Lady to give out "you're too fat for candy" letters?



  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    On the flip side ....


    Thank you for posting this. What a lovely thing for this Mom to do.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    She won't be anonymous for long.

    IMHO, Halloween is a fun holiday and shouldn't be used to express your opinion on childhood obesity, making children feel less than adequate about body image. If she disagrees with overweight kids having candy, non-candy items would be a good substitute.

    Parents should supervise their children, inspecting what they get anyway. Just remove the note if possible before it's seen (I know--easier said than done). Then find the name and address of a local counselor who specializes in bullying, write it down on the back of the note, and slide it under her door the next day--with or without a Jawbreaker candy attached to it. Maybe she'll get the message.
  • kidtachyon
    kidtachyon Posts: 32 Member
    Sounds fake to me.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    She's entitled to her opinion because her tax dollars will be paying for your obese child's healthcare. Hardly any of her or your tax dollars go to anything but the government. This argument is as tired as it is inaccurate.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Here is the letter...


    I think she should reword it to say...

    "Happy Halloween kiddo's-who-are-gonna-read-this-before-your-parents. You may now commence from being "moderately obese" to "all the way obese" as you sit with my letter and a bag full of candy from other more thoughtful and respectful neighbors.

    This was my sad, misguided, and holier-than-thou attempt to communicate with your parents like a ch!ckensh!t via you kids. I am a coward, a snob, a metiche and a plain out jerk. Please commence to throw bags of dogshet at my house and to TP it for the next 10 years until you graduate and move to college and pass the torch of my legendary stupidity and evil to your younger siblings...and then their younger classmates for all eternity. Please also begin to carry band-aids in your backpacks to toss blithely in my direction whenever I come across your angry parents on the street for the bloody noses I may endure. Also, can one of you do a mail forward for me from this place to the depths of hell since I think I may piss off my postal worker, UPS, and FedEx people as well and may never receive deliveries on my doorstep after this. "
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Hand out healthy snacks to all the kids, lord knows even the skinny ones probably don't eat that well, they just have higher metabolisms. And sometimes a chubby child's body is just getting ready to go through a growth spurt. How can you tell? Unless you are a friend of the parent or child, or a doctor or an educator who knows something about the child and his/her family you have no business butting in or saying anything. People these days think everything is their business. It just isn't.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Here is the letter...


    I think she should reword it to say...

    "Happy Halloween kiddo's-who-are-gonna-read-this-before-your-parents. You may now commence from being "moderately obese" to "all the way obese" as you sit with my letter and a bag full of candy from other more thoughtful and respectful neighbors.

    This was my sad, misguided, and holier-than-thou attempt to communicate with your parents like a ch!ckensh!t via you kids. I am a coward, a snob, a metiche and a plain out jerk. Please commence to throw bags of dogshet at my house and to TP it for the next 10 years until you graduate and move to college and pass the torch of my legendary stupidity and evil to your younger siblings...and then their younger classmates for all eternity. Please also begin to carry band-aids in your backpacks to toss blithely in my direction whenever I come across your angry parents on the street for the bloody noses I may endure. Also, can one of you do a mail forward for me from this place to the depths of hell since I think I may piss off my postal worker, UPS, and FedEx people as well and may never receive deliveries on my doorstep after this. "

    :frown: :frown: :frown:

    Seriously. I don't care what kids "look" like. Candy isn't good for any of them, but yes, they love it and yes, it's part of the holiday. Just give toys to everyone if you want to make a change.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Did anyone else notice that they dont even show a picture of the lady in the video or the story?? Whose to say she herself is not obese or a heavy person??

    Trick or Treating is supposed to be fun for our kids. They dont need a lecture on obesity. If you dont want to give the kids candy then turn your light off. Otherwise, she should mind her own business.

    ....on it!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Turn off your porch light and ignore Halloween OR play along and give out candy to the children who visit your home. Pick one or the other. Her letter to parents is obnoxious, high handed and absurd. She has no clue about the daily diets of the kids who ring her doorbell. Not all children who are overweight are fed unhealthy diets. She needs to get over herself and act like a decent human being. I hope a parent sues her for the emotional distress caused by her lack of common sense.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I found it.


    Too bad I don't know how to caption it with "YOU're a moderately obese little candy for you!"
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Meh karma...hurt a child it comes back triple fold
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    So.. a letter explaining that your child is a little overweight
    getting your *kitten* kicked
    Getting your tires slashed
    getting your house egg'd
    getting thretened to the point of needing to move.

    And we wonder whats wrong with society today....

    Don't be dense. It's not a letter "explaining that your child is a little overweight." It's an insulting, demeaning, humiliating slap in the face of a child. A child who may already be feeling crappy about being obese and is just out having some fun with his/her friends. Really. Don't be an *kitten*.
    I am being an *kitten*?
    People are saying that they would resort to physical violence for getting this note.
    And I am the *kitten*?
    I am not saying that this lady is right however; assuming that the kids are right there, punching this lady in the face is really the wrong message to pass to the kids.
    What is going to happen when she decides to stand her ground and defend herself from the physical assauly with deadly force?
    Won't that be a wonderful lesson for little Timmy?
    "Look, Daddy got his heart blown out because he decided to punch a housewife."
    No one should resort to violence.
    But, yeah, if people blowing off steam after hearing about this horrible woman's plan gets your more rankled than the actual horrible thing she's going to do, then you are being an *kitten*.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I found it.


    Too bad I don't know how to caption it with "YOU're a moderately obese little candy for you!"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    She's entitled to her opinion because her tax dollars will be paying for your obese child's healthcare.

    right, and my tax dollars paid for your public education. do I get an opinion on which idiotic statements you get to spout off?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    She's entitled to her opinion because her tax dollars will be paying for your obese child's healthcare.

    And? We also pay for smokers healthcare and people with cancer and stupid people that fall out of trees and and and... not to mention all the other stuff we pay for with our taxes.... Just because someone has an opinion about something doesn't mean they need to be an *kitten* about it. There is ways of expressing your opinions and concerns and taking steps to help curb the problem without being a major twatwaffle over it.
  • its_go_time
    its_go_time Posts: 262 Member
    I have a friend (a school nurse) who feels the same way about passing out candy. She passes out glow in the dark slap bracelets. The kids love them. Much nicer than an unkind letter and probably more effective.

    I like that. Great idea. Much better than mountains of candy. And of course of that letter.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I found it.


    Too bad I don't know how to caption it with "YOU're a moderately obese little candy for you!"

    Or the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    So.. a letter explaining that your child is a little overweight
    getting your *kitten* kicked
    Getting your tires slashed
    getting your house egg'd
    getting thretened to the point of needing to move.

    And we wonder whats wrong with society today....

    Don't be dense. It's not a letter "explaining that your child is a little overweight." It's an insulting, demeaning, humiliating slap in the face of a child. A child who may already be feeling crappy about being obese and is just out having some fun with his/her friends. Really. Don't be an *kitten*.
    I am being an *kitten*?
    People are saying that they would resort to physical violence for getting this note.
    And I am the *kitten*?
    I am not saying that this lady is right however; assuming that the kids are right there, punching this lady in the face is really the wrong message to pass to the kids.
    What is going to happen when she decides to stand her ground and defend herself from the physical assauly with deadly force?
    Won't that be a wonderful lesson for little Timmy?
    "Look, Daddy got his heart blown out because he decided to punch a housewife."

    this is valid.

    but i still think that lady is nuts. why not just not give candy at all? or maybe give a healthy snack. or something? its not so much as insulting to the kids. as the parents i think.

    Honestly violence is not the answer, and escalating is even worse.

    What she should seriously do is not be home on Halloween so as not to contribute to obesity or turn off her front porch lights and leave a sign saying "No candy" which is the acceptable custom that people who don't wish to participate for ANY reason do all the time.

    She should then seek out and find other ways to speak out against childhood obesity perhaps at health fairs and the like. If she cares this much about it to risk hurting the feelings of totally unawares and vulnerable trick or treating children then perhaps she cares enough to take a more rational, mature, and effective approach. This tactic will result in bad things. Very bad things. And regardless if she defends herself adequately she will still go down in the public eye as the instigator of the whole mess. I hope she rethinks this horrible idea before tomorrow. You are on notice lady. You have 24 hours to forget this stupid plan.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    She's entitled to her opinion because her tax dollars will be paying for your obese child's healthcare.

    right, and my tax dollars paid for your public education. do I get an opinion on which idiotic statements you get to spout off?

    Nice one I like that. I've been trying to find a good retort for that silly argument, but havent been able to find anything I like. I like that comment.
  • neekosmith
    neekosmith Posts: 47 Member
    This lady is a grade A Catch U Next Tuesday, for sure.

    If I would have received a letter like that while trick or treating with my friends, an eating disorder would have been sure to follow.