, feeling like a failure, and wondering where you went wrong.

    again, choice is yours.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    your just going to gain it all back and then some ruin your metabolism and be in worse shape than before happens all the time on this site people not wanting to speed up the process then stall out. I went through this phase I hope you don't really do that.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Your husband is a fitness trainer and wants you to do this?? Seriously?
    If I read correctly, you plan on 100 days of just juice, then one meal, then another 100 days of juice?
    Sweetie, you're going to be hospitalized before then. I truly hope you change your mind.
  • kattbyrd67
    kattbyrd67 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm honestly scared for you. You may feel great now, and you may be losing weight, but I am concerned for the long term effects. You may lose too much lean muscle mass, and that will seriously screw with your metabolism. In addition, when you are ready to start eating food again, you may not be able to do so. When I was in high school, I decided that I would stop eating. I did it for about a week...ate nothing at all. At first, I was a little hungry and cranky, but by the end of the week, I felt great and didn't care if I ate or not. I didn't even have hunger pangs any more. That was my wake-up call. I realized what a slippery slope I was on, and I made myself start eating again. If you're determined to do this, please be careful. If you haven't had a physical recently, please get one. You may be taxing a heart that already has problems that you don't know about. Please be safe!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    lol, you're mad because we're being negative? because we're telling you that it isn't gonna work.

    ...that's absolutely adorable. Not that any of us have ANY idea what we're doing here.

    ETA: see that ticker down there under this advice? Yeah, the one with the big 153 on it? Yeah, that's the one.

    I'm telling you, you're doing this wrong.
    It's going to fail.
    You're gonna feel like hell when it DOES fail.
    When you come back, we're gonna give you the same advice.

    So, at this point, you can take the GOOD advice.. and start now. Or you can start when you come back under a different username, hating life, feeling like a failure, and wondering where you went wrong.

    again, choice is yours.

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I am going to wish you good luck with your juice fast. It would never work for me. I was overweight for a long time. I tried every fast fix in the book for decades. Lose - gain - lose - gain - you get the picture.

    It has been d@mn hard work for the last 17 months straight to get where I am today. Hard work. I had to learn to eat in moderation and that was no easy thing for me. I had to learn to move my fat *kitten*. And I do - every day.

    If you are on this site because you are overweight, then this will never work for you. You like food. Probably too much. Learn to control your portions instead of letting the food control you. We all have had to walk that road. If there was a super highway to healthy -

    WE'D ALL BE ON IT! It does not exist.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Your bowels like to squeeze and poop. If you spend 100 days on a liquid diet, things will be really, really ugly when you start on solids again.

    Juice fasting in and of itself offers no physiological health benefits.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Your bowels like to squeeze and poop. If you spend 100 days on a liquid diet, things will be really, really ugly when you start on solids again.

    Juice fasting in and of itself offers no physiological health benefits.

    Someone needs to make sure they load up on toilet paper
  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    If you haven't checked this site already www.rebootwithjoe.com is awesome! I'm a juicer and love it...for a lot of reason not just weight loss. The site answers all of your questions concerned nutrition, exercising, how to properly juice, etc. There is even a grocery list and recipes. My husband and I will be going on a 5 day juice fast starting Monday...afterwards we do like 2 weeks of clean eating starting with salads then soups before diving back in to red meat, breads, etc The weight I lost the 1st time we did it I have kept off and believe me when I say I have barely exercised or eating not even 80% properly!! But I am just more conscious of portion sizes and late night eating.

    With all that being said I wish you the best and cant wait to hear the results! And the only thing I did agree with from OP was checking in with a doctor maybe after every 2-3wks just to make sure your nutrients levels aren't depleted because you cant always tell when/if they are without blood work :-)
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Your bowels like to squeeze and poop. If you spend 100 days on a liquid diet, things will be really, really ugly when you start on solids again.

    Juice fasting in and of itself offers no physiological health benefits.

    Someone needs to make sure they load up on toilet paper

    Laxatives. Lots and lots of stimulant laxatives and bulk-forming laxatives.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    lol, you're mad because we're being negative? because we're telling you that it isn't gonna work.

    ...that's absolutely adorable. Not that any of us have ANY idea what we're doing here.

    ETA: see that ticker down there under this advice? Yeah, the one with the big 153 on it? Yeah, that's the one.

    I'm telling you, you're doing this wrong.
    It's going to fail.
    You're gonna feel like hell when it DOES fail.
    When you come back, we're gonna give you the same advice.

    So, at this point, you can take the GOOD advice.. and start now. Or you can start when you come back under a different username, hating life, feeling like a failure, and wondering where you went wrong.

    again, choice is yours.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Okay well telling me I can't do it will only make me push harder. Seriously, some of the comments very negative. And FYI after the 100 days I plan on a day off eating less than 2000 cal then going back on it another 100 days. Then I will be eating lean protein and gym will be a habit.

    Seriously the telling me I will fail is just wrong. I came here a couple days ago for motivation. I don't expect this to be a forever thing of juicing completely every meal. But for these 100 days it will be.

    You are getting a lot of silly and snarky responses, because we see so many people coming on here talking about juice fasts. The God's honest truth is that they are a dangerous fad. Your body requires not only carbohydrates to function, but fats and proteins as well, which you are denying it while on such a fast. It's just not a healthy way to lose weight, and the one you are outlying here is particularly extreme.

    Good luck. :drinker:
  • Schatze1975
    Lol classy talking about what comes out of my butt.
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