Why are overweight / obese people reluctant to exercise?



  • massivediet
    massivediet Posts: 54 Member
    I don't know if this is common or not, but I disliked exercise long before I became overweight. If you're not at all into being ambitious or competitive, it's hard to get the motivation to push yourself to do it. I got the motivation because I needed to lose a lot of weight, but being heavy just made it a lot more uncomfortable to do strenuous exercise, which was always uncomfortable to me even when I was 115-130 pounds back in high school and shortly after. It doesn't feel good to me to jump around and get my heart rate up, and then especially when I had a flopping belly and boobs. Anyone can exercise at home and avoid the harrassment of strangers until they feel fit enough to go out, but it's just so unpleasant for some of us to do it, even at home.