I don't see why some people find holidays so difficult.



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    People who do have psychological issues with food are not superior to those who don't (or who have different ones) either. I see plenty of moralistic self-righteousness coming from both sides here.

    what an odd comment. i am struggling to see evidence of self righteousness in anyone's posts about their struggles with food. perhaps you could evidence this claim?

    personally i don't find the holiday season that challenging - i have strategies i know work, and i use them well. i'm happy to maintain, keep my workouts going and enjoy my time with my family. (my nemesis is jan to april - the long dark tea time of the year).

    but that doesnt mean that i feel i have it licked, or can come and berate others for their struggles and imperfections. this thread is about as helpful as telling someone with depression to just pull themselves together, or instructing a person with anorexia to eat more.
  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    While Thanksgiving or Christmas can certainly derail dieting efforts in the short-term, I think the real problem is the colder weather which forces many people to cut back on outdoor exercise and keeps them indoors and when you're cooped up inside in the warmth with it being cold outside, what do you want to do? EAT

    So, a reduction in exercise coupled with eating more over the course of a few months is what ultimately leads to the downfall of many a diet during the winter months. I don't think it's a hard concept to grasp at all.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Holidays are just like any other day as far as I'm concerned. Anyone who uses the excuse to binge or whatever just cause it's a holiday has no willpower or self control at all.

    Snarky "moral" superiority like this has no place in a forum designed to help people.

    Holidays are rife with family time which often creates massive amounts of stress for people; even if they *want* to stay on track, it can be very difficult. Add some booze in the mix, a lack of food scale, and piles of carb-intensive Xmas baking, and you could just have a very volatile situation. So, unless all the naysayers know *everyone* else's background, you can just keep the superiority bullsh*t in your own camp.

    ^^fantastic response^^ :wink:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    For Christmas, get up earlier, lift very heavy objects in a progressive strength training format. Backload at lunchtime with the family. ;)

    Besides, if you watch what you eat between 1st January and 25th December you can eat anything you want between 25th December and 1st January. You won't put it all back on in 6 days.
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member

    This is supposed to be a place of support and encouragement and your post doesn't sound like either of those two things. If anything, it's condescending and makes me believe you're a bit out of touch with how food addiction and overeating works.

    This. Yikes. The holidays are super stressful for me. Being around my extended family is stressful for me. Money is tight and that's stressful for me. The obligatory "we are collecting for X" is stressful for me. Stress = eating. I wish I knew how to "just not do it" like the OP apparently does. It's not that easy. I really wish people would stop being so judgmental. Worry about yourself. Try to be a POSITIVE influence.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Unfortuately, many of us have difficulty resisting the temptation and eating sensibly and avoiding calorie laden foods that are abundant and traditional at these holidays that are centered around food and eating.

    Well, don't go on "one of those" holidays then...

    Are you serious? You think those holidays are avoidable? They have permeated into our society.

    For freaks sake... just support each other in our weaknesses. This thread is utter BS.

    Wot??????? Are you seriously saying people don't have a choice what kind of holiday you go on??? Surely it's my choice and my choice only if I lie on my behind all day on a cruise and stuff my face or go on a self-catering walking holiday.

    You make that choice. Nobody forces you.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    ... says the person who has lost 0 lb.


    ^^ Another excellent response ^^ :laugh:

    This made me laugh! :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm of the opinion that it's what you do MOST of the time that matters. How I eat between November and January doesn't matter as much as how I eat between January and November.

    It's a mental battle, more than a physical one. If you overeat for the holidays, gain a little weight, then feel defeated and quit... you're screwed. If you overeat for the holidays, gain a little weight, then work on getting it off, then you'll be fine. The actual weight one gains during the holidays is minimal, one study suggests a half pound to five pounds ( http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10727591 ).
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    I just spent 3 hours making the most succulent Christmas dinner you have ever had, served it to you with impeccable plating on our finest china.

    You're going to tell me you don't want to eat it? Why? Does it suck? Do I suck? Have I done something to hurt you this year? Why don't you love me? Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    totally agree lorina.

    a few days arent a problem. getting back on top of things and not letting it all slide for too long is key.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Unfortuately, many of us have difficulty resisting the temptation and eating sensibly and avoiding calorie laden foods that are abundant and traditional at these holidays that are centered around food and eating.

    Well, don't go on "one of those" holidays then...

    Are you serious? You think those holidays are avoidable? They have permeated into our society.

    For freaks sake... just support each other in our weaknesses. This thread is utter BS.

    Wot??????? Are you seriously saying people don't have a choice what kind of holiday you go on??? Surely it's my choice and my choice only if I lie on my behind all day on a cruise and stuff my face or go on a self-catering walking holiday.

    You make that choice. Nobody forces you.

    lol i refer you to my earlier point about the meaning of the term 'holiday' in the context of this thread.

    no-one is talking about cruises.

    two nations divided by a common language.
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    I just spent 3 hours making the most succulent Christmas dinner you have ever had, served it to you with impeccable plating on our finest china.

    You're going to tell me you don't want to eat it? Why? Does it suck? Do I suck? Have I done something to hurt you this year? Why don't you love me? Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?

    Oh this is TOTALLY my extended family!!!!!
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    I just spent 3 hours making the most succulent Christmas dinner you have ever had, served it to you with impeccable plating on our finest china.

    You're going to tell me you don't want to eat it? Why? Does it suck? Do I suck? Have I done something to hurt you this year? Why don't you love me? Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    People hype up holidays like they are the apocalypse for diets. Why not just...make sure you don't binge eat on a holiday. It's not like you have to. It's not that complicated. I think even if you go to somebody's house and they serve you a three-course meal, it's not hard to not binge. And if you do feel obligated to eat their high-calorie dessert, it doesn't matter that much if you're overboard by five hundred calories for one day.

    If you're spending a week or two visiting somebody else's house, you could explain that you are limiting your food intake and you shouldn't have much trouble if they are nice people.

    Seriously. Enough. About. The holidays. Or is there somebody who insists that holidays like thanksgiving or christmas really are the harbingers of ham?
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I never want to go back to the person I was. Never. I read a meme the other day that said something about how losing weight was less about the weight loss and more about gaining our power back. I agree.

    Great saying. I want to remember that one.
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    I just spent 3 hours making the most succulent Christmas dinner you have ever had, served it to you with impeccable plating on our finest china.

    You're going to tell me you don't want to eat it? Why? Does it suck? Do I suck? Have I done something to hurt you this year? Why don't you love me? Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?

    Oh this is TOTALLY my extended family!!!!!

    Exactly. Which is why holiday eating is unavoidable. :smile:
  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    Coming from somebody that hasn't lost any weight. Looks like you have it all figured out in your head. Now try doing it!!!
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    Or is there somebody who insists that holidays like thanksgiving or christmas really are the harbingers of ham?
    Christmas is the harbinger of ham. Thanksgiving is the harbinger of turkey.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I just spent 3 hours making the most succulent Christmas dinner you have ever had, served it to you with impeccable plating on our finest china.

    You're going to tell me you don't want to eat it? Why? Does it suck? Do I suck? Have I done something to hurt you this year? Why don't you love me? Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?

    ^^^ Yep, that's it.

    I'm invited to two Thanksgivings this year. One will be hosted by an 84 year old woman who bakes way ahead of time to make it all - towers of the most incredible fudge you've ever tasted, homemade pies, homemade whipped cream. She starts setting the table the day before with her gorgeous collection of old china. Try telling this lady you only want one cookie. I'm a sugar addict and this is a huge predicament for me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I think I was confused when I replied earlier! In England a holiday is what you call a vacation in the US! So by holidays you mean Christmas, Thanksgiving (which we don't have!), Easter etc? So I referred to vacations!

    I eat what I like Christmas Day, and we usually go to a party Boxing Day. My gym is closed both of these days, but with 2 young kids, there is no resting! The rest of the time is just a normal day. I'm off work over the Xmas holidays as I'm a teacher, but my husband still has to work, so I take the kids out, go to the gym etc, as normal. Apart from maybe some mince pies and some chocolates, I eat as normal too.