

  • debsanders58
    Glad it's finally Friday!:happy: I had lost 1 lb this wk, but then tonight we went out to eat at Golden Corral with a group from church. I didn't do too bad, actually. Just 1 plate of regular food & a couple things from the chocolate fountain after.:bigsmile: Have to do an extra long workout tomorrow morning.:wink:
    Joyce: I have the same trouble with my bowels sometimes. Can really be bothersome, huh? Gotta always know where the bathrooms are.
    Jane: Glad you had a good day! I did, too! Good for you to be able to spend time with your buddies. That is one thing I feel I am missing . . . some friends to hang out with & talk to. Guess I've just never been very good socially, have trouble making friends. I feel like I have friends at work, but we don't hang out outside of work. Supposed to be cold here, too over the weekend . . . high of 30 on Sun.
    Sandy: Yeah, it might be a good sore, huh? You know what they say "No pain, no gain!":laugh: Good Luck with the scales!:smile:
    Sylvia: Your pup got your pot holder, huh?:laugh: I miss having a dog! My Molly died in Aug & my hubby is holding me back from getting another one right now. But I am wearing him down!
    God Bless,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another usual wonderful day......morning dog walking and spiritual meeting, line dance class (the one where I do half the teaching), stop at the library to pick up a book I've been waiting for for ages, yummy lunch, more dog walking, nap on the ice pack, more dog walking, TV, yummy supper, more dog walking, and now computer time with you.....also many phone calls from Jake.

    :flowerforyou: it's not as cold here as where some of you are (28 degrees this morning) but I've switched to my warmer coat with the zip in lining , the hat with the earflaps, and the balaclava to keep my face warm when I walk the dogs...

    :flowerforyou: Someone told me that it's not nearly as important what you eat between Thanksgiving and New Year's as what you eat between New Year's and Thanksgiving. The holidays will be a mine field---even a benign thing like roast turkey will have too much sodium, but even more important is all the everyday habits that we have been acquiring.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”


    November Resolutions (with week three updates)
    *use ice, heat, gentle yoga stretches, breathing daily (great)
    *gradually return to dog walking as my back heals (I've been able to walk the dogs enough with Jake out of town)
    *don’t use the step counter as a measure of my daily success (I've been bad and taken satisfaction in a few days of 10,000 steps or more0
    *act the way I want to feel (I think this will be my forever resolution--it makes my life so much better)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather, your grandchildren are beautiful. Congratulations. Good luck with selling your flat.

    We winterized our boat today, and had to crawl down an icy ramp to get there. Winterizing isn't a difficult task because our winters are relatively mild. We put an electric heater on to warm the engine and another on to warm the main cabin. The heaters are only meant to keep things from freezing, so it is too chilly for comfort aboard even though they're on.

    Then we took a bad light switch back to Home Depot in Longview and exchanged it for another. I hope this one works. DH has refrigerator lust so we looked at them while we were there. Everything they had in stock was stainless steel. I won't have a stainless stove or refrigerator in my house again. They are very hard to keep clean, in my opinion, and end up with fingerprints all over the outsides. I want a white one. I'm actually happy enough with the one we have had for about twenty years. The only real problem with it is that it is a side by side, and the freezer section is awkwardly narrow. Everything still works, including the ice-maker. If this one does move on to refrigerator heaven, I want one with the freezer on the bottom. We had one of those years ago and loved it.

    Have a good evening.

    Katla in beautiful and cold NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Heather - congrats to your son (and you). Beautiful children! Thanks for posting

    tazgirl - so you fell once? You ARE human, you know. Anamika is right, "just get back up and do it" You can do it

    anamika - what a wonderful friend you are to give so much of yourself

    katla - the green room is the local community theater. They put on plays. When I'm working in the box office, I answer the phone and sell tickets to the shows. When I'm ushering, my idea is to be able to see the show (hopefully, I have so far been able to) so that when people call with questions when purchasing tickets, I can answer with some knowledge. Tonight I saw Peter Pan that they put on. The boy who played PP was really good, so was the guy who played Captain Hook.

    I did HIIT today (30 sec sprint, 1 min recovery) for an hour, then went to WalMart, Vince needed milk and Walgreen had it on sale so as long as I brought in my ad, they'd price match it. Got a few other things, too. Then home to have my breakfast (I had some grapes before I left, can't exercise on an empty stomach), then helped Vince with more Christmas decorations. Finished the arches, got some of the inflatables up. While I was at the Green Room tonight he got the christmas countdown clock set.

    Tomorrow is yoga and then we get to go to see TSO in concert!!! I'm so excited. Jessica and Kris should be here later at night. She didn't understand why we were going to the early show, but then we explained it was so that Ken could get home at a reasonable hour. For dinner I suggested Fatz, but Lynette wanted to go to Ruby Tuesday, which I don't have a problem with. I did download a coupon for a b1 entree get 50% off the second, and I have one other coupon. Hopefully, Lynette will download hers or Jessica will. In case I don't get to check in tomorrow, I'm planning to do some pilates Sunday then go to church.

    Sylvia - yesterday I know I took two pieces of whole wheat bread out of the freezer to defrost. Bonnie was on the counter. Never in my lfie did I think she'd take it. Before I knew it, there was only one piece of bread on the counter. I found the other piece on the floor with a hole chewed in it.

    Sandy - feel better fast

    Well, this is short, but gotta run. You all are in my thoughts all the time.

    Michele in NC
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi All!

    Sue in SD- So very sorry about the death of your dog walker. I can't imagine, sounds like he was a true animal lover and gentle soul. Being an organ donor is also a very honorable deed. He was a good person. My condolences.

    Grandmallie and Kevrit- you two looked like you had a fun plotting to post a mug shot on WOMEN AGES 50!

    Sandy and Sylvia- Speaking of potholders and stuffing critters in the sofa...years ago we went on vacation and had a housesitter look after the dogs. One of the dogs caught a rabbit while we were away. When we returned home, the house smelled rank and we could not find the stink. It wasn't under or behind the sofa but it was really stinky around the sofa. I pulled the back cushion away for some reason and there it was....a rotting rabbit! Nasty! Bruno must be related.
    The cute story however was with the pot holder...one evening as I was preparing dinner, my daughter who had made a potholder at camp was playing with it and left it on the kitchen floor. I was going to use it and when I looked for it I couldn't find it...our little puppy, Pixie, had curled up, sound asleep...ontop of the little square potholder!

    Michelle- I am SO IMPRESSED with your HIIT routine for an hour! OMG! I wish I could do that. Maybe I will start for 5 minutes!

    Barbie- having cold feet is miserable...I had them the other night, too! Couldn't sleep a wink until I put some socks on.

    Am going to visit my daughters in NYC over Thanksgiving. They have all sorts of plans for DH and me. One night DD#2 is going to the opera with her father...I am not a fan, although I love ballet, everything about it, I find it fascinating more now than years ago.
    When I'm in nyc, I enjoy long walks and finding cozy restaurants with great atmosphere, then I try to return and test their worth. I also take photos of doorways and doorknockers! My pedometer will be on full tilt while I'm there.
    Take care all.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Forgot to say Hi and welcome to Debsanders! This is the best thread for all sorts of info and everyday queries, just let us know what you're up to and we will hop on board to help/opine on whatever the topic. I love hearing about what others do to improve their health, even if it is cleaning out a closet! :huh: It's all good! Welcome!
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Vitamin F ladies:smile:
    :bigsmile: Just so glad to share down another 0.5 kg today. All thanks to increased water intake, increased workout and adding variety, yoga in the mornings,even if I manage just a 15 min stretch and sun salutations some day and most important.... not stressing about the scale not moving. Thanks for all the gems of wisdom which nudged me to develop the right attitude.
    :bigsmile: No sweets for 14 days now. I am confidently telling others too, that I have given up sweets and proud of the fact I dont crave them. Earlier just imagining chocolates or sweets would make me drool :blushing:
    Barbie, when I joined this thread I was impressed by the achievements of all the gorgeous ladies here. Then I was inspired and motivated, when I posed a problem or querry so many shared their tried and tested experiences and helped to change my outlook towards food and my journey to be healthy and fit. I thank you for starting this awesome group. The maximum benefit is in the change in attitude in all walks of life. What an education.:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Seems like November has been a rough month for many of us. Between reading these posts and the coverage of Kennedy’s 50th, I’m feeling a little blue. Actually, I have to admit to deep exhaustion and body aches. While on latest trip I did something to my right shoulder which put a crimp on my strength training. I was coming back from a chiropractic treatment yesterday, and as I was getting out of the car, once again pulled my groin. It was almost 100% healed, but now I have to rest it again. Upper and lower body on the mend….Sigh.

    Tomorrow DH and I are taking a trip to Colorado Springs, only an hour away. We’ll spend the night at a hotel where I swear they have the best beds in the world. I frequent this chain in my travels, and it’s the only bed where I sleep very deeply for most of the night. You can’t buy them in stores, so I have convinced him to try it for a night. If I can get a great night's sleep with all my aches and pains, I'll be sold.

    Barbie: I’m inspired by how gracefully you have adjusted your lifestyle to allow your back to heal. It’s not easy to cut back on exercise when it’s so much a part of our daily routine.

    Meg: Get well soon. Thanks for the Walgreens tip. I will have to check out their walking program.

    Sue in SD: What a nightmare for the family of your young dog walker and for the many friends like you he is leaving behind. So needless.

    Yanniejannie: Kudos to you volunteering to fundraise for a cause you are passionate about. I have been a professional non-profit fundraiser for 18 years and have trained 100s of volunteers in the gentle art of donor cultivation. I used to make much more money as a stockbroker, but got disenchanted and turned my skills to the non-profit sector. Absolutely love it and I'm rewarded on many levels.

    Sylvia: Glad you are recovering quickly. That Bruno sure keeps you on your toes.

    Grandmallie: Great news about the meds!!! I hope that with DH (or is it PH) gone a few days, you find some peace and inner strength. You have some serious considerations ahead of you. Is there minister or other confidant you can talk with?

    Rita: So excited for you – new job, new home, new fitness regime and now that you’ve met Grandmallie, an MFP companion in the ‘hood. Great photo!

    Michele: You know after all the hard work you and Vince are putting into your outside decorations we just have to see pictures.

    Heather: How wonderful that your son was recognized. You should be proud! The grandkids are gorgeous.

    Tina: Forgive yourself for the recent lapses. It happens. Hopefully by writing to us in this forum, it will discharge some of your stress. I’m sure you will right size your eating soon.

    Anamika: It’s wonderful to see your growth in confidence. Bravo to you for being a friend in need, and keeping it all in perspective. Super kudos with abstaining from sweets.

    DeeDee: Good to see you, too. You’re always so positive.

    JaneMartin: Stay warm. What are you knitting? I only know how to crochet, but it’s been a few years since I practiced the craft.

    Joyce: Yikes…your gastric issues sound serious. Sorry for the distress.

    Debsanders: I can relate to your desire to have friends to hang with. All of my girlfriends live out of state and I miss our day hikes, lunches and coffee times. New friendships are not easy to find, so in this phase of my life, I’m going for ‘quality’ over ‘quantity’ of time with my good buds.

    Katla: I have refrigerator lust, too. Our fridge is white, 10 years old and works fine, but it is small. I’ve heard that the newer versions of stainless steel appliances are easier to keep clean. Maybe others on this thread have actual experience to share.

    Susanrechter: While in NYC will you be able to catch the Macy’s parade? Another fun option is going to Central Park to see them being inflated the night before the actual parade. Have a great trip with lots of great walking.

    Stay well,
    Rori in the Colorado foothills

    November goals:
     Body weight strength training 3x per week. Keep up with personal trainer.
     When in doubt, choose vegetables (borrowing this from The Happiness Project)
     Reduce use of artificial sweeteners (Nectresse) in my tea.
     Increase consumption of plain water to 70 oz a day
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    morning ladies,
    up dressed and having my lemon water,made the dogs food, and they are protesting, if they dont eat before I leave it goes in the fridge until this afternoon.gonna wash my hair and put my face on and get ready for work., then get out take the boys for a quick walk and then over to my FIL ,he loved the pasta and meatballs last week so made him some more..
    will check in later:smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    DS#1 says he is "overwhelmed" by his award and says it still feels a bit "weird".:love: I'm sure it will sink in eventually!

    I've been spending some time tracing the origins of the track 'Enjoy Yourself, It's Later Than You Think' from Woody Allen's film 'Everyone Says I Love You' . I have downloaded two different versions, including the original Guy Lombardo, but the recording in the film I can't find. It is on Utube so I enjoyed listening to it again! :laugh: It is my theme tune, I think, and I want it at my funeral. Perhaps they could project the Utube version! ! !:bigsmile: It might sound a bit strange, thinking about funeral music, but I do think that is such a good one and so apt!:tongue:

    DH out today at football. I have got out of the freezer some EXTREMELY ancient lentils that I froze a couple of years ago. I think they need eating up! ! ! !:bigsmile: Unfortunately they have masses of butter and cream in them so I will have half today with a boiled egg and half tomorrow. I will picture you all looking over my shoulder so I don't scoff the lot!:laugh: I will of course have a large spoonful of HOT mango pickle!:love::heart:

    After my conversation with the estate agent yesterday I don't think I will be selling my rental flat. I would take a big hit on it.:cry: It could be worth extending the lease in case I do change my mind, but not really worth doing it up. One bedroom flats are not at all in demand, so it would only be an investor interested, who would put in a new kitchenette and bathroom anyway. I have no money right now anyway, so I am still waiting for my ex to cough up the money he owes me. Seems a pity to spend it on extending the lease when I would not even get my money back on it, but I think I am stuck. :sad:
    Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I wish I had not bought it, especially as I feel I have wasted my mum's money. I can't see that kind of ex council property increasing in value any time soon. I could just get out, take a hit and treat it as a lesson learned, but I think I will hang on for a short while longer. At least I plucked up the courage to get the information, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear.:frown:

    Oh well, must get on with my 'lentil fest' ! ! :laugh:

    Heather UK

    PS - with regard to my new profile photo - apparently DGS takes delight in telling people that his sister is "cute" and he is a "gorgeous boy" ! :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • debsanders58
    I have a full day of cleaning to do here today. Been kinda slacking on that lately, but now family will be at my house for Thanksgiving so I HAVE to get on the ball. Cleaning house is not one of my strong points, cooking is my passion. I love to find new recipes & try them out on my family. Right now gettin ready to head to the gym first.
    Grandmallie: I saw a post on fb bout warm lemon water being good for belly fat, but do you know why this is?:huh: Had never heard anything about this before.
    Anamika: I can't even imagine giving up sweets! My cravings would put me through the roof. Good for you!:bigsmile:
    Rori: Thanks for reminding me about quality, not quantity. Hope your body heals quickly.
    Susan: Have a great time in NYC! I haven't been up there in yrs. I know you'll get plenty of walking in. Thank you for the welcome.
    Well, gotta get busy. Have a great day everyone!
    God Bless,
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    sorry I haven't been here much. I have the world's worst sore throat ever. No fever so I doubt it's strep but it's sure playing havoc especially at night! Take care all. Hugs and high fives all around Meg
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn all.So glad this is the weekend! No exercise yet,but did some heavy cleaning,topped off by using the sweeper in every room.
    DH is helping SIL work on his truck.Those two are great friends.They will go out for coffee & sandwich,then work some more. Have
    The TV off,hate that thing being on all the time.:grumble:

    Made a vat of beef veggie soup. Very little meat but tons of veggies. That will be my lunch & dinner too.Wll freeze leftovers in zip locks. Like to freeze it flat,so easy to store.Yummy & fast when the cold winds blow. Besides,it keeps me out of fast food places :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow will be a lazy day.Love being home when it's cold/windy.Makes me happy that I'm not out there.
    Everyone have a nice wkend getting ready for the holiday.We will go to daughters,taking chicken & noodles,pumpkin pie & veggie plate.She is serving smoked chicken breasts,green beans & quinoa salad.Neither of us are crazy about turkey,so
    Her menu works for us. Pat C in Ohio
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!
    Meg-feel better:flowerforyou:
    Cold in the 20`s today,took a short walk.
    Hubby works this week-end so will be cooking and cleaning.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello to all: Talked to DGD last night and found out she is probably going to lose her new horse. She has only had him for a few months but he was frequently lame especially when the trainer tried to work him. The vet finally diagnosed him with wobbler's syndrome. It is a neurologic problem, hereditary and there is no treatment or cure so they will need to put him down. A hard thing for a 9-year-old to understand but best thing for the horse who would be in increasing pain.

    Went to funeral and sang with choir this morning, doing some transcription this afternoon and then symphony this evening, a full day. Tomorrow should be less hectic, DH's birthday but we have already celebrated.

    Amimika - I have great admiration for you giving up sweets. I need to follow your example.

    Pat C. - Love the Christmas cactus, mine is just beginning to bloom.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am just heart broken today. My brother called me yesterday and told me that due to a lot of financial hits that won't be able to come up next week for Thanksgiving. Mom died in 2011 and there has been something catastrophic happening either at Christmas or Thanksgiving ever since and we haven't been able to get together since. Our family is very close knit and holidays are very sacred to us. If one member is missing then there is a hole in the family. Paul is the one that has the very spoiled son that has never been able to walk on his own two feet and his family enables this. So now they can't come. So we came up with some solutions, my husband would go pick them up, there are 6 of them and we have a 7 passenger minivan, 3 people would sleep at my sisters house, we would pay for a hotel room for the other 3. So I called him today and he says there are other circumstance that he just cannot talk about at this but did say that their son is no longer with them. Reading between the lines means that he tested positive for drugs again and his probation was revoked and is in jail for the rest of his sentence. I am just totally heart broken. Now I am worried about myself that I will emotionally eat. I am still in my jammies which means I have not gone to the Y. But I feel my colon a rumbling so I wouldn't be bale to stay there long anyway. This is just another instance where I miss my Mom. She had a two bedroom apartment and my brother and his wife always stayed there.

    Joyce, crying in Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Joyce~so sorry for the bad news,the holidays are tough for alot of people,especially the ones with addictions..
    It looks like it will be just my FIL son and dad here for thanksgiving,and my son has to work until 2, so maybe I will have it at 2:30.. will talk to my SIL and see what there plans are.she will be bringing my FIL over ,dont want to put her out.
    went over to see my FIL today, and she was pitchin a fit, all she does is constantly yell at the poor man,he has frontal lobe dementia which in turn has something to do with the prostate and urination,he constantly pee's himself.he is in depends,but soaks through them, doesnt want to waste money on a new one and then he leaks through his sweatpants..she was screaming at him before I left. Oh Lord have mercy that poor man has to endure so much...
    We are supposed to be getting a Nor'Easter wed. so I have to keep an eye on that too.
    Meg- hope your feeling better soon
    Phoo-Pat where are you?are you lurking? we miss you dear friend xoxoxo
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Joyce,Sorry to hear you are upset,nothing hurts us like loved ones problems.Seems like Holidays
    Makes them worse.
    We lost my only bro in May of 2011 & my Mom just 4 mos later.I think,at my age it would get easier,but no.
    I miss them so much.

    Maybe a private call or e mail to your bro would help? Maybe they will visit another time.Can only imagine
    The misery they are going thru.You sound like a great Sis,but sometimes,we can only say our prayers.

    Grandmallie,that is a sad situation.I surely feel bad for your FIL.
    How can she live with herself is beyond me.
    PatC Ohio
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 23. Today I am thankful for chocolate. Yes, you read it right. I am thankful for chocolate. Sometimes you just have to have it. Tonight I emotionally ate. I drive by Golden Corral every day and have been craving their corn bread. We do go to am Asian/American buffet sometimes but their desert bar just isn't like Golden Corral. And I have always thought that was a good thing since I stick to 1/2 piece of pound cake and some strawberries there. But with all the things going on with my nephew and his addictions and my emotional reaction to it I gave into one of my own addictions, eating. I know that the data base here on MFP can not be right, the numbers are just to low so I am not even at 1200 calories. But that's OK since I know I ate more than that. I had a small amount of their pot roast, wished I had gotten the roast chicken breast. The beef just tasted to dry and salty. Started out with my nice garden salad with fat free ranch and some dried cranberries, yummmm, 1/2 cup each of green beans and carrots and beef. That was my main meal along with the corn bread. Then I went to the desert bar. I was torn between the chocolate cake or the carrot cake. So i got one chocolate cookie and carrot cake. The cake was exquisite! That cream cheese frosting was superb. But the rest of the meal wasn't worth going. TGIF used to have a carrot cake that was out of this world, never had anything like it before or since. They don't have it anymore. I guess I should be glad.

    Got an email from Walmart saying my last online gift was in so that is picked up. Now I'm just waiting for a sweatshirt for me. This is a replacement for the one that was to big for me. I'm really hoping it will fit since it is a misses instead of a womens size. Wheel of fortune is on so it's time to win some money!!!! LOL

    Pat, all the family comes in for Christmas so I am really hoping that my brother and family will be here then. My other brother's youngest son is in a detention center until February so he will not be here. If this brother's son is in trouble he will be in jail for a year. What has happened to our young people???

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Anamika: Congratulations on the weight loss.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: I hope you have an excellent night’s rest, and get to give your poor, tired body some healing sleep.:flowerforyou: The salesperson in the appliance department at Home Depot said she has to clean those stainless refrigerators repeatedly every day to wipe fingerprints off of them. She also has a painted refrigerator at home and likes them best, too.:smile:

    Debsanders: Plenty of water helps us lose weight but I doubt that warm lemon water targets belly fat in particular. I’m discovering that I like it. I know I need to drink more water and it is helping my willingness to do that.:bigsmile:

    Meg: I hope your sore throat is feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Sue on SD: I’m sorry your DGD’s horse seems to have an incurable disease. Animals break our hearts and heal them, too. Good luck to her.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I’m sorry for your brother’s heartbreak and for yours. My mom used to say that trouble comes in bunches. I hope your family’s “bunch” is soon over.:flowerforyou:

    We replaced a bad light switch yesterday with another that is almost as bad. :angry: It is going back, too. :grumble: Today there was a homeowners meeting. I’m glad that is over for another year. Not fun. :tongue: I did put in a landscape proposal that seems to have been accepted. DH and I took our next-door neighbor out to lunch afterward and that was fun.:smile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily