Clean Eating Bashing?



  • Running_Peripheral
    Subscribed for the conversation.

    OP, I agree with you. I don't believe you "have" to eat clean to be healthy, but it definitely can't hurt.

    It definitely can hurt. Preventable disease.
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    To me, clean eating just means don't eat overly processed foods like things you would find in the frozen foods section or things you would buy at fast food joints.

    All the food today is tainted by humans with either hormones or chemicals anyway, so it's not like you can actually eat like our ancestors do.

    I think I eat a *relatively* clean diet. Lots of fruits, veggies, and meat. Every now and then I'll eat something sweet and processed like a cupcake or cookie, and from time to time I'll have alcohol. Fast food is a no no though....always and forever.
  • Running_Peripheral
    Why the feck do people insist on putting labels on the way they eat, other than to feel smug or self satisfied against others? It really annoys the ****e out of me.

    I eat food. It happens to be home cooked from fresh ingredients mainly grown in my garden. I'm lucky to do this as I can afford it and live in the bush so have the space, most don't have this luxury. I don't eat processed food or fast food as a matter of personal choice purely because what I cook is much nicer. Again some people don't have that option. I was taught to eat this way by my grandparents (both obese) and my parents (dad died of heart disease mum has hypertension).

    "Clean eating" is just a label. It is not a magic bullet that will stop you getting sick, at some point in the future you will die however much kale you eat now. It will not stop you from getting fat if you eat to much of it. It is a meaningless label. Eat the food you enjoy, make sure you don't eat too much and try and make it as nutritious as you can reasonably afford.

    Sustainability is a different argument altogether

    I agree labels are really not important but rather peer-reviewed science on what can mitigate preventable disease. Yes. None of us get out of it alive but you can significantly reduce your chance of preventable disease. We are not a slave to our genetics as is usually espoused in our culture. I don't believe we should just "eat whatever we want to eat" because if I did that I would have diabetes.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Why the feck do people insist on putting labels on the way they eat, other than to feel smug or self satisfied against others? It really annoys the ****e out of me.

    I eat food. It happens to be home cooked from fresh ingredients mainly grown in my garden. I'm lucky to do this as I can afford it and live in the bush so have the space, most don't have this luxury. I don't eat processed food or fast food as a matter of personal choice purely because what I cook is much nicer. Again some people don't have that option. I was taught to eat this way by my grandparents (both obese) and my parents (dad died of heart disease mum has hypertension).

    "Clean eating" is just a label. It is not a magic bullet that will stop you getting sick, at some point in the future you will die however much kale you eat now. It will not stop you from getting fat if you eat to much of it. It is a meaningless label. Eat the food you enjoy, make sure you don't eat too much and try and make it as nutritious as you can reasonably afford.

    Sustainability is a different argument altogether

    I agree labels are really not important but rather peer-reviewed science on what can mitigate preventable disease. Yes. None of us get out of it alive but you can significantly reduce your chance of preventable disease. We are not a slave to our genetics as is usually espoused in our culture. I don't believe we should just "eat whatever we want to eat" because if I did that I would have diabetes.

    Yes, most of us got fat because we ate anything we wanted.

    What he means by "eat what you want" is "eat the particular foods you enjoy, but do so in a responsible manner."

    The focus should be on nutrients, not labels. Give your body the nutrients it needs to perform optimally and don't worry about whether those nutrients come from "good" or "bad" foods.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    I see some people on here that survive exclusively on fast food and I really don't want to pay for your Obamacare for you.

    I don't want to pay for your "Obamacare" either. I'm all for personal responsibility and freedom instead. I didn't get to vote on it though. *shrugs*
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    My concept of clean eating: consuming high quality food in reasonable proportions. By high quality, I mean having high nutritional content as well as high food integrity standards (organic, natural, and or minimally or unprocessed). Striving toward these standards should be the goal, even though it is understood that eating clean 100% (or even 80-90%) of the time is often impossible.

    I don't see how people construe this as "feeling superior" - they are probably the same people who teased the smart kids in school for getting good grades.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My concept of clean eating: consuming high quality food in reasonable proportions. By high quality, I mean having high nutritional content as well as high food integrity standards (organic, natural, and or minimally or unprocessed). Striving toward these standards should be the goal, even though it is understood that eating clean 100% (or even 80-90%) of the time is often impossible.

    I don't see how people construe this as "feeling superior" - they are probably the same people who teased the smart kids in school for getting good grades.

    Your words here are fine.

    The "feeling superior" part is when people who eat the way you do say things like: "well I eat this way because I actually care about my health" or "others aren't quite prepared to make this sort of commitment to their health" or "everyone should eat this way because I don't want to pay for their Obamacare" or other such inflammatory nonsense.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I agree! This is myFITNESSpal, not myWEIGHTLOSSpal. Eating clean contributes to fitness in more ways than eating twinkies at a deficit does.

    Why does eating twinkies mean you aren't fit?

    NO ONE SAID THAT! This is exactly what I'm talking about.

    It was implied that eating twinkes = not fit.

    Still waiting on the three ways eating clean contributes more to fitness than eating "twinkies" or whatever else does.

    It was not implied. You inferred it.

    3 Reasons: Meeting your nutritional needs before you eat exclusively snacks is on its face better for you or nutritional guidelines would not exist at all. Twinkies take a great deal of processing and transporting of ingredients to accomplish, which contributes to water and air pollution, neither or which are good for you. Twinkies contain a lot of corn-based ingredients which contribute to the mono-cropping of American and threaten the sustainability of the food system.

    Do your own freaking research on Twinkies. You are lazy for making me do it for you.

    I see some people on here that survive exclusively on fast food and I really don't want to pay for your Obamacare for you.
    Wait, so eating clean just means hitting your nutritional needs? So you mean IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS, it's ok?

    Tigersword FTW~ :drinker:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    To me, clean eating just means don't eat overly processed foods like things you would find in the frozen foods section or things you would buy at fast food joints.

    All the food today is tainted by humans with either hormones or chemicals anyway, so it's not like you can actually eat like our ancestors do.

    I think I eat a *relatively* clean diet. Lots of fruits, veggies, and meat. Every now and then I'll eat something sweet and processed like a cupcake or cookie, and from time to time I'll have alcohol. Fast food is a no no though....always and forever.

    Cupcake or cookie occasionally is fine, but food from the frozen foods section or any fast food ever are not?

    I think this is the kind of arbitrary line that some people struggle to understand.

    (That said, feel free to eat however you want. I have my own arbitrary lines myself. (For example, I generally don't eat cupcakes or cookies, but frequently eat ice cream and eat at Chipotle.)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you're not washing your foods before you cook, then you eat dirty.

    "Clean Eating" is BS. You have a liver and kidneys which "clean your system. The same goes for "Detoxing" your body. Bunch of crap. While they "work" they do more harm. Do your research.

    If you want to "eat clean" then eat foods without the processed crap. Easy peasy.

    That is what I mean by clean....non processed. I don't get where ppl are talking about cleanses and stuff. Lol. Is this the enema thread? Whoops my bad lol

    where do you draw the line at "processed" exactly are the black beans in a can so much filthier than if I spent all day making my own black beans? When it comes down to it, everything has some, at least, minimal processing just to get it to your store.

    For me...personally....the line is drawn at what I can afford and what I can't live without.

    Boxed dinners (hamburger helper etc) I will not buy. I do buy organic cereal but rarely eat it (cereal doesn't agree with me).
    I buy my veggies, fruits, and eggs from my local farmers as much as I can. I get organic if I can afford it.
    Protein....Can't afford the high dollar stuff.

    Ben and Jerry's....will not live without



    Gotta side with Jof on this one. Breyer's > Ben & Jerry's
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    My concept of clean eating: consuming high quality food in reasonable proportions. By high quality, I mean having high nutritional content as well as high food integrity standards (organic, natural, and or minimally or unprocessed). Striving toward these standards should be the goal, even though it is understood that eating clean 100% (or even 80-90%) of the time is often impossible.

    I don't see how people construe this as "feeling superior" - they are probably the same people who teased the smart kids in school for getting good grades.

    Because clean eaters are the smart kids?

    Ironic post is ironic.
  • maffff
    maffff Posts: 72 Member
    I agree! This is myFITNESSpal, not myWEIGHTLOSSpal. Eating clean contributes to fitness in more ways than eating twinkies at a deficit does.

    Yeah but I couldn't find myTWINKIEpal [although I'll admit I haven't searched, I dread to think what it would find..]
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    In to read later!
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Well this was fun
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Don't take the "clean eating bashing" personally.

    It's primarily the ones who've had difficulties with their weight in the past. They've decided (or are unable) to not give up foods high in fat and sugar (i.e. "junk food"), and due to whatever limited success they've had, believe there is something wrong with those who desire to cut such things out of their diet.

    They'll tell you how healthy they are, and talk about their great "blood work."

    They'll also ask you to provide "peer reviewed studies" to support your claims that the food you eat can affect your long-term health, while attributing their views to universal truths.

  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Do what you want.... or don't.

    Just don't shove your religion down my throat.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    My concept of clean eating: consuming high quality food in reasonable proportions. By high quality, I mean having high nutritional content as well as high food integrity standards (organic, natural, and or minimally or unprocessed). Striving toward these standards should be the goal, even though it is understood that eating clean 100% (or even 80-90%) of the time is often impossible.

    I don't see how people construe this as "feeling superior" - they are probably the same people who teased the smart kids in school for getting good grades.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    And yet you comment, repeatedly (or rather MOCK) how you think I eat.

    This is a flat-out lie.
    Actually no. It's not. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else, again.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Do what you want.... or don't.

    Just don't shove your religion down my throat.
    Exactly how I feel.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    There's hating on everything... Clean eaters hate on people who don't eat clean... People who don't eat clean hate on people who do...People who eat more hate on those who eat less ect the list goes on. Why? Because no one way is right, no one body is the same...and we all have the right to diet to eat to live how we wish.

    How do we deal with the hate? Close the post... And move on. and LOOK!! ITS GONE! Because no one needs to read abuse or hate.. There's no person forcing you to read every single rude ignorant comment. So don't. =) It's a trick to keep you mentally healthy as that's just as important as being physically healthy.

    But most importantly I wish you all a happy journey no matter how you chose to get there! Just remember. You are talking to real people here. So when you hate. You're hating real people, with real feelings. Share the love! Stop the hate. *Hugs*
    Great post. I think I'll do just that. cheers.