SWaT Team Challenge-Month 3



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well!!! I forgot to post yesterday that I walked 3 miles, so I am including it in today's mileage for a total of 7miles done! I am really going to try and make my goal!

    I forgot to post, too! Must be the heat. LOL!

    I did 4 miles yesterday and another 4 miles today for a total of 8 miles.

    The neighbor I got my sweet kitty from asked me to make some jewelry for the charity auction they are having in November instead of paying the usual fee. (This will actually be cheaper in actual dollars!) I'm thinking of a heart-shaped sterling silver set--pendant, bracelet and earrings.
    I need to think up a design for a business card (and a name for the business). (I'd like to include one with the set and I've been asked for my card recently.) Any ideas?
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Well got home from work and pulled Plummy outside for a walk , fed all the critters, did my stretching and WALKED!

    Just couldn't handle SIS tonight!:tongue:

    Kathy that's great news about the charity auction! As for your bussiness card, perhaps a picture of a favorite piece you've made- and the name, keep it simple and personel-people tend to remember it better:wink:

    whoo- I'm beat, and need to eat dinner!

    Ta-Ta for now:laugh:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Did my Richard Simmons' dvd again this morning since it is my day off. (I don't usually do strength training when I work because I do LOTS of lifting, etc. at work--it involves a lot of strength!) I really like it and am going to find some more soon.
    I also did Leslie's Walk Strong which has weight intervals and equals a 2 mile walk.

    We decided against the picnic in the park so I plan on doing another walking video soon--maybe I'll actually get to finish one of the longer ones--I always seem to get interruoted when I do those!

    Plumsgirl--you are doing GREAT! Keep it up!

    (Where did everyone else go?)
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I'm still here! Just haven't been able to get any walking in until today. Only 2 miles but I did the Walk and Jog. She said it was 2.5 miles but I'm only gonna count it as 2. For some reason this week work seems so draining. I thought I'd be all perky now after the iron. Maybe it will just take a little longer.

    Great about the charity auction Kathy. I'm sure you'll come up with something good for your cards. I think Plumsgrl is right about keeping it simple and personal.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Did 2 miles after work tonight- I'm just not a morning person:ohwell: so when I work I'll just have to get it done!!

    OK so I know the miles on my banner look ambitious, but I'm curious to see how long it will take:laugh:

    Kathy- OMG what a little cutie you have!

    Sandy- How's your B vits? they're required to make energy molecules!

    see ya in the am:wink:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Thanks for the reminder Plumsgrl. I am supposed to be taking B12 and vitamin D and I had slacked off before the infusion. I meant to start back up but kinda forgot about it. I read your message this morning so I took my vitamins and actually felt better today. Maybe it was a coincidence (could it work that fast?) or maybe it's just what I needed, or maybe the iron is finally kicking in! But anyway, I fixed up all my meds for the week so I can get back on track with it.

    I did the 3 mile Walk off 10 lbs workout tonight. Maybe I can catch up and still make my goal. I do want to continue with the crunches & stuff from the SIS. They are really starting to make a difference I think.

    Keep on walking everyone!
  • swerdygnome
    swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
    HI Everybody,

    I joined in with you guys earlier this month and haven't posted since, but just wanted to let everybody know that I'm still going strong with my walking with Leslie. It's amazing how fast one's endurance can build up in such a short time. I've graduated from her 2 mile walk 6 weeks ago to doing her 5 mile walk on a regular basis. I'll definitely surpass the goal I gave myself for this month. Thank you all for inspiring me. Tomorrow morning is another weigh in! Have a great night!!
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    2 miles done today!!!!!!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I forgot to drink my coffee this morning, and by the time I realized it , I had a massive headache and it was to late for me to drink any... so I didn't do to much today 3 miles out doing errands, also skipped my weigh in ...blah:indifferent:

    be back tomorrow
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Got 5 miles in yesterday. I try to start my morming with a 1 or 2 mile walk--usually 1--and then do a longer one in the afternoon.

    I actually got to finish the 4 mile Super Challenge yesterday!:happy: (I ALWAYS seem to get interrupted somehow!)

    Plumsgirl--You must have had quite a morning--to forget to drink your coffee!:noway: I don't think that would be possible for me!:laugh: I sure hope you feel better soon.

    Sandy--I hope you are feeling better soon, too.

    Everyone seems to be doing really good at this! I am joining a workout challenge on September 1st and will be mixing up my exercise types a bit more. I'll still be walking so I'll still be coming here--I don't think I could go very long without visiting with Leslie! And a walk in the morning seems to work best for me right now.

    Weigh in today--don't think it will be a good one--too many bad choices earlier this week. :ohwell: Oh well, at least I know it will mostly be from too much sodium and I am drinking LOTS of water to take care of that!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Well today I only got in 2 miles, came home from work late to find the temp in my apt at 82F- the AC unit had ice over it!
    The maintenence people don't come at night for AC problems, so I took my hair drier to defrost it :laugh:
    It worked! did 2 fast miles with the DVD in the heat :frown:

    have 4 more days of work before I have a day off- I need to win the Mega Millions!

    Kathy- what challenge are you gonna do? smart to change things up, helps with muscle confusion.

    see ya tomorrow!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    Plumsgrl - hope they were able to get your AC going again! An I hear ya bout the mega millions! lol

    Pmjsmom - hope your weigh-in goes well. I was down 1 lb at my weigh in yesterday and this morning I was down 2 more. I'm scared to claim it though, especially since I had chinese takeout this evening. Very hard to come up with real calorie counts on that stuff but I guestimated the best I could. All that sodium is probably gonna hit me tomorrow.

    Swerdy - glad to see your still with us and almost at your goal.

    Queen - Your doing awesome with your walking. Hows Yoshi doing with the walking?

    I did the 5 mile fat burning walk this morning. I need another one tonight (or the SIS) but probably won't make it.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Another day, another 3 miles done- wish I wasn't working so much (60 hrs/wk) but it won't be forever, just another month or so.
    Hard to do the SIS after working all day, and I just can't seem to drag myself out of bed to do it early:ohwell:
    I would up fixing the AC myself, so at least it was cool tonight...

    eary to bed and late to rise:tongue:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Didn't walk today, I wanted to try the Slim in 6 Ramp it Up!

    Plumsgrl - your right the pace is better and yes she is still BOOORING! I'm gonna hafta find me something else I like better. Just not sure what it's gonna be yet. My iron is really starting to kick in and I think I'm going to see a litlle boost to the weight loss as a nice side affect. Been doing a little research and it does seem that low iron can slow how your body burns fuel, thyroid function, etc. So my infusion may kick it back up. It would really be nice to get a little extra burn since I'm only about 16 lbs from my original goal.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    I haven't posted in awhile but I don't think I am going to make my goal of 36 miles by the deadline since I cannot walk every day. I have done 5 miles though.

    Can I still keep in with the challenge even if I don't make my goal??
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been here the last few days.

    Plumsgirl--the challenge is at a different weight-loss site. I'm not sure of the details yet--I haven't been there this past weekend, either.
    I'm glad you fixed your A/C. Is it still working? Do you know what caused it to ice up?

    Sandara--my weigh-in was about as I expected--up 2 pounds! ARRGGHH!!! I'm going to stick to a specific calorie goal for a while and not worry about exercise calories or anything like that. My maintenance calories for my lifestyle and weight right now is about 1800 so I'm going to stick to that and continue exercising and see what happens.

    iluvwdw--of course you can continue with us! As far as I am concerned, anyway, we are on a journey, not in a marathon! We are all in this together.

    I've been revisiting some old routines I used to do--mostly online ones. Saturday I did the "Make Me Over 40 Minute Workout" from exercisetv.tv. It went better than I expected and for the first time in FOREVER I was able to do the pushups! They were the girly on-my-knees type, but I couldn't do them before! I guess the upper body stuff in Leslie's walking routines really do work the muscles!

    Later on Saturday I went to Walmart and picked up Leslie's 5 Day Slim Down for my morning workout when I'm working. I also got a set of walking weights--just the 1 pound each ones, to kind of boost my walks a bit. I'm going to keep walking even though I plan on mixing things up a bit--especially on my days off.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    HI Everybody! Another Monday! Blah! lol

    I did the WATP - 3 mile Boot Camp - Now my back hurts but it's probably because I did the SIS Ramp it up yesterday. Probably should have stuck to straight walking today.

    iluvwdw - That's the great thing about this group. It's a go at your own pace. I didn't make my goal last month and may not make it this month either. But at least Im moving.

    pmjsmom - I keep forgetting about the workout channel. I may try some of those workouts cause the Slim in 6 just ain't the one I wanna stick with. There is a thread on the Fitness and Exercise board about What's your favorite workout DVD. Some interesting stuff there to check out too.

    Don't work too hard Plumsgrl! 60 hrs a week is ruff!

    FYI - Queen's stepfather is in the hospital so she may be in and out for a while. Everybody send good thoughts her way!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days, just wanted to take a few days off from work outs- will start back up on wednesday (one of my 2 days off this week)

    Sandy- I changed my vitamins- same brand only with iron. Origionally forgot why I stopped, so ok it was constipation!!! :noway: so now I need to remember to eat my prunes again:ohwell: Also looking for a different type of workout routine. Doing some research on various sites, so I'll have to see. Let me know if you find something fun (everyone talks about zumba, but I think I have 2 left feet)and cheap:tongue:

    Kathy- Yep AC is good- I had used a different filter (filtreet) was supposed to be better but just not for this unit. Sorry your weight's up- I forgot to weigh in last week and this week I'm down over 2#s so that's ok with me (actually weighed in 2 days early).

    1QueenB- my prayers are with your family ((((HUGS))))

    luv, peace, and weight loss to all!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    pmjsmom - I forgot to tell you that the 5 day slim down is the one I got started with. Did one mile a day, the first mile. Then added one of the 2 thru 4 miles and finally worked up to 3 miles a day doing the first mile, one of the 2-4 miles and the 4th fast mile. It's a really good dvd and easy to customize to whatever you want to do. It's great for those 1 mile in the morning workouts too. Have fun!
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks guys for keeping me. I can't ask my dr what I should be doing for walking cause she already told me only 5 mins per day. Seriously though where is that going to get me??

    So I am trying to swim this week if the weather co-operates if not I will at least try to do a mile every other day. My hip pain has subsided since I've eased up on the walking. Maybe I will just go back to the wii fit free walk.

    Oh well, thanks for keeping me. :bigsmile: