

  • lajpeck
    lajpeck Posts: 83 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    So I ended up working another 12 hr shift yesterday and was beat when I got home. Today is 11-8 then I am off Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Barbie - Yes, Carole has lost weight along with me but not as much recently. She had lost about 200 over the past couple of years but then slowed down. She is handicapped (can't walk as a result of bad knees) so can't exercise like I do. But I do the shopping and most of the cooking so control a lot of what we both eat which means for the most part she eats as healthy as I do.

    Sylvia - Great NSV with the pants. I have so many pants that are getting too loose. It is great. I need to get more pants for work but don't want to buy too much since I am not sure what size I will end up. I am doing some shopping at Goodwill since it is cheep and will hold me over till I get to my goal weight.

    Jane - Thanks for the congratulations.

    Michelle - I think the key for me in the weight loss this time was finding MFP and being really accountable for my food and also finding an exercise I love. I started swimming at my gym and it is something I can do when I have been on my feet all day at work. It is something I look forward to doing, great stress relief, good cardio and resistance and feels awesome after a long day at work. I have lost and gained all my life but never this much and I have never gotten this low before. For the first time I feel like I can sustain this and have no desire to go back to the bad eating habits I had. I also don't say any food is off limits. If we have pizza at work for something I eat it but adjust my calories later. I love peppermint bark so I bought a bag and have been really good at limiting myself to one or two pieces a day.

    Talk to everyone later. Got to get my lunch together and get to work.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    She's baaaack.
    and back into the obese range. :sick:
    Ticker updated, no time nor courage to update the measurements.

    Missed you all.
    Now I'm gonna log today's plan.


    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    Today: Log like Mary, every bite lick or sip
    Just for now: trust, let go of anger, be a little kinder than necessary.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Laura: What is a Chi? Is that a shortened name for a breed, or a breed I don’t know about? Chihuahua? I LOVE dogs, but we are a one dog at a time family. Ours is a Keeshond. If you lost 153 pounds in 14 months, that is an incredible accomplishment. You most have averaged almost 11 pounds a month. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: My SIL’s car was totaled after it was hit by car driven by an elderly woman who shouldn’t have been driving. Fortunately SIL was not seriously injured and neither was the elderly lady. There was no way to buy a car of equal quality with what insurance company gave her, but they did find a good used car that they’re happy with. Of course it cost them money they didn’t want to spend. :ohwell: I hope you are able to find a good replacement for yours.:flowerforyou:

    Jodios: It is good to see you here.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Christmas shows on the Hallmark channel can easily be addicting. The old classics are best. I don’t like to see them before Thanksgiving, though. I don’t like to see Christmas decorations out in the stores at Halloween, either. Does this make me a grump? :huh: Losing 54 pounds takes you right out of the “slacker” category. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve made amazing progress. I’ve noticed some missing people, too, Pat, (Phoo from AZ,) among them. Maybe people are out of their regular routines because of the upcoming holiday. I hope they’re okay.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I worry about keeping the weight off, too. Long ago I lost a bunch of weight and gained it all back over a couple of years. Then I started putting on about ten pounds every school year, and dropping part of it in the summers. It resulted in a gradual increase. I plan to keep counting calories forever. I’m so glad I found MFP and all of you. It makes everything more doable. Congratulations on the fabulous NSV. Too big clothes have always been my best proof that I’m actually getting slimmer.:flowerforyou:

    Bluesky: Welcome to a great thread. Where are you from? It is so much more fun when we know locations. There are women here from all over the world.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Congratulations on having a great time with your DD, and also on her pregnancy. I hope things continue to go well. Where did you see the sign, “Excuses don’t burn Calories?” It is a good one.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ON: Congratulations on the weight loss! I’m sorry you’re in a funk. Hugs to you. I’ve always struggled against wintertime blues. Several years ago they were doing experiments with solar temperature lights that seemed so promising I decided I wanted them. The first room in our house to get them was the laundry room, and sometimes I’d just go in there and hang out. Now we have them all over the place and I really think they help. So does vitamin D. I take it with calcium. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Jane Martin: I don’t think 17 degrees is cool, I think it is downright frigid. Was it still that cold when you walked home? :flowerforyou:

    Michele: We’ve started making some things in ramekin cups for portion control. We’ve done desserts and potpies that way. I really appreciate the concept. I’ve also made some desserts as cupcakes rather than full sized cakes for the same reason.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: We once had a Shih Tzu. Ours was NOT sweet. :noway: We bought a 6 month old pup from a show breeder. She’d kept him as a show prospect and then sold him to us cheap when only one testicle descended. The bad part was that he’d spent too much of his early life in the garage with who knows how many other dogs, and was not properly socialized. He was wonderful to our daughter who was then in the crawling stage, but defiant with us. If we told him to do something he didn’t want to do he’d go and poop in our room. :grumble: Out in the yard he’d come when I called only if he thought I could catch him. The meter reader was afraid of him. Sadly, he dug his way out from under the fence and we were never able to find him. It haunted me for years. I was always hoping that someone took him in, rather than him getting caught by his collar in the brush somewhere and starving.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thanks for the links to Pat and Mimi.:flowerforyou:

    Barbara from SW ID: Welcome back.:flowerforyou:

    We had the best surprise yesterday afternoon. Our son called and talked to us on the phone for a long time. This is only the second time he’s been able to call us during this deployment. It was good to hear his voice and spend time planning wonderful adventures for the future. He sounded healthy and is working hard. .:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla, happy in beautiful but cold NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.We`re up to 30 but with bitter winds.
    Barbie,thanks for the links of the missing ones.
    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    One of my morning meetings got cancelled so I thought I would use the time to try and catch up with all of you lovely ladies. :smile:

    This afternoon I launch into full Thanksgiving prep mode. :bigsmile: I’m going to be pulling out and washing all the gear and serving utensils, pulling together my grocery list, heading to the store and actually starting the cooking with corn bread tonight. The cooking and baking will begin in earnest tomorrow along with getting the table ready and cleaning the house. While all of this can be a bit stressful I also love hosting this holiday. :heart: My DD comes home on Wednesday morning and I’m so excited she’ll be home a couple of days. :love: My DS is unable to come home but at least he’ll be with this GF over the holiday. I would hate for him to be alone.:flowerforyou:

    We have already begun to think about what we are doing over the entire season. We have decided that this year we will be sending care packages to our troups overseas and also on X-mas we will be serving food to the hungry with my DDIL and her family :flowerforyou:

    I just love how this holiday allows us to pause and reflect on all we have to be grateful for…I feel I am truly blessed with my family, friends, work and life in general. :love: :smooched: :heart:

    This year I am also thankful for having found MFP and all of you. :drinker: I began my weight loss journey earlier but had stalled out. I joined MFP in January and have achieved my goal and a bit more. My DH joined the day after I did and it has been wonderful being able to partner with him (although sometime a bit tough as it seemed so much easier for him to reach his goal :grumble: ). My DS and now my DBIL have also joined and are finding success. My family is now healthier and happier. I am also thankful for having found this thread. There were so many times I was frustrated along the way and you were always there for me – so thank you and a special thanks to Barbie for keeping this tread going month after month. :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Grandmallie – xoxoxo right back at you! I didn’t realize that the Hallmark xmas movies had already started up – I’ll need to set my DVR – I’m such a sucker for those feel good movies :blushing:

    Laura – nice to meet you. I do not envy you having to work at WM on Black Friday. I avoid shopping that whole weekend – not a big fan of all the crazy crowds. Congrats on such amazing weight loss:drinker:

    Renny – congrats on your DD’s pregnancy. :heart: Love the sign you saw

    Sandy – congrats on the weight loss…hope you find a way to get out of that funk – sending you a virtual hug:love:

    Sylvia – congrats on your big pants:drinker:

    Michele – the concert sounds great. Sorry about Bryan – I hope he eventually comes around:brokenheart:

    Barbara – you are back and determined – that’s what counts:bigsmile:

    Katia – so happy to hear you were able to have a nice long call with your son and that he is doing well:smooched:

    Well got to get back to it. Everyone have a great day

    Jodios from cold and snowy N. Il:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Sooooooo :bigsmile: :drinker: excited!!!!

    We couldn't decide what to give each other for our main present for Christmas, so we decided to do what we have done before - a joint present for us both to enjoy. One year we bought a mixed case of posh wine and another year we treated ourselves to a very posh meal out with taxis both ways.
    This year we have been inspired by 'Antiques Road Trip' on the TV where they go out in vintage cars to buy antiques. We really fancied a ride in a vintage car, so with a little research on the internet we have just hired an E type Jaguar, V12 engine, convertible, white, for a night and a day in April!!! It is the very one that was on the TV!:love::love: :love:
    Ooooohhhh can't wait! We will be touring the Cotswolds in it and tomorrow I will book the hotel and dinner. A real treat. We will share the cost so it is a real, mutual present.
    I looooove vintage cars and have always wanted to ride in an E type. The only downside is the excess insurance, but we are hoping there are no accidents!:noway:

    I had my flu jab today. Then ran around posting a present to my DSIL. It was great to be actually able to dash about. My knees stood up to it and I was really conscious of being able to move freely.. I also bought some croissants for Boxing Day breakfast. In the groaning freezer they went! Will I have one? Probably. . . .:laugh:

    All done, love Heather UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Happy Monday. We have an appointment after lunch at my husbands health insurance agent. He has decided that he doesn't want to leave our family doctor after all. I think we will find that the $63 I pay for mine is good but he is just a little upset that he is losing his $0/month premium. Human also has a $0/month but they also dropped our doctor. The excuse is that his office is not run efficiently because he does simple surgeries such as removal of cysts and nerve injections instead of sending you to a specialist. He also refuses to conform to the big physician groups and limit himself to 10 minutes/visit. I know that I may be sitting in the lobby a longer time due to him spending excess time with his patients but I know that if I am the one needing it that he is there for me. My plan would also get him his Silver Sneakers membership. I don't think he would use it as much as I do but it is an alternative to him walking at the mall and being upset at some of the people there at times.

    I thought I had lost my recipe for corn casserole but I found it last night. The way I handle holiday dinners in which I am the only one watching my diet is to have everything fixed the same way I just use portion control. I also just don't eat the things I can get every day such as a roll or mashed potatoes. I take small portions of everything else and don't go back for seconds. When I get to the desert table I take small portions of them instead of the ones already cut. Now the diary, I don't know. I'll have to figure something out.

    Katla our last cat loved us and only us. Even the adults were afraid of her. She was a wonderful affectionate kitten but after she was neutered her personality changed and the vet said that was common in a female cat. We had her completely declawed because of her bad scratches. My dermatologist said they were all potential areas of psoriasis. So we had her back declawed and neutered the same visit. She bit an employee and the city put her on quaranteen in our house for 2 weeks to make sure she didn't have rabies. We didn't take her in for yearly shots because she was so deathly afraid of the outdoors or other animals. The city would come out at unannounced times to make sure she was in the house. She died suddenly of some unknown illness after 4 years. Although she was missed, she also wasn't missed. Her death allowed us to get Melody.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I've been lurking, too.... DH and I are both off work for the whole week -- yeah!! :happy: We've got a few appointments throughout the week, but opted to stay home rather than travel this year. DS#2 will be coming over on Thursday, though DS#1 is visiting with my brother and SIL in VA, as we have the past couple of years.

    The dog has an appointment at the vet this afternoon, then I'll bring her home and go run a couple of errands, including getting some spray grease/lubricant for the garage door chain and tracks. If that doesn't make it any quieter I'll call in the pros for more extensive attention. It is the original, so 7+ years and likely builder grade, but I hope the 'drink' will correct the matter.

    Also need to get a haircut this week. My favorite stylist resurfaced and I've been trying to reach her to schedule, but have not connected after 3 calls. Perhaps she is already busy all the time, but I'd at least like a call back. I'll give it until tomorrow, then move on. Is that fickle? I don't think so, having owned my own business for ~ 10 years. You have to call people back, even if only to say I can't schedule you for 3 weeks.

    DH and I did a bunch of Xmas shopping yesterday for those we have to ship packages to, as well as some local. Shipping - another task to get done this week. See? The week is nearly full already.

    Saturday I went for a massage and then scheduled another for Tuesday, because I could. (I have a prepaid 'package'.) Saturday she spent the whole time on my tight, tight shoulders. Work, work, work is the biggest contributor.

    The cooler weather has me off my water, so I'm really trying to focus on that again. Exercise will also play a more important role this week with work out of the schedule. I've already traveled over 4 miles today -- 2 running. I'm going to go to a couple of classes during the day at the Y this week, too. The total pounds lifted this year is now over 1.9 million, so I'm closing in on the 2 million. YAY!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Sandy, BarbieCat, Heather, Jane and all of you who have come looking for me: Thank you..... I can not say how much my heart was touched by your messages. I really did need the reminder that you beautiful women do care about me, about each other and about yourselves. Caring is love, and today I am feeling the love.

    I have been in hiding, and I really have no reason or excuse. I just want to hide. I am not exercising, not logging my food, not enjoying being around people, not even liking church lately. I know. . . that just isn't right! I am just anxious about everything.

    I am getting ready to fly out on Thanksgiving day to MN, and I am not ready. I haven't even started a list of things to take!

    Why am I anxious? Because:

    - I haven't seen Bill since April. He has not seen me with the weight loss and the really short hair. I don't know what he is going to
    - The young man I told you about w/ cancer passed last Thursday. My son is so angry that his friend died and feels so helpless to not
    help Guy's wife and daughter. I am sad that I can't fix things for all of them, and I also can't get there for the funeral.
    - My sister has, once again, decided that communicating with me is not a good thing, so when she went through another crisis over
    the house, she did not let me know.
    - When Bill and I get back to Az, he will be consulting a back surgeon. He has 3 ruptured discs in his lower back. Because of his
    weight, I don't know if the surgeon will be able to help him or not. If he does have surgery, I don't know if I will be strong enough
    to help him during recovery.
    - I have not been back since I have gone totally gluten free. My family is not accepting of things like this (just a fad, you know), and I
    do not want to deal with it.
    - I have not been back since I have mostly changed my behaviors with alcohol, and some of my friends will not be comfortable with
    the changes.

    OK- I think that is enough of that for today. On the upside, I have not eaten myself out of the size 16W jeans that I was able to buy. I gave a huge box of jeans, 3 bags of shirts, a bag of shoes and a bag of purses to the women's shelter consignment store. All of the clothes were too big, so I felt very sassy the day that I did that.

    For Today: I am on track w/ my eating. I will try to weigh myself in the morning, but I get queasy thinking about it.
    I need to go and buy, at least, a pair of jeans so I have 2 pairs to wear while I am up in "Cold Country"! I am packing sweaters
    and sweat shirts.

    Again, Thank you to all of you who reminded how wonderful friends are!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pat ( Phoo in AZ): I am so glad you checked in. I was beginning to worry about you. I'm sorry that you are so worried about going home for the holidays, but understand some of your concerns. It sometimes takes more courage to go home than almost any other thing. You are in the process of transforming yourself and have already achieved miracles. Your sister may be a tough nut, but I'll bet your man will be delighted with what you've accomplished and supportive as well. You are not alone. Hugs.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Popping back in to try to keep up. It has gotten so hard. I have completely fallen off the wagon. I am not walking like I used to and I am eating too much and the scale sure shows it. I don't know how to kick my own butt. I am so frustrated with myself. I will try to come here more often to get some motivation.

    My job is going great. I am finally happy with work. Everything else is just fine. Nothing great, nothing awful. I just feel like I am existing day to day and not really living. I am hoping our Holiday over winter break will be what I need to get back with it.

    I hope you are all doing well.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    from the chilly PNW
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Welcome back Pat - phoo! And Robin.:flowerforyou:

    We have all been there. I certainly have. This time of year is HARD. Two years running I rang the Samaritans. Just hang on and it will get better. I know what it is to have family angst, to feel it's all too much and to wonder what the point is of it all. It WILL get better. :flowerforyou: The weight is just a symptom. Hold on and in time the world rolls on and you WILL feel better. One day you will wake up and think, what was THAT all about? I speak from experience - I have been right down there.:embarassed:

    We are here for you. Vent as much as you like. We understand. :love:

    Love from Heather UK
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello just wanting to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you all have a nice day with family and friends. Please travel safe.
    So nice to hear of all the great losses and NSV, I congradulate you for doing so well. I have fallen into bad choices since the summer ended and have had to get myself back to where I started, never a good place to be, but Thank you to all the ladies here who can show us there is better days ahead .
    Welcome to all the new comers so nice to meet you.
    best wishes for all and thoughts and prayers going to those in need.

    Juanita in a very snowy Sudbury winter is officially here
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 25th. Today I am thankful for all the technology in the world and what it allows us to be and go. You can celebrate mass with the Pope. You can hear first hand the inaguaration of the President, We saw the Berlin wall falling, we saw the man walk on the moon for the first time. We can video talk with our loved ones, I saw the newborn baby pictures of my grandchildren and my nephews children, just type in the name of the hospital and newborn pics. I can get medical information so I can do research on my onw. I can go shopping while in my jammies, I can have access to my own medical records. I can find my parents great great parents imagration records when they came from Denmark and Germany. I know what ship they came on, who was on it and the names of everyone they traveled with. I could go on and on, you all fill in the blanks of what you can do that has expanded your horizon.

    Went to the Y today. I finally figured out how to change the gear ratio on my bike. this time last week all I had to do was push the increase or decrease buttons and it went up or down. No more! So I have been riding it in first gear for a week. So it sure was an effort riding it in 4th gear. So I started my cooling down in 1st gear at 8 miles. Bottom line, I didn't get to my 10 miles.But that's OK.

    We went to the insurance agent. He proposed an idea we hadn't thought about. Instead of paying the $63/month like I am paying and my office visits being X amount, go ahead and pay the $0/month and pay the non provider but just stay with our doctor. If he gets his physical before a certain time he will get a 'welcome to Medicare' physical free. It's kind of hard to get that scheduled though. He only does physicals on one day of the week. What I may do is to give him my physical time and it will be in that time frame.

    haven't done any of my house cleaning yet so better get busy., Joyce, indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome back Pat and Robin:drinker: :drinker
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
    snowing here and sticking!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    good evening dear friends,'Pat, and Robin so glad to hear from you.. sure do miss you:smile:
    I was good up until about 1/2 hr ago when i finished off the bag of gingerbread M & M's.
    I am not even going to log those, because I dont want to knoiw...
    Tomorrow is another day, and I will NOT be buying anymore candy that is for sure...:indifferent:
    not going to weight myself tomorrow either, will wait a day or 2..
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    I am back :smile: :heart:
    It was fabulous in Colorado!
    Now back in West Virginia.
    Up five pounds :noway:
    and my skin is slightly breaking out.:sad:
    and a bad cold :sick:
    BUT I am back.
    tossed the bad stuff DH and DD bought.added some good stuff.(though today was indulgent on some fire fries.
    New batteries in scale.
    Game on-
    Let's do this!!:flowerforyou: :love: :heart:
    Molly in WV
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Robin and Pat - Happy you are back and posting.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a yoga DVD? It has to be a gentle yoga, due to movement and pain limitations. It seems that our TV station no longer puts on any fitness programs. And middle of the night is all infomercials.

    Let me know.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone. I have been missing my vitamin F pals. I feel a little better today but the cough is bad. There are too many pages to catch up on, so I'll just start from here. I had my diabetic clinic appointment today and will get my lab work tomorrow. It's cold here but will be in the 40s tomorrow. OK, take care everyone. Hope to be around more tomorrow! Meg from Omaha
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Renny I saw your post and wanted to reply. Michele recommended Rodney yee yoga tapes and I bought one and absolutely love it.