The scariest thing that ever happened to you?



  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I had a blown o-ring on one of my regulators while doing a night scuba dive. My dive partner and I never dived together before and when I hand signaled to her that I was low on air, she blanked on what to do.

    I tried to reach behind her to grab her extra regulator, but she got confused and just kept spinning from from me.

    As I took my last breath of air I decided to surface and started to ascend from 40' under water. While shining my light to find the surface, I never seen it. Probably 8' from the top I gave up and felt at peace right before I inhaled water. A couple seconds later my face hit the cool air of the night.
  • Yodifer
    One time I heard a woman singing in my daughters bedroom over the baby monitor....eventually learned our neighbor had the same monitor as us and I was picking up her frequency.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    At the time, a ridiculous storm with torrential rain and high winds while I was sleeping in a camper. I was convinced a tornado was going to suck me up and kill me that night. Haven't been camping since.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    One time I was drinking and playing cards in a trailer because me mom kicked me out of the house in winter(I was 17)It got cold and the guy that owned it showed me how to turn on the heat in it for later in case it got too cold....I tried to turn it on and it didn't I thought I put all the knobs back were they were...(who was with me was my lil brother David and my boyfriend we all tried turning it on) Couldn't figure it out so we just played cards and chained smoked taking whiskey shots for my first time.Our eyes started to burn so we cracked the window next to us.A hour later the guy that owned the trailer walked in and sad "HOLY **** this trailer is filled with propane get out" He shut it off guess that would have ended badly the propane was still on and we were all smoking...That was scary and crazy!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Mine's not too creepy,but i was bankfishing a small creek in SE Texas and climbed up on a washed up oak tree (about 3-4' dia trunk) to get a better casting angle to a spot and when I did the tree rolled. I had to bail and when I did landed knee deep in quicksand. Luckily the tree stopped rolling before it hit me, but it took me forever to get out of that creek.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    trying to kill myself was not scary. i was calm and determined by the time i got to that point. the scary part was how i got there: thinking i was going to be tortured by unrelenting physical pain, completely physically disabled, and unable to work or take care of myself in any way for the rest of my life. scary enough to (try to) snuff it.
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Being in Mumbai India in Nov 2008 when the terrorist attacked.

    Wow that would be scary. I'm married to an Indian from Mumbai & my mother-in-law & sister-in-law did much of the soft interior furnishings for the Taj Hotel. To see that being destroyed was very personal to me. Also one of the policemen killed was longtime friend of my mother-in-law's. Terrible.
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Being in Mumbai India in Nov 2008 when the terrorist attacked.

    BTW - I'm glad you made it through okay! In 2009 my husband & I actually moved to Mumbai & I ate dinner at the Taj & also the Oberoi. Lots of metal detectors there now but I have no problem with that. I'm back stateside now but that was an amazing experience.
  • just_Jennie1
    I was walking home from a friends house early morning when I was in Jr. High. I was wearing a skirt and platform flip flops. It was snowing and I was freezing. A lady slowed down next to me and asked if I wanted a ride. I was tempted because I was freezing, but I hate small talk with strangers so I turned her down. She asked if I was sure several times.

    A week or so later I saw her picture on the news. She was arrested for sexual assault on young girls! She had a gun and threatened to kill them if they didn't do what she wanted.

    I've had a lot of close calls. I jumped out of a moving vehicle which I'm sure saved me from being raped before. I think I have a guardian angel
    Why were you walking with a skirt and platform flip flops in the snow?:huh:
  • Firefighter4ever
    trying to kill myself was not scary. i was calm and determined by the time i got to that point. the scary part was how i got there: thinking i was going to be tortured by unrelenting physical pain, completely physically disabled, and unable to work or take care of myself in any way for the rest of my life. scary enough to (try to) snuff it.

    Glad you didn't succeed. I'll respond to these now and then. It's very sad for the people who find em and all the people who are left to pick up what pieces of their life is left. Happy you are still here.

  • FitnessCharl
    I have two older sisters so plenty of stuff I look back on and think....That was scary, where they trying to kill me?

    Knocked into the road by one sister who grabbed me just before a van smacked me down
    Slit both wrists on the top of a fence retrieving their ball from a garden
    Got egged on to go down a massive hill on my roller skates (unfortunately picked up quite some speed and didn’t know how to stop), hit a tree root in the pavement and somersaulted then landed on my head...I must have been doing 30mph at that stage
    Choked on a malteaser... That will learn me
    House fire - not by the sisters thankfully, by a dodgy fridge...My Dad saved the mars bars in a blind panic (may I just add at this point his wife and 3 daughters were still sleeping upstairs.... Luckily he came to his sense and woke us up, mars bars in hand)

    Man, such a sheltered life compared to some of these stories....But scary at the time in my cotton wool world :-)
  • Daria_kha
    Daria_kha Posts: 50 Member
    May sound stupid,but when I gained 1.2 kg in one week I was scared as hell.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    It is a tie.
    While in the Army, I had the pleasure of being deployed to Somolia.
    To cut to the chase, I kicked in a door and the guy on the other side fired two rounds at me with an AK-47. He was about 10 feet away and missed. That was scary.

    Similar situation here...but it wasn't a guy on the other side of a door, for me it was a narrow gap between buildings, and two preteen boys with guns.

    The entire deployment to Somalia was FUBAR.
  • Inner_Goddess
    Inner_Goddess Posts: 1,146 Member
    Scariest thing - Son #3 being born premature and being life flighted from the hospital.

    2nd scariest - Being uncontrolably sick when I was 18 weeks pregnant and having to undergo an emergency appendectomy but not knowing for sure that this was the problem. Waking up from the surgery and not knowing if I was "fixed" and if my baby was still alive.

    Thankfully - The 2 monkeys above and my first one are all healthy :heart:
  • bluesy8899
    bluesy8899 Posts: 68 Member
    During college, I left a party and walked home by myself. I had to cross a railroad track on my way and noticed that a train was not far away. I was walking fast and trying to estimate how fast the train was coming and how much time I had to jump over the track before it crossed where I was. It looked like I had a good amount of time and space so I jumped. As my first foot landed, I could feel the rush of air from the train passing directly behind me. To make matters worse, my dad was a signal engineer for the railroad, he always had to go out when people were hit by trains. I only told him this story recently.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    In the Pocono Mtns, I was leading a fairly short 3-mile walk and we were crossing a meadow. Something just didn't feel right, and I had the 6th graders all stop. We were only stopped for about 30 secs when a little Black Bear cub tumbled across our path. We ooh'd and ahh'd, and the kids were ready to move on but I held them back, and sure enough, about 30 secs later the mother ambled across the trail looking for her cub, and luckily never even glanced at us. If I hadn't been paying attention to my instincts the whole group of kids would've been in between the mother bear and her cub.

    Years later, I was leading an education nature walk with about 20 5th graders on the edge of the Smoky Mtns. National Park. We were fairly close to the Center finishing up an 8-mile walk and I took a short cut that cut across a loop on the trail, when this guy stepped out of the brush and pointed a shotgun at me. We must've gotten too close to his still! Let me tell you - I never took that shortcut again!

    Years later again - I was riding my motorcycle through the Smoky Mtns and got stuck in a bear jam. That's where someone sees a bear (or thinks they do) and traffic stops in both directions. It's only a 2-lane road with no shoulders, and I'm hanging out on a motorcycle. I never did see the bear, if there ever was one, but I remember thinking - if I see a bear I'm jumping in THAT guy's car!
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Happy you are still here.


  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm very clairvoyant (i easily attract & sense the paranormal & supernatural).

    I see & experience alot of *kitten* daily that the average person couldn't handle.

    So i have stories for years :laugh:

    But i almost got caught in a massive tornado once. And THAT was scary af!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    A storm about 6 years ago toppled the neighbor's oak tree into our yard. Had it gone a little to the left it would have been our house, particularly our bedroom where we were sleeping.

    I nearly drowned at 15 at a waterpark, one where they have the wave-makers. I was too close to the deep end, and my legs were pulled out from under me. A dude on a raft saw me struggling and was able to grab my arm and pull me up. I had finger shaped bruises under my arm for a week, he had to grip so hard so I wouldn't be pulled back under. Lifeguard positioned right above saw nothing.

    My dad has COPD, and he started laughing at something really hard, then passed out. His face hit the ottoman as he went down. I managed to stay calm but my mom FREAKED out. They live out in the country with no 911 service, and he suffered a massive heart attack about 8 years prior. He wasn't breathing, so I turned him over to perform CPR, but he gasped on his own and woke up. I managed a cool head during it, but I couldn't get up off the floor for about 10 minutes, my legs were so shaky.