Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • Hi!
    I just joined today and came across this group. I have never done message boards before or blogged but I know I am going to need support, advice, etc. Not sure what I need to join this group, but I am excited to start this journey and meet new friends.

  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Hi all - new to the boards, but doing this healthy eating thing for about 2 weeks now & fairly successful.

    My name is Maria (a.k.a. The Lima) - I'm a writer in the DC area. I've set a goal of losing 115 lbs, even though that would still put me at a bigger number than many folks, it's one I was comfortable with for years. I was active, healthy and had no issues.

    These days, I'm always tired, joints hurt. I want my energy back!

    I'm slowly reading through the entire set of posts. Would love it if you all friended me (or whatever it's called here. :)

  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I haven't heard from the surgeon, so I called my doctor's office. The nurse said they are waiting on the prior authorization from my insurance (which won't be a problem) and then will be faxing my information over to the surgeon. She said if I do not hear anything in one week to call her back. The authorization should be finished sometime today. So my papers will either be faxed today or tomorrow. My hope is to have the surgery before the holidays get here so I am not tempted to overeat for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but have it early enough that I am able to eat solids by then so I can at least eat a little bit of yummy food :)
  • Hello, all. First post ever on this site and I'd love to part of this group. Started just a few days ago and I am loving this community. I can FEEL the change coming on! I have to lose tons of weight... well, not really... but I do have to lose more than 100. I know I can do it and I'm hoping you all can keep me on track.

    BTW... is this all I need to do to add the group? Thanks in advance from someone who's not to tech savvy.
  • I totally agree.
  • Anybody up for having a weigh-in day for the group to report weekly losses, just for a little accountability?


    I had my weekly weigh-in at the clinic today and I am down another 4 pounds. That makes 21.8 so far.
  • 4 pounds is AWESOME, traclin!

    Since not too many people responded about a weekly weigh-in, I'll just let go of that idea and post on my wall as usual. : )

  • Soooooo many of us here.......I try to be here at least once a day just to keep up with everyone. It's a good place to be:glasses:
  • Hi everyone. Well, I have been logging my food for 5 days now and I am doing ok, had a little pitfall and had too many calories yesterday but I am not going to beat myself up about it. My problem is getting in any exercise. I am not working but am taking care of my 2 1/2 month old and just can't seem to find the energy to work out. I KNOW I need to move more but I am not. I used to work out 6 days a week but finding that little push I need is hard. Maybe I could take a walk with my little guy in the mornings or evenings? Anyone have any good advice about getting started? How do you find your motivation?

    Thanks!! :)

  • Congrats on your new baby! Try a stroller and go for short walks with your baby. That's what I want to do.....walk with my 6month old Granddaughter.......and her Mama too. I hope she reads this......exercise. AND bonding.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    OK, need someone to send emails to WEIGHTLOSSMOMMA - she's 8 weeks pregnant and not about to diet right now!!!! send her congrats on here and if anyone else can relate it would give her support until she has the baby. She also has a 4 year old under foot............. So who ever feels like it, be a hero and reach out to her and befriend her during this "blip" in her diet! I'm so happy for her but I've never been pregnant myself so I'm not the right person for the job. Hope someone reads this and reaches out to her and can be her friend ! Thanks to those who do.
  • WarningHillAhead
    WarningHillAhead Posts: 22 Member
    Had my first 'real' weigh in (the first one after the one to see how much I weigh, then go from there). I gained one pound! Wft?! I'm hoping it's muscle weight, but something about the fatness of my body leads me to believe this is wistful thinking.

    Better luck next week!
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm new here and need to lose a lot of weight, too. I didn't know quite where to jump in, but I read some of the posts, and this group seems really friendly. So, here I am! :flowerforyou:

    I'm 50, married, and have a 7 yr. old daughter. I do NOT like that I'm passing my unhealthy eating habits on to her. I've always been rather stubborn, and don't like anybody telling me what I should do. So, I've got to be willing to give that up.

    Also, I'm somebody who eats, "Because I Deserve It" - so that's my motto. I need to reframe that to be, I'm eating healthy because I deserve it - and so does my family.

    Finally, it's always easy to be motivated on Day 1, I just need to remember that every day is Day 1, otherwise I know I'll blow it because it seems so overwhelming. I really need some support.

    Thanks for reading!

    Welcome! Girl I'm in the same boat u are...sounds like we have a lot in common--maybe not all so bad though ;D. This is a great forum, & u get alot of support & advise. Try to check in daily, keeps u motivated. Remember, we r in this 2gether!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Good morning! Since school started back for my boy I've been able to get some things done that needed to be done. Once everything is how it should be I can get back into my old routine. Wake up, get him off to school, make healthy breakfast, go for long walk, do wall pushups, aeobic step, healthy lunch, then sit back and watch my soaps LOL The routine may not look like that at first but it will get there :)

    Have a great day!!
  • Hi guys, I had a positive experience today. I bought a caramel shortbread at lunch (mainly because I wanted to get away from the atmosphere in the office and the shop is over the road) but I didn't eat it. I put it in the fridge and it's still there! That never happens lol

    I would love to hear about your successes today!

    I just pinned up my skirt on both sides 2 weeks ago and today the skirt kept turning around again on me so I guess I need to move the pins again. No ready to buy another skirt now.
    WOW Mollie...that's TERRIFIC!!!! Such an inspiration, can u share how u've stayed on track?
  • I am having a REALLY difficult time starting to exercise!!

    I was having this problem a few months ago and someone on this board suggested listening to podcasts. I subscribe to whatever topic I'd like to learn about in iTunes, then download them to my iPod. I can easily go for an hour + long walk and not even realize it because I'm so involved with what I'm hearing. Works great for me and I've lost over 100lbs doing it!

    Another option would be to get a step aerobics type of step. Put it in front of the TV and step the whole time you watch a show. You can burn hundreds of calories just by watching a half hour TV show!
    Great suggestions...thanks!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Where has everyone gone to???

    Update: So I got a call from the surgeon yesterday, and I go to the seminar next Thurs evening. At the seminar I will receive a lengthy application and once it is turned in, the surgeon's office will review it and decide if surgery is the best option for me. Once that decision is made, I will be contacted and an appt will be set to meet with the surgeon and go over how much I need to lose before the surgery and start scheduling appts and hopefully schedule the possible surgery. Im hoping it is soon, but who knows!!
  • futurerunner
    futurerunner Posts: 169 Member
    Hey everyone!
    my weigh in day is always Wednesday so I'll post updates on that day.
    Total for this week 3 pounds lost!! Yeah!

    Pounds lost so far: 36 lbs

    107 lbs - 36 lbs = 71 lbs to go
  • futurerunner
    futurerunner Posts: 169 Member
    My signature won't change :)
    it should say CW 216...oh well
  • Great job!!! Great loss!!!
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