Juice Cleanse?



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I think a juice cleanse is a great idea. If you own a juicer, it will not be costly at all. You can get great benefit from juicing. While you can't sit down and eat a bunch of kale. You can juice a bunch and reap all the nutrition from it. I juice on occasion (never tried a total juice cleanse, not disciplined enough) and notice my skin is much healthier looking. I older, so anything that helps get the nutrition to the system, I'm willing to try. Another thing, juicing will provide a break to the digestive system to help rid your system of toxic waste. Digestion uses a lot of energy which is why many feel sluggish after a large meal. My suggestion would be to use mainly vegetables because they don't have the carb spike that fruits have, nor the sugar content. Try reading books by Joel Fuhrman. He's great! And maybe watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", a testimony to a juice fast. All the best to you!

    *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

    What toxin are you ridding your system of??? WHICH ONE??? WHAT IS ITS NAME?!!??/?doubleslash??/

    And why do you think your digestive system needs a break? We don't take breathing breaks...or heart pumping breaks. Well, I mean, sometimes we do...but those are Bad Things. Very Bad Things.

    Testimony to a juice fast? You mean, infomercial, right?


    I'm not surprised by your negativity. I see from your profile - you don't like people.... As americans, we consume a lot of food, more than average. And, a lot of foods with chemical additives, artificial flavoring, and crap no one can pronouce, let alone spell. I could go on but I'm not here to write a book. All of which must go through your digestive tract. Some of it never leaves the body, instead lining the walls of the intestines with putrid waste. Then there is that old saying "You are what you eat." There are several signs of people with bad diets (overweight, acne, pertruding bellies, redness in the eyes, smell, etc.). So why wouldn't a good diet, including juicing do a body well?

    So name one. Any one. And how exactly does a "cleanse" eliminate them? And what scientific study has confirmed this?
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    I think a juice cleanse is a great idea. If you own a juicer, it will not be costly at all. You can get great benefit from juicing. While you can't sit down and eat a bunch of kale. You can juice a bunch and reap all the nutrition from it. I juice on occasion (never tried a total juice cleanse, not disciplined enough) and notice my skin is much healthier looking. I older, so anything that helps get the nutrition to the system, I'm willing to try. Another thing, juicing will provide a break to the digestive system to help rid your system of toxic waste. Digestion uses a lot of energy which is why many feel sluggish after a large meal. My suggestion would be to use mainly vegetables because they don't have the carb spike that fruits have, nor the sugar content. Try reading books by Joel Fuhrman. He's great! And maybe watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", a testimony to a juice fast. All the best to you!

    *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

    What toxin are you ridding your system of??? WHICH ONE??? WHAT IS ITS NAME?!!??/?doubleslash??/

    And why do you think your digestive system needs a break? We don't take breathing breaks...or heart pumping breaks. Well, I mean, sometimes we do...but those are Bad Things. Very Bad Things.

    Testimony to a juice fast? You mean, infomercial, right?


    I'm not surprised by your negativity. I see from your profile - you don't like people.... As americans, we consume a lot of food, more than average. And, a lot of foods with chemical additives, artificial flavoring, and crap no one can pronouce, let alone spell. I could go on but I'm not here to write a book. All of which must go through your digestive tract. Some of it never leaves the body, instead lining the walls of the intestines with putrid waste. Then there is that old saying "You are what you eat." There are several signs of people with bad diets (overweight, acne, pertruding bellies, redness in the eyes, smell, etc.). So why wouldn't a good diet, including juicing do a body well?

    So name one. Any one. And how exactly does a "cleanse" eliminate them? And what scientific study has confirmed this?

    I've done my homework and I'm satisfied. Now do yours....
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    I've done my homework and I'm satisfied. Now do yours....

    Figures. :laugh:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think a juice cleanse is a great idea. If you own a juicer, it will not be costly at all. You can get great benefit from juicing. While you can't sit down and eat a bunch of kale. You can juice a bunch and reap all the nutrition from it. I juice on occasion (never tried a total juice cleanse, not disciplined enough) and notice my skin is much healthier looking. I older, so anything that helps get the nutrition to the system, I'm willing to try. Another thing, juicing will provide a break to the digestive system to help rid your system of toxic waste. Digestion uses a lot of energy which is why many feel sluggish after a large meal. My suggestion would be to use mainly vegetables because they don't have the carb spike that fruits have, nor the sugar content. Try reading books by Joel Fuhrman. He's great! And maybe watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", a testimony to a juice fast. All the best to you!

    *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

    What toxin are you ridding your system of??? WHICH ONE??? WHAT IS ITS NAME?!!??/?doubleslash??/

    And why do you think your digestive system needs a break? We don't take breathing breaks...or heart pumping breaks. Well, I mean, sometimes we do...but those are Bad Things. Very Bad Things.

    Testimony to a juice fast? You mean, infomercial, right?


    I'm not surprised by your negativity. I see from your profile - you don't like people.... As americans, we consume a lot of food, more than average. And, a lot of foods with chemical additives, artificial flavoring, and crap no one can pronouce, let alone spell. I could go on but I'm not here to write a book. All of which must go through your digestive tract. Some of it never leaves the body, instead lining the walls of the intestines with putrid waste. Then there is that old saying "You are what you eat." There are several signs of people with bad diets (overweight, acne, pertruding bellies, redness in the eyes, smell, etc.). So why wouldn't a good diet, including juicing do a body well?



    I just...


    I can pronounce all of the words in the food I eat. I can spell most of them too. As far as I can tell, there is no correlation between the dangers of a substance and the ease with which it is pronounced or spelled. (Arsenic is a fairly simple word. So is mercury.)

    Have you ever seen a video of a colonoscopy? I have. There is nothing permanently lining the walls of your intestines. If there is, you have a medical issue that needs to be addressed urgently and will not be remedied by the food and drink you consume. Yes, "you are what you eat" because the bulk of what you consume fit nicely into categories called macronutrients that serve as the building blocks for your body.

    I don't dispute that we consume things that are potentially toxic (if in a sufficient dose). I dispute that juicing does anything to eliminate them any more than our bodies will do without the juice. And I contend that being at a healthy weight is infinitely more important to health than the supposed benefits of juicing.

    Best of luck to you with all your fitness and health goals. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I'm done. Hey, mmapags, you want to take it from here?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Just my body in general.

    That will leave you very sticky all over. Soap works better.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Pros, can't think of any.

    Cons: Juice is full of sugars and carbs and no essentials like protein.

    So basically, if you want a 3 day carb/sugar binge on juice, go for it.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Pros, can't think of any.

    Cons: Juice is full of sugars and carbs and no essentials like protein.

    So basically, if you want a 3 day carb/sugar binge on juice, go for it.

    Well hell. Now it's sounding like a pretty good deal.
  • Dunsirn
    Dunsirn Posts: 82 Member
    Bringing up alternative-new-age-quackery on a largely evidence-based, empiricist forum like these boards is kinda like sticking your hand in an angry Rottweilers mouth and complaining when it bites you.

    If you want people to tell you it's a great idea, pitch it to any of the myriad new age forums who i've no doubt will tell you in smooth, angellic tones what a fantastic thing it is (which it isn't, BTW, it's nonsense. you're already doing fantastic stuff just by exercising and logging calories).

    The thing about the MFP boards is we're not wrong, we're just *kitten*.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member

    *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

    What toxin are you ridding your system of??? WHICH ONE??? WHAT IS ITS NAME?!!??/?doubleslash??/

    And why do you think your digestive system needs a break? We don't take breathing breaks...or heart pumping breaks. Well, I mean, sometimes we do...but those are Bad Things. Very Bad Things.

    Testimony to a juice fast? You mean, infomercial, right?


    I like you.
  • sugarfree123
    sugarfree123 Posts: 82 Member
    I was going to pass on posting this, but since you basically told me not to, and I don't do well with that, here is a masterpiece of writing, wit and wisdom on the subject.

    Cleanse by bathsheba_c

    To cleanse or not to cleanse? That is the question.
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of non-specific toxins
    Or to take arms against a sea of imagined bowel obstructions
    And by opposing, perforate one's colon. To juice; to detox;
    No more; and by a detox to say we end
    The pH and the balance of intestinal flora
    That guts are heir to, 'tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be avoided. To juice; to detox;
    To detox: perchance to puke: aye, there's the rub;
    For in the pangs of indigestion what side-effects may come
    When we go and leave our undies soiled.
  • sugarfree123
    sugarfree123 Posts: 82 Member
    ROTFLMAO. Beam me up Scotty. That was hilarious!
  • DyamonDyva
    DyamonDyva Posts: 17 Member
    I understand you wanting to juice, I haven't done one in a while but am considering doing one very soon. Juice fasting helps your body to detox, and I really need to detox so that I can stop craving food that isn't healthy. Look up Raw Raw Life on youtube she gives very good advice and recipes for juicing, you won't be disappointed. I say do whatever you feel is going to get you to your goal. Good luck with your juicing, your going to feel amazing once your body detox....
  • Dunsirn
    Dunsirn Posts: 82 Member
    I understand you wanting to juice, I haven't done one in a while but am considering doing one very soon. Juice fasting helps your body to detox, and I really need to detox so that I can stop craving food that isn't healthy. Look up Raw Raw Life on youtube she gives very good advice and recipes for juicing, you won't be disappointed. I say do whatever you feel is going to get you to your goal. Good luck with your juicing, your going to feel amazing once your body detox....

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I think a juice cleanse is a great idea. If you own a juicer, it will not be costly at all. You can get great benefit from juicing. While you can't sit down and eat a bunch of kale. You can juice a bunch and reap all the nutrition from it. I juice on occasion (never tried a total juice cleanse, not disciplined enough) and notice my skin is much healthier looking. I older, so anything that helps get the nutrition to the system, I'm willing to try. Another thing, juicing will provide a break to the digestive system to help rid your system of toxic waste. Digestion uses a lot of energy which is why many feel sluggish after a large meal. My suggestion would be to use mainly vegetables because they don't have the carb spike that fruits have, nor the sugar content. Try reading books by Joel Fuhrman. He's great! And maybe watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", a testimony to a juice fast. All the best to you!

    *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

    What toxin are you ridding your system of??? WHICH ONE??? WHAT IS ITS NAME?!!??/?doubleslash??/

    And why do you think your digestive system needs a break? We don't take breathing breaks...or heart pumping breaks. Well, I mean, sometimes we do...but those are Bad Things. Very Bad Things.

    Testimony to a juice fast? You mean, infomercial, right?


    I'm not surprised by your negativity. I see from your profile - you don't like people.... As americans, we consume a lot of food, more than average. And, a lot of foods with chemical additives, artificial flavoring, and crap no one can pronouce, let alone spell. I could go on but I'm not here to write a book. All of which must go through your digestive tract. Some of it never leaves the body, instead lining the walls of the intestines with putrid waste. Then there is that old saying "You are what you eat." There are several signs of people with bad diets (overweight, acne, pertruding bellies, redness in the eyes, smell, etc.). So why wouldn't a good diet, including juicing do a body well?

    Which chemicals get stuck in the digestive tract and form a putrid waste? I think you could probably list them without having to write a book. If you don't know, if all you can do is pull some random chemical names out of thin air without any actual controlled study evidence, then you're just buying into the same fad that so many other people have. People have been selling snake oil for centuries and have made the exact same claims that their product rids the body of chemicals, or evil spirits. Take your pick, they equate to the same mumbo jumbo crap.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Pros, can't think of any.

    Cons: Juice is full of sugars and carbs and no essentials like protein.

    So basically, if you want a 3 day carb/sugar binge on juice, go for it.

    Well hell. Now it's sounding like a pretty good deal.

    Sign me up!

    But my binge is going to consist of pizza and Ben & Jerry's instead of apples and kale.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    throw the entire fruit/veggie in the blender and maker smoothies instead of juicing to get the massive amount of vitamins and minerals and fiber from the whole food and not just the juice if you feel you need more veggies and such in your diet.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I understand you wanting to juice, I haven't done one in a while but am considering doing one very soon. Juice fasting helps your body to detox, and I really need to detox so that I can stop craving food that isn't healthy. Look up Raw Raw Life on youtube she gives very good advice and recipes for juicing, you won't be disappointed. I say do whatever you feel is going to get you to your goal. Good luck with your juicing, your going to feel amazing once your body detox....

    Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Asparagine, D-Categin, Isoqurctrin, Hyperoside, Ferulic-Acid, Farnesene, Neoxathin, Phosphatidyl-Choline, Reynoutrin, Sinapic-Acid, Caffeic-Acid, Chlorogenic-Acid, P-Hydroxy-Benzoic-Acid, P-Coumaric-Acid, Avicularin, Lutein, Quercitin, Rutin, Ursolic-Acid, Protocatechuic-Acid, and Silver.

    The chemikillz!!! The TOXINZ!!!!

    Found in an apple.

    Gotta cleanse those so make a juice out of them and... yeah, this is dumb.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

    What toxin are you ridding your system of??? WHICH ONE??? WHAT IS ITS NAME?!!??/?doubleslash??/

    And why do you think your digestive system needs a break? We don't take breathing breaks...or heart pumping breaks. Well, I mean, sometimes we do...but those are Bad Things. Very Bad Things.

    Testimony to a juice fast? You mean, infomercial, right?


    I like you.

    Don't worry...like the euphoria from an extreme calorie-deprivation restrictive diet, this feeling will quickly pass...

    ...and then you'll find yourself in the fetal position whimpering while clutching your stomach moaning, "what have I done to deserve this???"
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Pros, can't think of any.

    Cons: Juice is full of sugars and carbs and no essentials like protein.

    So basically, if you want a 3 day carb/sugar binge on juice, go for it.

    Well hell. Now it's sounding like a pretty good deal.

    Sign me up!

    But my binge is going to consist of pizza and Ben & Jerry's instead of apples and kale.

    I wanna binge on Snickers, cake and milk because all that sugar is going to make me thirsty for some milk.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Pros, can't think of any.

    Cons: Juice is full of sugars and carbs and no essentials like protein.

    So basically, if you want a 3 day carb/sugar binge on juice, go for it.

    Well hell. Now it's sounding like a pretty good deal.

    Sign me up!

    But my binge is going to consist of pizza and Ben & Jerry's instead of apples and kale.

    Yeah, I'd rather get the same effect from cake, cookies and brownies.