Daily weigh in question



  • If it works don't fix it.:wink: I have to log daily. I have medical issues where near daily weight control is essential. Variations of a couple pounds in a day are common place for me.

    Even if I didn't have to log/ track/ record daily I would. It gives me feedback and therefore more control.
  • My issue with logging my weight every day is that everyone sees it. I don't want to show the ups and downs that much. By logging my lowest weight I know that I am not weighing water weight, bloating or what have you. Maybe that's wrong? Like I said I haven't logged anything but once a week weigh in so far.

    I just now saw this. If you feel you have to weigh in daily, do so, but only log the weight once a week maybe?

    Yes that's what I think I will do
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I weigh every day, too, right after I wake up. But I also weigh a couple of times later as well. I only log a weight loss that is lower than my previous weight whenever it occurs.

    If you want to see your weight loss trend, weigh every day after waking for a week, write down the amount, and divide by 7 for the average. You'll be able to tell whether you are on an upward or downward trend.

    edit: more info added.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I went through a period of time (about a year) where I weighed daily and recorded it on my calendar. I did it not to obsess over it, but just to track those fluctuations that you just wouldn't notice are a trend unless you tracked for months. It really helped me to see what was going on with my normal ups and downs and now I just weigh-in once or twice a week. I only record losses. I've been lucky in that in the last few weeks, every time has been a loss! I'm sure that will catch up to me soon. lol
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Because I have such a low calorie deficit I have been weighting each day. I only log it in once a week, which is Tuesday. When my calorie deficit was bigger and I had more to lose, I just weighed once a week and logged once a week.

    Just do what works best for you.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I weigh first thing every morning, but I record only when I have lost weight, or when I have gained weight and held onto it for two weeks. I just find it a more optimistic way of doing things...I claim all new lows as "mine" and give myself a LITTLE bit of wiggle room if that's followed by a slight regain for a little while. So far it's working real well.
  • eksero2k
    eksero2k Posts: 83 Member
    Even though i do weight myself every day just to keep tabs on it, I only record it on here once a week, at the same time every week, no matter what it says
  • hmc4
    hmc4 Posts: 27
    Like several here, I weigh near daily (scale hop I call it) but I only record it on Thursdays. Period - it doesn't matter if it went up or down on that recording day, it gets logged.
    I like to be able to see the pattern, and I think its an honest way of logging.
  • okgal247
    okgal247 Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh everyday, same time, and input into excel. I only log into MFP my Wed and Sun weight...regardless if its up or down. The way I look at it weight loss isn't linear but as long as you are trending downward, you are GOLDEN.

    I believe in this. I weight myself every day. Yeah- it sucks to see the number on the scale sometimes (I worked my *kitten* off yesterday, but felt dehydrated a lot during the day and probably didn't get quite as much water as I should have- though I did get 8 glasses). Today I am 2.2 lbs heavier than I was yesterday, but I still love to see the downward trend despite the spikes. I have never went back up to my starting weight after about two weeks of using MFP and now I'm in this little range of 132-135, once I jump that hurdle, I'll be somewhere between 133 and 130 for a while, and then hopefully I'll break that too.

    I think it's just personal preference. I enjoy the every day log, it doesn't get me down (too much :tongue: )... though I am frustrated today, since I worked really hard yesterday. It's most likely water weight, though-- it can change the number on your scale by 10 lbs! Water is powerful :laugh: