Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • coniconstance
    coniconstance Posts: 321 Member
    You got a lot of company! Sorry I'm late to join, but I'm in!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Ok, so today I am doing a no-no. It's my special day, my birthday, and I am going to have a small piece of cake in celebration that it is my birthday and tomorrow I will be completely finished with school. I have been going for 5 1/2 years and will finally be done! It is unlikely that I will go back to get a doctorate degree so this is it for me. I feel the need to celebrate this accomplishment and my bday. We haven't gone to pick out a cake yet, but part of me is thinking I really want strawberry shortcake and part is really wanting cheesecake. Hmmmmm decisions decisions....

    Have a great day!

    Happy Birthday :flowerforyou: and Happy Graduation day :drinker:
    You deserve that cake and don't for a minute feel quilty about it !!! Even if you go over your calories it DOES NOT MATTER in the long run, you are still here, you are still dieting and You, M'Lady, are a WINNER !
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ok, so today I am doing a no-no. It's my special day, my birthday, and I am going to have a small piece of cake in celebration that it is my birthday and tomorrow I will be completely finished with school. I have been going for 5 1/2 years and will finally be done! It is unlikely that I will go back to get a doctorate degree so this is it for me. I feel the need to celebrate this accomplishment and my bday. We haven't gone to pick out a cake yet, but part of me is thinking I really want strawberry shortcake and part is really wanting cheesecake. Hmmmmm decisions decisions....

    Have a great day!

    Happy Birthday :flowerforyou: and Happy Graduation day :drinker:
    You deserve that cake and don't for a minute feel quilty about it !!! Even if you go over your calories it DOES NOT MATTER in the long run, you are still here, you are still dieting and You, M'Lady, are a WINNER !

    Thank you! Well my son and I were at the store, and we looked at the cakes. I decided against buying a whole cake and opted for the individual slices instead. So we each got one slice. And then they had my weakness: pumpkin cheesecake. So, we got one to split. Oh and Dutch Bros gives free coffee on your birthday, another weakness. And it is after 10 and that means I am going to be wired and will be working my butt off later. Last time I had coffee after 10 I ended up working out to my Wii active for 30 minutes- running, lunges, squats- then worked out to my wii biggest loser which was challenge day- football running for 10-15 minutes-- then cleaned house on top of it and finally fell asleep about 2 am lol Should be an interesting day!!!
  • jfea
    jfea Posts: 31 Member
    Well, I am going to step out and join my first group and no longer be a lurker!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well, I am going to step out and join my first group and no longer be a lurker!

    WELCOME !!!!:heart:
    Glad to hear you've joined and speak up with anything on your mind, tell us how your day is going, whatever. Each note is a piece of motivation to the next person who feels they need a boost.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well time to be honest. I've had my fourth weigh in and haven't lost anything since the one stinking pound I lost the first week. But I'm not crying or asking for pity. I just want to be "out there" and honest for my fellow sisters and brothers who are not seeing the scales move.
    Rather than being disappointed, I'm feeling a little proud of myself that at the VERY least, I have NOT gained that pound back, and I've been faithful to my food diary, (the honesty is brutal!) I feel good about myself that I have not had a really horrible day or eating way, way over my calorie limits. :glasses:
    I am instead going to look at this month as my training period. I've learned a lot this month: how to have a healthy snack, how to count the hidden calories (2 cal. in 8 oz. black coffee), calories in the artificial sweetener, etc. and how to plan ahead so that I have sufficient calories for the evening snack I so desperately want before bed.
    I've discovered I LOVE broccolli and other foods. and I've discovered, best of all, that I have about 90 new friends who care and share and support me and each other DAILY. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I know by watching other posts that I had better get going and exercise more when I see someone talk about their exercise program and what a boost it gives their day.
    I know I will succeed and get that second, third, fourth and fifth pounds lost and see my ticker move. And it will keep moving in a positive direction.
    The responsibility is mine; but I am standing on the shoulders of everyone here.
    Thank you all so very very much. :love:
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    Robinsegg, sometimes we don't see the scale move, but your so right eating right and being healthy is the most important part!! Way to keep your head up :) if you keep up your optimism and self control you will see the numbers drop and the inches! Yay! I wish I could learn better self control, but I guess I can't dwell on it I have to look at tomorrow as a new day !!!
  • YourFriendBecky
    Stephanie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and congratulations on the huge accomplishment of finishing school!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    I found this article online and excerpted this portion. I found it very logical and VERY HELPFUL:

    You know that old saying: If you don’t use it, you lose it? Well, it’s only partly true, says Sarah Clachar, a New England–based health educator, fitness expert and the cofounder of Fit Family Together. “The opposite is true as well. When you start to use your muscles, you can regain them—at any age. So even if you've never worked out or had muscles to show off, you can certainly acquire them through a good fitness strategy.”

    Where to start? Avoid an intense jog or hike, and think weights first. “If you haven't been active for years, your muscles aren't up for the activity,” she says. To avoid injury, focus on strength-training first. “Start by building up your muscles so you have the capacity to do exercise,” she recommends. Also, consider short bursts of intense exercise known as interval training. “Not only is research showing that this has more impact on your health with less wear and tear, but it works faster and it's easier [to do].” Here’s how: “Whatever you start to do, do it in shorter, intensive spurts,” says Clachar. “Walk briskly for 1 minute, then stop and rest. Walk briskly again for 1 minute and repeat. Or bike hard for 4 minutes and then rest.” With this method, you can pack 30 minutes of regular exercise into just 15 minutes, with less injury risk.
  • cassieinor
    Hey Steph, Congrats again! It's ok to splurge once in deserve a celebration. One suggestion....order a smallish cake so as not to totally sabotage your program. That way you won't have a lot leftover. I just know if I have yummy leftovers at my house, I'll eat them. Once the partying is over......start fresh back on track tomorrow. Have fun!
  • cassieinor
    I like that "training month" idea. I've been here 20 days and honestly have only weighed myself twice. It took me over a week before I could weigh for the first time. And when I got home after a week of restaraunts & fast food......I've gained 4lbs. Hopefully it's water weight. But I'm still checking in and keeping my diary every day. I too am still learning soooo much from this group. I'm thankful for all the moral support I've receive from the group. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I'm in! I'm now in two groups that are motivation to lose 100+. My goals are below in my signature. I need to come up with some cool rewards for meeting them!
  • sweetg1222
    130 lbs. here count me in!!!! Lets do this!! :-)
  • reneeb82
    The 3 day weekend is almost over. Dang it. Although I am a little bored.
    Robin, I did not lose any weight for over a month then last week 2 pounds and this week 6. It was hard to not want to give up like last time but I held on to hope and reading posts. Just have to have faith it will come.
    I should be doing something with moving right now but just being lazy before going back to work.

  • YourFriendBecky
    Ellen, thanks for that info on doing strength training before other kinds of exercise, that's really helpful. For some reason doing exercises with weights seems less intimidating to me than going out for a walk (and finding myself too sore or tired to walk home!) Plus I already own some dumbbells and a bench! : D

  • WarningHillAhead
    WarningHillAhead Posts: 22 Member
    I have decided that my 'weigh day' will be Tuesday. Is weighing yourself every week too much? I use to do it once a week, and I drove myself crazy with anticipation. I know that every day is way too much, and once a month may be too little, so has anyone found a happy medium? I'm also trying to not do it too much, so I don't fall prey to the 'normal weight fluctuation' trap.

    Anybody have any tips on when to weigh oneself?
  • TinkerLuv
    For Krklstephi--Happy Birthday:wink: & congrats on completing your schooling:flowerforyou: ...don't feel bad about treating yourself, afterall it's ur B-Day! Now get back on the horse--heehee!
  • TinkerLuv
    HI Guys...joint pain..... there is a great therapy called SCENAR.... it is an anacronym and great for chronic and acute pain... you can look it up online.... I believe they also sell home versions.. good stuff.

    Most importantly just take care of you.... if it hurts... that means you need to be careful and ease it into what you are trying to do... After my car wreck I couldn't do anything in am... I got up took pain meds and slept on couch in sitting position until the pain meds took effect so I could move.... Well Got sick of that and what I found was.... the more mobile the less pain and stiffness. So I weaned myself off the pain pills(narcotics) and took ibuprofen(nurofen).... got more active did my rehab.... then I weaned myself off of the Ibuprofen and continued to be active....The car accident was in 1999 and by 2002 I was off routine ibuprofen and only took it occasionally for severe discomfort.... and today... I only took it recently for a intense headache..
    SO... increase activity works... change your mindset... change how you think You are the boss......
    best wishes.

    Thanks for the info...boy can I relate, I've been in 6 car accidents (none my fault) & I have a lot of pain in my back, hips, etc. Don't like to rely in meds, I will take an Advil only when I can't move anymore:smile: . I totally agree about getting moving helps tremendously, I've been in P.T. for 1yr now & it helps to push me to keep moving. I def notice a difference if I stop:frown: . I'll check out the info u provided, joint pain is something that may never go away--uugh!
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    Congratulations to everyone on their accomplishments! I hope that everyone was good over the weekend! Unlike me who took pringles to a whole new level!! Ahhh but I got back on track and feel very good about my day today :) i am ready for a change! I'm so sick of being the fat girl in my group of friends. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to do as a good stopper to emotional eating? I know that walking or exercising is good, but it's really difficult for me to drop what in doing and take a walk as I have two children under two! We do walk alot as I do not have a car, but I don't know what to do about my impluse snacking I know it isn't good yet I still do it. Help!!!!
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member

    in my opinion I think that it is helpful to weight yourself on Friday in the morning once a week because usually that will be after you worked hard all week eating right and exercising, plus it gives you some extra days to recover from the damage from the weekend ;) well at least in my case! I always find that Fridays are great!! Idk what other people think but once a week weigh ins are fine just not more than that plus it's always encouraging to see progress :)