

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thank you for your kind words.....I've learned a lot from other women on MFP and from walking through some of life's challenges....I've found a few simple, healthy low calories suppers that work for me and I don't mind the repetition.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, you are so right to stay focused on your blessings.

    :flowerforyou: Jill, bread (especially the good kind) is something I have to stay away from because I am incapable of being moderate with it.

    :flowerforyou: bj, i hope the days get better with your students.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, you have adopted a very positive and active response to the awful car crash incident. I admire you for that.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, when you start thinking/fretting about Bryan, tell your head to "shut up".......someone told me that there should be an Eleventh Commandment--"Thou shalt not fret"

    :flowerforyou: Viv, planning my food in advance has helped me a lot.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, you have any excellent collection of coping mechanisms and are sounding much more positive.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I'm reading a book called "Salt, Sugar, and Fat" that makes a strong case about those things being addictive so your hubby is probably right about the pizza and hamburgers.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, we're having a bit of a situation in line dance with the "mean girls"....when I cook sweet potatoes or yams, I bake them in their skins and eat them with nothing at all on them and I think they are yummy.....Jake can't eat them without adding Smart Balance.

    :laugh: Rita, my hubby thinks I do too much and should be seeking more balance...he thinks this back injury is a good thing for me so I will aim toward walking slower and not walking the dogs so much.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, great idea leaving the hubbies behind and going off with your friend.

    :flowerforyou: :brokenheart: Meg, I hope you feel better soon.

    :laugh: Texasgal. LOL...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Pat C. you probably already know to stay in the moment and not waste energy worrying about what might happen in the future.

    :brokenheart: Sue in SD, sorry about the boy who walked your dogs......best wishes on your upcoming tests.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Today was my bad eating day....the line dance group went out to lunch at a Mexican restaurant. I had a cheese enchilada and a chile relleno with a side of pico de gallo.....since I don't eat cheese anymore, it was a great treat....someone kept pushing the chips and salsa in my direction and kept talking to distract myself from eating them....I'll notice it on the scale because of all the sodium.......it won't be that big a deal in calories since the rest of my day was my usual food.

    :flowerforyou: I was very careful to budget dog walking time and it seems to have worked. Total dog walking time today was about two hours which is a lot less than the old days. When I took the dogs out for their bedtime walk at 6 PM it was clear and cold and frosty.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Quick check in tonight...

    Grandmallie - I"m so sorry that you are having such a rough time. None of this is your fault! Sending you virtual hugs.

    Meg - I hope you feel better soon.

    I had my 2nd session with my personal trainer. Wow, can I feel my muscles tonight. I'm sure tomorrow will be a bit worse. It was a good session and she's doing a lot of exercises to strengthen the muscles around my knees to compensate for the arthritis. DD still won't book a session a personal training session. I think it would do her good but... well I'm Mom so what do I know :laugh:

    Just talked to DS and he seems to like his new job. I think he likes that it's not nights and it's only 8 min from his apartment.

    I think the boss is out on the road tomorrow so it will be a nice quiet day :happy:

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Meg - sending virtual chicken soup your way

    Viv - there have been so many times when I've found that logging my food BEFORE eating it has helped me. At one time I was at the point where I could eat the food and then log it, and still be under calories. I think I've gotten "portion distortion" and it really helps me to log first, then eat.

    DeeDee - I really couldn't treport him to the MFP moderators because it was ME who asked what "perv over your picture" meant. However, I blocked him and did find out that MFP doesn't inform a person when they've been blocked, you just no longer get their messages. Well, there's nothing I can do about what he does. I just wanted to give anyone on here a heads-up if they ever got a message from a samm-something-or-other

    Sylvia - I put a piece of parchment paper on the bottom of the pan when I made a pineapple angel food cake. It works very nicely. The thing is, I was making this in a bundt cake pan. I suppose I could have used an angel food pan and it would have worked out just fine. Well, I've made one in a 9 x 13 pan like the directions say. We shall see how that comes out.

    Tina - we want photos of your meeting!!!! Wish I was there in person, but I will be there in thought

    katla - the sweet potato casserole that I'm going to try this year has egg, canola oil (1T), honey, milk, orange zest, vanilla salt and the topping is whole wheat flour, brown sugar, OJ concentrate, oil and butter (i'm not going to put the pecans on it as I wouldn't like them. It makes 10 servings and each serving is 238 calories. hmmmm...now that I look at the recipe, id doesn't look like each serving is going to be that big. We shall see.....

    I made whoopie pies for Jesica and Kris. Last time they were here, they really liked them. One thing I did find out was that I shouldn't put a whole lot of filling in them. Well, live and learn

    jane - happy birthday to your hubby

    Meg - sending more chicken soup your way. Feel better fast

    Went to yoga this morning then took the deep water class, then to senior bowling. I worked on my handicap, that's for sure. After bowling went to Lowes Hardware to get Christmas lights, Vince had already bought out the ones the store by us has so I went to another store. Fortunately,k he'd purchased them online earlier because evidentally a lady came in and bought quite a few. Then, since I was right next door to Lowes Foods, I went there and got lobster and cheese, just things they had on sale. If I'd know that I was going to go there, I wouldn't have bought the sweet potatoes at Bi-Lo. Stopped there after the deep water class just to get what's on sale that I needed.

    Tomorrow I'll do Jari Love's Extremely Ripped DVD, then go to the soup kitchen to give them part of one of the cola cakes that stuck to the pan, then to the Green Room. When I get home I'm planning to help Vince with the decorations. I told him that he can climb up the ladder to put the lights on the arches, but I'll get him more sets so that he doesn't have to get up and down. That reminds me that I should probably put a potato in the microwave so it's ready for tomorrow.

    Sylvia - love the abbreviation PH! I bet singing lessons would really boost that girl's self-esteem. You are so right, it'll give her something special to be bproud of. Not everyone has a great voice, I kknow that I don't. Her singingg might even take her into other areas but one thing at a time. I wish her the best

    texasgal - cute cartoon, and how true!

    Sue in SD - insurance companies ALWAYS seem to hold things up. How horrible about that guy who was walking your dog. My heart goes out to those parents.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Texasgal: I love the cartoon. Thanks for the laugh.:laugh: :laugh:

    Gail: At the moment I’m knitting a scarf as a Christmas gift. I’ve had some real problems with trigger finger in the last couple of years, and DH bought me new knitting needles for my birthday. :heart: These are a set of square interchangeable needles in different sizes with different lengths of nylon line that can be attached and used for different sizes of project. He got them at a local yarn shop. Amazingly, I seem to be able to use them to knit without aggravating my hand. I waited months to even try them so my finger would get a chance to heal a bit.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: I hope you’re able to get the medical evaluations you need. Insurance companies have too much power, in my opinion. What a tragic event for your dog walker and his whole family.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Unfortunately mean girls seem to be found in many groups but not this one! Yay! Part of that, likely a big part, is because you’re a good leader. :smile: I love sweet potatoes, too. I usually put a little salt on mine after they’re cooked. DH uses salt substitute. Since I’ve stopped salting food during cooking, I think I’m using dramatically less salt and know I’m feeling better. It is extremely helpful to DH in his efforts to keep his blood pressure as low as possible.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy: Enjoy your day tomorrow. I hope it is peaceful and productive.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Rest, fluids, and coddling. Don’t go back to work too soon. Doctor Katla has spoken. :laugh: :laugh: Seriously, I hope you’re feeling better every day.:flowerforyou:

    I went to the fitness center and did two circuits on the weight machines today. The first set was at a lower resistance than the second. I did the whole first set and then the whole second set. I discovered the other day that my body doesn’t like to stay at one machine and do both sets before moving on. My weak knee is a little sore this evening. I wonder whether I’m doing the “resistance table” correctly. I don’t know what it is actually called. Next time I go in I’ll ask about how I'm using it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    up at 1:45 am, and have been up since.. DH just got up and getting ready to leave for Florida, at least I will have some peace and quiet for 8-9 days....
    meeting Kevrit for lunch, will get a picture, and maybe she can figure out how to post it on here.. will check in later
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Guests gone! It all went really well and it was lovely of them to buy us our anniversary meal!:love:

    DH is off walking with his cricket friend and will have a pub lunch out. I will enjoy a few hours peace snd quiet before the cleaner arrives. Lovely not to have to clean up after guests - I know how lucky I am. I always say I'd rather starve than not have my cleaner! It makes for marital accord as I'm not always agitating about why DH isn't doing stuff.:laugh: While the guests were here he wasn't quite keeping up with the washing up, to my minor annoyance, but my cleaner takes away a lot of stress! I just have to tidy up a bit so she can get round, empty waste bins etc. It certainly makes having visitors a lot less stressful as I can concentrate on the food.

    Saying goodbye to guests this morning took up my gymming time so I did a quick half an hour circuit training instead. Will have to cut back a bit on calories today to compensate. Fish I think. Our meal out yesterday has pushed up my sodium so I am up a couple of lbs, but hope it will soon disappear when eating and drinking returns to normal. I went over a bit yesterday, but nothing drastic. Most of it was alcohol! You only have an anniversary once a year!

    Must get in contact with my brother and arrange a visit. It's my DSIL's birthday next week. I have bought her some lovely battery operated Christmas lights with berries and pine cones on. I have the same ones. We will also give them their Christmas presents just in case we don't get another chance. They only live ten miles away, but it seems to get more and more difficult to arrange meetings. They have a huge family, and I mean huge, and are super busy with church, good works and DSIL works. She is also doing postgraduate study. Phew! ! !

    Well, I'm not even washed yet!:noway: :laugh:
    Love from Heather in glowering Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    morning again ladies,
    CityJane- glad you enjoyed your guests,it is always fun to have people over.
    cant wait to meet Rita(Kevrit) today that will be fun, I am sorta feeling under the weather, not horrible just a little off.. between the stress of the job and the screaming match last night,im sorta feeling punk as my DG (dear grandma) used to say,a little bit of a scratchy throat,i think that was from the yelling:embarassed:
    I do not usually blow my stack but stress will do that to you...
    he of course apologized this morning before he left...
    gonna try and get a bit of rest,then take the DH glasses to get fixed,bring a couple of coats to the consignment shop, then meet Rita and then grocery shop..
    I am racking my brain to figure out what kind of work I can make some money at, wonder if there is something I can do from home...
  • debsanders58
    Well, we got a bit of bad news yesterday morning---my hubby's cousin died of a heart attack.:cry: He was the same age as us, 55. My hubby was pretty upset cuz this cousin lived close by & they still went to car shows & did things together & he had just talked on the phone to him a couple days ago. It makes you realize we all never know how long we have, even if we aren't "that old."
    On a brighter note, I did well with my eating yesterday & had a good gym workout.
    Katla: I do the same thing at the gym---don't do all cardio at one place. Works better if I do part on the Arc & then treadmill or whatever & then of course the strength stuff.
    Grandmallie: Have a great time in Florida! When do you leave?
    Have a great day, all!
    God Bless,
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning!

    Deb........Condolences on your loss

    Heather.........Glad to hear your anniversary was wonderful! Kudos on the house trade; sounds like a fabulous arrangement.

    Meg.........Hope today you are feeling much better!! Lots of people have that crud here.

    Liz............11th floor and surrounded by fog? Sounds like being in a cocoon.

    Sandy........What a terrible experience being escorted out; I know I waould find that traumatic!

    BJ in Ont.............I'm a soup fan too; could eat it 5 times a week
    actually I probably do eat it 5 times a week! Stick to your guns with the grades.

    Katla..........On the hovercraft parents----my DD has parents flying in to the college where she studies and tutors as a peer tutor to discuss with HER and other tutors their kids tutoring!!! This is something I just learned and find it quite over the top.

    Sylvia.........I vote for singing instruction for that child.

    Suein SD........tragic situation about your dog walker; so sorry for those parents.

    Went to a book signing last night then a 5mile plus walk through holiday decorations in town. Slept really well!!! Meeting one of the volunteers for Saturday's race to show her the course and it's location.........then to show her the farm.

    Rita and granmallie...........Have a great time today!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    up at 1:45 am, and have been up since.. DH just got up and getting ready to leave for Florida, at least I will have some peace and quiet for 8-9 days....
    meeting Kevrit for lunch, will get a picture, and maybe she can figure out how to post it on here.. will check in later

    Have a wonderful time with kevrit and say hi from me. I hope you'll get some rest without your DH (PH?) yelling at you. It was good that he apologized, but that doesn't take away the additional stress he dumped on you. Sending virtual hugs your way. I wonder if there is a home-based business or job you could do. My neighbor was a medical transcriptionist before she retired and the last few years she worked from home. There are bound to be numerous things like that if we open our minds and look for them. The reason I'm thinking about it is that your trips to Florida wouldn't be a problem for the employer.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Eeeeewwwww! Last night, Bruno had been spending a lot of time outside, and we were suspicious, but went out with flashlights and couldn't figure out what he was up to. Well, he came inside about 9:30 and did not sit on my lap, but went to the sofa instead. Also suspicious. Hubby had been in his office working and came out and sat on the sofa. He picked up a lump of something and said what's this? Turns out it was the remnants of a small bird! Hubby could make out a beak and a few feathers sticking out. Gross! Hubby picked up as many pieces as he could find, then found more feathers in another room on the carpet. I vacuumed the sofa and carpet but this morning Bruno had a feather sticking out of his mouth, so he has more stashed somewhere. Little stinker. He has learned from the best. Molly is an expert killer. Of course it's possible she killed it and he took it. He's getting very bossy with her.

    Today it's rainy and cold. Tomorrow will be colder and Saturday colder still. I'm going to the Y today to walk on the treadmill, just to stay out of the weather. I'm feeling better, so will try to push just a little bit. See how it goes.

    Then I have some drafting to do. Business is picking up a little. Yea!

    Have a great day.

  • dizinns
    just joined again today and how do I set this board to my favorites ? it has been a while since I have been here but coming back!!
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    I, too, finally found this continuation post! I couldn't believe nobody had posted for 4 or 5 days! And they hadn't!

    To Kevrit: Hope you and grandmallie had a great time meeting up. I started Curves at the end of summer and enjoy it. I go 3x a week, the time flies when I'm there because of the music and others chatting the whole time. So far I am at a plateau in weight but am losing inches with Curves. Ours too is closed from 1p-3p, but I usually go after work so no problem since they stay open till 6p.

    To grandmallie: hugs and prayers for a wide open window come January! Enjoy your time off!

    To other new ones on here: This is the place I pop into when I'm feeling a little low or bored. After I get done reading and catching up, I'm no longer bored or feeling low. :happy:

    Jeri in Cloudy and cold Western Illinois
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Getting ready to meet Grandmallie, so excited! I went to Curves again today and I am really enjoying it! I joined the 'complete' program that includes menus, etc. Officially start the diet part next week, Thanksgiving week!!!! DH doesn't want me doing this, but I am doing it for me. He needs to get over it! He is a yeller too, I hate it but at least it is only verbal. My X was physical and verbal. I really don't know which is worse...

    So happy down 2.5 pounds today! I know it is just water, but that puts me back to pre-move weight! Encouraging!! Gives me an incentive to continue on!

    Well, must prepare for meeting with Grandmallie. Will try to post pics later.

    Rita from CT
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    Hello everyone! I just signed back on to MFP last week, after being off for about 3 months. So happy to find a place to hang out with women my age! My name is Barb, from Green Spring WV. I'm 52, will be 53 in February, and I originally joined MFP last spring. I lost 5 lbs from spring to August, then I became so frustrated because all of my friends on here were losing tons of weight...I found myself focusing more on my friends' success and beating myself up for not doing as well. Since being off here however, I've gained 10 lbs (!) so I know I need to get back to logging my food and exercise. I just have a really tough time losing weight since having a hysterectomy and hitting menopause.

    I'm thankful for finding this group today! My goals for now are just to keep getting back to the gym, get some form of exercise in every day and stay within my calories every day. :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome barbsunshine, I to get frustrated with other peoples weight loss and have battles with myself. My youngest daughter had weight loss surgery 3 months ago and has lost more than me, I watch The Biggest Loser, I see some of the tickers here that have over 100 pounds lost on them. But I just have to tell myself that this is my personal journey. I'm proud for them but I have to do this my way, the way I know best and I am only harming myself if I drop off. I want to see my great grandkids!!!! My oldest grandaughter is 12 and the youngest 7 and I want to hold those great grandchildren in my arms so I had better get healthy and stay there. I'm not doing it for the ladies here but for myself and my family. Yes, I had expected to lose more weight by a years time, I didn't even lose 1 pound a week, but a loss is a loss and I'll take it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning all.
    Rainy day.Gonna get exercise indoors.
    Hubby had a nice birthday and was grateful Violet was with us.She loved they sang for him and she shared his brownie and ice cream with him.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
    Welcome new ladies.Looking forward to getting to know u.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Grandmallie and kevrit at lunch! It was fun and a pleasure to be able to meet someone from MFP. We hope to meet more MFP people after the first of the year.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    I am trying to figure out how to post pictures. Hope this works!
