

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    Have a few minutes. Welcome Laura---you have already lost an amazing amt. of weight (!) and also welcome back to all those returning after being absent for varying times.

    Thanksgiving is over here---I had it on Saturday early evening after the 5K for the equine therapy place (which was cold and windy but went well). There is a huge race event here on Thanksgiving that DD and I participate in every year and if I have Thanksgiving on Fri. or Sat. DD doesn't get to help eat up the leftovers as she is always leaving to go back to college.

    We need to get flu shots while she's home .........not looking forward to that!

    Heather and Sylvia...........hope you are both feeling better.

    Making banana bread and a couple sweet potato and pumpkin pies this afternoon.

    Bye for now
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Laura - welcome to the group. It's so much easier when we have support at home. I'm doing this with my DD and it's only the 2 of us in the home. Congrats on your recent marriage.

    Meg, Sylvia, Heather - wishing you all a speedy recovery.

    I've been reading about all of you on your Thanksgiving preparations and there is a part of me that is relieved that ours is done & over so I don't have that stress. It's really nice that the Canadian Thanksgiving is in Oct and not so close to Christmas.

    I'm taking Friday off work to get the rest of my Christmas shopping done. I will probably do most of it online and a friend has agreed to let me ship the purchases to her house as she's home during the day and I'm not. Living in an apartment couriers can't leave things at my door.

    Pat - it's so good to see you posting again. You are in my thoughts & prayers as you travel back home. You can do this!!

    Heather - your Christmas presents for you & your DH sound absolutely wonderful.

    I've been going to the Y every day and hoping that the scale agrees :laugh:

    Ok, back to work .. have a great day.

    :heart: Sandy from cold with a storm on it's way ON
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    If you guys remember last month I ordered a lot of things from Collections, Etc for Christmas plus a sweatshirt for me as an added gift. I ordered an XL since this is the size I down to now. I guess they run really big at Collections so I took a gamble and ordered a large. It came yesterday and it fits fine. I will give the other one to my sister so we will both benefit from it. It kind of makes me feel good to have a size large in my closet yet I know they run large. I am finding that my old clothes and are XL are a lot bigger than the newer clothes that are an XL.

    Got to go out today and find some folding chairs for our house. We have always just taken all of our kitchen chairs downstairs to put around our folding tables but some of them are falling apart. So we need to invest in folding chairs. I also need to find someone who will airbrush a lady bug on a small birthday cake for Ellies birthday. We don't get a big cake for her since there are still so many deserts left over from our Thanksgiving dinner. So we get a little cake. her big sister jsut wants a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. That's fine with DH since that's his favorite kind. And he always makes it which is comical and frustrating. He puts the frosting on to soon and it just doesn't spread well. It's silly that he wants to put it on early, it's not that we are getting ready to eat it. He is afraid that the cake will dry out if it isn't frosted soon. Grandpas are funny.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Pat (phoo) so glad you are back!!:love::flowerforyou: You have been missed by a lot of us. Worrying about the future just stresses us out - speaking from experience - Like Barbie said, concentrate on today. Yu will get past it.

    We are all here for you, my friend!

    Jill in western MA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,883 Member
    Hello to all, welcome to the newbies:

    Pat(phoo) - Glad to see you back. We missed your wit and wisdom.

    Heather - I think the Christmas present sounds grand.

    Just a little note to all of you with fitbits. I had to go in today for a CT scan and forgot my fitbit was in my pocket. Apparently going through a CT scanner causes the fitbit to add flights of stairs. Mine added seven flights for three trips through the scanner. Nothing else changed just the flights climbed. This is the second time that has happened. :laugh: Crazy little thing!!

    Very cold and windy here today. It is just my DH and I for Thanksgiving so we are going to Royal Fork. We will be in Seattle area for Christmas so will celebrate more thoroughly then.

    We are busy, busy in the pools. I got a note when I came home from PT that we are starting patients 1/2 hour early tomorrow so I will need to be there early too.

    Everyone have a blessed Thanksgiving. Sue in SD
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Good day ladies!

    I have been very busy, but just wanted to post that I am really enjoying the Curves and glad I joined! The diet is strict but I am on day 2 and did well yesterday. I have read up to page 8 so am getting really behind! Simply no time..... As my mother used to say "no rest for the wicked!" :laugh: I must be very 'wicked'! :devil:

    My mother used to say that also and my smart *kitten* reply was and is - I have no time to be wicked so now what?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,977 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katla, there are some great places on the internet that will tell you latitude and longitude of places all over the world……also sunrise and sunset times. Because I walk the days first thing in the morning and at bedtime, I am very aware of the shortening of the days in fall and winter and the lengthening in the spring and summer.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I do occasional days when I don’t log my food or exercise, but I prefer keeping track of everything. There are a lot of foods that I don’t eat because they don’t have sufficient nutrition or because I am unable to be moderate with them.

    :brokenheart: Pat, too bad you missed the OA meeting…..it would have been a great help in getting centered again.

    :flowerforyou: A woman from the line dance performance group came over this morning for some extra help with the dances for next month’s performances. She is new to dancing and not as skilled as the others.

    :bigsmile: :laugh: My back felt so much better this morning that I almost took both dogs out together and then sanity returned and I took them out one at a time for 40 minutes each.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: It’s so great to have Jake home……we spent the day together, doing laundry, watching TV(including the recording of last night’s DWTS) , and going to the grocery store. It was nice to have him here to walk the dogs while my friend was here practicing dance…..and I slept better and warmer with him here....:bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good day ladies!

    I have been very busy, but just wanted to post that I am really enjoying the Curves and glad I joined! The diet is strict but I am on day 2 and did well yesterday. I have read up to page 8 so am getting really behind! Simply no time..... As my mother used to say "no rest for the wicked!" :laugh: I must be very 'wicked'! :devil:

    My mother used to say that also and my smart *kitten* reply was and is - I have no time to be wicked so now what?

    Count me in! My mom also said that, as well as "No rest for the weary."
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,796 Member
    evening dear friends~
    just parking my butt in bed didnt get home from work until almost 6:30 pm,then had to get the dogs outside in the rain to do there business, then fed them ,got my jammies on .
    well got called in the office again! but this time with the manager and the boss.. because I told them I was looking for full time work, they didnt want me to go. so they raised my hours back up to 30 a week and will keep them there, and basically I can do the 30 hours however I want,so long as it is 30 hrs...
    that is a relief,I didnt want to really have to look for another job, and I might still be able to do something part time from home.
    Rita gave me info on a home based thing I might look into.
    under my calorie count today after my mess up last night:embarassed:
    going in for 8 tomorrow morning,so I have to get up early to get my exercise in
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's a good low salt recipe that I made tonight. It was really yummy, but next time I will put the sweet potatoes in later because I like them a little crisper. I really enjoyed the taste of cayenne pepper and cinnamon. It sounded strange, but it liked it. I used Swansons No Salt Beef Stock.


  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Pat, all the family comes in for Christmas so I am really hoping that my brother and family will be here then. My other brother's youngest son is in a detention center until February so he will not be here. If this brother's son is in trouble he will be in jail for a year. What has happened to our young people???

    Joyce, Indiana

    What has happened to our young ppl? That is quite a question without a good answer. It's a boat load
    Of things that come together & cause too many young kids to run off the rails.Many don't know what No means,
    Aren't raised to respect people,won't work & the list goes on.

    Our older DD works in a grade school & they had morning talks about the day before.
    Little ones love to talk,answer questions.
    They did away with asking what they had for dinner.DD said it was depressing.
    Divorce is a fact of life & kids pay the price.Every one needs a solid base.That is what their teen/young adult
    Lives are built on.

    We have very few heroes left. Electronics rule their life.Parents can only do their best & say their prayers.
    Now I'll take my soap box & go away. :noway: Pat C
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 26th. Today I am thankful for my parents. patceo's post kind of brought back all my memories about my parents although I think about them all the time. Dad was a minister therefore we were the typical preachers family. Some people would say that is bad but I was SO proud of my parents and what they represented in the community, even in this country. They didn't just preach The Word, they lived it and made it so easy for us to be in that environment daily.We were always in small churches therefore we all did something in the church to get it ready or clean it. So we all were used to the fact that you worked without the sense that you were going to get money out of it. It was just what you did. They lived a wonderful example for all of us in growing up, how to raise our children, how to love our spouses, how to carry out our everyday lives in business, finances or anything. Mom and Dad, I love you so much and I can't wait for the day that I join you in Heaven. Thank you for being who you are. You were a pillar in the community.

    You are right pat, video games, boredom, being given everything has led to the younger generation not being able to handle their lives as an adult. They are not given the building blocks to cope. They are used to an instant life from popcorn, microwave, video chat, email, everything. So yes, I do place some of the blame on my brothers and wives. But at the time they thought what they were doing was right, it was the norm, it was what was expected. I am so proud of my own girls the way they have grown up, accepted their own mistakes. My daughter is raising her own girls that way. One of the things they talk with any kind of decision is that the right choice, will there be consequences.

    Just checked my list for Thursday and I see that no one has rolls. I guess we need to go to the store tomorrow. What a mess to go out into.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Eileen - it's funny in a way that you mentioned not being able to put your water bottle under your water dispenser on your fridge. When we were looking for a fridge, I would take a water bottle into the store with me and make sure it fit. I'm sure a lot of salesmen thought I was crazy, but I really didn't care.

    Heather - about food with toddler, they may like something this time and the next time you make it they won't eat it. That's the nature of the beast, I guess :)

    grandmalle - I really think weighing youself weekly is so much better. Just for jollies, this morning I weighed myself. All's I had was a cup of grapes, then I went downstairs and exercised for an hour on the Rebounder. Whenever I do this, never fails, I have to go to the bathroom when I'm about 15 minutes into it. Of course, I did, and I (excuse me) pooped quite a bit. Then, after I finished exercising (I only had a 24oz bottle of water while exercising) I weighed myself again. This time the scale showed that I'd GAINED a pound. Huh? So don't despair. So glad they upped your hours!

    Joyce - that's wonderful that both of your parents shared the same workethic. I'm the one who is volunteering, Vince isn't. I'm the one who I think has more of a work ethic than Vince does. But that's the way he was raised.

    Well, exercised first thing, then had breakfast (it actually was quite good), then went and got my hair colored. Stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get Vince his donuts then had a little time to kill so I stopped at Lowe;s Foods just to see if they carried the salt that I wanted (they did). Then went to play mahjongg but I guess the rain kept people away since I was the only one there.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Don't know why this part didn't copy, but here it is:

    Cindy - so good to see you!

    Laura - love your attitude about food. To be honest, I'm not really looking forward to these next couple of days. Well, I'm just going to focus as much as possible on the veggies and the turkey. I'll probably have a little stuffing, but not much. Glad I made the sweet potato casserole so I can control what goes into it (it doesn't have any marshmallows, etc).

    Tomorrow is yoga and then the deep water class.

    Pat - how old is PeeVee? I know what you mean about how hard it is shopping. That's one of the reasons I keep some snacks in my pocketbook, if I have them then I don't have a desire for the fast food. Plus....this way it saves time so I can shop (and get more bargains) more. I hope you make the next OA meeting.

    Rita - I always thought it was "no rest for the weary"

    Sylvia - I won't be doing laundry, either, for the next few days. But for a different reason. We're on a septic and with this rain, the ground is already wet. I don't need to add more it it unless I absolutely have to. I will probably need to run the dishwasher before we leave for VA

    Heather - how I wsh you live closer to me! You could certainly cook for me! Glad you're feeling better

    Sandy - oh, how I really wish our Thanksgiving was more like yours. I could probably enjoy it more

    Joyce - I recently tried on a few sweatshsirts I had that were a M. I know two of them are at least 7 years old. The other one is probably the same age. Recently I bought one at the Salvation Army that was a S (I needed one for working outside). It really does seem that the mediums are too large on me and the small fits.

    I also made some of the funfetti cookies for the open house, I'll just freeze them until then

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Today marked three months since I started with my personal trainer. I see her on average once every other week for an hour. She did my measurements and although my weight stayed the same, I’ve lost an inch off my waist, hips and thighs. :happy: :happy: :happy: My stupid groin pull is still limiting movement. Got a massage today and will apply tiger balm tonight before bed.

    Tomorrow is the day I cook a simple, healthy turkey meal for my DH. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in a traditional manner. A trip to Plymouth five years ago opened our eyes to the untold story of the displacement of Native Americans. Every Thanksgiving on the hill above Plymouth Rock, native people gather to mourn the loss of their land and way of life. I now join them in spirit and make Thanksgiving my day for fasting, prayer and meditation. Around 2:00 when my stomach is growling, I am moved to my knees with gratitude that my hunger and solitude are by choice and not circumstance. Every other day of the year, I have people, food and a blessing in my life in big bunches. :heart:

    Renny: The most gentle yoga video I have tried is by Charles and Lisa Matkin. They have a series of dvds for specific conditions. I did one for recovery of back issues and have recommended them to others who also had good results.

    Barbie: I thought of you in Colorado Springs when we visited the National Figure Skating Museum. I’ve been a fan of the sport for years. Who are you pulling for in finals of DWTS?

    Michele: The hotel bed I'm dreaming of getting is from Hilton Garden Inn. Too pricey, though. :grumble: So, will keep looking. Will check out Soma.

    Pat/Phoo: Chin up. You’ve done so well thus far, and I hate to see you beating yourself up in anticipation of seeing your family. How does the old saying go…”worry is paying interest for a debt you may never owe.” I’m holding good thoughts for you. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I am excited for you and DH giving one another an ‘experiential’ holiday present. Vintage cars are so special! My DH and I stopped giving one another presents at Christmas and take trips instead. This year, we’ll go to San Diego for 4 days on the bay and time with my sister’s family.

    Grandmallie: Glad you got your hours at work restored.

    Stay well and a happy, safe and joyous holiday to you all.

    Rori in the Colorado foothills

    November goals:
     Body weight strength training 3x per week. Keep up with personal trainer.
     When in doubt, choose vegetables (borrowing this from The Happiness Project)
     Reduce use of artificial sweeteners (Nectresse) in my tea.
     Increase consumption of plain water to 70 oz a day
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: tx for all the yoga dvd suggestions. I've made some notes.

    Did a 6:15 am jazzercise, and had a nice massage after work. I was checking old jazzercise videos on YouTube. Oh my, that took me back. Jazzercise started 40 years ago. Holy moly.
    The Library seems no longer stocking fitness videos. I must talk to them what is going on with that.

    :flowerforyou: watching DWTS. So fun.

    My back is sore.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Renny (typing slowly on my tablet):bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,796 Member
    morning ,my friends~
    pouring rain here with rain...im glad it isnt snow and ice..having lemon water and then will throw some clothes on and get the dogs outside
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi everyone!:flowerforyou:
    :grumble: Joyce and Patceoh We r seeing the same problems here too and I think the reasons are the same. Lack of Idols and ideals. Seeking to be rewarded and no ability to take criticism. I think many parents are so busy achieving their goals they have little time to spend with kids and those who do, are dubbed….. so uncool, the kids would rather not listen to them.
    I often wonder what can be done,?as a teacher I like to talk about achievers, famous and not so famous.
    :noway: Poerava that’s amazinggggg an inch off your waist hip and thighs?!? Hats off lady ! What sensitivity, for the native Indians.
    Grandmallie Congratulations! So much for speaking up!:drinker:
    Michelle u do so well always:flowerforyou:
    :bigsmile: Barbie u have demonstrated such calm and controlled behavior on your path to recovery, happy for u that Jake is back n u r warmer
    Meg so glad to see u inspite of your schedule and illness. Get well soon.
    Sylvia do take care, loved your slipping pants story. Bruno reminds me of Dennis the Menace!

    Katla so happy u could speak to your son:love:
    Last 3 days I upped my fruits and vegetables intake, and nuts decreasing grains. Will see weight tomorrow and report.
    Exercise remains the same.
    Happy thanksgiving to all who r celebrating
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone:

    I'm pretty much still lurking :laugh: while getting back in the swing of things.

    we went to a Church Thanksgiving dinner last night. I had saved most of my calories for the dinner. I didn't overeat :happy: The slice of red velvet cake I got I took one bite and then gave the rest to Eric. He didn't get a dessert because he just didn't see them so that worked out well.

    At my drs visit last week we discussed my cholesterol level. He wrote my a statin prescription for me which I really do not want to take. Hubby hates drugs so he is really on board with encouraging me to lower it naturally. For him that means not bringing home ice cream and chocolate. He is also making fresh juice for us to drink everyday.

    I hope everyone does well over the Thanksgiving holiday.

    Michelle: Thanks & it's good to be here :flowerforyou:
