Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Good for you that's taking the bull by the horns and just gettin' it done. I'm excited for you! Keep us up to date on how things are going.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    I bet once you try'll never go back to's so much easier. And if ya don't want a drop biscuit, spray a muffin tin with Pam and bake them that're good to go.
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    I could use some support. I was doing so well. I lost 12 pounds but the last couple of days have been bad for me. overeating, goinging out to eat one night, not much choices there. and tomorrow is my weigh in.I just have been so starved. don't know why. If you could friend me the more support the better, I just need to get back on track.


    P.S. Thanks for the info on pillsbury I would not have known that!
  • bubbins11
    bubbins11 Posts: 8 Member
    I just joined and ran across this thread. I haven't had a chance to read the entire thing yet (lots of pages) but I would like to also join this group. Everyone seems so encouraging! :flowerforyou:

    Can't wait to get to know each of you more!

  • YourFriendBecky
    Eileen, you're doing great, you've lost 12 POUNDS! That's awesome! There will always be days when things come up (like restaurants where maybe we don't have too many options, or celebrations we want to participate in, or apathetic moods...), but hey, look at it this way... they say all success comes down to the 80/20 rule. If you can just eat in a conscious and mindful way 80% of the time, the other 20% shouldn't be too much of a detriment. Don't expect yourself to be 100% "on" all the time... you're only human, we all are. I went out for crepes this morning... they were YUMMY. Over 700 calories, but totally worth it! The neat thing about this site is that it's not a rigid set of rules, it's just a tool to help you kind of see where you're at and HELP you to get where you want to be. Be happy! Enjoy!

    Welcome to Bubbins and any other new people!

  • Deborah55
    I'm in!
  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    welcome to the new people, this is a great place to be.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    It makes me SOOOOOOOO happy when I log on this forum and read the notes from new members who "want to be in" WELL, if you logged on here you are a member. :flowerforyou:
    I'm always ready to be a friend........and thinking about new friends, I hope everyone who's been here a while will reach out and befriend the newbies. I was reading one of their profiles, and they had (at that time) only 2 friends. WELL THAT"S NOT ENOUGH!!! If you're a newbie, scroll through the postings, and if you like what someone is saying, PLEASE be-friend that person!:heart:
    I can attest to the fact that having a LOT of friends is incredible good support, so "link hands everyone" and be-friend MORE people!!!!:happy:
    The best thing I think about having friends can't be boiled down to just one thing. I love ALL the benefits of having many friends. I love checking my email and seeing I have mail from MYFITNESS PAL, and seeing someone has commented. Those little pats on the back just make my day. :flowerforyou:
    I also love being able to visit my friends profiles, reading about their trials and tribulations (everyone has an interesting story!) and having access to their blog.
    :tongue: I have been making a WORD.doc of all the quotes I come across that inspire me - and I cull these from the blogs and from the forum and the profiles. I can read this and have such an uplifting feeling.
    SO GET OUT THERE AND MAKE FRIENDS!:love: or you are literally sitting on your duff and not getting the full benefits of this wonderful website!
    Love to all of you and thanks to all of you :happy:
  • ozncj1976
    Me too. I want to be healthy and have my oustide match the inner way that I feel :)
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Me too
  • recee27
    recee27 Posts: 34
    I'm just starting out. I lost 10lbs before I found this website. But I still have 125lbs to lose to be at my goal weight. I love that I've found women who can relate. My success story for this week is.....yesterday I went to Wal-Mart with my oldest daughter. We walked down to get some cat food and they had put all the big bags of halloween candy out. I told myself out loud "walk away from the candy, just walk away!" My daughter looked at me funny and I turned and walked away. Normally I would buy the biggest bag of mixed chocolate bars and eat most of it myself. I truly was proud of myself for resisting one of my true weaknesses!!
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    You go girl! That halloween candy will get ya! Be strong!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I know what you guys mean by the Halloween candy. Every year it's the same thing. I buy a ton of it, we give out a lot to the trick or treaters, but there is always a ton left over. Not to mention the candy they get when we go out trick or treating! I am a sucker for those miniature snickers bars! This year will be different. I'll still buy candy, and I will still take my kids out trick or treating, BUT I think I will buy a small bag of sugar-free candy and have a few pieces just for me.

    I still have my cheat meal once per week, but I sure don't want to make my cheat meal a bunch of candy! It's not like I never had the stuff anyway. I just choose not to eat it anymore. :smile: Maybe I will just smell the snickers a little bit! lol
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    Happy Monday everyone. Start of a new week. Let's make this a great week everyone. Today, I choose to eat right and I choose to exercise. I hope you all join me.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I am new here to myfitnesspal after many years of not really getting a handle on my baby weight (please note babies are 5 and 2 1/2 years old).

    My ulitimate goal is to lose 100lbs and I could use all the suppose I can get. I look forward to this group!!
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Thanks for having this group. I am in....

  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Hi Robin,

    Your posts are inspiring and I love your attitude....its catchy!!!! You and anyone else can befriend me too. I love having a great support system of friends on here.


    It makes me SOOOOOOOO happy when I log on this forum and read the notes from new members who "want to be in" WELL, if you logged on here you are a member. :flowerforyou:
    I'm always ready to be a friend........and thinking about new friends, I hope everyone who's been here a while will reach out and befriend the newbies. I was reading one of their profiles, and they had (at that time) only 2 friends. WELL THAT"S NOT ENOUGH!!! If you're a newbie, scroll through the postings, and if you like what someone is saying, PLEASE be-friend that person!:heart:
    I can attest to the fact that having a LOT of friends is incredible good support, so "link hands everyone" and be-friend MORE people!!!!:happy:
    The best thing I think about having friends can't be boiled down to just one thing. I love ALL the benefits of having many friends. I love checking my email and seeing I have mail from MYFITNESS PAL, and seeing someone has commented. Those little pats on the back just make my day. :flowerforyou:
    I also love being able to visit my friends profiles, reading about their trials and tribulations (everyone has an interesting story!) and having access to their blog.
    :tongue: I have been making a WORD.doc of all the quotes I come across that inspire me - and I cull these from the blogs and from the forum and the profiles. I can read this and have such an uplifting feeling.
    SO GET OUT THERE AND MAKE FRIENDS!:love: or you are literally sitting on your duff and not getting the full benefits of this wonderful website!
    Love to all of you and thanks to all of you :happy:
  • recee27
    recee27 Posts: 34
    I am having a REALLY difficult time starting to exercise!! I know its really important and it helps the weight come off quicker, but I just HATE doing it! I have a treadmill and I was doing great for a while a few months ago, but now I just don't want to deal with it!! Does anyone else have a hard time with exercising? Or am I just out of the "norm?" I've done the gym, home dvd's, walking outside and of course, the treadmill. For some reason I can't find one I hate less. They all equally suck in my book!! What makes it easier for any of you to get the motivation to exercise?? Any and all suggestions are totally appriciated!!
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    recee27...Have you tried exercising in a way that isn't necissarily exercising? As in, taking up something that gets you moving but doesn't come with all the horrible connotations that exercise does? When I was about 60lb's lighter (lol) and first started university I used to go out with my new found friends every week to this one pub that always had a cheesy 80's disco every Friday and just dance till my feet fell off! Being that we were students and quite poor we would have one or two drinks and the rest of the week we were just walking everywhere (couldn't afford taxi's or busses you see lol). Unfortunately that particular pub stopped hosting the disco and everywhere else charged for entry so we stopped going every week. We started buying cheap alcohol and having house parties instead where we were just sat around drinking and eating, and to make matters worse I moved to a student flat closer to the city center so I was litterally hopping in and out in five minutes rather than taking the long walks I used to to get anywhere, and I know for a fine fact that this is when I really started piling on the pounds.

    So get out there and have a good time. You don't have to spend an awful lot of money if you can find such a place to go to dance, and it can be a great time for you and your friends. If you don't feel like hitting a disco or club or whatever there are loads of dance classes out don't necissarily have to take up exercise based dance classes like Zumba, even just ballroom dancing will get you on the road to becoming more active :)
  • traclin
    traclin Posts: 15
    I know exactly what you mean - I hate to exercise. This weekend I played Wii with my 5 ear old. We boxed on Sunday night and of course he won but my arms hurt so bad today that they feel like they are going to fall off. Also - if you look at the database of exercise on this website there are some great ideas. Water jogging (exactly what it sounds like) is something I would have never thought of but is movement. Look at the list, it will probably inspire some movement. Keep with it and good luck.