How do you avoid a pink world if you have a little girl?



  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    So found out it looks like for sure we are having a girl. I'm excited..Yay! However, I'm not excited about the future prospect of a sickly pink Pepto-Bismol world. I went shopping and every thing I looked at was pink,pink,pink. The only clothes I found exciting were the brightly colored little boy jammies with the happy zoo animals.

    If you have a little girl were you able to avoid the monotone princess world or did you have to succumb to it's gender sick clutches?

    Nothing against pink really it's a fine color on it's own.

    Dude, do whatever you want. I'd go with a green nursery and rock those zoo animals. When your child is old enough to choose their own favorites, then you may have to go with pink, maybe not. Also, just recognize that gender doesn't necessarily guarantee you freedom from pepto bismol. My son's favorite color is pink and he adores Hello Kitty. Gotta admit he looks pretty rad in his John Deere tractor hoodie with his pink and silver Hello Kitty backpack though. Also, the little girls dig him.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    First congratulations!! Second, yes majority of little girl things are some form of pink. But there's lots of purples and yellows, greens, etc as well. It doesn't have to be nothing but pink, just shop around some more, vary the shades of pink and add in other colors. I had 2 boys and 2 girls and we had lots of colors for both. Even my grand children, both boys and girls aren't just blue and pink. So have fune with it. Just be prepared if you dress her in blue before she has long enough hair to look girly, you will be complmented on your cute little boy!
  • fullersun
    Even worse than the color pink are the onsies with sayings like "Daddy's little princess" or "Pretty like Mommy". Terrible.

    There are a few websites that cater to parents who don't want to turn their daughter into a hot pink tutu princess. Here's one I like:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So found out it looks like for sure we are having a girl. I'm excited..Yay! However, I'm not excited about the future prospect of a sickly pink Pepto-Bismol world. I went shopping and every thing I looked at was pink,pink,pink. The only clothes I found exciting were the brightly colored little boy jammies with the happy zoo animals.

    If you have a little girl were you able to avoid the monotone princess world or did you have to succumb to it's gender sick clutches?

    Nothing against pink really it's a fine color on it's own.
    After the thousandth person tells you what a cute little boy you have, you'll need to buy stock in pink baby clothes. And they'll still tell you what a cute little boy you have. *sigh*

    Anyway, I don't know about now but when mine was a baby 19 years ago, there were plenty of cute girl clothes in all the colors of the rainbow. She wore some pink, but also green, yellow, blue, red, purple ...

    I wonder if you're seeing more pink than there is because you hate it.
  • kdsp2911
    kdsp2911 Posts: 170 Member
    I was just like that when we found out we were having a girl. Then our daughter was born and we were passed so many hand me downs, and they were FREE, so miraculously I didn't care if we were immersed in a sea of pink. I believe it is inevitable that you will have to face some pink, but if you plan on having a baby shower you can request and register for non pink items. There will still be some, but if you include in the invitation something about non pink or preferred colors, you will have better luck.

    Congratulations on your little blessing!

    ETA: Garanimals is an excellent brand. They have very bright, very non pink clothing for baby girls, they go all the way up to toddler sizes...Plus....they are CHEAP :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Congrats! I've never wanted children myself but I have always thought it would be more fun (IMO) to have a girl if I had!

    Obviously not speaking from experience as a parent...but I think you will do well to include other colors and expose your daughter to a wide variety of experiences & activities.

    As a kid I had a pink room, loved pink/purple, Barbies, makeup, long fussy hair, glitter, etc. I also loved the colors red & orange, wore jeans and Superwoman and Mork & Mindy t-shirts, loved playing outside, word puzzles, reading, animals, fishing, swimming, etc.

    I have seen quite a few parents (especially moms) who really just go with the pink princess junk and make zero effort to show their girls that there's more to life than that. You won't be like that, clearly.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Even worse than the color pink are the onsies with sayings like "Daddy's little princess" or "Pretty like Mommy". Terrible.

    There are a few websites that cater to parents who don't want to turn their daughter into a hot pink tutu princess. Here's one I like:

    I'm trying to figure out why those sayings are so terrible. :indifferent:

    OP, both my girls wore turquoise, lavender, black, etc. Even with a purple dress on and pierced ears someone asked how old HE was. Dress her how you want while you can. Mine won't let me anymore ;)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I put my daughter in a lot of neutral outfits. I remember that I had this little white onsie with primary color teddy bears on it. Someone had given me some boy stuff "just in case" and so I had some blue socks. There was blue in the onsie and, of course, my daughter had some brilliant blue eyes so I thought the socks went perfectly. We went shopping and a lady tells me I have a beautiful son. I very politely say, "why thank you, but she's a girl" and this woman had the audacity to snap at me "Well you put blue socks on her!!"

    Why yes... yes I did put blue socks on my daughter because she happens to look good in BLUE!

    People are so stupid with this gender-specific-baby-fashion-thing. Your little girl is going to be gorgeous in whatever she wears!!


    <<< edited to add; self-same child can be seen all grown up in her Halloween costume in my profile pic. Obviously, she has never much cared for frilly-girly stuff anyway.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    little girl number 1 was all dressed in pink (well, not just pink, other colours as well, but a lot of pink)

    little girl number 2 was dressed in brightly coloured unisex clothes because I was bored of pink, and also she has ginger hair and some shades of pink really don't go well with ginger hair... I tended to pick out colours that went with her hair.

    Once they're old enough to have opinions about what colours and clothes they like, they'll let you know. My 3 yr old is obsessed with Hello Kitty and minions (from Despicable Me) so she alternates between being dressed all in Hello Kitty clothes (which aren't all pink there's a range of colours) and going around the house wearing dungarees with no top "being a minion".
  • fullersun
    Even worse than the color pink are the onsies with sayings like "Daddy's little princess" or "Pretty like Mommy". Terrible.

    There are a few websites that cater to parents who don't want to turn their daughter into a hot pink tutu princess. Here's one I like:

    I'm trying to figure out why those sayings are so terrible. :indifferent:

    OP, both my girls wore turquoise, lavender, black, etc. Even with a purple dress on and pierced ears someone asked how old HE was. Dress her how you want while you can. Mine won't let me anymore ;)

    Because I'm not trying to raise a princess that is only judged by her looks. I'm trying to raise a smart, capable girl who can be anything she wants to be. Why box them into a type so early on?
    Same thing with boys clothes like "Daddy's little quarterback". Just because he is a boy doesn't mean he should be decked out in sports gear. It's the stereotypes that are terrible.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Dress her how you want while you can. Mine won't let me anymore ;)

    ^^^ Yep... that! It won't be very long before she refuses to wear what you want her too. I tried to put hats on my kids cause they were bald babies... do you think that worked out well? Nope... and socks will be kicked off frequently.

    Hell! You'll be lucky if you can keep a diaper on her... babies love to be naked! LOL!
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    I have a girl and yes she liked pink, then purple/black, then a soft beigey colour and now at 20 she likes shades of pink and mauve - in between we've given in to fleeting preferences of other colours. Thing is they know what they like/want, they're little people with their own ideas and you love them whatever x
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    So found out it looks like for sure we are having a girl. I'm excited..Yay! However, I'm not excited about the future prospect of a sickly pink Pepto-Bismol world. I went shopping and every thing I looked at was pink,pink,pink. The only clothes I found exciting were the brightly colored little boy jammies with the happy zoo animals.

    If you have a little girl were you able to avoid the monotone princess world or did you have to succumb to it's gender sick clutches?

    Nothing against pink really it's a fine color on it's own.

    Browns with greens and blues are super girly! Just make sure there's some flowers on there and you should be safe from people asking if it's a boy or a girl....

    Also, pinks are so much more manageable if you pair it with a dark brown

    There's also purples which look great with green. Imagine a green/purple striped shirt on a boy... yeah no. Now on a girl... yup. It shouldn't confuse anyone (it always bugs me when people can't figure out if it's a boy or a girl) and it will not be pink.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    You know, I have a daughter who loves baby dolls and dinosaurs and Darth Vader equally, but she is very girly and loves to wear pink and tutus and fairy wings. Just because something is typically "feminine" doesn't make it a bad thing...unless you think the only way to be a strong woman is to act like a man.

    But I guess that's a discussion for elsewhere.

    Anyway, my kid wears lots of pink because I got a huge amount of hand-me-down clothes. She and I don't mind, since they are just clothes. But even when she's wearing her Clone Wars shirt, no one ever has called her a boy, ever. I guess the pink pants and the curly pigtails help with that.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    At the younger ages it's pretty easy to find gender neutral things. Lots of yellows and pastel greens, zoo animals and such. It gets harder when you get to a year old when kids are able to point to things they like. When that time comes if she wants to like pink, let her. It's not detrimental to let a little girl like things specifically marketed to her. I loved pink as a little girl and played with toy makeup, but I also played Power Rangers in the back yard and had my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles go on adventures with My Little Ponies.

    Etsy is a good resource, if you have the money.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Even worse than the color pink are the onsies with sayings like "Daddy's little princess" or "Pretty like Mommy". Terrible.

    There are a few websites that cater to parents who don't want to turn their daughter into a hot pink tutu princess. Here's one I like:

    I'm trying to figure out why those sayings are so terrible. :indifferent:

    OP, both my girls wore turquoise, lavender, black, etc. Even with a purple dress on and pierced ears someone asked how old HE was. Dress her how you want while you can. Mine won't let me anymore ;)

    Because I'm not trying to raise a princess that is only judged by her looks. I'm trying to raise a smart, capable girl who can be anything she wants to be. Why box them into a type so early on?
    Same thing with boys clothes like "Daddy's little quarterback". Just because he is a boy doesn't mean he should be decked out in sports gear. It's the stereotypes that are terrible.

    The funny thing is about kids is they are going to grow up to be whoever they want to be. So while you don't want a princess... you will probably end up with one anyway. Or you might not... it's up to the kid's personality, really.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Even worse than the color pink are the onsies with sayings like "Daddy's little princess" or "Pretty like Mommy". Terrible.

    There are a few websites that cater to parents who don't want to turn their daughter into a hot pink tutu princess. Here's one I like:

    I'm trying to figure out why those sayings are so terrible. :indifferent:

    OP, both my girls wore turquoise, lavender, black, etc. Even with a purple dress on and pierced ears someone asked how old HE was. Dress her how you want while you can. Mine won't let me anymore ;)

    Because I'm not trying to raise a princess that is only judged by her looks. I'm trying to raise a smart, capable girl who can be anything she wants to be. Why box them into a type so early on?
    Same thing with boys clothes like "Daddy's little quarterback". Just because he is a boy doesn't mean he should be decked out in sports gear. It's the stereotypes that are terrible.

    The funny thing is about kids is they are going to grow up to be whoever they want to be. So while you don't want a princess... you will probably end up with one anyway. Or you might not... it's up to the kid's personality, really.
    Totally. The Little Mermaid was my absolute favorite thing as a little girl. I was obsessed. Ariel is probably the worst princess as far as role models go, but you know what? I didn't focus on the change-yourself-for-a-guy-you-just-met part, but the OOOO MERMAIDS! part.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Even worse than the color pink are the onsies with sayings like "Daddy's little princess" or "Pretty like Mommy". Terrible.

    There are a few websites that cater to parents who don't want to turn their daughter into a hot pink tutu princess. Here's one I like:

    I'm trying to figure out why those sayings are so terrible. :indifferent:

    OP, both my girls wore turquoise, lavender, black, etc. Even with a purple dress on and pierced ears someone asked how old HE was. Dress her how you want while you can. Mine won't let me anymore ;)

    Because I'm not trying to raise a princess that is only judged by her looks. I'm trying to raise a smart, capable girl who can be anything she wants to be. Why box them into a type so early on?
    Same thing with boys clothes like "Daddy's little quarterback". Just because he is a boy doesn't mean he should be decked out in sports gear. It's the stereotypes that are terrible.

    The funny thing is about kids is they are going to grow up to be whoever they want to be. So while you don't want a princess... you will probably end up with one anyway. Or you might not... it's up to the kid's personality, really.
    Totally. The Little Mermaid was my absolute favorite thing as a little girl. I was obsessed. Ariel is probably the worst princess as far as role models go, but you know what? I didn't focus on the change-yourself-for-a-guy-you-just-met part, but the OOOO MERMAIDS! part.

    Now that you mention it, I never once considered that Ariel was changing herself for a guy. LOL!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Congratulations!!!! How exciting for you!! There are tons of other colours out there for a little girl, but it's true - princess pink is the most popular colour for girls!! I had two boys, then I had my daughter...I couldn't WAIT to have something pink in my house for her! As much as we like to think we can get gender neutrality, it is IMPOSSIBLE to buy something for boys with pink on it. Anyone agree?

    Eh, my boys had plenty of pink and purple Dora toys when they were little. I think we even still have a pink Dora rug around somewhere.