What has MFP taught you



  • mattf485
    mattf485 Posts: 129
    Never trust a Brah

    I'm cool here.

    Oh, haven't met you yet
    Hi sassy, my name is Matt.

    Hey, Matt... sup?
    Oh nothin much. Only have 1 client today at noon and maybe bootcamp tonight. So I have most my day to play around.
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    That some Brah's are ok
  • mattf485
    mattf485 Posts: 129
    That some Brah's are ok

    1,000th post.

  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    Hahahaha SCORE!
  • bikercowboy
    Hahahaha SCORE!

    YA BUT SHE SENT ME 2000 PM'S.... HA HA J/K
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    That the new A/S/L is actually "do you have any noodz?"
  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    That there are other sexy MF's in the world besides me and macros aren't just scrips you write in SQL to make reporting data in Excel or Access easier:)

    Also, lifting is amazing and eating is fuel..... :smile:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Haven't learned much, but I do enjoy being social about health and fitness.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    That stating that you have minimum food quality standards on a health and fitness website is smug, arrogant, and offends a lot of people.

    That people seem to enjoy it when others discuss eating junk food, and really, really enjoy it when you post pictures of said junk food.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    That you can have mfp husbands and mfp wives :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Hahahaha SCORE!
    Oh noes, you're catching up with me <3 lol
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    1. That giving honest advice is called "rude and unsupportive".
    2. Cleanse everything. Do all the cleansing.
    3. Only water counts as water.
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    Hahahaha SCORE!
    Oh noes, you're catching up with me <3 lol

    Haha, Quickly!
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Hahahaha SCORE!
    Oh noes, you're catching up with me <3 lol

    Haha, Quickly!
    Dem brahs been helping lol -hug-
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member
    Hahahaha SCORE!
    Oh noes, you're catching up with me <3 lol

    Haha, Quickly!
    Dem brahs been helping lol -hug-

    They rope me in every time!
  • mattf485
    mattf485 Posts: 129

    They rope me in every time!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    that bacon is always the answer.


    that pigs have weird lips but mesmerizenly cute

    Oh and that damn Robert Downey gif...who knew a simple bite to the lower lip could send your mind off on a million wonderful tangents
  • dsbanks1
    dsbanks1 Posts: 5 Member
    1. I've learned that MFP just like eating well and excercise are tools for getting healthy and none of them work if you don's use them.
    2. Skinny isn't healthy and fat is isn't sick. Healthy is healthy what ever shape it comes in.
    3. Using MFP is a great test of honesty. C'mon did you really only eat one munchkin at Dunkin Donuts? Haha
    4. I have to be accountable for the choices I make each day and MFP helps me stay on track.

    Mostly I learned I have made a good start toward my wellnes and fitness goals. MFP is an easy to use and portable tool to help me on my journey.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member

    Oh and that damn Robert Downey gif...who knew a simple bite to the lower lip could send your mind off on a million wonderful tangents


    Mmm... Yeah lol.
  • sassypants0923
    sassypants0923 Posts: 7,188 Member

    Oh and that damn Robert Downey gif...who knew a simple bite to the lower lip could send your mind off on a million wonderful tangents


    Mmm... Yeah lol.
