So...what HAVE you stopped eating?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Diet pepsi and diet cola sure are bad news hey! I started having one glass with the odd takeaway (I figured it was better than all those high calorie sodas they offer) but now I have a glass or two every day. I tried giving it up for a while, but somehow got back onto it. Unfortunately any artificially sweetened beverage is just as bad, so looks like water for me from now on!

    I'd been drinking diet soda since CHILDHOOD and finally gave it up. I don't really miss it, which amazes me. However it has also not accelerated my weight loss nor do I feel any different/better. I am super frugal so the biggest benefit to me is not spending several bucks per week on a diet soda 12 pack. That buys me a nice packet of salmon or the best yogurt.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Given up a lot of things because cant count their calories properly.

    This more than anything. If I have to guess how many calories, I just won't even eat it. That in itself has reeled me in. That means less eating of homemade foods made by other people, and less snackage at work.
  • marniephie
    marniephie Posts: 16 Member
    Juice and soft drinks.
  • marniephie
    marniephie Posts: 16 Member
    Oh and anything from the airport.
  • MrsBingley
    bad/mediocre pizza (occasionally the pizza hut pan gets above "mediocre" but not often)

    bagels/muffins - because they have the nutritional profile of donuts/cupcakes and aren't frosted/iced/creme filled

    bad/mediocre french fries - double blanched and/or battered only

    gas station "cappuccino" drinks - used to pound a 20 oz for 400 calories every morning that i stopped for gas

    Great answer! If your gonna spend the calories on something indulgent, make sure it is high quality :)
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    Nope. I haven't given up anything. Just used moderation.

    Pretty much the same here with modification--instead of regular chips, I'll get Pirate's Booty or mini rice cakes or these really spicy (but yummy) chips that I can only eat 2-3 of :wink: ; lower cal ice cream (like Edy's/Dryer's slow churned), lower cal/homemade baked goods.

    What I gave up completely was the fast food crap (McD's, Burger King, etc).
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Soda fast food
  • californiabella
    pasta, juice, and cheese.. not worth the calories for me
  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    I have not had McDonalds since December. Thats something I've cut out completely because its just not worth it. For other things, I let myself have treats once in a while. But to blow my entire days worth of calories on one meal at McDonalds, no thanks.
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    Mostly like everyone else - I have turned to moderation. I have mostly given up frozen pizza, pop/soda etc....
    Can't break the caffine habit - too many night shifts
  • jaf320
    jaf320 Posts: 33 Member
    I have SERIOUSLY considered giving up Oreos lately - given the fact that the serving size is crazy miniscule (and it's hardly like you can stretch it in any meaningful way!), they have ZERO nutritional value, and that I seem to be absolutely unstoppable when faced with a package of just seems to make sense.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I have SERIOUSLY considered giving up Oreos lately - given the fact that the serving size is crazy miniscule (and it's hardly like you can stretch it in any meaningful way!), they have ZERO nutritional value, and that I seem to be absolutely unstoppable when faced with a package of just seems to make sense.

    Oreos are the one thing I had to give up completely! I can't eat just one.

    Everything else I still eat, just in smaller portions.
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Carbs. Lol
  • raquelserna7
  • Longmonthooper
    Longmonthooper Posts: 2 Member
    Anything deep fried and beer
  • rosettafaery
    rosettafaery Posts: 102 Member
    I have stopped eating white bread, fizzy drinks and try and limit the amount of crisps too.
  • LillyPandme
    I've pretty much given up on hamburger buns. Most of the sandwichy things that I previously ate, I now make into salads. (At least at home.)
  • IwearBatmanUndies
    I dont eat wheat pasta or brown rice(grew up eating the stuff)..or anything with high inflammatory factors.
  • Bodyfreak135
    Soda any type of juice mostly. Um mcdonalds Burger King I only eat subway every like 3 months. No sweets expect protein bars. And I've given up chips completely.
  • myou523
    myou523 Posts: 126
    Haven't completely stopped eating anything. I cut way back on soda (I'm down from four or five cans a day, to two 20 oz bottles a month). Other than that I haven't cut out anything, I just eat smaller portions :smile: