

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia :smile: Oh my, Bruno bringing in a bird:laugh: …ick!

    Rita and Grandmallie :smile: Great pic!!! Glad you had a good time!!!

    Joyce :smile: Our granddaughters are the same ages:love: , they grow so fast!!!

    Jane Martin :smile: Happy belated birthday to hubby:flowerforyou: !

    Grandmallie :smile: Congrats for getting off the meds:bigsmile: !!!!!

    Sue in SD :smile: So sorry about David:cry::brokenheart: ! I like the picture you have of him running with the dogs in heaven!

    Viv :smile: Hope you had a nice restful sleep:yawn: !

    Rori :smile: Nice to see you! Stay warm!

    Michele :smile: You can send a whoopie pie my way:love: , I don`t care what it looks like:laugh: !!!

    Renny :smile: Keep those positive thoughts:flowerforyou: !!!

    Barbie :smile: I have a hard time going to sleep if my feet are cold, brrrr….!!! Sounds like the books you are reading are really good! It`s nice that your friend will be coming over to help walk the dogs!

    Teral :smile: Loved the cartoon:laugh: !!! Hope you`re not having freezing rain today:noway: !!!

    Heather :smile: Congrats to DS#1, what a wonderful accomplishment:flowerforyou: !!!

    Tina in FL :smile: Take just one day at a time:flowerforyou: !!! I had a cocktail party and dinner this past week, and I ate a gazillion calories, and didn`t log it:embarassed: , I did however get right back on track the next day:bigsmile: ! Life happens and we tend to get busy and forget we need to take care of ourselves, don`t beat yourself up about it, just do the best you can! Even if it`s just drinking one more glass of water!

    Anamika :smile: I`m sure your friend appreciated your shoulder, you`re a good friend:flowerforyou: ! I tend to want to munch after dinner, and I`m not even hungry:huh: , I have found that I want to eat because I`m really tired and not yet ready to go to bed, hot tea sometimes works for me!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Please come in often and chat, this is a great group of supportive women:heart: !

    I have to get off this computer and iron a shirt:grumble: , I thought about doing it last night and well…decided I could do in the morning, and now I don`t want to:frown: ! Oh well…

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! It`s Friday…YAY:bigsmile: !!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    waiting for my cup of tea to steep then off to the gym, I have a headache, which is unusual ,will do what I can there, made spagetti and meatballs for my FIL ,that way I cam take the dogs for a quick walk when I get out of work and go over there to see him, then back here..Tom(DH) usually go out to dinner on Saterdays but with him gone will just hang out with the pups,
    with my reduced hrs, I will have time to see what there is for work out there, maybe even stop over at the labor department and see if they have any ideas
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Whatever your political colours, it was a shocking moment for the whole world to see the US President assassinated 50 years ago today. It rent a gash in our understanding of how civilized societies operated. Fifty years later it is still a sad day,

    BJ, SW Ontario, CA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Whatever your political colours, it was a shocking moment for the whole world to see the US President assassinated 50 years ago today. It rent a gash in our understanding of how civilized societies operated. Fifty years later it is still a sad day,

    BJ, SW Ontario, CA

    Thank you for this post. I didn't realize this is the 50th Anniversary. I was in Junior high at the time and they sent us home from school in the middle of the day. We were numb with shock.
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Good morning everyone! Well, I woke up at 5am and was at the gym by 6. I've been on a weight management plan through my health insurance for the past year and a half, it includes meetings with a dietician and a personal trainer. This morning I met with my trainer and he did my monthly weight and waist measurment check. I've gained a pound from last month and gained an inch on my waist. :cry: I used to lose from my waist first, now I have this belly that I've never had before! Anyway, I got my workout in, showered and now I'm sitting behind my desk at work. I work for DNR for WV and things are really picking up with hunting season upon us. So glad it's Friday!

    I've decided to add some friends...told myself I wasn't going to this time but I like this group! I'll try to update my profile today :smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I’d like to hear more about the Green Room, ushering and so on. Curiosity is killing this Kat(la).:wink:

    Renny: Enjoy your lunch today. :flowerforyou: I’ve never worked anywhere that didn’t have at least one a**hole. At the last school there were two mean girls. One of them was okay on her own, but together they were h*ll on wheels and I didn't want to share a lunch room with them. :tongue:

    Barbie: Sorry you had cold feet. Mama used to put me to bed with a hot water bottle tucked in next to my feet sometimes. I hadn’t been cold in years until I lost this weight. Now I find I need to layer up more often but I’m still sleeping warm enough. DH has turned up the bedroom heat a bit because he gets cold. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations to your son for Nottingham Coach of the Year! :bigsmile: (The name Nottingham conjures all sorts of old Robin Hood movie memories.) :laugh: Good for him too, to have information up on his website to help depression sufferers. Depression is a serious problem for people and gets worse in the winter with the shorter, darker days. Vitamin D3 has been a big help to me in combating day-length depression. I wonder if it also works for other forms of depression.:huh:

    Tina in FL: The work stress situation you’re in right now is exactly what I experienced for years, and is also one reason I gained so much weight. Good luck figuring out a solution.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I never want to iron, either. :noway: Sometimes it has to be done, though. Darn it.:flowerforyou:

    In reviewing my goals for the month I see that I’m doing well on exercise, fitness and calories but not so well with water drinking. As usual. I would appreciate advice on the matter. I’m thinking about trying hot water. DH’s acupuncturist recommends it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: katla, quite by accident I discovered that room temperature water went down better for me so now I don't add ice anymore. Also, I treat water like "medicine" and take the prescribed "dose" just like I would of an antibiotic prescribed for pneumonia i keep a paper in the kitchen for making a tally mark for each glass I drink and don't go to bed until I've reached my goal. I remind myself that I don't have to wait until I like something before I do it.......I just do it.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it is a crunchy 28 degrees this morning.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    I am so happy for my son. It's just what he needs.:love:

    Marzipanned the Christmas cake this morning. I will royal ice it tomorrow. It's not the Christmas Christmas cake, it's the one DH eats before Christmas!:laugh:

    Tonight we are going to have a bottle of red wine our guests left for us, along with some glorious fillet steak I have been hoarding in the freezer. Broccoli with it. I have been good on lunch calories and I am going to have shiritaki noodles in a Slimmasoup this afternoon for my snack. Total 64 cals! That should give me enough calories for the wine and steak!!:laugh: :tongue: I did an extra gym this morning so I have at least 550 exercise calories, tho MFP says more.

    I have been on the phone to the housing association that manages the estate my rental flat is on, putting in an official complaint about the delay to the window repair. If you say "official complaint" it usually gets results. I think my managing agents are too nice to get results. I am not nice. We will see. Meanwhile my poor tenant has a draughty bathroom. Grrrrr.:explode:

    I also plucked up thecourage to ring an estate agent to see what they think of the idea of me selling the flat. I need to know about the tired state of it and also the problem of the lease getting short. I don't want to spend much money, but I also don't want to make a loss on the property. I bought it 61/2 years ago when prices were highest.:cry: it was my mum's legacy so I feel responsible. They are going to ring me back this pm. It is one thing that keeps me awake at night so I think it might be time.

    Nice day here - sunny but cold. DH has gone off grocery shopping. :love: He has football tomorrow so I have a free day to look forward to.:wink:

    Love Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I tried my first cup of hot water and it was awful. I thought about Grandmallie's lemon water, and put a couple drops of lemon juice into it. A miracle happened. It tasted MUCH better. :bigsmile: I'm now on cup number three for the day, and I have a sticky on the fridge where I'm recording each cup with a hash mark. Thanks for the idea, Barbie. I might be able to meet my water goal, now.:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Heather congratulations to your son and you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Katla thats wonderful, hope the lemon in warm water keeps you going
    Dee Dee thank you.....love your positivity
    :smile: a warm welcome to all the new comers
  • cws4me
    cws4me Posts: 25
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie and Kevrit - you look GREAT in the picture!! And, yes, I would love, love to meet you both for lunch one day soon. Congrats, Grandmallie on the good news from your kidney doctor!!! :happy: I am hoping one day I'll be able to ditch some of my meds as well. The weight loss so far has let me cut my diabetic meds in half, so I'm on my way.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday and enjoy the weekend.

    Jill in Western MA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Busy day today here at work. That is a good thing! I was getting bored! Jill, I would love to meet you too. We will have to find time after the holidays I think to do this. Has to be good weather though as it has been along time since I drove in real winter weather! Got to get back to work now.

    Thanks for all the picture complements (I hate taking my picture! I am never happy with it!). Will try for a better one next time Alison!

    Rita from dreary CT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    New main photo.:love:

    DGS and DGD. She's getting to be a big girl. 2 months tomorrow!:heart::love: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just popped on for a quick read..........DD is on the way home from college as I write so lots of last minute things to do but can't pass up on those adorable babies!!! Beautiful children, Heather!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!Had a great day.Hubby and I went to lunch.Met my knitting buddies and gabbed and had a great time.They are talking about meeting on fri instead of wed.I hope so,then I will be able to attend.
    Gonna be a bitter cold week-end,in the 20`s.
    Have a good night all
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Evenin' ladies! I hope everybody is staying warm tonight. Brrr! It is cold here.

    Today I went to three different stores shopping for Thanksgiving stuff. I think I got it all, but there will probably be something I forgot. I was searching for a turkey with less sodium, but no luck. In Joplin a store had a fresh turkey with only 70mg per serving, but they were huge. Here locally the best I could find was 190mg. Oh well, it's just one day. I'm planning on making a new recipe I found on the Heart association web site called Turkey with Blueberry Pan Sauce. That will probably be just for me. I doubt hubby will want any. My son and the kids are coming over too, so most of the food I make will be kid-friendly. Anybody have any great low-salt recipes for side dishes?

    When I got home I found that someone had gotten on the counter and stolen my pot holders and ripped them to shreds. Now who could have done that? Oh well, I guess I should be more careful with what I leave on the counter. He was just teaching me a little lesson.

    Now I am going to snuggle in and wait out the winter.

    Have a great evening.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    evenin my friends,
    the boys and I are hanging out, I have to be at work by 7:30 tomorrow so will go to bed early.Have to take them out for a quick walk and then off to bed. did get to gym and had a nice chat while exercising which is always nice..
    DH went to Sams and bought the mattress and box springs, we were going to hold off because of my job but he knew that I wanted them so they will be delivering them on monday.. we wont set it up until we are both there as the sheets,comforter and mattress pads are up here.
    today was ok at work, im not going to rush into something I dont really want to do,will wait till I get back from Florida and then really hunker down and start looking..
    Jan 17th will be a year since I joined the gym,and I dont remember when I joined MFP, but im sure it is around there.
    It is amazing when you put your mind to it, what you can accomplish:wink:
    Pat- are you around feeling ok? havent seen you for a few days..
    Meg-hope your feeling better:drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 22. today I am thankful for the freedoms that my country has given me. It has been all around me today since it is the 50th anniversary of Kennedys assination. So I am reminded every where. I can vote, I can speak whatever I want. In a lot of states I can marry whomever I want whether it is a man or a woman. I can choose to keep a pregnancy or abort it. Not that I agree with all these freedoms but they are still there. And I don't want to get in a political discussion. I can feel free to drive a car, walk beside my husband and not behind. I can sit on the same side in church with my husband. I could go on and on in the many freedoms I have that so many don't have. Thank you so much to all those who have provided those whether it is on the battlefront or in legislature. I just thank you for your vision and willingness and courage to carry through.

    Yes, it is chilly here. I still haven't had to get out my brand new winter coat. My warm fuzzy zip up jacket I found in the men's area at Walmart is fine as long as I layer underneath. Today I went to the Y, was going to go pick up refills at Sams. Some one had let loose some kids in the wellness area at the Y. This little tike, probably about 8 years old was on my bike but I soon saw that he was losing interest in any machine he got on. His big sister was on a treadmill. I think the reason he liked the bike was so he could watch the TV. He wasn't tall enough to watch the TV on any other machine. He kept watching me on my bike just waiting for me to get off but I didn't. Where the last couple of days the gauges didn't work on my bike, couldn't tell how far I was riding, today the button to change the level didn't work. But the gauges were working. But my bowels are back to their usual habits of cramping and completely unpredictable. So I rode about 40 minutes and then spent about the same amount of time in the bathroom at the Y. I didn't stop at Sam because I knew that I shouldn't stay away from the bathroom that long. Sure enough as soon as I got home I had to rush up the stairs. But once it's all out it's done for the day. To some that may be to much info about me.

    Sitting here with a nice warm cat on my lap, Joyce in Indiana
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Happy Friday evening

    Today was a rough day, not even sure why but it just was. My muscles are still a little sore from my personal training session. I guess that's a good thing :laugh:

    Rita & Grandmallie - what a great picture, you both look wonderful.

    Sylvia - I'm glad you are recouping from your surgery

    Pat - missing you too, I hope you are doing ok and just lurking :flowerforyou:

    I'm taking tonight off the Y but back tomorrow morning for aquafit. Tomorrow is weigh in and I'm hoping that the scale moves down for me.

    Sleep well all

    Sandy from ON