SWaT Team Challenge-Month 3



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hey Luney, The 4 mile super challenge is awesome, way to go!

    The Slim in 6 is a workout DVD by Debbie Siebers'. I found mine at a thrift store and when Plumsgrl mentioned she was gonna start it I thought I'd give it a go too. It's got several different levels and I guess you do each one for a week or two? not sure yet. (It's gonna take me a little longer) I'm on the Start it up phase and it has squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches and lots of other stuff. It's a lot slower paced than the walking dvd's but a lot more intense.

    I just completed my second round on the first level and I'm telling you my muscles are sore, especially in my abdomen. So it is definitely hitting the areas I need to work on. And yes, I am still whining even after having a day of rest in between! :sad:

    I also have the Leslie Sansone You can do Abs that I want to try sometime this weekend. I'm going to continue walking for my cardio but I just felt it was time to add some other stuff to help out with all this baggy stuff I got hanging around! :laugh:

    PMJsMom - I had some of the Richard Simmons vhs tapes but I gave them away when my VCR died. He does keep you entertained while your working out!

    I'm glad to see some new folks joining us too, the more the merrier!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    By the way, you two really help my motivation. All my MFP friends are great! I did Leslie's 4 mile super challenge today. I didn't want to, but I thought of all the work you guys are doing and I jumped in and did it. Thanks to all my friends for support.


    Isn't THAT the truth! Knowing my MFP pals are working out really gets me motivated on those days I just don't feel like doing anything!

    I did the 2 mile Walk and Jog this morning and the 2 Mile AHA Walk this afternoon.

    I'm going to babysit my grandson son tonight while the others go to a ball game. It's my dds 21st birthday so I thought I'd give her a break. He's breastfeeding with the occasional bottle so I may be doing more walking if he decides he just HAS to have mommy! (We'll be fine, though.)
  • swerdygnome
    swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
    Hi guys - I'd love to join you. I'm just starting out and have been doing the Leslie Sansone Walk Slim dvd's for the past 3 weeks or so. I alternate between the 2 and 3 miles. Will probably buy the 4 mile this weekend, I'm ready for a new challenge. :smile:
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi ya'll !

    well Sandy - you maybe right cuz afer 3 days of "slain" my whole body is sore!
    tonight I did the start it up (Ithought she was going slow at first) but only did the reverse crunches, since I'm doing the crunch challenge and was able to eek out 11 girly push ups (one more than last night-didn't really realize you use your abs when doing pushups-owie)!:laugh:

    But good greif! I actually missed not doing the walking dvds the last 2 days- so I popped one in after the "Debbie" and knocked out a mile in 12 min- felt really great! :noway: Also walked with Plummy for a mile!

    Patti- you're doing really great! Last month I had quite a bit of spare time on my hands (and feet) and the walking DVDs just got very addictive for me (funny cuz I hate exercise, period) didn't realize I had gone so far! AND your right, everyone here is so supportive, and seeing how everyone else is doing just kinda pushes you allong a little further than what you thought you could do.

    Kathy- so glad you get to spend time with the sweetiebaby! But the next time you take him walking with you, you'll have to get him a ticker thingy so we can keep track of his miles too:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Happy walking everyone (go legs):wink:

    I'm so glad to see more people here, welcome to all!:flowerforyou:
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Forgot to share yesterday, I walked 4 miles on the trail tonight!!!! I am trying to walk 50 miles so at least I can finish what I started last month. Hope everyone is doing well and walking away those pounds!!:drinker:
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Another 4 miles today and it felt good!!!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    So, baby boy was really good last night so I didn't do much in the way of walking with him. Only got one mile in today as I needed to work and it is too darn hot to walk--even inside. I was hoping to get more done and I still might later.

    I ordered Richard Simmons' Blast and Tone and Leslie Sansone's Walk Strong dvds. I really like the Walk Strong but it's at her Walk Club site and the video player there tends to be really choppy so I decided I wanted to own it.

    You are all doing great! Keep it up. I'll try to get back here later this weekend but we are going to a barbeque at my brother's so I don't know if I'll have time, so--have a wonderful and healthy weekend!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hey 1QueenB! you're doing great, and set a good goal too!

    Kathy hope you had fun at the BBQ! I remember Richard Simmons from years ago, so fun and entertaining!

    Today I knocked out the SIS start it up, and felt better after doing it (not as sore), tomorrow I do the slim and limber.

    I walked with Plummy first thing this am and this afternoon I did Leslie's the fat burning mile (love the pace) for 2 miles-
    total of 3 miles today!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi everyone! Yesterday wasn't good for me! No exercise and I ate badly. Gonna make up for it today.

    I did the WATP 5 Sweaty miles! A/K/A the 5 fat burning miles! :laugh:

    Gonna try the SI6 again when I get my chores done! Laundry, dinner, some sewing, Yuck! Housework is not my thing at all! :sad:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Got most of my chores done and did the Slim in 6 startup again. It's getting a little easier and I'm not as sore as I was, thank goodness. Now I still have to cook dinner and I'm pooped!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Did my first of four 12 hour shifts today-yucky way to start the week!

    came home to take Plummy for his walk and half way through it he got a splinter in his paw:frown: sooooo, that darn dog is heavy!!!
    22#s for a half mile (doesn't that count as a whole mile?) somehow he was able to work it out and is walking around just fine (wonder if he was just faking:laugh: ), so I'm about to take him out again...(the jokes on him:tongue: )

    did two miles of the fast walk, that was fun!

    and the SIS Limber (stretching)

    Sandy- yeah, it does seem to get easier- thought I might try the Ramp it up tomorrow, but because of my work schedule I'm gonna stay on start it up till later in the week (thursday).
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Did the 5 Fat Burning Miles this morning and its a good thing, to, as I ate too much at the bbq.
    We mostly had a good time--at least until my brother had too much too drink and started to become a bit obnoxious. (Why do people do that anyway?) Oh well, it was definitely time to leave!

    My weight is back up a pound so I really need to get on track. New day, new week--I CAN do this!
    (Besides, I should have my new dvds on Wednesday---just in time for the cooler weather that's predicted.)
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I am up for this challenge :) Hopefully will reach my goal this time :) I will track from today onwards though..

    Creating my ticker :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Did the 2 mile AHA Walk this morning and the Jogging Mile this afternoon. Would like to do more but need to run some errands.
    I have tomorrow off--I'll get more in then. And my new videos will be here soon. Can't wait!
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Hi All!

    Did Leslie's 4 mile challenge this morning. I felt great....when I was done. She really makes us work.

    Glad everyone is doing so well this month. I'll keep checking in whenever I can. I have a support group meeting tonight, so I have to get going. Have a good week everyone. Keep moving!

    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Yea Patti and Kathy! yo guys rock!!! I think if you keep this up you'll need to adjust you ticker goals UP:wink:

    Did the SIS start it up and 2 miles of the Fat Burning Walk today (:heart: it)- wanted to do the crunches, but woke up late so hopefully tomorrow will be better...

    happy walking everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mimi7grands
    I'm actually enjoying this, much to my amazement. 8 miles down. Did Leslie's 2-mile walk tonight. Hope to get out on the walking path tomorrow evening and get in 3 miles. It seems easier to walk more outside then in. Fortunately, things have cooled down enough by evening to get out there.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I had to go downtown this morning to get a permit for a garale sale this weekend--and I'm not even sure we're participating--mainly because no one has helped me get the stuff sorted out and I'm getting tired of doing it myself. I know it has been very hot but still--it has to be done anyway so we may as well make some money off of the stuff! Oh well--I did get almost an hour of brisk walking in as I waited for my bus home.

    I plan on doing a a walking video in a bit and then sorting through some more of the stuff in the garage.

    I hope my new videos arrive soon. I want to try them out!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Everybody is doing great. I feel like I've been slacking. I did the Slim in 6 start it up again. It's a great workout and I really feel like it's hitting some of the areas I need BUT it's so boring! I'd much rather do the WATP workouts. That woman's voice is so monotone. Tomorrow is cardio night so I"m gonna try to get a nice long walk in.

    My iron is low again so I'm having another infusion on Friday. Maybe it will give me back my energy. Seems like these last 2 weeks it's just disappeared.

    Everybody keep up the good work!

    Kathy, I've been meaning to ask you what kind of jewelry do you make?
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Only did 2 miles today. I decided to do WiiFit for 35 minutes first, so I had to cut down on the walk. Everyone is is doing so well this month. Keep it up!

    Kathy....I'm as curious as Sandy, what kind of jewelry do you make???