What's your "WHY"??



  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    I turned 30 and realized that I'm probably half way through my life...

    I am here to tell you that if you keep on as great as you are doing now, your life will most certainly not be over at 60. I am 65 yo, been married for 40 years, and it just keeps getting better and better. :bigsmile:
  • Jess_Forever_After
    I want to fit into my skinny clothes again.
    I want to live my life without being self-conscious about my size every minute of the day.
    I want my boyfriend to be proud of the way I look and feel like he is attracted to me.
    I want to improve my health and be thin through healthy means rather than unhealthy ones I had in the past.
    i want to not be afraid of the camera anymore.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    I want to wear whatever I want and feel confident & I want my boyfriend to have a HOT girlfriend
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    1. I like being alive. Being fit and healthy will keep me alive longer.

    2. Stories like this:

    I'm a high school English teacher. In the school weightroom one afternoon I was explaining to some seniors why there has to be a faculty member in there when they workout. The example I used was "Someone has to fill out the form when one of you gets mad and smacks the other guy with a weight." I plugged my earbuds back in (I don't listen to music very loud, generally) and I was able to hear this:

    "What do I do if Mr. WVprankster gets mad?"
    Other guy, "Get out of his way."

    3. And the ladies at the beach/grocery store/traffic intersection mirin'
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    In my 20's I did it for "Beach Muscles" and to pick up women (found out later, jokes and just being a good guy got more than my Abs did)

    In my 30's I figured out it made me feel great and I had energy and I just FELT GOOD!

    In my 40's I got hurt out of shape and my 40's for the most part SUCKED!!!!!

    I'm ending my 40's on a high note and I want my 50's and beyond to FEEL GOOD!
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Got problem with having realtionship .Always was told that I am detached and cold and I bulit wall around me Kept ignoring them But one day I I thought how come all different people coming up with same impresiion of me . How can I find love when there is none inside me for myself . I wasnot kind to myself with being workholic and over eating .

    . So Now is not interest or passion Is about commitment and being real . I will listen to my body and wont let her to deal with my bad chocies .

    Miracle wont happen over night I need to work on each corner of my life one small step /day

    Good uck to all of u