Feeling really let down



  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I think I gained the first few weeks that I started this adventure. it just takes time for your body to realize what's going on, sometimes. stick with it, you're worth the wait. :)
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    It's only been a week give it more time. Also, if you have started working out you will be retaining water from the new activity. Do not let this get you down or you will never make it. This is a long rough road with many, many ups and downs. You have to stick to it and keep going even when things don't look good.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    To all the people thinking I WANT to give up for real, you don't know my situation. I do not want to give up for real, I just felt like that at the time. I have lost 20 pounds doing another thing, slimming world, which wasn't working anymore. I've done more work over the last two years losing weight than you probably have. I am sick of going through not losing weight each week. sick of it. losing weight for me, when I'm good at staying under calories, etc, is still really hard obviously. Some people on here have a really negative attitude. Who do you think you are telling me that I'm 'not ready' for MFP. That is so rude. And talking about turds is really gross. I don't like that.

    I didn't say you weren't ready for MFP. I said you weren't ready for 'this'. This being whatever method in which you want to try.

    Maybe if you wrote the 'real situation' then we'd reply based on that, but you can't whine, give half details, then whine about the replies. Don't post if you don't want the opinions.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    it may sound harsh but what it is is experience. we are all here becasue we have a common goal and most of us started out like you, making excuses, poor food choices and then whining because we didnt get the result we wanted. be honest with yourself you got to a point where you needed to lose weight somehow, its hard to re write your life choices but seriously we could all make loads of excuses. It takes hard work, look at the visual representations of a pound of fat, think about what you are doing. I know I am not losing weight right now becasue I am sitting on my *kitten* doing nothing. I could use excuses and could think of many but really now im honest its because I am being lazy. we have all done the its not fair post and in a few months you will probably join in on the tough love.

    no excuse no reason it is what it is, put the work in get results out.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Make one change: don't eat your exercise calories back. Again, you may not be burning what the data base says. If you make ONE change, make that one and see what happens (and water). Keep dancing and walking.
    Additionaly I wouldn't record "going to shops and back" and "vacuuming" as exercise and I am not sure what "dawdling around" is but don't record it. Generally I wouldn't enter activities that you would anyway do. You did all theses things before too and it didn't stop you from gaining weight.

    I don't use the database as I find some things people put in aren't accurate, and why use it anyway for exercise when everyone has a different body and burns differently. I use an app called 'cardio trainer', so if my exercise is inaccurate, it is down to that. The shop I went to, took quite awhile to get to and back. holding shopping bags and walking there and back up stairs, up a hill, along pathways is actually quite a workout. So I will keep recording that as you don't know what that workout is like. My fitness is pretty good so it didn't affect me much, but I still felt worked out. I actually did not do these things before when I was fat, I would dance and things but wouldn't walk to the shops or vacuum. Since I lost 20 pounds and became thin, and my fitness level got better I did these things, and not even for exercise, but because I'm recovering from agoraphobia and need to get out as much as possible.

    Sweetie, if you're going to keep justifying what you eat and how you 'workout' then you're not going to get anything positive from the actual beneficial suggestions the responses are in here.
  • Fenrissa
    Fenrissa Posts: 116
    To all the people thinking I WANT to give up for real, you don't know my situation. I do not want to give up for real, I just felt like that at the time. I have lost 20 pounds doing another thing, slimming world, which wasn't working anymore. I've done more work over the last two years losing weight than you probably have. I am sick of going through not losing weight each week. sick of it. losing weight for me, when I'm good at staying under calories, etc, is still really hard obviously. Some people on here have a really negative attitude. Who do you think you are telling me that I'm 'not ready' for MFP. That is so rude. And talking about turds is really gross. I don't like that.
    Okay, I was nice the first time.

    You are full of excuses and looking to put the blame elsewhere. FYI, turds really can weigh more than 2lbs, and that's not gross unless you're a child - it's just a fact you need to consider. Chores are not exercise either - they're part of the calculated calorie intake you're given, so don't record them and use them to justify eating more.

    Quit the whining, woe is me nonsense, and don't get angry when people tell you to be realistic. Time to start being an adult and take some responsibility.
    This. All I've seen from you in this thread OP is excuses and whining. Not everyone is going to coddle you, take responsibility for your actions. Obviously what you're doing isn't working and many people gave you great, realistic advice.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It sounds like you must have support systems (family, friends) who probably eat much worse than you or bigger portions, never walk, etc. Or maybe that was you before the 20 lb loss. So you feel a sense of accomplishment, which you should to a great extent! If you moved more and ate less, you earned that badge :)

    OTOH, you can't say that you've probably worked harder than most here. Seriously, you have no idea what changes these folks have made to get where they are. I'll use myself as an example, dammit ;) I have a chronic pain condition from nerve damage that usually deteriorates because people usually sit around and do nothing because of the immense pain with tasks and exercise. Some folks eat comfort foods because it can get sort of depressing! Instead of looking for excuses, I look for what is possible for me (and there are limitations, no doubt). If you find out there is something you can change, you can fix it. That is such a freeing situation I cant even explain it.

    If you hear things that you can change and you really can change them, that's great news! Lots of folks have situations that are much tougher to figure out how on earth it's even possible to change.
  • itztwin
    itztwin Posts: 11 Member
    A Gab give it more time. Dont give up because one with the working out and dieting the body builds muscle before it gets rid of the unwanted weight. I want you to stay motivated, keep up the diet and working out, push yourself a little more. Promise you will not look at a scale for maybe 2 weeks and then get on a scale away from your normal weigh in. I promise you that you will be very impressed.
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    So it's been a week since I started MFP. I've exercised so much and stayed within my calories. 3 days ago I found out I'd gained a pound, I had gotten to 159, then I was at 160. Today for my first official weigh in I did not think I'd lose, but I was hoping I would, but I didn't. I feel like giving up, feel really disappointed and like this will never work for me. :( I bet everyone else has lost in their first week.
    Folks have already pointed out that there are a number of factors that can influence your weight by 1-4, even 5, pounds. Hang tough. Stay on track. You made a lot of changes all at once. Your body is acclimating to those changes and turning into a healthier you.
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    This is pretty much it.
    All the best, keep with it and you'll be better in the long run!!
  • pinktac0
    In all honesty, if you're willing to give up after a week, then you're not ready for this yet.

    she's absolutely right. talk to me in 6 months
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Hold yourself accountable, don't seek to lay the blame.

    Whatever you did to lose weight before, as long as it was in a healthy manner, do some more of it.

    Good luck!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    To all the people thinking I WANT to give up for real, you don't know my situation. I do not want to give up for real, I just felt like that at the time. I have lost 20 pounds doing another thing, slimming world, which wasn't working anymore. I've done more work over the last two years losing weight than you probably have. I am sick of going through not losing weight each week. sick of it. losing weight for me, when I'm good at staying under calories, etc, is still really hard obviously. Some people on here have a really negative attitude. Who do you think you are telling me that I'm 'not ready' for MFP. That is so rude. And talking about turds is really gross. I don't like that.

    You can do it. You just have to be prepared for weight loss to take a lot longer than a week, and to have weeks when you show no loss, even weeks when you gain a little. My advice is that you weigh and measure your food, and record it ruthlessly. Also, take your measurements now, and write them down. That way, when you don't lose any weight, but you've lost an inch off your waist, you'll feel good about it, instead of thinking it's time to give up.

    P.S. The bit about poop was correct, even if it's gross. It means that your weight will fluctuate for reasons that have nothing to do with body fat.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    If I told you that I had eaten absolutely NO food for an entire hour, and still managed to burn all the calories needed to shower and dress myself, but I did not lose weight, you would scoff at me and say be real old lady, you aren't even giving it a chance.

    Guess what? You are saying basically the same thing only for a one week period. I only record my weight once a week for here, but yes, I step on the scale multiple times within the day, and can easily see a 5-6 pound variation. I will go 2-3 weeks seeming to lose only 1 pound per week then boom, doing pretty much the same thing the scale is down 4-5 lbs. I do the math, on the average, I am losing 1 pound every 3 to 3.5 days. It doesn't always show when I want it to, but overall it averages out.

    Your age shows as 21, yet you still live at home and eat what mom fixes for the family. Nothing against your mom, but I'm guessing she works, is feeding younger kids, and takes short cuts whenever possible, resulting in much prepared and junk food. I can't see your diary but I've seen what others have written. Guess what, now you are an adult, and YOU not Mommy are responsible for your diet choices. Snacks are tasty, I like them too, but they can not be the main focus of your diet or you, like the much of the rest of the world will be fat. I only had a husband to deal with when I started this program, and we shared the cooking, but I had to tell him, look I love you but I want to be healthy. I will not take away any of the foods you love, but I will not fix them, or taste them, and I will not eat them if you make them. I will eat what makes me lose and be healthy. Time for you to have that conversation with Mom, and then make sure you have extra helpings of eggs and veggies and whole grain foods that will fill and nurture yourself. Quit whining about what you don't have or can't do, be an adult and do it. And I apologize if the truth is too harsh for your overly sensitive little protected snowflake self, but geez, you're supposed to an adult. Be responsible for yourself and quit making excuses.
    also, 80% of your weight is determined by how much and what you eat, the rest is how much you burn by yourself and exercise....so if your eating habits aren't good, you'll never out run a bad diet \m/
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    Sorry to hear you're going through such a hard time. I will pray for you.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    oh man, you should see my weight progress it looks like a freaking roller coaster, and sadly there are more hills than valleys. It is what it is you only have two choices try to eat a little less and move a little more or give up. Giving up is a lot easier and not as disappointing in the short term, but in the long term working and trying will never let you down.

    There are a million and five reasons for gain and stagnation. Suck it up butter cup review what you ate last week...determine the changes you need to make and do them. You've got this the only one to stop you is you.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'd get defensive too if I was told to cut out my chocolate
  • elinor2011
    It sounds like you have already done work on a few things - keeping with slimming world and losing 20lbs is an achievement; conquering agoraphobia and getting yourself back out there is an achievement - but how do you build on it? I think a lot of posters might be offering you ways to improve, but you are being put off the content of their messages by your perception of the tone of the message. Stick with it. Stick at it. A week is not enough to judge whether it will work for you yet.

    Maybe if you go through all the posts (or the ones you see as most positive of helpful), try to pick ONE thing to focus on for the next week. If that makes a difference, then stick with that and try to build in one more change the next week.

    My one suggestion would be: if you are living with family who eat less healthily than you, can you take on cooking a family meal (that is healthy!) once a week?

    I can understand that you want to count all the exercise you are doing, but on the other hand some might seem like 'ordinary life' to people who haven't struggled to overcome agoraphobia. For you, part of the effort is in just getting out of the door, so I can see you really want to claim every calorie this earns. But is it the overcoming agoraphobia that makes this seem like a big thing, or the level of exercise? I think that you do need to acknowledge the getting out there - it will be beneficial for your overall fitness (whether or not it leads to weight loss) - even in winter you get some vitamin D (potentially) from sunlight, walking also boosts your mood etc, at 21 to have developed (or even to be working on) strategies to cope with mental wellbeing is great. But if it doesn't help you get to your new goal, then revisit how you count it - MFP focuses on calories and exercise, but also gives you a chance to make notes for the day. You could record things you do that show your overcoming the agoraphobia in those notes - then maybe in a few weeks or months you can look back and see which weeks work best - and when you FEEL best. Also worth noting when sticking to the calories feels like a chore, and when it doesn't. Sometimes you see the links with what else has been happening in life, but you have to keep recording and for longer than a week to build up the picture.

    I haven't even been logging for a week, but I know that this is going to be a long journey, and that I will get better at it as time goes on, but as a novice here, please feel free to ignore anything that is not helpful to you.

    Stick with it!!