Please can I have some relationship advice

I post on here quite a lot, so I’ve started a new account for a bit of anonymity.

I’ve been with my partner for 6 and a half years, and we are getting married. The wedding has been booked for about 2 years and is almost paid for. I love him to bits, but over the last 18 months, I’ve started to feel more like his mother than his partner.

He’s always been a bit lazy and I could cope with that, but he’s got a lot worse. He works, but that’s about all he does. I also work the same hours, and I do all the shopping, all the cooking, 95% of the cleaning (he washes up). He pays his share of the bills, but I am responsible for all the money, payments and our savings, and I basically have to hand him out ‘pocket money’ – now I’d like to make it clear this is through his OWN choice, as he doesn’t want to do it. If there’s a problem which involves calling someone, like the bank, or his mobile provider, I have to do it, because he ‘doesn’t like talking to people on the phone.’

He’s also very un-attentive and sometimes selfish; if I didn’t organise things for us to do together, we would just sit in front of the telly in silence. I came home from work feeling really ill recently, and I asked him to cook dinner because I just couldn’t face it, and he couldn’t have made it clearer he was so unhappy doing it that I eventually gave in and cooked anyway.

On a more personal note, for a couple in their late twenties and early thirties, our sex life is non-existant.

The trouble is, I love him very much and I KNOW he loves me. I enjoy his company and we have a good laugh together. He’s very supportive of me. My parents adore him. He very respectful to me – in 6 and a half years he’s never so much as raised his voice or sworn at me. He doesn’t come across as needy, just extremely laid-back, which I think is his problem. As long as there’s a roof over his head and dinner on the table, he doesn’t care much for anything else. He doesn’t want the hassle. But he is a genuinely lovely guy, and I cannot express this enough.

However, I am in such a limbo. Sometimes I think I can cope with this for the rest of my life, and sometimes I think I can’t. I have tried again and again to talk to him about it, given him ultimatums, even stopped doing everything I do for him, but eventually it drives me mad and I start all over again.
I know part of the problem is that I do willingly mother him, but if I don’t, the house gets messy, there are no dinners on the table, and the bills don’t get paid.

We have no children (and neither of us want any) so there’s not that to worry about. But I want to get this sorted before we get married.

If this was your relationship, what would you do? Am I to blame?


  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    I am overcome with the sense I have read this post before . . .
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Personally, I would put my foot down and make it clear that he has to do his fair share of things (housework, cooking, money, etc) if he wants to stay in the relationship with me.

    If you don't, it will only get worse and he will continue to take advantage of you (which he is).
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I would suggest couple's counseling and premarital counseling for starters. Relationships are partnerships and he isn't currently upholding his end. So far you have been enabling him and you need to take steps to rectify this. It sounds like you are going to be the leader of your family, so get comfortable with the idea. Most people expect men to be the leader, but you are the stronger one.

    For the sex issue, it is time for him (or both of you) to maybe talk to a doctor to see if there is a physical element to the lack of sexual interaction. Perhaps it is hormonal? Or, heaven forbid, something more serious. Barring a physical reason, talk to a sex counselor.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Can you live with it? To marry him would be a conscious decision to accept things as they are. Don't expect him to change for you.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I post on here quite a lot, so I’ve started a new account for a bit of anonymity.

    I’ve been with my partner for 6 and a half years, and we are getting married. The wedding has been booked for about 2 years and is almost paid for. I love him to bits, but over the last 18 months, I’ve started to feel more like his mother than his partner.

    He’s always been a bit lazy and I could cope with that, but he’s got a lot worse. He works, but that’s about all he does. I also work the same hours, and I do all the shopping, all the cooking, 95% of the cleaning (he washes up). He pays his share of the bills, but I am responsible for all the money, payments and our savings, and I basically have to hand him out ‘pocket money’ – now I’d like to make it clear this is through his OWN choice, as he doesn’t want to do it. If there’s a problem which involves calling someone, like the bank, or his mobile provider, I have to do it, because he ‘doesn’t like talking to people on the phone.’

    He’s also very un-attentive and sometimes selfish; if I didn’t organise things for us to do together, we would just sit in front of the telly in silence. I came home from work feeling really ill recently, and I asked him to cook dinner because I just couldn’t face it, and he couldn’t have made it clearer he was so unhappy doing it that I eventually gave in and cooked anyway.

    On a more personal note, for a couple in their late twenties and early thirties, our sex life is non-existant.

    The trouble is, I love him very much and I KNOW he loves me. I enjoy his company and we have a good laugh together. He’s very supportive of me. My parents adore him. He very respectful to me – in 6 and a half years he’s never so much as raised his voice or sworn at me. He doesn’t come across as needy, just extremely laid-back, which I think is his problem. As long as there’s a roof over his head and dinner on the table, he doesn’t care much for anything else. He doesn’t want the hassle. But he is a genuinely lovely guy, and I cannot express this enough.

    However, I am in such a limbo. Sometimes I think I can cope with this for the rest of my life, and sometimes I think I can’t. I have tried again and again to talk to him about it, given him ultimatums, even stopped doing everything I do for him, but eventually it drives me mad and I start all over again.
    I know part of the problem is that I do willingly mother him, but if I don’t, the house gets messy, there are no dinners on the table, and the bills don’t get paid.

    We have no children (and neither of us want any) so there’s not that to worry about. But I want to get this sorted before we get married.

    If this was your relationship, what would you do? Am I to blame?

    This was my marriage! It didn't end well...
  • PhoenixWithoutAshes1
    It sounds more like a mother/child relationship than a boyfriend/girlfiend relationship. If you are not happy with the situation now, don't go thinking that marriage will change him, because it won't.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    You're having second thoughts, so don't marry him.
  • GardeningZombie
    GardeningZombie Posts: 55 Member
    Rather than toss blame around, and say "XX is what you should do to gain that spark", I suppose I would look at what exactly caused you to enter into the relationship in the first place. How did the courting occur? Did it occur? I'm in an opposite situation, where my partner is a great woman who tries to do a lot, but I'm not in love with her. A tough situation. As I reflect on our courting period, I realize had I not really been on the rebound, I probably wouldn't have actually entered into this relationship. But all that is a tangent.

    What did he do to which caused you to fall in love? What did you do to cause him to fall in love? A simple chat with him, open up the dialog and say "I miss it when we did X. I would like to do X again. Would you?" Above all, really try to help encourage the lines of communication. If your REALLY wanting to see a refocus on doing things together cancel/stop/delay the cable! Pull him out of Plato's cave and see what happens when he awakens ;-)

    Of course this is just a WAG, I don't profess to be any authority on the subject.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    You have to sit down with yourself, and really think about if you want to deal with this your whole life. He's laid back, but he loves you. He doesn't clean up, but he pays his share of the bills. I take care of the bills (the dispersing of our communal bills with both our pay checks), but he does other things. He cleans, like a champ. I've never met a cleaner guy. Mine's pretty laid back as well, but he still does stuff. Has he always been mothered? Did his mother enable this behavior? Or, did he become like this because you gave up on letting him do it himself?
  • Beautifulreflections
    sounds like my situation. MUCH more time in and kids to boot. Sometimes I feel like punching him in the throat when he chews...GET. OUT.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Think you need to sit him down and talk to him.

    Maybe also go on strike about doing his washing etc - you are both working so you should both do the chores. Just put yourself in his shoes - Would you do the chores when there is someone else 'willing' to take over. Yes he is treating you like his mum but you are also allowing him to do it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    sounds like my situation. MUCH more time in and kids to boot. Sometimes I feel like punching him in the throat when he chews...GET. OUT.

    Yup this.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Can you live with it? To marry him would be a conscious decision to accept things as they are. Don't expect him to change for you.

    100% this.

    If you marry him, you are accepting all his habits.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    My hubby goes through phases like this. Ask him if somethings up-if he says no...tell him to quit being a pill.

    It comes and goes here. He gets pissy-he is basically shunned until he pulls his head out of his butt.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Since you asked.........

    You are having doubts. Go with your gut. He is getting away with things like not cooking dinner when you are sick because you allow it. In sickness and in health means he should have taken care of you. If he is not doing it now.......he will not do it later.

    And why aren't you guys having sex? :huh: ( need to answer)

    Re-read your post sweetie! Pretend you are the recipient and not the writer........What would you do???

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Can you live with it? To marry him would be a conscious decision to accept things as they are. Don't expect him to change for you.

    This.... He is who he is. Can't change him.
  • skinnyforcruise2013
    Run now.
  • Beastmaster50
    Beastmaster50 Posts: 505 Member
    Stop acting like his mom then. Thats on you.
    The sex issue is huge and needs to be addressed prior to marriage. A ring won't solve it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Yeah, it is much easier to just dump and run than to try to fix it first. Why repair when you can buy new?