Anyone else miss drinking??!!!



  • biglarrr
    biglarrr Posts: 9 Member
    It adds up fast. I don't know what you drink, but I discovered "Barefoot Moscato" It's kind of a fruity wine, but sometimes it actually tastes pretty good. Other times half a glass, and I wonder why I drink it. Try it. It's about half the calories of regular wine.
  • Salty_Sauce
    Salty_Sauce Posts: 1,329 Member
    I suppose I would if I stopped :-)
  • kelisueray
    kelisueray Posts: 78 Member
    As a part of my weight loss plan, I cut out almost all processed sugar. That meant giving up my Sailor Jerry's and Coke.

    As a compromise though I will have a Makers Mark (bourbon) on the rocks 2 times a week when I am out with friends. That's about 180 to 200 calories I try to plan into my 2 days.

    Works out great.

    noooo you can't get rid of the sailor!
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Drinking is a hard part of losing weight, especially for those like me who have been drinking regularly for a long time. Alcohol is empty calories, but it also slows metabolism and lowers -- for me anyway -- my resolve not to eat everything in sight after hours.

    At least going to the bar, they will measure your drinks for you .... rather than pouring yourself a drink and thinking that it is a single shot, when it is more likely a double or maybe even a triple....

    Logging the booze and snacks is important, if only to jar you into more discipline the next day/week.

    Instead of "never drinking again," I am now limiting myself to one drink (wine) on a weeknight and no more than three drinks at night during my splurge night on Fridays. I don't drink every weeknight, but might have one glass of wine with dinner.

    The other thing to try is the spacer drink. Between your happy hour drinks with booze in it, drink a super low cal drink (a big club soda with lime and one of those funny cherries and lots of ice). These will fill you up, slow down your booze intake (which will help with the self control when happy hour turns into "damn I am hungry and there is no dinner cooked at home so let's go out to eat!"

    The other thing to do is let your friends know you want to hang out with them, but don't have the luxury of drinking without it affecting your weight loss goals. They will likely be more supportive than you know!
  • jcyearwood
    jcyearwood Posts: 6 Member
  • Ronamission
    Ronamission Posts: 13 Member
    I added a spot for "Cocktails" on my page, I budget for alcohol and I enter my drinks before I have them, so I can monitor my calories. Lucky, for me, I also like straight bourbon, so I get fewer calories. You might try drinking "Tall drinks" with more diet soda so your alcohol goes further... Also, I think clear rum has fewer calories than other spirits... Cheers.
  • jcyearwood
    jcyearwood Posts: 6 Member
    I miss drinking, but not so much right now. There are days, though. I think the strategy is to substitute something else for the main triggers of drinking. Lots of times we drink because it's the boundary between the work day and the time to relax. Or because we are with friends who are drinking. The boundary trigger you can cope with: think of an adequate substitute, something special you drink like a special blend of non-caffeine tea that you ONLY make at that 5 p.m. hour. Gradually--takes about 3 weeks--you come to anticipate that cup of tea instead of the alcohol, but only if you avoid alcohol during that period.

    I promised myself that when I started this diet I would allow myself to drink on Sunday evenings, but I've discovered that I can get through every Sunday so far without it.

    The other trick is to drink plenty of water. Every ounce you gain goes into solution in your stomach and is absorbed by your gut. Every ounce you lose has to come out through your kidneys. Drinking water helps the kidneys do their trick, and if you drink enough of it you find that you really don't want any kind of flavoring or alcohol messing with your system. You need plain water. Your kidneys are demanding it.

    good luck. you're not alone here, as you can see from your replies.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    No, because I very rarely drink.
  • madaleingericke
    madaleingericke Posts: 49 Member
    You made me laugh! Thanks
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Yes I miss it. It isn't just calories for me. The hormonal and metabolic changes and interruption of sleep patterns keep me away:sad:
  • Juliepluto
    Juliepluto Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all,

    I am new to Fitness pal and I am finding it good so far only started 2 days ago! I am meant to be going out this weekend and I am not sure if I should drink or not, what do you all think, should I go for it and enjoy myself and work off the calories next week or shall I just be good and not drink and save the calories?

    Let me know what you think or give me some handy tips as to what to drink if you think I should just go for it

    Thanks Julie
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I don't miss drinking at all... because I still do it, hehe. :drinker:

    When I know I am going out for drinks I will just eat super clean to compensate, log all my alcohol calories, and make sure I get in a great workout prior to the evening. It seems to be working so far, as I am down 23 lbs in just over 2 months! Everything in moderation - I'm trying to create a sustainable lifestyle!

    Although I DO miss beer. But it hurts my tummy, so I refrain. :sad: I tend to stick to red wine or vodka/water.
  • No.... I weighed 134 lbs this time last year, and a bout with alcoholism shot my weight up by about fifty pounds.... Nope don't miss that poison at ALL.
  • victoriousfavor
    victoriousfavor Posts: 1 Member
    LOL. I'm only laughing because I feel your pain. Every Wednesday is Margarita Night for my friends and I.Everyone's eating Mexican and drinking margaritas. I haven't had a drink in a month and I'm really wanting one. I told myself that if I lose more than my goal weight loss per week that I could have ONE drink. Needless to say...I ain't there yet.:brokenheart:
  • SaraB_82
    SaraB_82 Posts: 45 Member
    I added a spot for "Cocktails" on my page, I budget for alcohol and I enter my drinks before I have them, so I can monitor my calories. Lucky, for me, I also like straight bourbon, so I get fewer calories. You might try drinking "Tall drinks" with more diet soda so your alcohol goes further... Also, I think clear rum has fewer calories than other spirits... Cheers.

    Yes! I have a "Booze" category on my page as well. I thought I was the only one. I just make sure I measure the booze that goes into my drinks and fit them into my daily calorie limit. I'm just not ready to give up my night caps! :D
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    It sounds like we need a MFP keg party when we reach our goals! JK(kinda)!!

    I am in for the keg party!!!!!!!!

    I'm so in...adding keg stands to my workout regimen today!!!! :drinker:
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    I have it factored into my fact, tonight is the night for CIDER!!!
  • Go4it1985
    Go4it1985 Posts: 169 Member
    Sometimes though I am going to still indulge on special occasions like NYE
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member

    I drink in moderation now.

    Which is much better in a lot of ways for me.

    (1-3 glasses of wine or beers on Saturdays only)