Angry at husband for refusing to take care of his body

I just got married in September, and at 46, my husband is slightly overweight and is becoming very unhealthy. I just looked at his lab results from his recent check-up and he's pre-diabetic and has high cholesterol. I want to have at least 40 years with him, and I DON'T want him to become diabetic and lose limbs, have ED, have to inject himself with insulin, etc.

His sugar crashes are AWFUL when he goes too long without eating. He's grumpy, forgetful, etc. I have diabetics in my family and I've seen the terrible damage it does and how badly it brings down the quality of your life.

The thing is, he "talks" change, but does nothing. I get on the elliptical and he says he'll get on after I'm done, but then he gets busy doing something else and doesn't do it. He eats HUGE portions of food, especially carbs, and he's a chocolate junkie.

I could, since I'm really the only one who cooks, make only healthy meals that he won't be tempted to eat too much of, but I think he should just learn damn portion control. For example, tonight I'm making tuna and noodles and a vegetable. My kids love it, and I know how to eat only a small portion (like a cup) and fill up on vegetables. My husband, however, will eat a HUGE plate, and a tiny dollop of vegetables. Plus he'll drink a big glass of orange juice with it. I'll drink water or unsweetened tea. I don't think it's fair to have to make only "health foods" just so that he doesn't have to worry about trying to control himself.

Plus, I'm angry that he leaves it all to me. I don't want to have to tell him to work out or tell him to only eat so much of something or only make certain foods. He's a grown man, and should be able to self-monitor.

We are trying to have a baby, and I want him to be around well into old age to see that child grow up! I love him so much that it angers me that he cares so little about his own health.

Should I nag him? I remind him to work out but then don't get on his case if he doesn't, because I don't want to seem like a controlling bi#*ch. I don't say anything when he overeats, but I frequently remind him he should eat less carbs (because of the blood sugar issues) and more vegetables and protein. But I haven't come down on him hard, it's just been suggestions.

As a side note, I AM attracted to him, so I'm not doing this because I want a hotter husband. I do think it would improve my desire for him some though if he were a bit slimmer and more muscular. It's not that big of a deal though, more like a "wouldn't it be nice" type of wish than anything. I mostly want him to be healthy!

Please, any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If you cook for him then make sure it's the right stuff and the portion sizes are appropriate, no seconds or surplus to eat later.

    If you go out to eat all the time then change to eating at home in a more controlled environment.

    Don't nag, everybody hates naggers.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am a bloke, my suggestion is stop trying to control his life, do not nag or he may find someone not as controlling

    Probably not what you wanted to hear, but as a bloke we push back, and change, if & when, we want to
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    I just got married in September,

    ..I want

    ..I DON'T want


    ..He's grumpy, forgetful, etc.

    ..he "talks" change, but does nothing.

    ..He eats HUGE portions

    ..I'm really the only one who cooks

    ..My husband, however, will eat a HUGE plate

    ..I don't think it's fair

    ..Plus, I'm angry

    ..I don't want

    ..Should I nag him?

    Please, any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Wow. What a happy marriage that must be.

    Serious point.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I'm going to assume he was this exact same way back in September, August, July, June and every moment since you met him BEFORE you married him. If you don't like who he is you shouldn't have married him.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    You will not be the first or last woman who thought she could change her blokes habits once they were married

    As I said earlier, do not nag, when & if he wants to change he will
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    oh he WILL take care of his body, once you are so bloody hot that everyone is looking at you.
    he will want to keep you.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    From experience-lead by example and keep your mouth shut. My husband's cholesterol numbers were high and he was on his way to being a diabetic. Having his doctor and employer tell him this didn't change anything, because he just wasn't ready.

    Last fall I started losing weight because my own health was deteriorating. After a year of focusing on me, being positive about the whole thing (I never ever complained about 'dieting'), and being successful with losing the weight and now maintaining-a month ago out of the blue my husband told me he wanted to lose some weight. I had to scrape my jaw off the floor lol. I supported him in his decision, as he's done for me, but I let him take control and he chose a way that worked for him (which was different than how I approached weight loss). This morning he hit a new low and has lost a little over 10lbs. He's doing it on his own terms and out of a desire to do this for himself. My role is be supportive but not be pushy or become a nag. That won't work and will cause more problems. Being an example is the biggest thing you can do-they are watching us!
  • IsaacHudson
    IsaacHudson Posts: 33 Member
    He needs to know you are concerned, but you have to balance that with not being ridiculous about it.

    As for food, that's tough. Personally I like not having bad food in the house (juice) so I don't get useless calories. On the other hand it's (imo) pretty presumtuous to stop buying things because you want your husband to change.

    Perhaps you could have a discussion and let him know that you'd like you both to eat more healthily and so you won't be buying juice or chocolate in your weekly shop (or anything with sugar in it).

    There's nothing wrong with eating carbs as long as they don't put you over your calories (like every other food type).
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Have you set him down and NICELY told him your concerns? How about going for walks or bike rides as a couple. Don't "nag" or "push" just "encourage".

    And really this is the same advice I'd give a man about his wife.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You cannot rightly force him to change his habits. And if you try, he will start to resent you for it and that resentment will destroy your marriage.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    There's been a lot of this lately...
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Is "controlling my spouse's eating habits" a theme for today? OP, you just can't do it. He has to make the decision to be healthy for himself.
  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    Wow, seriously, what a big jerk for letting himself get so out of shape and develop such poor habits in just a couple of short months since your wedding. I'm just appalled that he would change so much in such a short amount of time, and that you, you know, WOULDN'T HAVE KNOWN THAT HE WAS LIKE THAT BEFORE YOU DECIDED TO MARRY HIM or something.
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    If it is seriously affecting his health:

    say you are worried about this and what would he like you to do? What would help him? Does he want you nag/harass or just serve him only healthy stuff.

    My husband and I stopped buying junk food and soda and I raise my eyebrows at things that I think are unhealthy, but he is an adult.

    If I think he hasnt worked out I ask him if he wants to go for a walk. He generally says yes. If he gets grumpy, I say baby I love you now come for a walk and hold my hand...( generally at this point he laughs, gets up and we go)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    you give him your concerns, you tell him where he is headed especially with the sexual dysfunction, and you tell him you need him to take care of himself because you love him. after that you drop it.

    the rest is on him and hopefully he'll hear you and do what he needs to make his life better.

    continue to role model healthy behaviors and hopefully he will follow
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I just got married in September,

    ..I want

    ..I DON'T want


    ..He's grumpy, forgetful, etc.

    ..he "talks" change, but does nothing.

    ..He eats HUGE portions

    ..I'm really the only one who cooks

    ..My husband, however, will eat a HUGE plate

    ..I don't think it's fair

    ..Plus, I'm angry

    ..I don't want

    ..Should I nag him?

    Please, any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Wow. What a happy marriage that must be.

    Serious point.

    Strong post.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Wow, seriously, what a big jerk for letting himself get so out of shape and develop such poor habits in just a couple of short months since your wedding. I'm just appalled that he would change so much in such a short amount of time, and that you, you know, WOULDN'T HAVE KNOWN THAT HE WAS LIKE THAT BEFORE YOU DECIDED TO MARRY HIM or something.

    You win the thread.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Have you had a conversation with him about this in which you weren't clearly angry/attacking him during said conversation?

    If so, what was the result?
    If not, why not?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I just got married in September,

    ..I want

    ..I DON'T want


    ..He's grumpy, forgetful, etc.

    ..he "talks" change, but does nothing.

    ..He eats HUGE portions

    ..I'm really the only one who cooks

    ..My husband, however, will eat a HUGE plate

    ..I don't think it's fair

    ..Plus, I'm angry

    ..I don't want

    ..Should I nag him?

    Please, any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Wow. What a happy marriage that must be.

    Serious point.

  • abelthephotographer
    I just got married in September,

    ..I want

    ..I DON'T want


    ..He's grumpy, forgetful, etc.

    ..he "talks" change, but does nothing.

    ..He eats HUGE portions

    ..I'm really the only one who cooks

    ..My husband, however, will eat a HUGE plate

    ..I don't think it's fair

    ..Plus, I'm angry

    ..I don't want

    ..Should I nag him?

    Please, any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Wow. What a happy marriage that must be.

    Serious point.

    This ... ^