Juice fast anyone?



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    To the few positive responses THANK YOU.

    To start with if you eat ANY kind of gmo or processed foods then I seriously don't want your negative feedback.

    I seriously came here for motivation....
    I don't know whether I should be responding or not, because I guess I am automatically negative because I DO eat GMOs and tons of processed food. :huh:
    But, all seriousness, OP, if you are looking for successful weightloss, look at the some of the success stories on here, starting with this one: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1103164-3-yrs-312lbs-lost-1yr-from-bodylift-and-maintenance
    You won't see ANY mention of water fasting. When I first came here, I had misconceptions and I wanted the weight gone yesterday. I was 300lbs 15 months ago, I get it. But if you take the time to learn from others, many of whom have been through the same things you have, you'll truly benefit from this site. But if you come in with your mind already made up..... then it's your loss.

    Very good advice and congrats on that loss! You look fantastic! I had the same unrealistic expectations. So glad I started listening to advice from the people of MFP (no matter how snarky) and followed it!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I seriously can't wait to show my before and after pics at end of juice fast 100 days.

    I don't think they will look the way you think they will look.


    it's your body - do what you want. But it's actually against forum rules to promote unsafe diet practices.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    You don't need protein and fats once you finish your juice fast - all 200 days of it. YOU NEED IT EVERY DAY. Having them after 201 days will be too little to late.

    Protein and fat are essential nutrients - you can't get the amount your body needs to function correctly on a juice fast.

    You'll lose weight - but lots of that weight will be you own muscle mass, you won't lose as much fat as you could do on a sensible diet and I'll bet my cats that once you reach your goal weight you will not be happy with your body. You won't be able to burn as many calories as you would do if you'd maintained or only lost a small amount of muscle mass. This means that when you go back to eating normally you'll only be able to eat a fraction of what you could have - and you'll regain the weight in pure fat very easily. This will leave you worse off than when you started.

    Please please reconsider this plan.

    Why not try a sensible calorie deficit for 6 weeks - have a daily juice as part of that diet, but keep your protein and fat levels at a good level. Do some cardio and lift some weights - you won't regret it.

    BTW - people aren't bashing your juice fast plan for fun - it is an awful awful idea with some possibly terrible consequences, your body NEEDS protein and fat.

    Just gonna leave this link here - please read it:

  • MartiCat70
    MartiCat70 Posts: 59 Member
    OP, have you seen the documentary film "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"? It's an inspiring true story of extended juice-only fasting. Almost made me want to try it.

    Ignore all the negativity. MFP is full of people who give a crap enough to tell you what you don't want to hear, in an attempt to save your overall health and well being.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    Thank you!

    Fixed it for you.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    oh! that's scary
  • MontrealFitbitGirl
    Sorry. We're not going to motivate people to do things that are unhealthy. We are also not motivating people to be anorexic either. We want to motivate people to learn how to treat their bodies properly, by staying fit and eating healthy. If you think it is mean, it really isn't. We will help you if you want to do something good for yourself. We won't help you destroy yourself and set yourself up for failure. Or at least I won't. I know you were looking for a more positive response... but you won't get it here.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    I'm looking for other juice fast dieters! I'm on day four of 100 and looking for others who have been juicing :)

    go here to read this guy's experience with juicing ....


    He has good advice on how to approach it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Okay Molly Ringwald pipe down honey lol.

    No my husband told me to eat at least some chicken breast or almond butter etc. I just want to do 100 days of pure juice.

    Did I say everyday for the rest of my life. Nope .

    I'm not a failure. I am determined and the negative remarks speak volumes.

    I seriously NEVER thought people here to motivate others would be so ... Well you think of a word!

    So concerned? That's what I came up with. Carry on.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Okay Molly Ringwald pipe down honey lol.

    No my husband told me to eat at least some chicken breast or almond butter etc. I just want to do 100 days of pure juice.

    Did I say everyday for the rest of my life. Nope .

    I'm not a failure. I am determined and the negative remarks speak volumes.

    I seriously NEVER thought people here to motivate others would be so ... Well you think of a word!



    Concerned for my well-being and health?

    Ok that last one was more than one word but you get the picture.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Sorry. We're not going to motivate people to do things that are unhealthy. We are also not motivating people to be anorexic either. We want to motivate people to learn how to treat their bodies properly, by staying fit and eating healthy. If you think it is mean, it really isn't. We will help you if you want to do something good for yourself. We won't help you destroy yourself and set yourself up for failure. Or at least I won't. I know you were looking for a more positive response... but you won't get it here.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    The problem with juicing is that it doesn't give you any life skills for use afterward. At the end of the fast, you'll still need to learn how to eat moderately in order to maintain your weight. You aren't solving the problem - just kicking it 201 days down the road.

  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    This website is for people who want to be healthy. If you want a juice fast, please join a pro ana website !
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Crazy is as crazy does.

    Even Joe Cross says a beginner should only do a 3 day juice fast.

    From his own mouth also "my own reboot was supervised by (my doctor) and a team who monitored my blood work regularly"

    Apparently Dr Wizard of Oz on his show today is calling juicing dangerous.....go figure.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Crazy is as crazy does.

    Even Joe Cross says a beginner should only do a 3 day juice fast.

    From his own mouth also "my own reboot was supervised by (my doctor) and a team who monitored my blood work regularly"

    Apparently Dr Wizard of Oz on his show today is calling juicing dangerous.....go figure.

    This is painful for me but I have to say I agree with Dr Dip-**** Oz on this whole Juicing thing. I can see a meal, maybe even a couple days but I have a issue with 7+ days.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Okay Molly Ringwald pipe down honey lol.

    No my husband told me to eat at least some chicken breast or almond butter etc. I just want to do 100 days of pure juice.

    Did I say everyday for the rest of my life. Nope .

    I'm not a failure. I am determined and the negative remarks speak volumes.

    I seriously NEVER thought people here to motivate others would be so ... Well you think of a word!

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    OP, have you seen the documentary film "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"? It's an inspiring true story of extended juice-only fasting. Almost made me want to try it.

    Ignore all the negativity. MFP is full of toxic people.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    Medically, what he did was ill advised. He did have a doctor checking him on a fairly regular basis, which OP has not indicated she will be doing.

    As others have said, this is not a pro-ana website. EATING is essential for survival. Posts like these actually are against the TOS.
  • Schatze1975
    Okay seriously. You people who act like 100 days will devastate me so bad I'll end up dead lol.

    I have learned what gmo does! Gmo is awful stuff and has made me sick.

    No I am not going to a doctor whom I have been to many and telling me what I already know plus even wanting to give me prescriptions for things juicing can heal.

    And for those mentioning Ana .. Pls so get a grip and take one of those doctor advised pills.

    What do you all think was eaten in the " old days " when weight problems were MUCH lower if hardly any! I'm talking when they cured there own ham they raised.. And smoked it in a private smoke house and didn't pump steroid in it!

    The pills and gmo that so many are swallowing down have side effects.

    This detox is amazing.

    I'm surely not advertising bad measure for health. That is your opinion. For me I feel great.
    I will prove you guys wrong.

    Yes my skin will sag but that's okay.
    My gosh some of you people should be banned from this site!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Okay Molly Ringwald pipe down honey lol.

    No my husband told me to eat at least some chicken breast or almond butter etc. I just want to do 100 days of pure juice.

    Did I say everyday for the rest of my life. Nope .

    I'm not a failure. I am determined and the negative remarks speak volumes.

    I seriously NEVER thought people here to motivate others would be so ... Well you think of a word!


    ^ This.

    You can actually lose weight by reducing portion sizes, tracking calories, working out (weight/resistance training and some cardio 3-5 times a week for even 30 minutes will help, I usually do an hour). You don't have to abstain from food you love or adhere to a strict diet of such and so to lose weight... that's what everyone seems to think. I was happy to find successful women on here who have completely changed their bodies and are still able to eat pizza and drink a beer every once in a while.

    Isn't that a liberating thought? You can lose weight without torturing yourself .... Hooray!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Okay seriously. You people who act like 100 days will devastate me so bad I'll end up dead lol.

    I have learned what gmo does! Gmo is awful stuff and has made me sick.

    No I am not going to a doctor whom I have been to many and telling me what I already know plus even wanting to give me prescriptions for things juicing can heal.

    And for those mentioning Ana .. Pls so get a grip and take one of those doctor advised pills.

    What do you all think was eaten in the " old days " when weight problems were MUCH lower if hardly any! I'm talking when they cured there own ham they raised.. And smoked it in a private smoke house and didn't pump steroid in it!

    The pills and gmo that so many are swallowing down have side effects.

    This detox is amazing.

    I'm surely not advertising bad measure for health. That is your opinion. For me I feel great.
    I will prove you guys wrong.

    Yes my skin will sag but that's okay.
    My gosh some of you people should be banned from this site!

    Key words. They ATE.
  • Schatze1975
    Hooray ..Navy?
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