

  • Tuili
    Tuili Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all, I'm CJ, age 50 and new to the site. I've been trying to lose weight since June of this year. I've lost 25 pounds so far, and have 60 pounds to go. I jsut started MFP a few weeks ago and love it. I started with the Shred Revoltion Diet back in June which changed the way I eat and view food and calories. I haven't had any issues with low blood sugar since and I hope to see an improvement with my A1C levels when I see the Dr on Friday. I have problems eating enough calories during the day. I only seem to reach about 1000 - 1200 per day ( mine are set at 1690 right now) I exercise almost daily on my stationary bike, but want to increase my stamina. I currently can do about 20 - 25 min. I don't run or jog because of my knees. That's the next thing on my list of things to fix.

    My goals for November would be

    improve daily calories to 1500/day
    Increase stamina to 40 min on the bike
    Strength training 3 days a week

    I'm glad I found this thread and that I can think about and try to acheive monthly goals.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,941 Member
    Drkatiebug--What is the Advocare 24 day challenge? When I tried looking it up all I found was diet things they were trying to sell. I like the spiritual journey where did you get the daily readings? I try to be more into the spiritual side of Christmas and take my grand children to .....

    Vicki, the Advocare part is exactly what you found online. I love their products but hate their marketing techniques. I am using the cleanse and the vitamin supplements to keep the headaches and hunger pains at bay that I would get if I gave up coffee and soda cold turkey. The spiritual journey is separate. I am using "The Upper Room" devotion book as well as reading a Psalm a day and A chapter a day from a book called "A Woman's High Calling" other books I have as a backup plan I in case I need more are Lysa Terkeurst's "Made to Crave" and a little booklet I picked up somewhere called "more Devotions for Dieters." There are plenty of others on the market. These are just what I have.

    The devotion yesterday was about All Saints Day and how we need to think about the legacy we leave for our children. I have not been a good example of healthy living for my daughter and granddaughter, and I want to change that. The Psalm I read dealt wit finding your delight in The Lord. Today it was about the verse from Psalms about being "fearfully and wonderfully made." Although neither of these were particularly written for dieters, they spoke to me as if they were.

    While I'm preaching (I said I wouldn't), my absolute favorite verse to keep me on track is Deuteronomy 2:3: you have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,916 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have a 23 pound turkey cooking now. Every year we go to a big gratitude dinner in November (about 300 people). The ten dollar ticket pays for the speaker expenses, rent for the room decorations, and the meat and the rest of the meal is potluck. In order to have real turkey, the committee buys seven turkeys and volunteers cook the turkeys at home and deliver them to the venue for the kitchen crew to carve and have ready to serve.

    :flowerforyou: I ventured out to walk the dogs this morning and possibly overdid a bit,……I walked them individually when I got up, then had breakfast and lay on the ice pack, then walked each one again for about 30 minutes apiece….about 8,000 steps Jake bathed the dogs, stripped the sheets off the beds, started washing all the blankets, and did some grooming of the dogs but left their long coats intact because it’s getting colder. So I have to put sheets on the bed before I can lie down with the ice pack again.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, I read your food diary but your food is very different from what I know about…..do you eat packaged foods, restaurant foods, or do you prepare the recipes at home from fresh ingredients? I found that one of the best ways for me to lose weight was to eat more plain food and stay away from sauces and dressing and most grains…..and, of course, sweet things are the worst roadblock to weight loss….I love holidays that include lights and celebrate the victory of good over bad.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, if you have recently been doing 30 pushups at one session and holding a plank for over 2 minutes, you are one very strong woman and I salute you.

    :flowerforyou: Peggy, welcome….you have come to the right place…..your goals are perfect for your first month here…getting in the habit of logging food and exercise and becoming a part of our friendly community will get you on the road to the healthy life you seek. Get a pedometer and carry or wear it all the time so you can “get credit” for walking and running…..it will be very motivating.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, you did great on your weight lifting even if it wasn’t totally at goal….congrats

    :flowerforyou: Katla, how great to be able to eat somewhere that can accommodate your food requirements.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, thanks for the reminder to take it slow…….I needed to hear that

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie,we bought a leaf blower when we moved to this house surrounded by trees

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I love your daily gratitude paragraph…..I hope you’ll continue

    :flowerforyou: Jb, the only time it wasn’t blustery here today was when I walked the dogs

    :flowerforyou: Margaretturk, I still have a cassette tape player and a VCR player and they work great.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy in ON…….keeping the sodium down is a good goal for long term health and weight loss…just keep checking your food diary and look for substitutions for the high sodium items (stay out of restaurants and don’t buy food in a box)

    :flowerforyou: Shelleb54, I found that quote on someone’s post on MFP in 2009 and made it my own…..now it’s yours, too.

    :bigsmile: Janemartin, congrats to your hubby.

    :brokenheart: Sue in SD. So sorry to hear about your DD’s troubles…..having your house broken into is so violating along with the pain of losing precious things.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I agree, the treadmill is no substitute for real walking…..thanks to my dogs, I walk a lot even when it’s raining.

    :flowerforyou: CJ, welcome……I hope you’ll keep posting and share your secrets of success with us

    :heart: Barbie from rainy NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 10,000 steps today by 1:30---better than yesterday
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,941 Member

    A moment of silence please for the loss of the clip on my FitBit one. The cat got it last night and ate it. I can order another one from FitBit for $15 plus shipping but then I would have to let my husband know how much I paid for the initial thing. He thinks I just bought a fancy pedometer. So far it is working just putting the FitBit one itself in my pocket. But what happens if I am wearing something that doesn't have a pocket??? I guess I could put it in my bra but that might look a little weird to see this little bump. I'm just glad I love my cat. That's one Nook charger, one Ipad charger, one headphone, damage to my laptop charger.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce, we can have a contest to see whose cat is the most destructive! Mine has destroyed 3 iPad covers, at least 20 pairs of shoes, an ottoman, an office chair, and a tote bag. At least mine only likes leather. He leaves my chargers alone.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,941 Member
    Day 2: I am thankful for a four day weekend and an extra hour of sleep tonight.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Busy day.......lost my post, so we are very much shortened with this. Won a charcoal drawing at the charity event today; had 10, 000 stepa by 11am.

    Michele......baby food spoon? LOL!!!!! Asked dh; he said the # of letters has to do with the level of lic. in ham

    Anamika.......Happy Diwali to you!!! Will pm the rec to you

    Heather...........YAY for that 1/2 lb!!! We used to have bonfires in the area of Pa. where I grew up the night before the 4th of July but that has been banned for yrs.

    Joyce.........wow, you have detailed dreams.......

    Margaret............the baby as a parrot!!! I love it!!!

    Sandy..........great loss!!!

    Sue....... so sorry about your dd loss; I've been robbed, it's an awful feeling.......

    Gotta go before this evaporates again.....
    Welcome newbies!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yanni that is only part of the dream. My daughter took half of her porch off, tore her garage down and bought a yard barn so she could increase the size of her yard. The garage is so old that the switch to turn on the light is one of those olld ones that you actually turn. A big wind needs to blow it down. Her porch is awful also but she has a wonderful porch swing on it. She has 3 large dogs and they have this postage stamp size yard to run around in and do their business. That's the true part of the story. The rest is all the dream.

    I recieved a letter from the GI office that will be doing my colonoscopy. Things sure have changed since I had my last one many years ago. For one week prior they have this strict diet I have to adhere to which means no lettuce, fruit with peel or seeds, basically anything high fiber. I can't even take my fiber tablets or multivitamins which have iron in it. I sure hope this wonderful prep called MoviPrep moves everything along a cleans me out.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I forgot to ask if I was supposed to continue to exercise until the procedure, so this morning I went swimming anyway. I only did 25 minutes instead of 30 because I started feeling the prickly heat/pins and needles in my arms and legs real bad. I don't know if that has anything to do with the heart or not (the nurse practitioner did nor know either). I have had it a lot lately especially while swimming, and to me it seems circulation related, so I thought I should take it easy. My chest has been feeling tight all day too, so I'm sure it's my imagination working overtime.

    This morning We got the garage cleaned out and hubby's car inside! It's the first time in three years. He gave me credit for doing it for his birthday, but honestly he did most of the work. Especially the heavy stuff. Still, it's nice to have it done. Now he won't need to scrape the windows every morning this winter. That makes me so happy! We took a load to the resale shop at the recycling center. Good to get that gone!

    We came out to the lake about noon. Hubby is working on a jigsaw puzzle while I sit with Bruno on my lap and write this post. It's so peaceful out here. We don't have a tv or radio here. We found a flaw in the design of the baby gate at the top and bottom of the spiral stairs. Bruno can squeeze through the open section of the ornamental ironwork. We found him halfway up the stairs again. Little stinker! I made steaks on the George Foreman and baked potatoes for his birthday supper. They were very good. And we had a pepperidge farms coconut cake for his birthday cake. I had one teeny tiny slice. That is hubby's favorite cake ever, and it is so easy for me. Just open the box! We are putting half in the freezer for next time.

    I hope everybody is having a great weekend.

  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm 49 and a half. Can I play? I'm thankful to have found this thread!
    Deb from Indiana
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Hi Barbie. I am 56 yrs old and need to lose 25 - 30 lbs. I am hoping I can get some support, encouragement and tips on this site. My goals are to:

    Exercise at least 30 - 40 mnutes daily
    Count my calories, keep within my net calories for the day.
    Lose 5 lbs by end of November

    Thanks and good luck to all of us on our journey towards better health.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,343 Member
    Do you think this is terrible to do? I made these brownies, but the original recipe called for quite a few eggs. I know Vince likes his brownies chewy, not cakey. So I thought I'd decrease the eggs so that they were chewy. Well...it turns out that they became crumbly. They have good flavor, just crumbly. Vince has this idea that crumbly means dry. I had one yesterday, and they aren't dry, they're just crumbly. I have a feeling that Vince won't eat them so perhaps when I go to volunteer at the Green Room next, I'll take them to the soup kitchen. Then again, I've taken cakes/breads that have stuck to the pan to them.

    Vince told me last night that there's a concert he really wants to go to Tues. Tues is the night of Mexican Train. Well, I'm going to look on the bright side, by not going I won't have to make something to take with me. I was also going to make a cake for the hubby of the lady who always has it since his birthday is Wed. That's another thing that I won't have to make.

    Sylvia - you really didn't go over by all that much. Don't be so hard on yourself, just get back to your good eating habits asap. I think we all have those times when we fall down. Lately I've been having too many of those days.

    anamika - hope you do try the HIIT. But let me tell you, the first time I tried it, I thought I'd die, literally. I think I did 15 minutes and was sure that I was going to die. But I've built up my endurance, and now I can do it for an hour. But don't be disappointed if the first time you are lucky to get in 15 minutes. I like to do it on the elliptical since there isn't any time lag going from recovery to sprinting. On the treadmill, there's a bit of a lag while the treadmill gets up to the speed you need it at. To lose, you don't necessarily need to increase the amount of time that you exercise. Actually, sometimes it's good for the body for you to do it for shorter periods of time but at at higher intensity. You can (and should) change the frequency, how long your workouts are, the type of exercise (acronym FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time and type). Remember not to just do cardio but also strength training. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying not to do cardio. Absolutely do cardio, you can maybe do those on the rest days for your muscles. But also do strength training. Good luck! What are fairy lights? How do they differ from regular lights?

    The candy we had leftover, Vince says he'll eati it so I put the bowl of candy in his office. Out of sight, out of mind

    tazgirl - what part of NC will you be in and for how long? You know, I have a box of the disposable pastry bags, just stupid me never thought of using them. I even have a #10 tip. Not sure if that's a Wilton or not. I know when I was taking a cake decorating class, we bought some tips that were from another company. This one, however, has a big opening. I'm going to try that next time.

    Heather - congrats on the loss. A friend of mine got the first few episodes of Downtown Abbey. It won't be in the US until early in January.

    Peggy - welcome! Everyone is always welcome.

    jb - you never cease to amaze me!

    Sue in SD - how horrible for your daughter! I do hope she is able to get some of the things back, at least the ones that mean something special to her

    Joyce - deepest sympathies. When I have to go for my colonoscopy, I do hope I don't have to stay away from fruits and veges for a full week before the test. That would be horrible!

    CJ - what is the Shred Revolution Diet? Welcome!

    Sylvia - when I would wake up, my hand felt like this prickly feeling and this usually lasted sometimes a few hours. Then I was listening to this Taichi instructor. She was saying that upon awakening, I should clap my hands. Something about how it stimulates something or other. Anyway, I figured -- "well, what can it hurt?" so I did that. Do you know that in a few days, the prickly sensation went away? when I would hold the weights in the water, sometimes it felt like my hands would be numb. After clapping each morning, this hasn't happened. Give it a try. Like I said, it can't hurt, huh? What's the worst that can happen? Nothing? Then you're no worse off than you were.

    Deb - of course you can join in! Welcome, tell us more about yourself

    kwantien - welcome!

    Went to yoga this a.m., then to Aldi, I needed to get bleanch for the pool and I saw yesterday where they had these sweet potato tortilla chips on sale, so I thought I'd get some for Thansgiving and for when I host Rummikub in Jan. They were almost sold out! Then Vince and I worked some more on closing the pool. We'll probably finish up tomorrow.

    Well, I didn't do so well with Ken & Lynette here. I wanted to try some of the brownies to see how they came out. Actually, they were pretty good. Also wanted to try some of the pumpkin muffins. I'm going to give the rest of them away. Oh well.....I'm really going to have to get back on the wagon. Lynette was asking me about Bryan. It still hurts. I heard from him only a short email wishing us a happy anniversary, and I know that they only reason he sent it was because Denise reminded him, not because he cares. He still hasn't told us his address.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele I would think that crumbly brownies would go wonderful over ice cream at the food kitchen. Just an idea

    Joyce, Indiana
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Wow Anamika, what a lovely post! Happy Diwali and blessings to you, too!

    Tuili- Welcome aboard! I know that if you have any query, someone on this thread will know the answer! And they're kind, thoughtful and intelligent as well!

    Sandy- You did great with your weight loss in Oct. I was really seeing great results up till the 19th, then I let things fall apart. Hopefully I will lose what I gained so quickly..grrrrr.

    jb- Loved your associations...read like poetry!

    Michelle- keep those brownie crumbles away from me! I wouldn't have any problem downing them!!

    Well, my Dad's Parkinsons is rearing its ugly head. He has periods of status quo, then will exhibit a new debilitating symptom. He has been having trouble with his legs...no strength, very weak. Then they became painful. That is intermittent but he experiences those symptoms on a daily basis. It is so difficult for him to move his body and he is so stiff. I encourage him to walk ...keep walking. Only 2 minutes on the treadmill yesterday and he tries so hard...shuffling.
    Now, he is having trouble swallowing. Coughing. He's coughing now and it's 1 a.m....I can hear him. Poor old fellow. I told him on Monday I will call the doctor and see in we can get an order for an electric bed so he can sleep with his upper body elevated. If he gets worse with this coughing business, I will take him in to see the doctor, I know he has a "slow esophagus". He sleeps with a foam wedge and pillow. I took his temperature bc I was worried he might be sick, but no fever. I read where aspiration pneumonia is a common affliction with Parkinsons. I give him many pureed foods, so tomorrow I will make sure he doesn't have any bulky stuff. I worry about him.
    I know that when I leave town and my brother takes over, he is impatient and gets flustered. I told my Dad I will write out all the little routines that Bill will have to follow to make Dad comfortable. That way my Dad won't have to repeat, or tell Bill what to do.
    Enough. Time to stop. Maybe Dad is asleep cuz I don't hear coughing. I hope so.
    Good night, ladies.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,208 Member
    Feel as if I'm coming back to life!

    Still not back to my usual number of pushups/plank, but I can feel my energy rising. More importantly my mood is lifting. Today is the first day I have had the energy and desire to properly "groom " myself. Washed, conditioned and oiled my hair, blow dried it, cut my toe nails, filed my finger nails and clear varnished them, plucked my eyebrows and then put make up on. It feels wonderful. So awful when you've got no energy or motivation to look nice. So lovely to have the spring back in your step! I look about ten years younger as well.

    Barbie- yes I was doing 30 pushups and a 3 minute plank, but not on the same day and I would choose to do it when I wasn't tired from other things. I have always had good upper body strength. At school I was definitely not the sporty type, but somehow found I was good at throwing things and was reluctantly in the District Sports for discus, without any practising. I was always told I could 'throw like a boy!' and would arm wrestle anyone. Unfortunately my lower half is completely the opposite. I have never been able to run or jump and have suffered with a dodgy knee since I was 16. Since my 40s I have found walking difficult as my hips hurt and I have pronation of the foot. All this is much better since the weight loss and good orthotics, but I am not a natural walker.

    Susan - you are amazing with your dad. Such patience! I hope you find time to be good to yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy - great loss! And well done for persevering through those pesky plateaux.

    Love to all. Heather in Hampshire UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,208 Member
    Michelle - we live about 45 mins drive from the 'real' Downton. We used to rent a cottage only a few miles away. I don't watch it as I am not keen on costume dramas, but it is very popular of course. I do love stately homes though and often visit them. One of our favourite things to do. We belong to the National Trust which preserves historic houses as well as beautiful countryside snd coastal landscapes.
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome to all those new people on this list. You will definitely find support and lots of it on this site!
    I like the idea of being thankful this whole month. I'll start with Friday, I was thankful that an acquaintance was cleaning out her closets and I got 13 winter items (mostly tops and sweaters) for $1.00 each. Yesterday, I was thankful that our neighbor didn't want any of his apples from his small tree so I'm making applesauce, apple butter, and dried apples. Today, I'm thankful for this group of wonderful people and Barbie who keeps it going!

    October goals: Exercised 3x/wk and usually 4x. Didn't log every bite like I wanted and my scale show it. :huh: So the 3rd one--didn't make it to onederland.

    November goals: Get and stay in onederland.
    Exercise 4x/wk
    Stay under my MFP calories 90% of the time.
    Have a great month!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’m not actually lost in time this morning, but if you think of time as a train ride, I got off the sleep train one station too soon this morning. I reset the downstairs clocks before bed, but not the ones in the bedroom. I woke up, looked at the clock and it said 6:15. I thought 7:15? 5:15? So I got up. Oh, well. The fall adjustment has always been hard for me because I crave light and in the fall I get less and less. Now that I’m retired & can get outside when the sun is there I do quite a bit better coping. Getting up in the dark and getting home from work in the dark was not good. :noway:

    Our sailing club had its annual meeting last night. I wore my skinny jeans and boots. People noticed and I had questions from the other women about how I lost the weight. I said I counted calories. They were so disappointed. I’m sure they wished I had a secret way to lose weight without effort. :laugh: The chef took very good care of me. He whispered to me early on that the only thing I couldn’t eat was the chicken. So I had a lovely salad, potatoes, steamed green beans & roast pork. :smile:

    Joyce: I love your suggestion about having the kids choose what they want at a family get-together so they know in advance who will be getting what. It is an excellent idea. Our problems so far have come up in regards to things that came down to us through the family. They have emotional attachments to their grandparent’s things.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: I usually do the leg exercises I was given by the doctor while riding in the car. They’re of an isometric nature. I raise one leg, tighten the muscles and hold, then relax, rest a few seconds & repeat. Then I shift to the other leg. Since he taught me this in a seated position in his office, I can do it seated in the car, too. I know what you mean about not wanting to do the exercises at home after a long day’s work. I’m glad you enjoyed your yoga class.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Thank you for your explanation of the festival of Diwali and also for your good wishes.:flowerforyou:

    Tina in FL: I loved the Bishop series from Kay Hooper for the first several novels, but then the books got too negative for me and I stopped reading them. DH kept on for another book or two, and he also stopped.:ohwell:

    Meg: Your students are older than mine were, but teaching is an exhausting job, no matter what the age of the students. I’m happy to hear the worst is over for a while.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Your gratitude for your doctor is wonderful. I’m grateful for DH’s new MS doctor. He’s worked wonders for my husband and that makes both our lives better. We had wonderful doctors when we were first married. When we moved to the Portland area we went through some who were not a good match before finding the right ones for us. They BOTH retired the same month I did and we had to start over. I’m pleased with the care we’re getting now.:flowerforyou:

    JB in Portland: I love your thoughts on fall. I have day length issues and need to remember to get outside while I can each day. I feel better when I do.:flowerforyou:

    Margaretturk: Reducing processed food consumption is an excellent goal, as are both of your other goals. You must be a wise woman.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ON: I stopped adding salt to food during the cooking process after DH had his stroke. I now add it at the table. I was motivated to help him, but inadvertently helped myself, too. My total salt intake has dropped significantly even though I add salt when I want to. (He adds salt substitute.) I wonder if that would work for you, too. If you’re eating processed food, you won’t have that option. It seems like “they” over salt everything.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: I’m sorry your daughter’s house was broken into. That is such a stressful event for a family. It can make you feel unsafe in your own home. We’ve always had dogs and have had only one break in. The dog alerted us and we confronted the thief in our living room, which may NOT have been a good idea. It turned out okay, though. We called the police and they took her away. The police officers recognized her, as she’s been arrested repeatedly on drug charges. Luckily, we were not hurt and didn’t lose any property.:flowerforyou:

    CJ: Welcome. You’ve found a wonderful group of women.:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katiebug: I love the Deuteronomy quotation. It fits our weight loss situation so well. Thanks for sharing!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your lake retreat sounds peaceful and wonderful. I suspect that your prickly arms are a circulation problem and you were wise to stop your swim when you noticed them. Good luck. How long before your procedure?:flowerforyou:

    Best wishes to all.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness, cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Karla - my heart cath is scheduled for Tuesday the 12th of November. They wanted to do it sooner, but said it wasn't an emergency, so I thought another week would give us some time. We are calling KU Med Center tomorrow to find out how to get a second opinion. I don't want to burn my bridges here, because I may need this doctor again, so I don't want to get him mad at me. I've never done this before, so I don't quite know how to do it tactfully.

    Heather - I love Downton Abbey! One of my friends recently visited England and that was the one place she insisted on visiting. She came back with tons of photos. The costumes are often my favorite part.

    It's a beautiful sunny day here. Supposed to get up in the low 60s I think. Just about perfect. About 4am Bruno needed to go outside something awful, and of course Molly thought she did too, so we raced around to throw on some clothes and leashes, and Bruno slipped his collar and ran out the door and down the outside steps before we could catch him. We were in a panic, because he's only been to the lake a few times and we weren't sure he knew where home is or not to fall in the lake! Hubby had the flashlight so he threw Molly's leash to me and charged out after Bruno. He got about halfway down and passed Bruno running back up the stairs! That puppy will be the death of us both! Now, Hubby is upstairs grading papers while I'm running the dishwasher. We will go back home about noon.

    Have a great Sunday wherever you are.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sun.
    Welcome new people.
    Thankful for the sun today.
    Thankful for this thread.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I want to thank you all for your kindness, support and advice about my heart issues. It has truly helped me a lot. I feel like a whole bunch of good friends are holding my hand through this, and so I'm not so scared. This is a great group. Thanks Barbie for putting it together.