

  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member

    My personal experience is that when I was fat(er) my body didn't like it when I ate a lot of bread and pasta. I still don't eat a lot of it, but when I eat it now I have very little or no side effects from it.

    The thing I found out about myself is that if I eat pizza everyday I feel **** and get fat. Funny how that works.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    My personal experience is that when I was fat(er) my body didn't like it when I ate a lot of bread and pasta. I still don't eat a lot of it, but when I eat it now I have very little or no side effects from it.

    The thing I found out about myself is that if I eat pizza everyday I feel **** and get fat. Funny how that works.

    Exactly! There's a direct correlation between how crappy I feel and how much "junk food" I've been eating!

    **disclaimer: the term "junk food" is used loosely here. I'm not calling anyone else's food junk. The definition is relative to personal experience.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I think for me, eating paleo is about putting foods into my body that our bodies were designed to handle.

    Our bodies really weren't designed to handle bread and processed foods.

    why are our bodies not designed to eat grain? Humans have been eating grains for thousands of years....

    Wrong. Except for a few cultures in the Middle East which may have eaten grain for over 10,000 years (which is NOT a long time genetically speaking) most cultures were not eating grain for thousands of years. In fact, some have only just started and it's very obvious that "diseases of Civilization" follow right after.

    So, you might do fine on grain (but if you've never tried eliminating it, I don't think you have a clue) but I do not.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think for me, eating paleo is about putting foods into my body that our bodies were designed to handle.

    Our bodies really weren't designed to handle bread and processed foods.

    why are our bodies not designed to eat grain? Humans have been eating grains for thousands of years....

    Wrong. Except for a few cultures in the Middle East which may have eaten grain for over 10,000 years (which is NOT a long time genetically speaking) most cultures were not eating grain for thousands of years. In fact, some have only just started and it's very obvious that "diseases of Civilization" follow right after.

    So, you might do fine on grain (but if you've never tried eliminating it, I don't think you have a clue) but I do not.

    post hoc ergo propter hoc
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    edit: not gonna bother with paleo zealots

    Wow, there's an intelligent, thought provoking response. Lump a bunch of people into a category and attack them on a personal level. Great argument. Very mature. (Is your brain properly nourished? Because I think you may be missing a few vital nutrients.)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love how someone makes a post, just throwing out information for people and instead of just taking the information and allowing people to research that information on their own and make a decesion based on the information they get from their research... They jump down someones throat on why THEY don't like it. That is great, you don't need to be rude, you don't need to attack someone. There was no bashing of someone elses lifestyle choice, there was someone simply promoting a lifestyle they enjoy and works great for them...

    Stop bashing what you hate and start promoting what you love.
    The end.

    so when someone posts on a public forum no one else can say anything...even if it is total hogwash..? What is this MFP Soviet Union version...
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I agree, above all do what works for you...but I just can't get behind Paleo advocating eating "mostly meat and veggies." Veggies yes, duh, but the grain-fed, factory-farmed, hormone-and-antibiotic-filled meat we eat is not "what cavemen ate." And grass-fed organic meat is crazy expensive, and still not a health food.

    I don't want the world to go vegetarian, I just think meat needs to be in moderation, not half your plate at every meal, Paleo-style. Study after study has shown that every serving of red meat increases your risk of heart disease, cancer, and many other chronic diseases. Obesity certainly does too, but you don't need to eat meat every day to lose weight.

    This is the problem. Judgements are made about a lifestyle when one knows nothing about it. A HUGE part of this lifestyle is stressing how important it is to AVOID processed and factory farmed food. Eat local, grow your own, etc. You do know that grain and vegetable agriculture has problems as well, right?

    No, there is not study after study that PROVES red meat causes illness. Totally illogical when current societies that still have a fat and meat based diet do not have those diseases... Perhaps you need to read a few hundred research papers for yourself instead of just listening to the media and health professionals who have little to no education in nutrition but have no problem making dietary recommendations.

    Have people gotten healthier since cutting red meat and drastically lowering natural saturated fats? Not that I see. Quite the opposite.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Don't forget to pick up your overpriced and processed paleo protein powder, just like Gorak used to.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I think for me, eating paleo is about putting foods into my body that our bodies were designed to handle.

    Our bodies really weren't designed to handle bread and processed foods.

    why are our bodies not designed to eat grain? Humans have been eating grains for thousands of years....

    well...because humans have been around for 2 million years, and only in the last 10000 years have humans been farming. We haven't adapted to these new foods, because science tells us that our dna is still exactly the same as the cavemans.

    Epigenetics. Also, New Scientist has explained why from that scientific perspective, paleo is nonsense... Here's another from Scientific American.

    But we are totally genetically adapted to consume Kraft dinner, soda pop, diet soda pop, chips fried in vegetable oils, margarine, soy in everything, sugar in everything, pre-manufactured everything preserved with chemicals such as BHT etc..... add to that the contaminants in our homes and out. But we are getting cancer and obesity from eating animals and natural saturated fats, as our ancestors have for thousands upon thousands of years. I LOVE the logic.
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    I love how someone makes a post, just throwing out information for people and instead of just taking the information and allowing people to research that information on their own and make a decesion based on the information they get from their research... They jump down someones throat on why THEY don't like it. That is great, you don't need to be rude, you don't need to attack someone. There was no bashing of someone elses lifestyle choice, there was someone simply promoting a lifestyle they enjoy and works great for them...

    Stop bashing what you hate and start promoting what you love.
    The end.

    so when someone posts on a public forum no one else can say anything...even if it is total hogwash..? What is this MFP Soviet Union version...

    The fact of it is, this diet isn't some unhealthy going to kill you diet. Many people use it and LOVE it and it works for them. It isn't dangerous. It is just something you don't agree with. So instead of being immature and posting things like this on an internet forum becuase you don't like it, like a child, move on and let people do their research and figure out if they like it. Sure soviet union verison or just the it is time to grow up verison.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Cutting out sweets and breads/pastas isn't restrictive so much as healthful! Great job :)

    But it is not required to cut these out in order to lose weight and be healthful, in which case many people would see it as being pretty restrictive.

    Yes, for many people, it is a requirement to cut out these foods to be healthy. Just because you haven't experienced something doesn't make the experience of others invalid.
    You say "many people," but it's actually a very tiny minority of the human population. That's the problem with these kinds of ideas, someone has a pretty rare condition that necessitates a specific food restriction, and then become convinced that because it's unhealthy for them, it must be unhealthy for all. That's not the case, and there is absolutely nothing unhealthy about bread or pasta.

    Really? Last time I checked obesity is at epidemic levels, as is diabetes, cancer, food allergies, autoimmune disorders, etc. Celiac disease is believed to be extremely under diagnosed. Most people are fat and sick and are on medications-none of which prevent or cure disease btw. But it's only a "tiny minority of the human population"? Well you are partially right if we are talking about all humans world wide, but I'm talking about my cohorts who are consuming the Standard American Diet.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Cutting out sweets and breads/pastas isn't restrictive so much as healthful! Great job :)

    But it is not required to cut these out in order to lose weight and be healthful, in which case many people would see it as being pretty restrictive.

    Yes, for many people, it is a requirement to cut out these foods to be healthy. Just because you haven't experienced something doesn't make the experience of others invalid.
    You say "many people," but it's actually a very tiny minority of the human population. That's the problem with these kinds of ideas, someone has a pretty rare condition that necessitates a specific food restriction, and then become convinced that because it's unhealthy for them, it must be unhealthy for all. That's not the case, and there is absolutely nothing unhealthy about bread or pasta.

    Really? Last time I checked obesity is at epidemic levels, as is diabetes, cancer, food allergies, autoimmune disorders, etc. Celiac disease is believed to be extremely under diagnosed. Most people are fat and sick and are on medications-none of which prevent or cure disease btw. But it's only a "tiny minority of the human population"? Well you are partially right if we are talking about all humans world wide, but I'm talking about my cohorts who are consuming the Standard American Diet.

    Strong logic as you said above, where are you getting sweets, breads and pastas are causing obesity and all these diseases.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I think for me, eating paleo is about putting foods into my body that our bodies were designed to handle.

    Our bodies really weren't designed to handle bread and processed foods.

    :drinker: THIS

    not this..

    what foods were our bodies designed to handle?
    I wanna know also. I mean civilization would have died out thousands of years ago if not for agriculture and processed food.

    Um, no. You are aware that hunter/gatherer societies still exist, right? Newsflash: they are human and they are civilizations. The only thing wiping them out now is colonization. (Oh wait, I forgot, the only civilization that counts is YOURS. My bad. And because our civilization is dominating and destroying the others, their nutritional choices must be superior... except that the illnesses we struggle with today accompany ONLY that civilization...)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love how someone makes a post, just throwing out information for people and instead of just taking the information and allowing people to research that information on their own and make a decesion based on the information they get from their research... They jump down someones throat on why THEY don't like it. That is great, you don't need to be rude, you don't need to attack someone. There was no bashing of someone elses lifestyle choice, there was someone simply promoting a lifestyle they enjoy and works great for them...

    Stop bashing what you hate and start promoting what you love.
    The end.

    so when someone posts on a public forum no one else can say anything...even if it is total hogwash..? What is this MFP Soviet Union version...

    The fact of it is, this diet isn't some unhealthy going to kill you diet. Many people use it and LOVE it and it works for them. It isn't dangerous. It is just something you don't agree with. So instead of being immature and posting things like this on an internet forum becuase you don't like it, like a child, move on and let people do their research and figure out if they like it. Sure soviet union verison or just the it is time to grow up verison.

    when people say don't eat that because it is "bad", I am going to challenge every time. It may not be unhealthy, but the premise behind it is basically bunk.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I think for me, eating paleo is about putting foods into my body that our bodies were designed to handle.

    Our bodies really weren't designed to handle bread and processed foods.

    :drinker: THIS

    not this..

    what foods were our bodies designed to handle?
    I wanna know also. I mean civilization would have died out thousands of years ago if not for agriculture and processed food.

    Um, no. You are aware that hunter/gatherer societies still exist, right?
    So populations of millions will not starve to death as hunter/gatherer tribes? Wow
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    But we are totally genetically adapted to consume Kraft dinner, soda pop, diet soda pop, chips fried in vegetable oils, margarine, soy in everything, sugar in everything, pre-manufactured everything preserved with chemicals such as BHT etc..... add to that the contaminants in our homes and out. But we are getting cancer and obesity from eating animals and natural saturated fats, as our ancestors have for thousands upon thousands of years. I LOVE the logic.

    bahahha you're awesome
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Cutting out sweets and breads/pastas isn't restrictive so much as healthful! Great job :)

    But it is not required to cut these out in order to lose weight and be healthful, in which case many people would see it as being pretty restrictive.

    Yes, for many people, it is a requirement to cut out these foods to be healthy. Just because you haven't experienced something doesn't make the experience of others invalid.
    You say "many people," but it's actually a very tiny minority of the human population. That's the problem with these kinds of ideas, someone has a pretty rare condition that necessitates a specific food restriction, and then become convinced that because it's unhealthy for them, it must be unhealthy for all. That's not the case, and there is absolutely nothing unhealthy about bread or pasta.

    Really? Last time I checked obesity is at epidemic levels, as is diabetes, cancer, food allergies, autoimmune disorders, etc. Celiac disease is believed to be extremely under diagnosed. Most people are fat and sick and are on medications-none of which prevent or cure disease btw. But it's only a "tiny minority of the human population"? Well you are partially right if we are talking about all humans world wide, but I'm talking about my cohorts who are consuming the Standard American Diet.

    Strong logic as you said above, where are you getting sweets, breads and pastas are causing obesity and all these diseases.

    this again? :yawn:
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Don't forget to pick up your overpriced and processed paleo protein powder, just like Gorak used to.

    There are people out there like that, and that's cool. Because that's what works for them! Again, I don't think anyone believes that they are REALLY eating like a caveman.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Wrong. Except for a few cultures in the Middle East which may have eaten grain for over 10,000 years (which is NOT a long time genetically speaking) most cultures were not eating grain for thousands of years.

    Nope, he's right, humans have been harvesting and eating grains for far longer than they have been actively farming grains. There is plenty of archeological evidence demonstrating that, going back at least 100,000 years now.

    And 100,000 years IS a "long time" genetically.

    The implications of this are important. Because grain consumption pre-dates the "out of Africa" migration, that means grain consumption is something humans were "designed" for, and was a feature temporarily lost in some groups as they migrated to geographies with restricted grains.

    The Paleo theory has this completely backwards - modern agriculture isn't introducing something new, it is bringing back something that was there from the beginning.

    I don't care if someone feels better not eating grains - I'm a firm believer in people making their own ingestive decisions - the problem is when people are trying to justify and proselytize their personal preference and experience with pseudo-science.