Living with an unhealthy eater



  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member

    I wonder if you "agree or disagree."

    No i pretty much concluded that you are a troll and i am done feeding you. You probably eat too much so as it is.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If you don't do something now , you will regret it, I have a friend that has been trying to lose the same 30lbs for 8 years, her husband is always trying to sabotage her , and she is not getting any younger, much harder to lose as you age. In my house I set the example , if I say no eating out and my husband still wants to go , he goes without me.

    When someone alters their behaviors for another, it is because they honor the relationship and the needs of their family member. I participate in things I find boring as hell because my husband likes my company (home improvement shows: ugh. He's in construction, we don't own a home).

    Just imagine you and your friend are both smokers. You both acknowledge that smoking is unhealthy. Then the friend makes a real effort to quit smoking. Out of respect for your friend you will refrain from lighting up in front of them.

    Only a real d!ck would light up in front of their friend despite their request not to. That is obviously a troubled relationship.

    I will point out that you, not he, threw the cake away...
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Wow, some of these women have control issues. If you could only control yourself around food as good as you control your man. Yet if a man came on here and said he controlled what his wife ate, the women be like "no he didn't". :noway:
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member

    I wonder if you "agree or disagree."

    No i pretty much concluded that you are a troll and i am done feeding you. You probably eat too much so as it is.

    The final retort of those who are unable to gracefully acknowledge defeat: "You're a troll."

    Sorry you couldn't keep up.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I banned junk food from the house. I'm married, so the dynamic is a little different, but the principal is the same. No junk food. Or, he can have junk food in the house only while he is consuming it. No LEFTOVERS!

    I'm like you in that I can't resist the junk food. A caring person would understand and not leave the trigger items in the house. Would you leave an open bottle of wine out for an alcoholic to find? NO! That is just cruel.

    Last year we ended up with a lot of leftover cake after a graduation celebration. It was a full sheet cake, so it was huge and I couldn't resist it. I pleaded with my husband to throw it away while we were cleaning up after the party. He refused. I kept going back to that damn cake. By the next day I took it upon myself to toss it in the nearest dumpster.

    He was mad, but I had consumed 2000 calories of cake in 2 days. It had to go! I showed him my food diary and he was more understanding, sort of. He called me weak willed (yep) and that I needed to grow up and learn restraint. I replied that I did show restraint by throwing out the offending item. If you cannot resist temptation, then eliminate it's source.

    FWIW, I think your comparison of your out of control eating habits to alcoholism is offensive. I have an alcoholic in my family, and yes, we do have wine and spirits in our house free for him to take a drink whenever he wants. He exercises will power to avoid falling off the wagon. Imagine that.
  • AmandaCherise
    AmandaCherise Posts: 31 Member
    Did anyone understand the post? It wasn't a post about me blaming my significant other for my choices, it was explaining my scenario and asking for advice to make better choices. The obvious choice is to NOT EAT it, but advice on how YOU PERSONALLY motivated yourself and got through it would be a little bit more helpful rather than criticizing for "being controlling" when that's not the situation at all.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I am shocked at how many people are having visceral reactions to my desire to eliminate junk foods from my home. This speaks to the disordered way we deal with health and food in our society.

    My husband is fully on board with clean eating. We occasionally indulge in sweets out of the house. Hell there are 4 (yes FOUR!) fast food places across the street from our apartments. There are dozens more within a 2 mile radius as we live in a dense urban area. Getting some sugary treats is not complicated or difficult or inconvenient. Burgerville isn't going to cut me off if I should want to spend my money there (or dairy queen or Baskin Robbins or Starbucks or Shair's Pies or...well you get the idea).

    I choose to make my home a sanctuary of health. Here I can relax and enjoy the plethora of foods that won't kill me. It is not necessary for me to load up on chemical, gmo, HFCS, transfat laden foods in my own home.

    I also don't let people use illicit drugs in my home (family included) or smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products. I also don't permit racial slurs be used within our walls.
  • AmandaCherise
    AmandaCherise Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for the advice.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If you don't do something now , you will regret it, I have a friend that has been trying to lose the same 30lbs for 8 years, her husband is always trying to sabotage her , and she is not getting any younger, much harder to lose as you age. In my house I set the example , if I say no eating out and my husband still wants to go , he goes without me.

    When someone alters their behaviors for another, it is because they honor the relationship and the needs of their family member. I participate in things I find boring as hell because my husband likes my company (home improvement shows: ugh. He's in construction, we don't own a home).

    Just imagine you and your friend are both smokers. You both acknowledge that smoking is unhealthy. Then the friend makes a real effort to quit smoking. Out of respect for your friend you will refrain from lighting up in front of them.

    Only a real d!ck would light up in front of their friend despite their request not to. That is obviously a troubled relationship.

    I will point out that you, not he, threw the cake away...

    after he said no don't...hmmm

    Yah okay.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Did anyone understand the post? It wasn't a post about me blaming my significant other for my choices, it was explaining my scenario and asking for advice to make better choices. The obvious choice is to NOT EAT it, but advice on how YOU PERSONALLY motivated yourself and got through it would be a little bit more helpful rather than criticizing for "being controlling" when that's not the situation at all.

    My advice: make better choices. There will always be choices. Only you can make those choices for yourself.

    Just like only you can prevent wild fires.


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    If you don't do something now , you will regret it, I have a friend that has been trying to lose the same 30lbs for 8 years, her husband is always trying to sabotage her , and she is not getting any younger, much harder to lose as you age. In my house I set the example , if I say no eating out and my husband still wants to go , he goes without me.

    When someone alters their behaviors for another, it is because they honor the relationship and the needs of their family member. I participate in things I find boring as hell because my husband likes my company (home improvement shows: ugh. He's in construction, we don't own a home).

    Just imagine you and your friend are both smokers. You both acknowledge that smoking is unhealthy. Then the friend makes a real effort to quit smoking. Out of respect for your friend you will refrain from lighting up in front of them.

    Only a real d!ck would light up in front of their friend despite their request not to. That is obviously a troubled relationship.

    Even so, the person trying to quit smoking isn't going to tear a cigarette out of their friends mouth and throw all of their cigarettes in the trash.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I am shocked at how many people are having visceral reactions to my desire to eliminate junk foods from my home. This speaks to the disordered way we deal with health and food in our society.

    My husband is fully on board with clean eating. We occasionally indulge in sweets out of the house. Hell there are 4 (yes FOUR!) fast food places across the street from our apartments. There are dozens more within a 2 mile radius as we live in a dense urban area. Getting some sugary treats is not complicated or difficult or inconvenient. Burgerville isn't going to cut me off if I should want to spend my money there (or dairy queen or Baskin Robbins or Starbucks or Shair's Pies or...well you get the idea).

    I choose to make my home a sanctuary of health. Here I can relax and enjoy the plethora of foods that won't kill me. It is not necessary for me to load up on chemical, gmo, HFCS, transfat laden foods in my own home.

    I also don't let people use illicit drugs in my home (family included) or smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products. I also don't permit racial slurs be used within our walls.

    Yep, bizarre.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am shocked at how many people are having visceral reactions to my desire to eliminate junk foods from my home. This speaks to the disordered way we deal with health and food in our society.

    My husband is fully on board with clean eating. We occasionally indulge in sweets out of the house. Hell there are 4 (yes FOUR!) fast food places across the street from our apartments. There are dozens more within a 2 mile radius as we live in a dense urban area. Getting some sugary treats is not complicated or difficult or inconvenient. Burgerville isn't going to cut me off if I should want to spend my money there (or dairy queen or Baskin Robbins or Starbucks or Shair's Pies or...well you get the idea).

    I choose to make my home a sanctuary of health. Here I can relax and enjoy the plethora of foods that won't kill me. It is not necessary for me to load up on chemical, gmo, HFCS, transfat laden foods in my own home.

    I also don't let people use illicit drugs in my home (family included) or smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products. I also don't permit racial slurs be used within our walls.

    You threw his stuff away. It isn't like he made some sacrifice for you. You're just demanding and enforcing mandates.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    Wow, some of these women have control issues. If you could only control yourself around food as good as you control your man. Yet if a man came on here and said he controlled what his wife ate, the women be like "no he didn't". :noway:

    There was a thread the other day where a man was concerned for his wife's health and was seeking advice about how to get her to eat healthy. He got that exact response.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I am shocked at how many people are having visceral reactions to my desire to eliminate junk foods from my home. This speaks to the disordered way we deal with health and food in our society.

    My husband is fully on board with clean eating. We occasionally indulge in sweets out of the house. Hell there are 4 (yes FOUR!) fast food places across the street from our apartments. There are dozens more within a 2 mile radius as we live in a dense urban area. Getting some sugary treats is not complicated or difficult or inconvenient. Burgerville isn't going to cut me off if I should want to spend my money there (or dairy queen or Baskin Robbins or Starbucks or Shair's Pies or...well you get the idea).

    I choose to make my home a sanctuary of health. Here I can relax and enjoy the plethora of foods that won't kill me. It is not necessary for me to load up on chemical, gmo, HFCS, transfat laden foods in my own home.

    I also don't let people use illicit drugs in my home (family included) or smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products. I also don't permit racial slurs be used within our walls.

    I say each to their own, but as someone who doesn't buy into the concept of clean eating (it's not for me, I'd prefer to be balanced between whats good for me, whats handy and what I like but as I say each to their own and I do see the appeal)

    I *am* a little offended that you liken that to drug use, smoking and racism. It's absolutely not the same. Not at all. I think that view is far too black and white, and there is a lot of grey here for most of us. I'm grey here - i'm not a druggie or a racist or a smoker, but I like the odd 'dirty' food.

    I don't think the categorisation helps your case - and it's one of the reason 'clean' eaters do get attacked on here - that superiority.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    So, I have been trying to change my lifestyle for the past 4 months now and it seems nearly impossible. I work in an office for 8 hours a day (which the only physical activity I get at work is walking to and from the printer... pathetic, I know) I bring healthy lunches, and eat a healthy breakfast every morning, but when I get home there's a box of Krispy Kreme donuts sitting on the counter that my boyfriend decided to pick up. Every weekend he's wanting to order pizza or stop by the burger joint that's next to our house, so we don't have to cook. It is the MOST difficult thing ever to try and resist the pizza and the treats when its in the house! I've been trying to motivate him so that we can do this together, (he could stand to lose a few pounds too) but it always seems to back fire! Are there any suggestions on what I should do, or what I can change?! I know the obvious choice is to resist the goodies, but it drives me insane trying to do this on my own without any support!

    P.S.- Ive gained 25 pounds in the past 6 months- at this rate, I'm rapidly moving towards obesity! HELP!

    Also, my profile picture is definitely not recent. Its my motivation picture. That was me at 120lbs
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If you don't do something now , you will regret it, I have a friend that has been trying to lose the same 30lbs for 8 years, her husband is always trying to sabotage her , and she is not getting any younger, much harder to lose as you age. In my house I set the example , if I say no eating out and my husband still wants to go , he goes without me.

    When someone alters their behaviors for another, it is because they honor the relationship and the needs of their family member. I participate in things I find boring as hell because my husband likes my company (home improvement shows: ugh. He's in construction, we don't own a home).

    Just imagine you and your friend are both smokers. You both acknowledge that smoking is unhealthy. Then the friend makes a real effort to quit smoking. Out of respect for your friend you will refrain from lighting up in front of them.

    Only a real d!ck would light up in front of their friend despite their request not to. That is obviously a troubled relationship.

    I will point out that you, not he, threw the cake away...

    Oh, snap!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Did anyone understand the post? It wasn't a post about me blaming my significant other for my choices, it was explaining my scenario and asking for advice to make better choices. The obvious choice is to NOT EAT it, but advice on how YOU PERSONALLY motivated yourself and got through it would be a little bit more helpful rather than criticizing for "being controlling" when that's not the situation at all.

    It's simply a matter of what's more important to you. You will follow your true desire.
  • greenhudler
    I think it's absolutely ridiculous that someone mentions that she doesn't let her husband keep junk in the house, and in another comment specifically mentions that if she's alone she will binge eat (which is actually considered an eating disorder), and instead of being shown love and support she is ripped a new a-hole. Instead of people talking to her and trying to encourage her to find a happy medium she is torn into and ridiculed because she made a choice in her house (that her husband is obviously okay with because he supports her, not because he's whipped) that helped her with the binge-eating problem she was having. People make comments about how she must not have children, or how her husband will end up being fat when she already said that he is now eating healthier. How absolutely demeaning and presumptuous is that?

    I'm absolutely put off by the comments in this thread and am shocked at the lack of love and support. We are all here together to help reach our goals and help our lives be better. It's not about keeping a perfect public diary so that everyone can bask in your ability to stay disciplined. It's about supporting each other -- something I'm seeing a HUGE lack of in this post.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I am shocked at how many people are having visceral reactions to my desire to eliminate junk foods from my home. This speaks to the disordered way we deal with health and food in our society.

    My husband is fully on board with clean eating. We occasionally indulge in sweets out of the house. Hell there are 4 (yes FOUR!) fast food places across the street from our apartments. There are dozens more within a 2 mile radius as we live in a dense urban area. Getting some sugary treats is not complicated or difficult or inconvenient. Burgerville isn't going to cut me off if I should want to spend my money there (or dairy queen or Baskin Robbins or Starbucks or Shair's Pies or...well you get the idea).

    I choose to make my home a sanctuary of health. Here I can relax and enjoy the plethora of foods that won't kill me. It is not necessary for me to load up on chemical, gmo, HFCS, transfat laden foods in my own home.

    I also don't let people use illicit drugs in my home (family included) or smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products. I also don't permit racial slurs be used within our walls.

    Isn't it your husband's home as well? But he doesn't get to relax and enjoy the foods he likes to eat in it?

    You have major control issues, and your husband is putting up with it. /story