Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • jeanineadele
    Do I dare say it out loud? Yes, I needed to lose 111 pounds, now it is only 95.
  • jeanineadele
    mltdown....Does anyone have any suggestions of what to do as a good stopper to emotional eating? Knitting, embroidery, puzzles, coin collecting, scrap booking, painting, reading. I think things like these help with eating out of boredom.
  • katie0425
    Good morning everyone! I have over 100 pounds to lose to meet my goal so I woud love to join this group. Reading over the posts it amazes me how many people are in the same boat as I am, it makes me feel good to know that I am not alone. I am one of those people who always felt like I was not THAT fat and since I still felt pretty good I didn't worry that much about it. I guess that misguided thinking helped me get to 263 pounds! :noway: I am ready to change all that now and lose this weight for good, no more loosing and gaining it all back!!!

    I am looking forward to all the support all this sight, Lord knows I need it. :happy:
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Hey Steph, Congrats again! It's ok to splurge once in deserve a celebration. One suggestion....order a smallish cake so as not to totally sabotage your program. That way you won't have a lot leftover. I just know if I have yummy leftovers at my house, I'll eat them. Once the partying is over......start fresh back on track tomorrow. Have fun!

    Thanks. What I actually did was get single pieces of cake. One for me and one for my son that way there is no leftovers at all :) The temptation would've been too huge had I gotten a whole cake. :)
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes and congrats on graduating. My celebratory weekend is over and it is time to get back on track. And tomorrow when my son goes back to school I can get back on track with my walking every day :)
  • reneeb82
    It looks like everyone had a great weekend or are at least back at it this morning. That is what counts most. I hope everyone keeps up the good work.

  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    HI Guys...joint pain..... there is a great therapy called SCENAR.... it is an anacronym and great for chronic and acute pain... you can look it up online.... I believe they also sell home versions.. good stuff.

    Most importantly just take care of you.... if it hurts... that means you need to be careful and ease it into what you are trying to do... After my car wreck I couldn't do anything in am... I got up took pain meds and slept on couch in sitting position until the pain meds took effect so I could move.... Well Got sick of that and what I found was.... the more mobile the less pain and stiffness. So I weaned myself off the pain pills(narcotics) and took ibuprofen(nurofen).... got more active did my rehab.... then I weaned myself off of the Ibuprofen and continued to be active....The car accident was in 1999 and by 2002 I was off routine ibuprofen and only took it occasionally for severe discomfort.... and today... I only took it recently for a intense headache..
    SO... increase activity works... change your mindset... change how you think You are the boss......
    best wishes.

    Thanks for the info...boy can I relate, I've been in 6 car accidents (none my fault) & I have a lot of pain in my back, hips, etc. Don't like to rely in meds, I will take an Advil only when I can't move anymore:smile: . I totally agree about getting moving helps tremendously, I've been in P.T. for 1yr now & it helps to push me to keep moving. I def notice a difference if I stop:frown: . I'll check out the info u provided, joint pain is something that may never go away--uugh!

    It can go away.... I am proof.. You have to believe it, train yourmiind and follow thru... but it will happen.... It did for me.... good luck buddy
  • lesleyuk
    Count Me in
  • coniconstance
    coniconstance Posts: 321 Member
    Stephanie, glad you had a happy birthday, sounds like your back on track ready for the week.

    Mltdown, emotional eating is a hard one to tackle. If you don't have a car, I'd suggest setting up your environment for success. That means tossing all those snack cakes and yes, PRINGLES out. I use to keep treats around when I first started my healthy change, just for my daughter. But how awful is that? I wont put junk in my mouth, but I want to keep the cupboards full of junk for family. Changing is hard at first for kids, but trust me they will not starve to death. They may go a day hungry but by day two and three all those fruits and veggies are tasting good to them. Looks like your off to a great start though, congrats on the 26 pounds!
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support and suggestion! And your right it is really hard to not have snacks for the kids but your right they need to eat healthy too I want to get them off to the right start too! I am really lucky that they like fruits and vegetables! Time to toss the pringles! :( but I'm ready for them to go! Hey congrats on your 26 pounds too :)
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    It's the first day of school!!!! Woohoooo!!! My son is ready to get to school and have a great year!

    I like to have cans of fruit, they have the fruit in 100% juice and the fruit in light syrup. I prefer the juice. I noticed that Dole or DelMonte also has small 100 calorie fruit cans. I do this because fresh fruit will go bad quick. And if I have the cans, I can open a can of whatever I want- peaches, pineapple, pears, mixed. And I know I will be satisfied. I also get some of the snacks that say they are 100 calorie snacks. I know here pringles has some 100 calorie size cans. That might be good if you need a "pringles fix". I do that when I need chocolate or something sweet in general. :)
  • YourFriendBecky
    Anybody up for having a weigh-in day for the group to report weekly losses, just for a little accountability?

  • comani
    comani Posts: 14 Member
    Definitely In! When I think of 105 lbs it seems quite overwhelming but with support and taking it one day at a time, we will make it!
  • cassieinor
    My opinion only........if you weigh on Monday.....or even Tuesday, you will be more likely to make good food choices over the weekend.
  • I have 45 pouds to lose count me in anything I could do to help mu name is cathy
  • you need to plan you meal maybe use some kashi cereal n the morning with skim milk and a fresh fruit
  • I am for it
  • Nikki2Fit
    Nikki2Fit Posts: 30 Member
    (Raising both hands) count me in! I need to lose 90 more to reach my goal of 180. With 10 lbs down I am on my way. This group will be great motivation for all. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all on this journey.
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    Welcome to all the new members to the group. This is a very lively group and lots of good motivation here. :heart:

  • katie0425
    I am up for the weigh in, sounds good. Knowing that I will be posting my weekly weight should keep me more accountable. :)